Chereads / Crowns of Heritage / Chapter 82 - Chapter 82-A Clean Break

Chapter 82 - Chapter 82-A Clean Break

Chapter 82- A Clean Break




I followed behind Duchess Mary, until we made it to the first floor. On our way to the waiting room, Duchess Mary told me about her side of the family. It was surprising to find out she was relatives with Duke Pordigase and that they were actually cousins. I only met him once but I could see the similarities in their gentle personalities.


When we entered the waiting room, I saw a young woman sitting on one of the couches and she had a knight standing behind her. She looked over at us as we walked towards the couches.


Surprisingly, she had the same brownish hair, but had teal eyes and favored Sage and Princess Kalia. I could see just how strong Duchess Mary and Duke Winter family genes were, when it came to Queen Malaysia, my father and Sage's appearances.


So the Pordigase's Dukedom is our relatives on the maternal side of our father., I mumbled to myself.


"Lady Victoria, I would like for you to meet Prince Moises youngest daughter, Princess Rosemary", Duchess Mary said while introducing me.


Lady Victoria stood up and bowed. She lifted up her head and introduced herself.


I had forgotten that my status was considered higher than hers so I didn't have to greet her the same way.


"She will be joining you and Sage, as a debutante, you three are the same ages. I would love for you to get along with each other as relatives.", Duchess Mary said.


I looked at Lady Victoria, and she didn't seem like one of those snobby young noblewomen. That Sage and I encountered during the royal ball while we were in disguises. She looked very elegant and her posture was remarkable. I see why Hannah was so strict with Sage and I.


After introducing us to each other, Duchess Mary told me to call for Yeshiva, so we all could head to the ballroom and practice our dancing.


Before I left the waiting room, I heard Duchess Mary mentioned that a guest room was getting prepared for Lady Victoria. I left the room and walked towards the stairs. I made it to the second floor, and made my way to the left wing of the castle. I knew Yeshiva was with my mother and grandfather. They were busy contacting their clan members and were in grandfather Masiro's guest room.


While walking, I saw my mother, Cena and Yeshiva coming out of the room.


"Yeshiva", I called out to him and got his attention.


Yeshiva and my mother walked towards me.


"We have to go to the ball room to practice our dancing for the debutante", I said to Yeshiva as I looked up at him.


Yeshiva nodded and walked closer to me.


"Mother, Duke Pordigase's youngest daughter Lady Victoria is here. Supposedly, she will be joining the debutante along with some other young noblewomen.", I said.


Mother's eyes widened a bit and I was confused at her expression.


"Holy shit, they move fast", she mumbled.


"What?", I said.


She immediately brushed it off and told me to hurry up to the ballroom.


"What the hell was that about", I said to Yeshiva as we walked away.


He shrugged his shoulders and we continued to walk until we made it to the stairs. Duchess Mary and Lady Victoria were standing by the stairs while her knight was beside her.


After walking down the stairs, we followed Duchess Mary to another part of the castle towards the ballroom. Where the debutante will take place, and Sage's succession ceremony.


"You all can practice as long as you like", Duchess Mary said.


She looked over at me and Yeshiva.


"Have you learned any dances yet?" She asked.


I nodded, "the Waltz", I replied.


"Perfect, let's get started", she said.


Yeshiva and I got the dancing form, I looked over and saw Lady Victoria and her knight had started to dance.


I looked at Yeshiva, "Shall we", I said and he nodded.


We danced for the next two hours and I was exhausted.




After Nashi entered the room, I asked Peyton to give us a moment and stay by the door. In case someone else tried to come to the room.


When she left, I looked back at Nashi who had a saddened expression on his face.


"Sage, spare a minute of your time. I know I shouldn't stay here much longer.", he said.


I nodded and we walked over to the couches.

when we sat down, Nashi sat beside me and held my hand. I placed my head on his shoulder. For a brief moment, we sat there in silence.


"Sage", Nashi said, in the softest tone.


I looked at him and he caressed the side of my face. He looked sad and I felt something pulling at my heart.


"I'm getting engaged", he said.


I was stunned for a bit. I already knew it would come to this after talking to Peyton.


"Nashi, I..", I paused for a moment.


Nashi grabbed my hand and kissed me.


"If this is the only way, I can stay in your life. I'll accept anything as long as I can be of support for you", he said.


Nashi kissed my hand and I wrapped my arms around his neck as we hugged each other.


"Be careful, Prince Marshall is keeping your Dukedom under surveillance. He threatened to kill the person who helped us escape", I said.


Nashi suddenly kissed me, and I kissed him back.


"I know Prince Morgan informed us earlier today, before the conference, that's why I made this decision. I have to protect my brother and my father and this is the only way I can be in your presence without suspicion. My father suggested that I get engaged with someone from the neutral party, instead of the noble faction. My father is one of the King's advisors. We have to remain neutral for the time being", he said.


"I understand, cause I would do the same for my family", I said, without hesitation.


We kissed again for a while and finally pulled apart.


"I need to return to my territory, my father will be staying in the palace with the rest of the advisors. While they prepare for the delegation that's coming in a few days" he said, "I'm sorry, I won't be able to escort you for your debutante", he said and kissed me again.


Nashi got up and started to walk towards the door. He turned back and faced me again.


"If you happen to get engaged to the Crown Prince of Kalpana, I'll kill him if he mistreats you", he said and left the room.


Suddenly, I felt the tears come down my face and Peyton walked into the room. She rushed over when she noticed I was crying.


"Sage, what happened?", she asked.


I placed my head against her.


"Was that considered a clean break?", I asked, while wiping the tears.


Peyton engulfed me in a hug and comforted me.


Why did I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders but heartbroken at the same time.



We returned to the conference, and only the current head of the noble households remained while some of the successor's waited in the waiting rooms and some left out of the palace.


We continued to talk about the state of the kingdom. Many of them complained while the others tried to suggest solutions to the Kingdom's current state.


King Lincoln was asking about each of the region's borders.


Since the western border was recently attacked, I could tell he took their last warning seriously. I can also tell the real reason he acknowledged Sage is because he wants the marriage between her and Prince Antonio to happen more than anyone.


Unfortunately, Prince Marshall has caused a very serious problem without King Lincoln's knowledge. It's only a matter of time before the King of Kalpana sends his own delegation to the kingdom, to gain Intel on Prince Marshall before he makes his move.


Before that I should start another commotion.


"Duke Winter, what's the condition surrounding the western border?"King Lincoln asked.


Sometimes this bastard has great timing, I thought to myself.


"The western border wall is being repaired and the damage was a little severe. The injured guards who protect the border wall and some injured villagers. Prince Antonio and I have already discussed the compensation for the attack. The compensation will go towards the villagers who were affected by the attack.", I said, and glanced at Marquess Francis. "Also, I recently received some information that someone is targeting some of the young common women near the western border. I received many complaints from the surrounding villages about young women disappearing", I mentioned. "The citizens are furious and they want answers", I added.


Morgan and I wanted to watch Count Livens and Marquess Francis' reaction. I noticed Prince Marshall glancing towards them.


During the intermission, I told Morgan about Marquess Francis' involvement. He didn't seem surprised and it only confirmed our suspicion towards him.


King Lincoln looked at Marquess Francis.


"Marquess Francis, why wasn't any of that reported, your territory is the closest to the border" he said, in a serious tone.


"Your Majesty, if I had known about young women disappearing, I would have surely reported it to you", he said, while bowing.


"Pathetic, are you not managing your territory properly? How come Duke Winter is the one receiving the complaints then. Even if he is over that entire region, you should be the one to know more about it since you are the closest to the border", he shouted in a very angry tone.


I could see Marquess Francis trembling a bit. I watched Count Liven's body language, he was nervous even though he didn't show it.


"Forget it, such uselessness", King Lincoln said and looked over at Morgan.


"Prince Morgan, investigate this matter, I want it solved before the delegation arrives", he said.


Morgan stood up and bow, "Yes, your Majesty", he said.


I watched Count Liven and Marquess Francis grit their teeth and glared towards Prince Morgan for a moment.


King Lincoln looked over at Duke Vernon.


"Duke Vernon, I was told your successor, Nashi Synovial will be taking the title and has formed an engagement with Countess Katsura daughter, Lady Chloé", he said.


I was surprised to hear it being mentioned in the conference. Morgan had already informed me about Duke Vernon and Young Duke Nashi's decision during the intermission.


I knew he went to see Sage and I worried about how she took the news of him getting engaged to someone else. I only hope she can remain the strong and confident young woman that she is, I thought to myself.


Duke Vernon stood up and bowed, "Your Majesty, Nashi will be taking over the Dukedom. I've already given over my authority to him.", he said.


"I see, very well. I look forward to the wedding", King Lincoln said, with a grin on his face.


The meeting continued for another hour, and they continued to talk about Prince Marshall's coronation and what other kingdom delegations would be attending.

Suddenly, the sirens started to go off and everyone started to panic. At that moment, I remembered Masiro had been informed that an attack would happen from one of his clan members. I looked over at Count Livens, who was conversing with Prince Marshall. Prince Marshall suddenly started smirking.


What the hell are they planning? I thought to myself.


"Is it another border attack?", I heard someone say.


King Lincoln stood up and shouted, "Find out what's going on right now", he said, "Lock down the palace", he yelled.


Shit, we're going to be stuck here for the time being.

After King Lincoln dismissed everyone, Captain Capilano and I went straight to the waiting room where Sage and Peyton were.


I noticed Prince Morgan following behind me.


"Grandfather, do you think it's another border attack or one of the groups?", he asked.


"Let's see what's going on first", I said, "Find a way to get in contact with your brother and Nathan. They should've made it to the eastern region by now" I added.


He nodded and started to walk in the opposite direction.


Suddenly, a guard called out to me and I looked in his direction.


"Duke Winter, the King has called for you. He's in his office", the guard said as he approached me.




After traveling for a couple of hours, we managed to make it to the location in the eastern region where the rebel group gathered. It was the same as the western group. A large cabin within the forest, we had to leave the vehicle on the outskirts of the commoners villages and traveled the rest on foot for another hour or so.


When we learned that Marshall is looking for Serbia through a request sent for bounty hunters. Valian immediately informed Masiro through their clan's communication system.


"The conference should be over soon, I wondered if an attack will really happen.", Valian said, as we finally approached the cabin.


"We don't have any more information about it, we can only wait until something happens. If it ends up being this group, we will act accordingly.", I said.


"Christian, does anyone know you are in disguise in the rebel groups under Count Livens order?"Nathan asked.


I was also curious about that, I didn't remember if he had mentioned or not.


Christian was walking in front of us and stopped to turn around.


"Yes, Duke Pordigase's youngest son and I became friends when I first joined the group. He was the only one I told my identity to. He's the one who suggested that I should find you. After Prince Morgan mentioned you were inside the kingdom", he said.


We followed behind Christian and entered the cabin. I noticed there were at least thirty people in the large area standing around. They all looked directly at me. Some of them looked shocked while the rest looked at me as if they were studying me. Some were older and some were young. I can tell the older members knew who I was.


"No way, isn't that" I heard someone say.


A young man with brownish hair and teal eyes walked up to Christian.


I recognized him immediately as Duke Pordigase's son, after all, they're my maternal side of the family.


The young man bowed in front of me.


"Prince Moises, I'm Duke Pordigase's second son, Zachary Pordigase '', he said while bowing.


"It's a pleasure to meet you", I said and he lifted up his head.


"I heard from my father you have returned to take the throne", he said.


I heard everyone start to whisper amongst themselves, and suddenly heard someone say.


"Is it true, your back to take the throne?", a middle-aged man asked, as I looked towards him.


I nodded, "Yes I am, and I will need all of your help to achieve my goal", I said.


They all started to kneel and bowed their heads.


"Looks like they waited for you for a long time", Nathan said.


"Prince Moises, it is our pleasure to serve you as our King.", they all shouted.


"Listen up everyone, the Winter Dukedom has become allied with the Kalpana Kingdom. We will use their declaration for war as a cover for the rebellion. I suggest you all prepare yourselves for the upcoming battle. Since I plan to wipe out the entire aristocratic faction", I said.


"The entire aristocratic faction?", someone asked.


"Finally, I'm sick of those bastards", another person said.


They all started to talk at once and it became loud, and it caused Christian and Zachary to try to calm them down.


"Settle down", I said, in a serious tone, and they became quiet and bowed their heads and lifted them back up.


"What is today's meeting about?", I asked.


"We were going to discuss some information that was found about some of the aristocratic members", Zachary said.


"What kind of information?" I asked.


All of a sudden, one of the members brought over a chair.


"Your highness, please have a seat, I hope it is comfortable enough for you", she said.


I thanked her and took a seat. Nathan and Valian stood behind me, while Zachary and Christian stood in front of me.


"I was told by my father and Prince Morgan to keep surveillance on the nobles in the eastern region that are members of the aristocratic faction.", he said, and gestured towards a young man with short dark blue hair and was average height. He walked over and stood beside Zachary.


"This is Xavier, he is a spy that works for me that follows Count Livens under Prince Morgan's order," he said.


I looked over at Christian, and he nodded. It seemed he already knew about the spy.


"Xavier, what have you learned?", I asked, looking directly at him.


He was about to speak then suddenly we heard the sirens go off.


"Shit, it looks like it started", Xavier said.


"What started?"Nathan, Valian and I asked at the same time and I rose out of my chair.


"The attack on the northern border, Count Livens and Prince Marshall planned to stage an attack in the Northern region," he said, "I sent some men there just in case something would actually happen.", he added.


Shit, I thought to myself.


I rush towards the door, "Nathan, Valian let's go. The drive isn't that far away", I said and we rushed out of the cabin.


Nathan, Valian and I started to run through the forest.


"Prince Moises, when we make it there, let Nathan and I handle it. It's risky, if anyone notices you. It'll make the Synovial Dukedom seem guilty of helping Sage and Natalie break out. Prince Marshall could be testing you, now that he knows you're in the kingdom. If they're going so far as staging an attack", Valian shouted as we ran toward the vehicle.


"I'll let you two handle it, let's try to make it there to make sure nothing happens to Sylvester", I shouted back.