Chereads / Crowns of Heritage / Chapter 85 - Chapter 85- A False Alarm (3)

Chapter 85 - Chapter 85- A False Alarm (3)

Chapter 85- False Alarm (3)


I was sitting in my father's office, finishing up some of the documents he left behind. Usually, Nashi being the next Duke, he would finish up the paperwork that my father didn't get the chance to finish. Since Nashi and our father were attending the conference. Andy, my father's aide and I decided to help them out a little, because the paperwork was getting behind schedule.

I heard a knock on the door and Andy walked over to answer it. When he opened the door, my eyes widened and I rose out of the chair.

"Asiana, where the hell have you been?!", I shouted.

I haven't seen Asiana since I gestured for her to run away from the palace with Sage, when she attended the Queen's tea party a few weeks ago.

"I was recovering from my injuries after being attacked by palace knights. I happened to meet my brother Nathan again. He found me in the cave I used to hide in when I was younger.", She said, as she walked further into the room.

I sighed, "Are you fully healed now?", I asked.

She nodded her head.

Asiana sat down and we talked about everything that happened after we split up. I told her how Prince Marshall learned about Sage being at the palace after he had gotten out of the private hospital for nobles. He returned to the palace, at the same time Queen Malaysia introduced Sage to the noblewomen who attended the tea party. When I told Asiana, I was arrested by Prince Marshall after Sage disappeared, just because I happened to be at the palace at the same time.

Prince Marshall has always felt disdain towards our family because of my father's friendship with Prince Moises. Even though he tries to get my father on his side.

"Shit, do you think he suspects you of helping Sage and Natalie?" She asked, "After all, you once worked as a palace guard before you decided to take the position of Captain of the Synovial knightage.", she said.

I suddenly remembered that I needed to visit the border today.

"Asiana, now that you are here. You can help me with this before it gets late. Nashi should be returning soon.", I said and walked around the desk while grabbing my coat.

"Help with what?", she asked.

"Border inspection, making sure my knights are doing their jobs and not being lazy," I said.

Asiana and I left the villa and walked over to the stables. Since the border wall was only an hour away from our villa.

"Have you visited the rebel group of the northern region?"Asiana asked.

"No, it's too risky, Morgan told me not to attend the one in my own region in case of spies" I replied.

Asiana and I climbed onto the horses and started to ride towards the forest. We suddenly heard the siren, as we rode through the forest.

We rushed through the forest towards the border, and a few minutes later, the sirens stopped.

"Asiana", I said, as we approached the border wall.

I glanced over towards Asiana, after getting a feeling of someone's presence nearby. Asiana glanced towards me.

"Sylvester, I'm getting a bad feeling about this," Asiana said.


Valian and I followed behind Asiana, She led us to another cabin that looked to be abandoned. When we entered the cabin, I noticed a young man leaning against the couch holding onto his leg. Asiana ran over to him and called out his name.

"Sylvester", she said as she bent down in front of him.

Valian and I walked over to the couch and I noticed Sylvester had an arrow sticking out of his left thigh.

"What happened?"Valian and I asked at the same time.

"We were on our way to do the monthly border inspection. We suddenly felt someone was following us after we entered the forest. When we made it to the border, I noticed the guards weren't in their positions. I still had the feeling that someone was following us. Suddenly, one of the guards came back to the border and told me he and the rest of the guards heard screams and went to find out what was going on and claimed one of the guards triggered the sirens. Asiana and I followed the guard who came back and brought us towards the northern rebel groups cabin.", Sylvester said while panting. "I noticed all the dead bodies and asked what the hell happened, then all of sudden Asiana and I were ambushed." He added.

Valian and I looked at each other before looking back at Sylvester.

"Sylvester, did you know your family is being monitored by Prince Marshall spies?", I asked, curiously.

"I had a feeling, after all Prince Marshall doesn't like me or my brother," he said." "I don't think the guards who are patrolling now belong to my family, I believe the border guardsmen were killed and replaced. I wouldn't be surprised if he planned to lure me out to connect me to the rebels group", he added.

"It's getting dark, let's bring him to the bar to get treated.", Valian said, "He can't go back home looking injured," he added.

Valian and I picked Sylvester up and carried him outside of the cabin. Asiana guarded us while we carried Sylvester through the forest. We noticed the guards were patrolling throughout the area.

"I wonder if they will start attacking the other groups", Valian said.

"We definitely need to prepare ourselves now that it has started", I said.

After an hour of walking through the forest towards the area we left the car. Valian and I placed Sylvester into the backseat. He was still bleeding from his wound and panting, and turning pale. Once he was in the car, Asiana left and started to head back towards the Synovial's villa to inform his brother who was returning from the conference. I sat in the backseat to monitor Sylvester's condition, while Valian drove back to the bar.


Jase and I were discussing the auction house, he managed to find information on. While Gloria was in the backroom contacting some of her Intel squad members. We suddenly heard a knock on the door, and Jase got up from the stool and walked over to answer it. I had mentioned to him that Nathan and Valian should be returning soon after they went to check the situation near the Northern border.

"Wow, you look like a young version of Master Masiro", I heard Jase say as he opened the door.

I got up from the stool and walked towards the door.

"Valian", I said, as I walked over to the door and noticed Valian had blood on his clothes. "What happened?", I said.

Valian pointed towards the car, "Prince Moises, We have an emergency, where is Gloria?", he asked.

Jase suddenly started to run towards the backroom, while I rushed over to the car.

"What happened?", I asked again.

"Sylvester needs treatment, he and Asiana were ambushed near the border", Valian said.

He opened the door to the backseat and I noticed Nathan had Sylvester's head laying on his lap while checking his pulse. Without hesitation, Valian and I carefully removed Sylvester out of the car, while Nathan got out of the car as well.

"Bring him to the backroom", I heard Gloria say as we carried Sylvester into the bar.

After carrying Sylvester to the backroom, Gloria and Jase remained in the backroom as they treated Sylvester. I watched as Gloria carefully removed the arrow from Sylvester's leg, while Jase held onto his wound to stop the blood flow.

Gloria looked up at me, "The arrows prevented him from bleeding out, he should be able to recover since it didn't pierce any of the arteries. He managed to stay alive, but he will be in a lot of pain. I stitched up his wounds, it'll take a few weeks to recover. Hopefully, he doesn't get an infection that could cause more problems. What the hell happened?"she asked, as she took off the gloves that were covered in blood.

Nathan explained to us the situation and what happened to Sylvester and his sister Asiana. Hearing that the siren could've been a trap to draw Sylvester out towards the border, had me deep in thought. Jase also shared this story to Nathan and Valian, about the northern rebel group being attacked. The sirens didn't ring until after the attack.

"Marshall isn't smart enough to plan something like this, he definitely had help.", I said, "My guess is Count Livens helped him with this. After all, Sylvester would've still gone to the border after hearing the siren. It's the perfect way to get him near the rebel group and claim he is a member", I added.

Nathan and Valian nodded in agreement.

"He's stable for now, but he needs to see a doctor to prevent an infection.", Gloria said and looked over at Jase, "Head to the Village, tell Dave he is needed", she said and Jase nodded and left the bar.

I sighed and Nathan walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"We need to prepare to have a meeting with Prince Morgan as soon as possible", Nathan said.

I nodded my head.

" Let's head back to the castle, I'm sure Nashi will bring Sylvester back to their villa" I said and looked at Gloria.

"I'll take care of him, he's safe here", Gloria said.