Chereads / Crowns of Heritage / Chapter 77 - Chapter 77-Decisions (3)

Chapter 77 - Chapter 77-Decisions (3)

Chapter 77- Decisions (3)


When the young woman saw Masiro, she hid behind my back and held onto my shirt. I could feel her hands shivering as she held onto it.

"For some reason, she was desperate to get out of there and even asked me to kill her", I said, looking directly at Masiro.

"What's her relation to Viscount James?", he asked.

"His mistress, so I've heard", I said.

Masiro tilted his head to the side for a moment, then looked over at Valian, who was still holding the other woman over his shoulders.

"What about her?", he said.

Valian smirked, "His wife", he said.

"Wow, a wife and mistress, what a lucky bastard", he said, sarcastically.

Masiro stepped forward towards me.

"Young lady, do you mind telling us why you were willing to come along?", he asked, in a soft tone.

Maybe it's because he has daughters, that he treats women differently from the men when he approaches them.

"I didn't want to come here, I was forced to come here", she said, in a broken voice.

Masiro looked at me and then looked over at Valian.

I glanced back at the young woman and told her it was okay to come from behind me. She stepped to the side of me and looked towards Masiro and Valian.

"What's your name?", I asked.

"Angela, I don't have a surname because I am a commoner and an orphan", she said.

"What did you mean by you being forced to come here, where did you come from?"Masiro asked.

"I was sold to Viscount James, after getting a job at a nobleman's villa. I was told that Viscount fell in love with me during his visit and he suddenly brought me here a month ago. I tried to escape multiple times and was severely beaten each time"she said, while holding her head down.

Masiro, Valian and I looked at each other as if we were thinking the same thing.

"That could explain the round the clock surveillance. He was preventing her from escaping", Valian said."The nobleman, do you know his name?",he asked.

Angela nodded, "Marquess Vince Francis", she said.

I looked over at Angela who was still looking down at the ground.

"Do you know if he's involved with a nobleman named Count Livens?", I asked.

She started to shiver even more and held onto herself.

"They're relatives,"she said.

"Son of a bitch", I said.

"Valian", I heard Masiro say and looked over at him.

Masiro turned around in the opposite direction as if he was about to start walking away.

"The woman you're holding, kill her and leave her hanging from one of the trees in their garden, she's no longer needed", He said in a serious tone. "When you're finished, meet us back at the truck. Nathan, carry the young woman across your shoulder so she doesn't slow us down", he said and started to walk off.

"Great, now I have to take this old hag back over the wall", he mumbled.

Before leaving, I helped Valian get the woman's body across the wall again. When he was completely over the wall. I picked the young woman Angela up and placed her across my shoulder again.

Masiro was walking in the distance towards the forest, he stopped walking and looked back as if he was waiting for me. He suddenly gestured his hand and I rushed over to where he was waiting.

A few minutes later, I made it towards the forest. Moises and I looked back and saw a vehicle pulling up to the gate, and watched as the gate opened.

"Looks like someone has returned home, hope they like surprises", Masiro said.

We turned around and walked into the forest.


I groaned a bit as Doctor William stuck the needle into my arm to draw blood again. He mentioned it was my last check-up before releasing me from my bedrest and the medical room he set up during the time I was unconscious. I was relieved when I no longer felt the constant aches that travel throughout my body.

I watched as Doctor William poured my blood onto a little glass plate. He would test my blood periodically to make sure the poison didn't remain in my bloodstream.

"Interesting", I heard him say.

He got up from the chair and walked over to the bed I was sitting on.

"Princess Rosemary, you still have small particles of the poison in your blood. We have yet to confirm what type of poison was on the knife but from the looks of the results. I think your body has become immune to it. Na'mah and I will further investigate the poison's origin". He said.

Doctor William placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Other than that, you have made a full recovery. You are finally off bedrest and can resume your normal activities, but don't overdo it" he said.

I nodded my head.

Doctor William walked over to the door, "I will go and inform the Duke that you will be able to travel to the palace", he said and left the room.

"Finally!" I said and laid back onto the bed.

A few seconds later, the door opened and Yeshiva came walking into the room. He was out in the hallway talking to Massey while Doctor William was giving me a checkup.

"How was it?", he asked.

I put my thumb up, "I can finally move around now, staying in bed all day was making my body feel stiff" I said.

Yeshiva walked over and sat on the side of the bed.

"Well, we can train together and loosen your body up", he said, pulling me towards him.

Yeshiva was about to kiss me until the door opened again. I looked over and saw my mother walking inside of the room.

"Mom", I said.

"I was just coming to tell you that your father and I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to head to the eastern region." She said and looked over at Yeshiva. "Jemas is infiltrating Count Livens' villa, I will go check on the clan members while Moises attend the rebels meeting" she added.

I tilt my head to the side, "Do you think it's going to be safe, I thought uncle Valian mentioned Count Livens and Prince Marshall was planning to attack the rebel groups soon?" I asked.

Mother looked to be deep in thought for a moment.

"I'll keep that in mind, it is best to inform them about it, if they don't already know," she said. "Are you able to move around now?" She asked. "I noticed Doctor William leaving the room, on my way here", she added.

I nodded.

"That's good, at least I can leave with a piece of mind now," she said.

She walked over and kissed me on the forehead.

"It's getting late, get some rest", she said, "I'll go check on your sister next", she added.

I really wanted to go see Sage as well, and asked her how her talk with Prince Antonio went. After she left the room to talk with him. She seemed even more depressed but I would have to wait until morning, I thought to myself.

Mother looked over towards Yeshiva.

"Spare me a minute" she said and Yeshiva nodded.


I looked back and watched as Yeshiva kissed Rosemary on her cheek before walking towards me. We walked out the room into the hallway, I turned around facing Yeshiva's direction.

"If my father happens to return before Moises and I, let him know we'll be in the eastern region and I'll be following up with the clan members." I said."I'm not sure if Rosemary will be joining Sage and Duke Winter tomorrow, when they go to the palace. But if she does, disguise yourself as one of the knights and stay close to Rosemary. That bastard of Prince will definitely try something, if he sees her", I said.

Yeshiva nodded. Without saying or asking anything he turned around and walked back into the room.

Geez, his only concern is Rosemary, he definitely takes after his father in that regard, I thought to myself.

I started to walk down the hallway towards Sage's room. I happened to see Peyton as she walked away from Sage's room door. She was about to walk away and I called out to her, causing her to look back. I walked over to where she was standing. When I got closer I saw she had an upset expression on her face.

"Why the long face Peyton?" I asked.

Peyton sighed," I was talking to Sage, she is really concerned about how to deal with Nashi and Prince Antonio. Seriously, why is Prince Moises and Duke Winter not explaining everything to her more clearly", she grumbled.

I chuckled watching her expression, "I'm sure they have their reasons, Sage is still learning how the noble society works and Nashi just happened to be the first nobleman she got involved with after we escaped the dungeon. I think they're being careful and trying to be considerate of their feelings, while handling it in a way to keep the peace between the two Dukedoms", I said.

Peyton sighed again.

"After all, I had to deal with Moises and his fair share of marriage requests when the King tried to get him to marry someone else, I'm sure you remember." I said. Just thinking about it again was giving me a headache.

Peyton chuckled, "I remember", she said. "You tore all of the letters that he received and even threatened to burn down all the noble households who tried to get their daughters to become the Crown princess. ", she said while smirking.

I placed my hand over my forehead as I remembered everything. I don't think Nashi is as hot-tempered as I am, but his drunken behavior was still concerning, I thought to myself.

"If you happen to see Moises before we leave, give him a piece of your mind like you always have. He has no intentions on marrying Sage off to anyone whether it's Prince Antonio or Nashi", I said, while sighing.

Peyton chuckled again.

I looked at Sage's room door, "Is she asleep yet?", I asked.

"She just went inside the room, she should still be awake", Peyton said.

I nodded and walked over to knock on the door. A few seconds later, Sage opened the door.

"Mother", she said while looking at me.

"May I come in for a moment sweetheart", I said, and she nodded. I turned my head and saw Peyton had started to walk off.

I smiled and then turned my head back towards Sage and entered the room.


After Doctor William informed my grandfather and I, that Rosemary had fully recovered and that she was no longer on bedrest. Doctor William excused himself while my grandfather and I left out of the office.

"Are you still thinking about taking her to the palace?"I asked my grandfather.

"No, it won't be necessary since Malaysia and Hannah will be coming here. After we return from the conference, Sage and Rosemary will focus on getting ready for the debutante.", he said.

I felt relieved after hearing that he wasn't going to take her along. Since Rosemary looks exactly like Natalie, I'm sure Marshall would take notice of her instantly. That son a bitch would definitely try something if she goes to the palace.

I heard my grandfather clear his throat.

"I know what you are worried about", he said.

I looked over at my grandfather.

"It's best to reveal her at the debutante, after all King Lincoln and Prince Marshall will be attending the succession ceremony. It'll be the first time everyone sees you and your family together publicly. Imagine the look on Marshall's face once he sees Rosemary and Natalie standing beside each other. He might die from shock before his coronation when he finds out he held the chief of the mercenaries' daughter captive for years, " He said.

"That would be an easy death for him, he has to suffer a little more before he takes his last breath" I said.

Grandfather chuckled and started to walk away.

"I'll be heading to my quarters now", he said.

I turned around to walk in the opposite direction toward the stairs. After walking down the stairs to the second floor, I happened to see Peyton standing in the hallway, she looked to be deep in thought as her head was downwards looking at the floor.

I called out to her to get her attention. Ever since she asked to join the Winter knights, I haven't been seeing her around the castle unless it was on the training grounds with the other knights.

She started to walked over when she noticed me and we met halfway. I noticed right away that she was upset about something, when she looked at me.

I was about to speak but she suddenly held her hand up, causing me to stop. She bowed her head.

"Your highness, as your knight and friend, may I be informal for a moment", she said.

"Of course, Peyton," I said.

When she lifted her head up, she glared at me and I could tell she was angry with me. Of all my knights Peyton was the most vocal out of all of them and was never afraid to get upset with me.

"Why the hell aren't you explaining everything to Sage" she said. "Even if she didn't have a destined partner, you knew the moment she became the Winter Dukedom successor, her and Young Duke Nashi would eventually have to break up. It was inevitable," she said.

I sighed, "I'm trying to be considerate of Sage's feelings." I said.

"Sage is stronger than you think, I already explained to her that she and Nashi will eventually have to part ways." She said,

I sighed again, "My grandfather already told her to make a clean break with Nashi, but we won't rush her to do so. It's her decision on what she wants to do. I won't let her turn out like my mother, just because someone is your destined partner doesn't mean it'll always be a blessing" I said.

Peyton became quiet and placed her hand on her forehead.

"Peyton, I'm appointing you as Sage's personal knight, as her adoptive mother and the one who raised her for Natalie and I, please remain by her side and continue to watch over her" I said.

Peyton moved her hand from her forehead and placed it over her chest and bowed.

"It'll be my pleasure, your highness," she said.

I placed my hand on Peyton's shoulder.

"Natalie, Christian and I will be leaving in the afternoon, please accompany Sage and my grandfather when they leave to go to the palace. I know Captain Capilano is capable of protecting Sage, but I trust you more than any of the other knights. Since someone has already sent assassins after her. I need you to stay by her side", I said.

Peyton nodded, "I'll continue to guard her with my life as I always have since the time she was born, your highness", she said and smiled.

I nodded and turned to walk towards Natalie and I's room. I glanced back at Peyton.

"Get some rest, Marianna, I'm sure it'll be interesting seeing your father Count Lapland again after a long time. He's still my father's most trusted advisor after all", I said.

"Tch", I heard her smack her teeths as I walked away and I chuckled. Why do I feel like I'm turning into my grandfather when it comes to teasing someone, I thought to myself.