I opened my eyes and saw that I was inside of the Guild. "This is your spawn point."
Miss Wolfe spoke and I turned to face her. "When you log off, you will return to your Guild hall when you log back in. There are teleport locations all over the game, so you can accept higher quests at the other cities and Guilds, but your grades are reported here. Follow me to meet up with the rest of your class." I walked behind her and Persephone was beside me.
"Miss Wolfe, is there a specific task for raising Luck?"
"Good question Morningstar, the answer is no, that is set at the start. You can raise it by leveling up your main class, but nothing more than that. Most players ignore their luck stat for now and focus on raising the others. Since your luck is so high already, I recommend leaving it for now." I nodded. So I can increase it, but only by leveling up. I would follow her advice for now, until I can discover another way to raise it.
She lead us to a room with a wolf emblazoned on the solid door. "This is the classroom. I'll set your quests here, completed quests earn GP, or Grade Points. Your GP is how you rank up." We entered the room and found seven more students inside.
"Pop a squat and we will start the class."
I sat near the back, and Persephone sat beside me. I was beginning to notice how much she depends on me. Not that I mind, better to protect my supporter from idiots anyways.
"All right kids, this is Mordecai Morningstar and Persephone Olympus, they are new members of the guild and I expect you idiots to get along with them."
The seven kids turned to face us. One boy glared at me then looked back at Miss Wolfe.
He had brown hair and blue eyes, a strong jawline and no manners.
A red head glared at Persephone and me both before turning back to the teacher.
The others were merely curious but said nothing.
"Today I want you to form groups. I have two party quests so make two groups."
I watched as three classmates joined up with the two kids who glared at us. The other two sighed but joined their tables to ours.
A black haired boy and a blonde haired girl. "Hi, I William, you can call me Will. I'm a warrior class."
"Im Rachel, a Mage." Rachel didn't speak much it seems.
"Im Mordecai, an Archer, and this is My Seph, a mage." I immediately laid claim to Seph, that way the kid won't get any ideas.
Persephone blushed but smiled. Miss Wolfe smirked as she noticed the groups.
"Group one, is Michael's and Group two is Morningstar's, the group leaders need to come up and get their quests."
I guessed that she will be using my last name to address me. Not a problem, at least it's not my middle name. I stood up and walked to the front of the classroom. Michael shoved me but I didn't say anything. I can level up my Mischief skills by using it on him.
Patience would be key here. Miss Wolfe frowned at Michael.
"Michael, I specifically said to get along with your classmates, what part of my order was unclear?"
"Im sorry Miss Wolfe, I just wanted to say Hi." He sneered at me.
I smiled politely at him. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Michael. I am Mordecai Morningstar." I held out my hand. I placed a simple trap on it. It won't hurt him, but he was going to regret shoving me.
He took my hand and then jumped back as the trap activated, it was a simple prank I knew from my y world. He received a small shock of electricity.
He went to punch me but Miss Wolfe stopped him. "Michael Donahue, if you can't follow my rules I will kick you out of my Guild and you can wait for another guild to open up in a week. Is that clear?"
"He shocked me, miss Wolfe!"
"How? He isn't a mage, he is an Archer dumb-ass!"
I looked at him confused. "All I did was shake your hand, I'm sorry."
I could hear my team snickering behind me softly. Will was a warrior class so he guessed that Michael was too weak to shake an Archer's hand.
[Skill: Trap setting (2/10)]
My skill went up by one just by creating a handshake taser.
[New Skill! Taser. Sends a small electric current to desired body part for 1 minute. Any target tased shall be paralyzed for two seconds. Cost: 2 mp]
The pay off was so sweet.
Miss Wolfe handed me a sheet of paper. "This is your group quest. I want it cleared by next week." I looked at the quest.
[Party Quest: Subjugate the Goblins
Required clear: 20 Goblin ears
Time limit: 7days
Rewards: 20 gold, 10 GP.]
Seemed easy. I went back to my group to give them the quest details.
"We need to kill 20 Goblins, this will be easy. I need to know what main class skills you have so I set up the party better."
Will spoke first. "I have an aggro skill and a good buff to my defense. I also have a sword skill for a two-handed sword."
Rachel spoke next. "I have a fire magic spell and a party buff skill for defense."
"Um, I have a healing spell and a spell that removes debuffs."Seph spoke softly.
"That leaves me. I have long ranged skills and trap detection/setting skills. I also have two more attack skills and two stealth skills."
Will blinked in surprise. "Damn dude, how many skills do you have?"
"Not counting my Sub-Classes? Nine, three of which work hand in hand."
Rachel smirked but said nothing. "So, this is how our party will go. Will is the Tank, your job is to aggro the goblins and keep them off the girls. I'll be DPS with Rachel, we are going to be doing most of the attacking. Seph, you are the healer. Your job is to keep the Tank alive, he will take most of the hits. Debuff us as we go. Any questions?"
They shook their heads. "Good we should be done with this quest in a day as long as we stick to the plan." William frowned. "Goblins are hard to find Mordecai, how are we going to clear it in a day?" I smirked and looked at Persephone. She grimaced. "We are going to find a goblin dungeon and clear it. That's how."
[Name: Mordecai Ferdilance Morningstar
Hp: 105
Mp: 55
Str: 21
Dex: 21
Stamina: 55
Int: 55
Luck: 25
Guild Rank: Copper
Class: Archer
Level: 1/???
Exp: 0/100
Shadow Walk- 5mp/sec (1/10): Can move between shadows within 5ft of you
Trap setting (2/10): Able to set basic snares
Trap detection (1/10): Able to detect traps within 5ft
Hide and Seek (1/10): Unnoticed as long as you are hidden well
Steal Skill (1/10): Can copy any level 1 skill for 1 use.
Sure shot (1/10): %.5 damage
Quick draw: %.5 loading speed
Long Shot: %.5 to total damage if target is 30ft away.
Taser: Sends a small electric current to desired body part for 1 minute. Any target tased shall be paralyzed for two seconds. Cost: 2 mp
Sub-Class: Alchemist
Sub-Class: Blacksmith (1/10):
Repair: (1/10)
Light armor crafter (1/10)
Ranged weapon master (1/10)
Fletcher (1/10)]