Chereads / Crowns of Heritage / Chapter 105 - Chapter 105-Preparation (5)

Chapter 105 - Chapter 105-Preparation (5)

Chapter 105- Preparation (5)


It's been two days since Sir Dell, Lord Dean and I brought the young women to the Winter Dukedoms territory near the western border. It was a small vacation villa near the mountains about two hours away from the western gate. The vast mountains that separated the two kingdoms, Vanuatu kingdom and the Kalpana Kingdom.

When we escorted the young women, they were confused but once we explained the situation, they understood why we had to move them for their safety. Once we were able to get them settled in. Lord Dean, Sir Dell and I were preparing to return to the castle.

I was walking through the garden, when I heard someone call out to me. When I turned around I saw Angela, and she had a bright smile on her face.

"I heard you were getting ready to leave. I just wanted to thank you for protecting us.", she said.

"You can relax now.", I said, "Take some time to prepare yourselves for the trial" I said.

Angela nodded and thanked me once again.

"Dame Peyton", she said and hesitated a little before speaking again.

"What is it?", I said.

"It's about Viscount James", She said, "I remembered him talking about a woman who was a descendant of a sorcerer. Supposedly, she was supposed to be transported to the auction house.", she added.

"Why are you just now telling me about this?", I asked.

"I overheard two of the young women talking amongst themselves last night. They mentioned that one of the women who was supposed to be transported with them suddenly was bought by a nobleman before they were transported. She would secretly practice sorcery" Angela said.

"I'll report it to Duke Winter as soon as I return to the castle", I said.

Angela nodded.

"Some of the knights will be staying here to protect you all. If you have any problems don't hesitate to seek their help", I said.

When Lord Dean and I were selecting the knights. I made sure to add more women than men, so the young women would feel more comfortable.

Suddenly, I heard my name being called and noticed Sir Dell walking towards us in the distance. When he got closer, "Marianna, it's time", he said.

"I'll be leaving now, watch over the rest of them" I said and Angela nodded.


"Lady Natalie", I heard Doctor Kinsley say as he entered the room.

It's been two days since Ella and I arrived at the palace. When we arrived, Ella led me to her husband's Doctor Kinsley's medical room in the main palace. When she introduced me as Prince Moises' wife. Doctor Kinsley was a little reluctant at first but gave in when Ella continuously asked him to disguise me as one of his apprentices.

I was going to do it my own way but Ella convinced me otherwise since the main palace is more guarded than the other palaces.

Today was the day for Doctor Kinsley to make his visit to the King to check on his condition before he travels to the Winter Dukedom for Sage's ceremony tomorrow. I was shocked at what all Doctor Kinsley had revealed to me involving King Lincoln. It made me realize the love King Lincoln had for Queen Malaysia and even though he is the King, he tried his best to protect Moises and Prince Morgan from the shadows. What exactly caused him not to show his affection for Moises and Prince Morgan publicly and why is he okay with being misunderstood by them, I wondered.

I put on a physician uniform and followed behind Doctor Kinsley. After leaving the room we were in, I followed behind Doctor Kinsley as we walked through the palace. We walked up the stairs until we reached the fourth floor of the palace.

"Lady Natalie", I heard Doctor Kinsley whisper as we walked beside each other.

Before I could look over at him, someone called out to him.

"Doctor Kinsley, his majesty just left. He went to the portrait room", a guard suddenly said.

Doctor Kinsley excused himself and I followed him down the long hallway until we reached a certain section of the palace. While walking, Doctor Kinsley suddenly stopped walking and peeked through the ajar door of the room we were in front of. I suddenly felt someone's presence when I was about to glance around. Doctor Kinsley suddenly told me not too. I was confused as to why he said that.

"His Majesty is being watched", Doctor Kinsley said.

Watched by who, I thought.

As I peeked through the ajar door, I saw a tall older man dressed in elegant royal attire with grayish-black hair. Although it's been a long time since I've seen King Lincoln. I recognized him immediately. He was standing in front of a portrait but I couldn't see who's portrait it was.

"Brother", I heard King Lincoln's say. He suddenly placed his hand onto the portrait. "The promise I made to you on your deathbed all those years ago will finally be fulfilled." He said.

What promise, I thought to myself.

"The end of the aristocrats, who betrayed you is near. ", he said and my eyes widened.


After Macy Livens and Christian were settled into Viscount Palin's villa. Christian fever had finally broken and Paige monitored his condition. For the last two days, Macy and Christian were unconscious. Paige mentioned that it must have something to do with their magic being tangled together and it must sort itself out naturally.

I was standing outside of the villa's gate smoking a cigar while waiting on Chena, Destiny and Baron Calvin after sending them to the rebels headquarters to gain some intel on how many rebels were actually arrested by Prince Marshall.

"Nathan", I heard Chena's voice as she and the others approached me.

"Did you find anything useful?", I asked.

Chena nodded, "How does it feel to be a wanted man", Chena said as she snickered and held up a wanted poster of me.

"Nice photo", I said.

"Tsk", Baron Calvin clicked his teeths. "Do they seriously think bounty hunters will have the guts to come after you?" he said.

I shrugged my shoulders, "They're welcome to try," I replied.

"Won't this make it troublesome for you to attend the debutante?"Destiny asked.

"No, I'll disguise myself as a castle guard. Valian and I and the rest of the Henrico clan members already discussed disguising ourselves as guards to ensure the safety of the girls." I said.

"Sounds fun, mind if we join?"Chena and Destiny said.

I nodded, "Duke Winter won't mind the extra help" I said.

Suddenly, I heard my name being called and turned around and saw Saul and Paige.

"Macy and Christian are awake," Paige said.

After returning inside of the villa, I went to the room where Macy and Christian were. When I entered Christian hair had turned to what must have been his natural color, strawberry blond.

"Teacher", he said.

I walked over and when I approached him, Christian eyes remained two different colors. Silver on the left eye and light gold on the right eye.

"Thank you" Macy suddenly said and I nodded.

"Nathan, the debutante." Christian said. "I would like to attend and meet my father," he added.

I nodded my head and watched as Christian turned towards Macy.

"Mother will that be alright with you" he asked, in a soft tone.

Macy showed a concerned expression but suddenly nodded her head.

"We're leaving tonight" I said.


I knocked on the door of my mother's guestroom. Ever since I told her about my father, she ended up locking herself in her guestroom for the last two days due to shock.

"Still no luck", My grandfather said.

My mother refused to eat and with the debutante and ceremony being tomorrow, it'll be terrible if the Queen passes out during an important event.

"Mother, open the door", I said.

I heard the sound of movement but still no answer.

"Moises, Dear", I heard my grandmother's voice.

When I turned in her direction she had a concerned expression on her face.

"I'll handle this" she said, "Guests will be arriving soon. You two should focus on that matter while I deal with Malaysia", my grandmother said.

She stepped in front of the door and called out my mother's name.

"Malaysia, if you don't want me to tell Moises to break down this door. I suggest you answer it now", grandmother said.

Even I was afraid of my grandmother, she was more terrifying than my grandfather when angry.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and I could tell my mother was still upset when I saw her.

Grandmother walked into the room and gestured for my grandfather and I to leave.

A few minutes later, I followed my grandfather to the office on the first floor. When we entered the office, grandfather began sighing. We didn't realize the fact that everything I revealed to my mother would cause her to become upset for two days.

"Grandfather, what should we do about my father? Do you think Doctor William and Na'mah will be able to save him." I said as I sat down on the couch.

"We'll have to deal with him after the ceremony. We can't let that brat know that we are aware of his condition. I'm positive Prince Marshall has something to do with the poisoning. Lincoln has been holding off on the coronation for years now and finally decided to have it this year. The timing of everything is starting to make sense now. Lincoln let Marshall do as he pleased until the moment you woke up."Grandfather said.

I placed both of my hands together and tightened my grip.

"I'll definitely seize the throne from Marshall. I plan to let him enjoy his moment of celebration. I'll enjoy the moment when everything he worked for comes crashing down on him." I said.

After an hour passed while grandfather and I were discussing my father. We heard a knock on the door and Butler Jackson walked into the office.

"Your Grace, your highness" he said, "Crown Prince Antonio and Grand Duke Benjamin have arrived."


Moises and I left the office after being told that Crown Prince Antonio had arrived. I told Jackson to call for Sage and Rosemary, so they could greet them. As Moises and I were walking down the stairs, I noticed Prince Antonio and Duke Benjamin had five royal knights with them.

When we made it to the final step, I noticed Malaysia coming from the hallway that led to the dining room. I smiled a bit, since Mary must have comforted her enough to make her leave the room.

Moises and I approached Prince Antonio and Duke Benjamin. After shaking hands, we turned around after hearing footsteps and I noticed Sage and Rosemary were coming down the stairs.

"Dinner is almost ready", Mary said as she greeted Prince Antonio and Duke Benjamin.

"Tsk" I heard Moises click his teeths after Sage and Rosemary approached us and Prince Antonio immediately started to stare at her with admiration.

I watched as Sage and Rosemary greeted Prince Antonio and Duke Benjamin and they greeted them back as well.

"There is still some time before the other guests arrive," I said, "Let's get you settled into your guest room while we wait on their arrivals" I added.

Prince Antonio and Duke Benjamin nodded.

As Prince Antonio and Duke Benjamin walked away with Mary, Malaysia, Rosemary and Moises, one of the royal knights of Prince Antonio caught my attention. He seemed rather excited as he looked at Sage and then at Moises and he turned his head towards me. I chuckled as he tried to compose himself.

While standing in the castle main area waiting for more guests to arrive. Sage seemed very nervous. Suddenly, Sir Alan came into the castle and informed me that more guests had just arrived.

"Sage", I called out to her, "Just remember your training and greet them properly. Don't forget your status is higher than everyone else except for the King and Queen. Don't bow to anyone" I said.

She nodded her head.

Suddenly, the door opened and guards stood in front of the castle doors as multiple people started to get out of their vehicles. Two women started walking towards the castle with two guards and two maids following behind them. As they entered the castle, Countess Katsura bowed her head.

"Your Grace, thank you for allowing my daughter to join her highness debutante", Countess Katsura bowed her head to Sage."Young Duchess of the Winter Dukedom, it's a pleasure to see you again"

Sage greeted Countess Katsura

Countess Katsura turned and gestured towards the young woman next to her.

"This is my eldest daughter, Lady Chloé Katsura," Countess Katsura introduced her daughter.

After Lady Chloé greeted Sage and I. I gestured towards the maids and told them to get the guest settled into their guest room.

"It's her", I heard Sage say.

It caught my attention and I looked at Lady Chloé as she walked away with her mother.

"She's one of the young women who approached me at the royal ball" I heard Sage mumble.