Chereads / The Queen of Fyre / Chapter 22 - The Council's Disapproval

Chapter 22 - The Council's Disapproval

"The next agenda is the announcement of your marriage" Aldo said. 

Adrian could feel the crowd go stiff on Aldo's words. He looked at everyone again. Each of them showed doubt and hesitation on their face.

This is not going to go smoothly.

"I have decided to marry Princess Ignis of the Land of Fyre. I trust everyone will welcome her with the same respect and loyalty due to a Queen." 

"May I know" a brawny, middle-aged Noble asked. "Why have you chosen the Princess of Fyre Land? I will certainly follow your decision, Your Majesty, but, I need to know why it has to be her when there are many good proposals within the Kingdom." 

"I agree with you Duke Bailey, there were many good proposals in our Kingdom. But Princess Ignis has a very unique charm of her own. Do you know what I really liked about her? She is capable of using her own brain." he lazily propped his chin in the palm of his hand. "A few of the proposals felt like parrots, repeating the same thing that their masters taught them to say. The others would have been good wives but they lacked the quality of becoming an ideal Queen. I believe Princess Ignis has that quality".

"Has the former King and Queen provided their approval? Also have you informed the Emperor?" Count Morris asked, his fist clenched.

"My parents do not doubt my decision, Count Morris. As for the Emperor, I have sent a letter, informing him the same. However, I doubt it will reach him any sooner"

"But, he is the Emperor, we need to get his permission. We could use the Mage Tower - " the Count's face was turning red.

"Do not concern yourself with that. The emperor is also my uncle. He has already promised me that he will stay away from my personal life".

"That would have been alright if it was a Lady from Aqua Land. But she is a Princess from the Fyre Land. Up until she came here, nobody knew anything about her. Her achievement or her elemental powers, we do not know if she has any value for this Land."

"Hold your tongue, Count Morris. Do not forget that I can still give you a harsher punishment for what you did along with Baron Kron"

"Your Majesty, you cannot mix these two situations. I agree that my actions caused some confusion, but it was for the sake of our Kingdom. In the case of the Princess, we have no idea what the future holds. We know nothing about her. She can prove to be a dangerous element to the Kingdom". Count Morris looked adamant to stretch the topic.

What? Confusion? Sake of Kingdom? He tried to mess with a major business that supports the finances of this Kingdom. Adrian was furious.

Aldo whispered in Adrian's ear "take deep breaths. You look like you will cut this man down. New members look scared." Adrian didn't take his eyes off the Count, but tried to control his temper.

Duke Bailey made an attempt to mediate the argument. "How about we judge the capabilities of the Princess ourselves? The issue regarding reducing the tax on farmers. We will let the Princess bring us the solution to the problem and will judge if she has the qualities of a Queen in her".

Duke Bailey is the most trusted vassal of Adrian and a dear friend of the former King. His concerns are understandable, but Adrian is certain that the Nobles will not just question her on the tax problem. They will embarrass her, they may humiliate her, make her quit on her own. Even if she is strong, he cannot let Ignis stand before them like a criminal proving her innocence. 

"That's a nice way to push your work on someone else" Adrian smirked and crossed his arms. His remark stunned the Duke. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. Everyone who knows Duke Bailey, also knows that the man lives for his words and reputation. Adrian is aware that the Duke is not someone who will push his job on someone else, but making such remarks will surely irk him and make him act the way Adrian wants. "By 'your' I didn't mean you Duke. I meant the members of the Council. In the end, it is up to us to take care of our land, isn't it?" he assured the Duke.

After much thought Adrian stood up. He pulled up a brilliant smile on his face and every member stiffened on its seat. 

"I will ask Princess Ignis to think of a solution for this problem. You all can judge her capabilities then. But, I have one condition. Princess Ignis is currently the guest of this Land, hence, I cannot accept anyone humiliating her on the pretext of asking questions. Duke Bailey, if you could give your word that no one, and I mean no one, will cross their line when facing the Princess and the queries will be strictly based on testing her skills, I will give my permission to invite her in our next council meeting. Can I rely on you?"

Everyone turned to look at Duke Bailey. Initially hesitant, the Duke stood up and made a slight bow. "I give you my word, Your Majesty. I will make sure no one crosses their line in the next meeting with Princess Ignis. Anyone who dares to do so will not see the light of another day."

The members started murmuring in shock.


"He is planning to kill us?"

"Just for a Princess from another Land"

"Thank you" Adrian said to Duke. Then he looked at the distressed faces of the other members. "We will meet again in two days. I will be present for the meeting, but to stay impartial, I will not participate in the discussion. Princess Ignis will hold the next Council meeting" he announced and left the room followed by Aldo.

"F**k All" Adrian felt like breaking something, someone.

"You held everything nicely. Good job" Adrian smiled behind him.

"Where is the Princess?" Adrian asked Aldo urgently.

"She was in the barracks of the Fyre Kingdom Knights. She must be returning now." Aldo replied.

Adrian quickened his steps. "Wait for me in my study" he said to Aldo and rushed towards the guest quarters.

Once he entered the hallway of the guest quarters, he heard some commotion.

"Why do I have to try 200 dresses for two days? I am not going to change so many times. I think two dresses will be enough" Ignis rebelled. "Just select any two dresses that you like".

"This is your wedding, please try and make some efforts. It's a very special day in your life that will not come again" Adrian heard Lady Domini reason with the Princess.

"I understand and I would have given my 100 percent if I had much time with me. But I do not have that right now. I have already attended three meetings since morning, there are three more to go in the evening and in the midst of all, you are asking me to try this many dresses. I am tired Domi. Please let me rest for sometime"

"One of the meetings in the evening is with the jewelers and that wont go well unless we have finalized the dresses. How about we try this premium 100 designs" Ignis pleaded.

"I need to meet His Highness" Adrian saw Ignis walk past Lady Domini. He immediately hid behind a column.

"Do not go right now, My Lady. He must be busy with the Council meeting. I heard he is going to announce your marriage today. There might be some opposition."

"Then please tell Albert that I wish to see His Majesty tonight, even if it's for a few minutes"

"Alright I will do it. Let's try these 80 dresses for now. We will see the rest tomorrow". Adrian peeked to see Ignis sulking when she was dragged inside her chamber.

So she knows how to make that face. How cute.

Smiling, he left for the main palace.