Chereads / Send Me Free (BL) / Chapter 35 - Show time

Chapter 35 - Show time

The same early evening Free was watching TV, as usually. Couple hours ago, after they were back in their apartment, he send the photos with names to Milo, told him what all he heard from Kain, leaving his superior plan what would be their next call. His stunt to stray from his duty were fastly forgotten and Milo didn't complain a bit since the informations Free found out were quite useful. From this point on they have at least one line to follow. So young man doesn't have a choice but wait for now. Kill some time. Of course there were still multiple things to study even after his training, but nothing could make him feel that interested toward those irritating tasks he would voluntarily start self-studying on his own. So when he has nothing to help Don with, just chilling out and watching TV felt simple damn great.

What has become like a new habit to Don was him sit on the kitchen, work his right hand with his hand grip while reading these same documents over and over again, intently thinking something. What ever case it was about it must be something big. Something what has taken most of Dons focus while Free was gone. And was kind of hard man to drop when he was finally getting back to work, going fully back to his daily routines.

At first Free just let it be. It was about work. What ever Don does, he does it with passion, with his full focus on it. Because man was over precise sometimes, he was also too minding of his surroundings. Very cautious. Even minor distractions were easy to cut his concentration and impact his mind, make him angry. He has used to do things on his own way, in his own peace. That was the main reason why he liked to after-work inside their apartment, out from their work building. But Free being around has never disturbed him at all, so younger has used to see this side of Don no one other could see. This workaholic has forced him too learn to separate their roles, at work and even at home, know his place when work was put as first priority. But this was kind of getting annoying. Even when it might be acting childish, Free wants his attention. Finally, after getting totally bored watching this random TV series and listening the silence from the kitchen, young man gets up and walks slowly toward Don. "Can I bother you?"

"You can always bother me," Don answers quietly, but not actually dropping his eyes, keeps reading, without looking the other.

After he got his permission, Free casually takes the files from Dons hand and sits across from him. "This is the first time I see you like this. You totally ignore me and I don't like it. What is it?"

Ignore him? Don wasn't ignoring him. He was very aware of others presence. Sighing out and kind of giving up when he lets his head lean back, man puts the hand grip on the table and moves his eyes on Free. If other wanted his full attention so be it. "An old case of mine. Still active."

"Usually when you bring works home it's just some paper works. Or actual working, hands moving, you know. This is you planning something. Intently," young man speaks out his mind, letting Don know he knew this was not normal. Something wasn't right. "Aren't those the same files I have seen you checking from time to time? Like, since half a year ago?"

How sharp. Don keeps his silence at first, just calmly staring back the younger before speaking out. "That's right. In this case I think I should go under myself, but Kiho warned me not to. So I'm not so sure what to do. Because I really should care about his opinion."

"Care to share this with me?" Free was carefully eyeing Don, then he lays the files on the table. Yeah. Don working under was something unheard-of. So Free couldn't help grow even more confused.

The sound of Frees voice changed just a little, but Don could easily hear it. He sound serious. The look on young mans face was calm. This sudden change could not be good for Don. Kid was up to something. Being alert. Smiling, Don gives his answer. "You probably would think the same way as Kiho does. You will not agree with me. So no, I do not want to share it with you?" Kind of asking.

Free sighs. Not actually the answer he wanted to hear. "Then you don't leave me choice. Forget the care then. Talk. Don't leave me blind."

Uneasiness grow slowly in Dons mind. This moment begin to feel like two of his separated worlds were about to impact. But he doesn't drop his smile. He wasn't speaking with an enemy here. Even if something in him tried to mess his head with thoughts he was. "Talk? Are you using my own methods on me?"

Hell yeah Free was. He knew his lover. "You will talk or you will sleep outside," young man smiles, being more relaxed again. "I won't stand my lover sleeping next to me when he is being like this. I know you are not acting normal. This case is somehow different. Makes me feel kinda jealous here.. All your attention is on this."

That nonsense made Don tsihs. "Using the word 'lover' here is not playing fair," he has to point out loud. Free knew very well how to shake this man to make him act as he wanted. "Aren't you acting sweet. Flirting with me here. But don't try to flirt with your Boss. Your Boss is not so submissive. This is about work. And in this one I'm not going to mix you. I really can't."

"Tell me what you are thinking," Free leans closer. He could easily ignore Dons words. "Give up. Just talk." If Kiho was worried, that mean Free should be too.

Don sighs. And turns his look away. Thinking. Now that habit of Dons Free knew very well. It was, like, the only gesture Don showed when he didn't know how to act. Trying to think how he should act. Usually Don didn't need time when he was acting around people. But in front of Free Don was repeating it. Since he didn't want to lie. But right now didn't want to speak straight either, truthfully. That cold attitude only pissed Free more. "You become cautious in front of me? It's okay, I get it.. But after all we have I want to know why, all of a sudden?" Free says clearly, calmly, still smiling, but definitely not saving his words. If he wanted something, he needed to speak clear. "You never hide anything from me. And now you don't want to tell me? Makes me so curious... And it hurts when you act like that. Can't trust me, kinda." That wasn't how Don think it, so he fastly turns his eyes back on him, showing his thoughts through his annoyed look. "Just try me. You think you can give me something more shocking now, what I haven't already prepared for? I know you the best. Like you are here for me I'm here for you."

"I do trust you. But this has nothing to do with you. This is about the case I have been working over a year," Don could give at least this much. "It's complicated."

"If I can't understand you I will let you know. Don't leave me hanging..," Free keeps persistently, only showing this slight sneaky smile of his.

This kid wasn't going to give up. Don sighs out and waves his hand once. "I don't want to tell you. For your own sake. If anything goes wrong I can't let you be involved," he says honestly.

Finally Don was speaking his inner thoughts out. Not that Free needed it. The way man was speaking was very evasive. And when Don did speak so, Free should be alert. That was his job, as his partner of life. "Then I act like I didn't know," Free talks over Dons words. "Give me more this bullshit. Come on. Let it all out. Until you remember who you are talking here with. I am yours. Use me." And raises the file up. "Who is this Sakari?" He might still not be the fastest reader but that name he already found with a fast glance.

Others cocky attitude made Don smirk. This young man in front of him was totally over running him here. To this kid he couldn't talk back. And Free wasn't afraid to use that knowledge. "The main suspect of my case," man clears, looking the file. "Probably a seriel killer." Raising his eyes back on Free.

Now Free could understand better why this subject was so different. He thinks a while before talking. "It's him you are interested? Or the case?"

"Him. But I wouldn't have started investigating this if I did not seriously want to solve it."

Start? So it wasn't someone elses case. But his own? "You were planning to go under cover yourself but Kiho was against it? If you agree with his words why are you hesitating?"

"Because I want to learn more about the suspect and talking to him straight myself is the best way to do so. Are you interrogating me now?" now older shows a wider smile. This was definitely kid playing cop here.

Free gives just a smile back. Of course he was. He tried to think this was about work. Not their personal time together. He wasn't speaking to his lover. But to his Boss. The uncontrollable one. Who every his men should keep an eye on. "Is he the first one?" younger then suddenly asks.

"..First one?"

Hum. "You are my first. 'Roman'." Like Lilian had once called Don. When in modern days people would get excited from cheering their favorite football team, in ancient civilizations in Rome people loved contests which were literally a matter of life and death. Violence was part of their life. Something to enjoy. And even when Free himself couldn't understand it personally, he knew that was just part of the deeps of some human minds. Part of Don too. "Sure. The curiosity. That's what I would follow," he continues, wondering. Trying to put together how much he already knew and what might be Dons reasons to act this interested. What was his real goal. "If you are saying something might go wrong, then you are not simple trying to catch this person. This is not about work at all? You want to learn more about him? About who he is as a serial killer? Is that it?" Don doesn't say anything. He was actually kind of surprised from Frees words. Something in him want to back off. Make him stop. When he was afraid he might admit something irreversible. Something what he has used to keep hidden, deep in. "Is he like you? How you know? Or is getting closer to him the way learn if he is? What if he is?" Free looks carefully Dons reactions. This might be a grey area to Don. At least mans facial expression was quite honest, showing him man doesn't know how to react back. Or more like he doesn't want to hear this. Doesn't want to talk about this at all. And when man keeps his silence still, Free takes his change to keep going. "What? If you aren't gonna clear me I might let my imagination do the rest," he smiles, pointing his head with two of his fingers. Dons glance was someway charged. The more Free talk the more angrier he seem.

No answer. Free gives a sigh out. It didn't need much him kind of figure out what Don might think. Besides this was all a summery of what Don himself has said. Man couldn't deny something what he has honestly confessed to Free over time. "Is this how it usually starts? Your ever going circle? You wanna find him and arrest him. The other side of you.. If they deserve it.. If you get your chance, it's your game?" Since Don doesn't still have anything to say, Free moves his eyes on the papers. "I'm having too many conclusions here. Too many options. Too many possibilities since you are not clearing me up. Let me go a little deeper. 'People vanish'?" he wasn't afraid to speak his mind clear. First he just wanted to see how Don would react to his words, then pick up the right line to keep asking more. This was all learnt from Don himself. This was how man himself 'worked'. But since so far Don has reacted so defensively, not wanting to speak out, young man was getting worried there might be something huge going on behind all of it. "Pro killer? You want to learn from him? If this here now is suffocating is there a way to do as he?" Free wasn't sure should he even speak like this, but he plan to give it a shot. "Without sanctions? Am I near? Or totally lost? Going too far? Aren't you guys the same, killers? Nine people and you have never get caught? You guys must be so akind.."

"That's not -" older guy finally speaks. But hesitates. Instead of answering he falls to his silence once again, staring Free uneasely. Can't find the words to talk back. Actually his whole mind was halted. He should not think further. Not admit anything. This door he doesn't want to open, when he has always kept it closed from others. Akis words were not right. But at the same time it felt like Don was looking at the mirror. Like he was hearing his own inner thoughts out loud. What he has silenced so long.

Free was calmly looking Don. Reading him. He has never ever seen Don looking this lost. Not showing this kind of vulnerable and beaten look man has on him right now. Did Free go too far? This was reality to Don. Not just words and light hypothesis like they were to Free. That was enough. He shouldn't push any further. "I'm sorry," he says then, trying to keep his calm. "I don't really need you tell me anything what you yourself already know. If I could find a way to easy your unresting mind I would do it, you know. When it comes to you I'm ready for anything," even if he wanted to get straight up, comfort his lover and take all his words back, he shouldn't do so. If he himself would back off too that would not solve anything. This is the first time they talk about this, Free was directly questioning Dons state of mind, how 'worse' his mind actully was. Of course it wasn't easy. To either of them. In the end, after all the worry and frustration he himself felt, there was only one thing he wanted. "Just don't go too far now. I can't lose you. Don't want to."

Now Don moves his eyes away, closing them, breathing deeply out, like blowing the stress he felt out. This sitting here was much harder than sitting in Lilians office. Since this kid knew everything about him. Trying to pretend something he was not in front of Aki was impossible. He has lost.

"The way you are so speechless now tells me clearly it's definitely something near. This is something across the line I can't understand. Or.. kinda can but.. don't want to..," Free states then, smiling to Don who seem to be so surprised because of his words. What, the guy still thought Free didn't know his lover well enough? On the training time he had nothing but time. There was, like, nothing Free hasn't think over. Multiple times. For four months. Thinking only how to build his life around this man. Commit to him. "So for that I will blackmail you now. Remember what you told me before? About that safewall you still have? Between us? I do remember.." Don felt even more confused, finally turning his eyes back to meet with Frees. "Keep it still. Your wall. If you are playing with fire here and will burn all in front of you, I will destroy that last wall of yours and burn the rest myself. Is that clear?" Free puts his fingers on the files. "I have figured it out, I can't stop you. I'm not like your men are. I would probably just follow you. So if you take the step I will take it too. You will drag me with you." This was the best way Free could think how to blackmail his lover. Like saying 'You love me? Then don't you dare to lose me.'

Frees blue eyes were piercing through Don. Finally man puts a smile on his lips and lets his body calm a little more. This kid was so amazing with his choice of words. "Please don't follow me.."

Did he finally get through him? Free smiles back, to let other know he was satisfied from mans reaction, showing he understood. "I told you I know you the best. You are over precise. So you already have a plan, don't you. You've prepared not go too far, right? I trust you if you were about to go under cover. Kiho might know better how you do things in the field. Please, consider his words and then do what ever. You know what you are doing, you don't need to stare blacks on whites evening after evening, right? So just drop it or go with it." Don closes his eyes and sighs deeply. Showing his surrender. Free stands up, walks next to Don and puts the papers in front of him to the table. "Are you playing with fire here?" Man doesn't answer, but takes Frees arm on his hold. Feeling his body calmed Dons mind immediately. "I will try again," younger man keeps quietly. "Share what you think. I'm hear for you. If you talk about it out loud it might help you make the decision. At least that works for me, you know."

"I don't like it. To take all this out to you," Don points out, hating the whole idea. "When even I'm not so sure.."

"Try me," younger states straight. Nothing else. If Don could still talk back, those words were better be very good to overtake Frees own words. Since young man here has made it very clear there was no real point to hide.

Don tsihs, keeps his silence awhile. Then finally speaks out. "I am playing with fire. Trying my limits. It might be just as you said. I want to know how he does what he does. I'm not saying I want to know so I could do the same. And still I freaking do. That's the line Kiho was talking about. Warning me. He is right. I should not go," man admits. Hearing his own voice talking his inner thoughts out made him at the same time feel damn sick and still so relieved. "But I will go. I'm not even sure what I think of this really. Is this just professional or.. But it's to easy my curiosity. That is where I am going to stop. The idea of making him pay the way I would love to will stay as just an idea. I couldn't talk myself out of it if he suddenly vanishes after. And it's not that I go after everyone. It's not personal so I can't really give a damn does he walk free or not. After all I have been following him over a year now. Have one man under cover. I'm already this close and if I back off now, it would be all for nothing." That made sense, calming Frees mind a little. Don admit his intentions not been totally clear here. But he was smart enough not to simple play around. "This might not satisfied me at all in the end. But then I will just return back to where I start. Nothing changes. It's just work. Who else could be better cover to get a killer to light than another killer? Build a trust.. That is what I want to play with. Try if I can make him talk by talking freely to him. Open myself to him. With a little twist I was planning to let it all out. My thoughts. Ideas. Let my mind fly freely just a little. And if I could get him to trust me, he is mine." Don smiles now, breathing out, downing his head. Holding Frees arm tightly. "For that result I will be satisfied. Do my job. It's what I am good at. No fire. No burning."

Younger hums, smiling back, trying to keep his own mind calm which was so close to just snap. Has he ever seen Don smiling that widely? That only made Free feel more scared of what would be coming. But he couldn't actually back off now when man has done exactly as he was told here. Speaking straight. Being honest. Leaning to the table Free holds his other hand against Dons face. "You are horrible. Making me approve something like that.." Don moves his eyes up on Free. "Then it's a go," Free continues whispering, feeling damn mixed but hopeful. He should just trust his man here. "You know what you are going against here. Know what to avoid. That's enough to ease my mind.."

- - - -

This bar which located far from the busy streets has the calming atmosphere in. Classical music was playing on the background. The scent of tobacco fill the air. Three lodge out of seven were being used at the moment. Bartender was shaking drinks and serving them to the customers who sat at the bar counter. People were talking and drinking in their own peace, not many were around during these hours. This was a small pub, it's regular and casual customers weren't here for party or act other way too loudly. This kind of places were only for relaxing and chatting.

A new customer steps inside, heads toward the counter and sits on his seat which the familiar bartenders tend to keep free for him the time he usually arrive. He was a regular. A slave of his habits. Here to have his every day moment of peace from his life, enjoy a drink or two while reading his newspaper or simple listening the music, sinking in to his thoughts. Those cyclic habits were what made following this man in public quite easy. But at the same time that almost hourly planned schedule was a great cover, made one wonder exactly when this man had time to meet with the gang or their members other than just randomly. His observers weren't that blind. The contacts were very minor but there were some. Their major way of communicating was still in dark, but since the missing cases haven't drop even slightly during the time Don and his men start keeping an eye on both the gang and this man, they definitely stay in touch, shared informations.

"Good evening, sir. The usual?" bartender walks to meet the man and shows with the hand gesture the bottle behind him.

"Please," older man answers, loosing his tie while looking the younger man sitting two seats from him, touching his almost empty glass while staring his phone on his other hand. Guy was a new face here. Definitely one of the youngest customers here, probably on his thirties. That young age wasn't what took mans attention first. But his injured dark wrist which could be seen under the sleeve. That kind of bruises were old but slowly healing. Using a phone with that wrist must be painful still but man hold it like it was nothing. Either he was drinking under painkillers and damaging his organs or was very tolerating, doesn't let such small blows bother him a bit. What ever brought him here today was making him wear that upset look. Even when younger man was clearly hiding it, sharp people like Sakari could easily see he was visibly stressed out and the drink he was drinking wasn't able to calm him.

Young guys phone started to ring and he reads the name on the screen; his upset look turned more vexed and he was suddenly so ready to throw the phone away. But still he answers, holding his voice down. "Yeah?" After listening a short moment the nagging, man finally tsihs out loud. "Ha? Do as you want!" Older man clears his throat, noting other to mind his tone. It was not appropriate to talk that loud here. The younger immediately notices him and raises his hand to apology. "I'll be home soon," guy says and ends the call, puts his phone away. "Sorry about that," he calmly apologizes, from the older man and the bartender. He just lost his cool for a second.

"Problems with the lady?" bartender asks smiling.

"My woman is leaving again," man laughs and touches the ring on his finger. "This time maybe for good." He turns his eyes on the older man, acting chatty, tearing down his frustration. "They come, take your money, play with you a little and when they are satisfied they move on, leaving you broke and horny. Am I right?"

"Been there," Sakari smiles and takes his drink, raising it up, toasting. Younger smirks and repeats the gesture, drinks his drink down with one gulp. "Give him another," man orders the bartender, then moves his look back to other. "But this time, young man, drink it as it's meant to. Slowly, tasting. Feeling."

Younger snorts. "You know how you do your ladies," he notes and nods as thank. When he gets his new drink he slowly tastes it. "Listen to your elders, that is what the dearest lady in my life once said."

"When you get to my age you really realise the value of what you have. The time. Yourself."

"Yourself, ha..? What if you can't be the real you..," man adds quietly, more like talking to himself. Sakari was calmly eyeing him. "Yeah. That's like all I have anymore. My freaking self. The mistress took everything else. You are supposed to behave understanding but at the same time you would just like to.. you know.. let it go. Mash that bitches head the wall. That would be satisfying.."

"Please, keep that kind of talk to yourself, Don," bartender warns. With a tone which clearly remind he won't stand that inside his restaurant. Not even when they were old friends. "Even if you are joking."

"Yeah, sure, joking," Don hums, smirking. Drinks once again the rest of his drink fastly down. "Sorry about that." He gets up, waving a little. Was planning to leave. There was nothing else he needed to do here. This first contact was plenty for now. "Thank you for the drink, sir. I will remember your drinking lesson next time. Today.. I'm a little impatient.."

- - - -

The next early evening, the same young man was again sitting at the bar counter. This time he was already visibly drunk when the older regular arrives, Sakari intently observing what kind of mood this newcomer would be today. He didn't mind people around him while enjoying his time here, but the first impression from this young man was him being quite hot-headed and he might become a very distracting case if he couldn't hold his mood. Such Sakari couldn't stand. People acting like animals.

Bartender greets the man politely when he sits down on his seat. "Welcome back, sir. The usual?"

"Yes, please," Sakari answers, loosens his tie and briefly glances the younger who was tiredly staring his phone, in his thoughts. Seems like guy wasn't that chatty today after all, he too might be here just to enjoy his own peace rather than look for company, conversations. So both men focus their own calm. Older drinks and reads his newspaper, just like he has habit to do. While younger didn't mind his surroundings and was more like ready to fall asleep.

Some time later a young man with a short curly hair and dark sunclasses steps inside the bar, eyeing around like looking for someone and when finding his target he eventually walks slowly next to the guy sitting two seats from Sakari, leaning boldly to the bar counter to get his attention. Since his appearance was something very outstanding in this kind of place, Sakari couldn't but notice him. Guys clothes and tattoos cleared out immediately he was those walking underworld. Even the aura around him was very haughty, him unintentionally giving people around him the feeling he comes with problems, ready to fight for no reason.

And in a sense mans judgments were nothing but right. This guy was exactly like that. Being a vice president of this famous gang Don was very familiar with demand this defiant attitude to always remind their enemies their gang wasn't just a powerful name only. They were a real deal. But today younger wasn't here for his own business. He was just helping out his Boss. Play his part as he was told.

Don raises his look up and after noticing who has arrived, he looks away while closing his eyes, sighing. "Tinamo.. What you want?"

"I got something for you," Tinamo smiles and places this small envelope on the table.

"Sure. Give me all you have," man tsihs and takes the offer.

"You can relieve your anger to them," younger whispers and taps the sitting man on the shoulder, making sure only the nearest people could hear them, especially the bartender toward who he shows this smirking smile. Since this was his only job to do here, Tinamo takes his leave next, as soon as he arrived.

Ignoring others takeoff, Don opens the envelope. Then his cold facial expression turns to wide smile. The kind older man next to him surely saw it too, how his mood went suddenly so much better after seeing what was written in that paper. Fastly Don drinks his drink and gets up, carefully holding the envelope. After leaving some tip, he turns and realises now the older man was eyeing him. Since it would be rude to not greet him even when he was now leaving himself, Don settles for clearing his thoughts a little. Drag man inside his world. "The rest of the evening will be nothing but slowly tasting and feeling it all," he smiles to the other while passing him. "Good evening."

His words definitely took Sakaris attention and older smirks back while turning to look at his newspaper again. "Very good evening indeed," he calmly answers, returning to read the articles.

- - - -

Saturday. Once again, two days later in the same bar. Sakari sits on his seat after removing his leather jacket. Since the younger man was here again, looking so relaxed while talking to the bartender, older politely greets him as well. If they would see each other here more often, well-mannered exchange of words wasn't harmful.

Don turns his look at him too and raises his drink as a greeting. "Let me pay this man his regular," he fastly orders from the bartender.

"There is no need," Sakari trys to decline.

"Oh, but there is. It's all thanks to your lesson I was able to find.. how I should put this.. my peace," man smiles, pointing out it would be rude to refuse when he was trying to show his gratefulness.

And since that was only reasonable, older nods, accepting the offer. "Were you able to get your woman back?" Younger man was still wearing his ring so he only assumed that must be the case here.

Don smirks, shaking his head, holding his laugh. "No, nothing like that. That bitch.. is long gone now," he clears, touchs the ring. "It's about the other lesson. How to make my time and me myself be my priority.. See my own value."

"I am glad I could help."

Hum. "I decided.. From now on I won't hold in what I have," Don keeps, showing this very intent look toward Sakari. "I will take what is mine. With the way I want. No need to hide what I am." His smile went wider. Like he was holding his excitement.

Older man smiles back. Definitely knew what other meant. "I like your way of thinking.."

- - - -

Even when it was past midnight already Free was still reading the files Milo gave him earlier this week. The suspect infos. About these four students who Free had met the day he was on the school, five days ago. Kain gave him the names and Milo did the rest, confirming their identities. So getting to know them better has taken Frees full focus now, teleworking from their apartment. Helping him to do that he has get familiar with the security cameras in that school, of course with a permission from the head of the school. His job was to follow the suspects, record everything, while Milo work on the field doing the hearings of all the victims families and friends. Learning to know more about their victims and suspects.

Compared to his last hotel job where Free got to be in action all the time, this case felt currently very boring. He hasen't really figured out any too big changes of those students behaviours so far. Without anyone knowing, expect Luor of course, Free has actually taken a look what those students were doing during their freetime as well; being so bored sitting inside alone he eventually ended up following them with satellite views too, without an actual permission. After watching their suspects daily in and out the school environment, Free couldn't help but start thinking this was all about a rookie accident. If those students were the ones who brought the poisoned party drugs in, they surely have super cocky attitudes after still. The way Free didn't like. They were show ups. Acting big but nothing to prove they knew what they were actually doing. Somehow only three victims got the poison in them. Like they were test subjects. If they have more, either the rest of the set was fine or they got to destroy the rest after realizing the results. If these guys were really their actual culprits, they have played with their friends lifes. One lost his own brother even..

Milo has knowledge where drugs usually move in the area where those students live; the X city has the same kind of drug policy as their own city, people in charge keeping their eyes on the movements and acting when necessary. How ever, poison in was rare, almost unheard. Very bad for business, loss of money and fame. Non businesslike dealer would make that kind of mistake. That left Free with the conclusion these kids renew the set themselfs without realizing really with what they dilute it. That stupid mistake took three lifes.

Normally you couldn't keep something like that inside forever without showing changes on you. They were not professionals like Free once was, knowing how to live inside that world and how to cold his heart when needed. Pretend so deeply he could change to different person just to adapt, for the sake of his own life and safety. If what he thought really happened, only following them will end up being enough to figure out the link between the case and suspects. Because one only acting strong can never be strong and will break eventually under the pressure from inside. They will show their true faces. Reveal themself. That was what Milo and Free plan to do next. Sure they really were worth to follow. Make contact after. That's when Free would go in. Play along. Rip them apart and find the truth. Because that was the right thing to do..

The sound of an opening door made Free raise his head and fastly stand up, immediately lose his interest of his case. Don was finally back. Way too later than man originally planned. Why, Free was eager to find out so he determinedly walks from the living area to meet the comer. When he sees Don, he sighs deeply, holdings his wide smile. This wasn't what younger was expecting to see. Ever. Man was leaning his head against the closet while closing the door, waving a little. He was visibly drunk. Which was so rare to witness. "Welcome home," younger smiles and walks next to Don, giving him his supporting shoulder. "Had fun?"

"Damn fun.. I will thank myself morning..," Don mumbles, trying to get his shoes off while leaning on Free.

"This does not do good, you know. Drink while on painkillers.."

Man hums, giving a kiss on Frees forehead as greeting before waving inside the apartment, young man closely following him. "Yeah, I left the killers today. I'm pretty sure I will be able to pass out anyway.."

"I so should take a video. I have never seen you this drunk," Free smirks, not so sure should he feel worried or amused. Well, he has seen Don drunk only once before. He definitely knows what to expect tomorrow morning. "Are you feeling okay? Not gonna throw up?"

"I will make a nest on the bathroom floor, just in case," Don walks slowly in the bathroom, sits down and leans the back of his head to the wall. Finally being able to close his eyes and take his rest. "Don't wake me up early. I might not be in the best mood so.. please just ignore me then.."

Like man needed to remind him. In his mind Free was already preparing. "I'll get you a pillow," he states then and leaves. When he gets back, Don was breathing deeply, already sleeping. Even while being this drunk and his skin being slightly paler than usual, man was still able to look so handsome. So without a hesitation, Free searchs his phone and secretly takes a photo. "At least one for the memory.."

- - - -

The next early morning when Don opens his eyes, he finds himself lying on the floor, has his pillow and blanket on him. The younger resident of his apartment was sitting right next to him, using his laptop, drinking coffee, trying to be as quiet as possible to let man take his rest, but still staying as close as possible cause being so worried. When Don moves his hand to hold his forehead Free immediately puts his laptop away, ready to help out anyway needed. "Morning," he says quietly, already reaching this water bottle. "I got your hangover pills and water waiting."

Don glances him and closes his eyes again, silently noting he really wasn't in the mood of chatting. But still man speaks back, mainly since other was showing such consideration. "Did you sleep here with me..?"

"So did. The floor heating was nice. And I used you as a pillow. But your breath smells alcohol.." Man sits up, leans his back to the wall and moves his eyes on Free who now hands the water and pills to him. "So how did it go? Didn't forget the half?" Adding the rest with a smirk.

"Who you think I am..," Don tsihs and needs to momentarily close his eyes again. Even this very slight light here was hurting his eyes. Eventually he takes the pills and drinks them down without hesitation. "Took a lot of time and a lot to drink but I get closer. Now he knows I'm a cop. Knows my name. Knows I have 'secrets'. Knows I 'do other jobs' as well.." That was Dons plan after all, what he has talk about to Free some days before. Older made sure Free knew what he was doing and when. Since Don knew he was walking in thin line here, he needed people around him to keep himself in control. Free was the strongest hold he has. Not that Don would tell him that; kids ego was flying way too high already.

The plan was to show Sakari what Don wanted him to see. A young cop with unacceptable habits who seem to look up this older man. He would give Sakari the figure man wouldn't leave alone, someone who needed olders guidance. He will make him want to show Don more. Become Dons mentor. That old man was too self-confident to let an opportunity like this go waste. That's what Don has to believe to get further.

"So everything is going like you planned?"

Don hums, waving his hand to note he was done talking about the case. Right now he didn't care a shit about it. His head hurt and it was eating every part of his positive mood away. "I'm hungry. Let's order pizza," he then suggests, holding his head. What he now needed the most was some salt in his system and more sleep.

"No, I'm gonna cook for you," Free says then smiling. "Or I already did. Still doing..? It's in the owen, okay."


"Please don't be too disappointed if it doesn't turn right. But it should be edible," young man grins and gets up with his laptop. "And it was kinda easy to make."

"Now I'm so curious to see what this 'it' is," Don finally smiles, closing his eyes, still leaning his head to the wall, trying to find some energy to move. Other cooking now by himself sound so fresh but also very alarming.

A moment later, after Don finally got up and took a fast shower, he gets out the bathroom, wearing net clothes. The scent around the kitchen area was actually quite nice. Free was sitting at the table, doing something with his laptop. On the level next to sink there was something on the baking tray, covered with kitchen towel. Compared the times four months ago, the kitchen looked very clean, everything was properly washed and moved back where they belong. This or what was keeping Don satisfied even when his headache was taking the best of him. "What are you doing, nose stuck on that computer?" man asks while walking closer.

"Working. Sit down," Free answers smiling and gets up. "I can show you my plan while we eat. I have to get moving soon. I'm meeting with Milo."

"You are full of energy this morning..," Don smiles tiredly and does as he was ordered and sits down, turns the laptop screen toward himself to have a look. What he saw was definitely not a report page he was assuming. But pink backgrounded fan page or something about someone or something with something very fabulous outfit.. or something. Don doesn't have words to describe what he's looking at. And doesn't really need ones when Free was already back, pushing the laptop further, placing a plate in front of Don. Young man sits down next to him with a plate for himself too. "Toast?"

"Bacon and cheese toast with tomato and chili," Free proudly explains, smirking. "It counts as cooking since I made them in the owen. Honestly, I just put everything the list said on the toasts, in that order, didn't really read the recipe.. But it's food."

"No wonder I could smell pizza," older smiles and takes his plate. No matter what, just the idea other making the effort here was enough to make him feel proud. "Thank you. Are you working as a Net idol now?" he then adds, pointing the screen while tasting their breakfast.

"At least pretend so. A rookie one," young man points out and shows around the web side. "This is the webpage one idol girl is using, to sell items and photos, be in touch with her fans. She's coming to this school photo shooting event so I'm getting to know her better. When I visited the school there were many who thought I was an Idol too and since I've got the looks I was thinking of using that to get closer to our suspects. There were posters all around the school about a photo shooting, so I was thinking to contact them and get in with them. She is the first I actually already contacted. I'm good at talking. I'm good looking. There is no way I can't at least think of some excuse. Of course, since Kain is in, I can make him help a little too. But this all is still.. just a thought. I'm gonna tell Milo today. He might turn it down.."

Don was carefully eyeing Free. Young man looked tired, but was somehow still so energy. He has done his homework, was seriously planning a move. "Did you have any sleep?"

Free turns to look at him. Gives a smile. "A little. But I got carried away last night so I couldn't sleep. I've checked everything. These two girls who will be in there the day after tomorrow. The area..," he was visibly so excited from his idea just talking about it made his eyes glow and tiredness fade away. "Since I already showed interest of the football team I might be able to befriend with them if I pretend to do photoshoot myself later and want their help or something. It's still open what I'm gonna do but.. Both our suspects are part of that group. I know their scedule. Practise times. Where they live. The other is actually a brother of one of the victims. I have my theory, but for now it's just a hunch."

Don pets Frees head. "Working so hard. Don't over do it now. Like last time."

"I'm always working hard," Free smirks, looking back toward the screen, thinking Don should know better when Free knew how to deal with people from the beginning and the rest he has basically learned from the man himself. But while thinking that last case, his smile changes a little. "Besides, I'm not alone now. Milo is here. And I have you next to me so.."

Smile. Hearing something that cute first thing in the morning.. It felt like Dons hangover melt away for a second or two. "I wasn't far the last time either," man points out.

"But that time I needed to keep the distance. It was a full-time cover job," younger clears, eyeing Don and leaning back. Sure, even when Free wasn't so sure about his feelings back then, Don near him when he was trying to concentrate on acting was a big distraction. Man was simple impossible to ignore. "This doesn't even feel like working. There is nothing dangerous here so it's kinda boring actually. This one is easy. I'm only going to play every now and then, when the situation calls so. I'll probably need only one time, anyway. If I get close enough to talk with them I'm sure I will get something out. But..I did think about it. If this one would have been the same kind of job how I should have tolerate it.. Be alone again. And I will have that kind of jobs in future. It's unavoidable." Now Free takes his normal, casual look back on his face and smiles to Don. "All I could think at the end was if I survived four months without seeing you, I'll survive from anything. Were you far or not."

That period was definitely important to both of them, forcing them to look at their relationship more closely. The time apart could either made them grow apart or strengthen their feelings. And at least Don was very certain that time was simple one of the hardest to him. When he usually kept his days as stable as possible, avoiding anything even slightly irritant, ever since this kid came back to his life nothing's been easy. "Still. I won't be far," Don repeats. "Ever."

They stare each other in silence. "Why it turn out to this sweet talking, ha?" Free then asks, blushing a little, smirking. "Are you seducing me?"

"No. It's because the hangover, I guess," Don answers and takes a bite from his toast. "My head is killing me. Can't concentrate. So I'm sentimental..," he keeps mumbling while leaning back and closing his eyes for a second. "I would rather have you in here the whole day with me. You working with Milo pisses me off.. Why I even let you work if I have the power to keep you play with me instead.. I hate him.."

Free laughs. Last time too Don act very out of character, being very cranky and bold with his words. They didn't know each other that well back then, but now Free could easily tell this guy showed him the most truthful side of himself that day. It was the side rare were aware about. The side Don liked to control. Normally it was his serious, unfeeling character showing out. But when Don wasn't paying attention and loosens his mask, man was extremely waving with his moods. "Want me to cure it? Your hangover," Free offers smiling.

"I do. But do you have time for that?" Don smiles back, planning to tease Free a little with his words. "I wouldn't let you go so easily. This time either. I doubt you could even move again after."

Staring the older guy, Free realizes what Don meant and turns his blushing look away. Now he just had to mention THAT? All the memories from that day roll right back to him. Making his heart beat strongly. "Shut up..," he gets to whisper back.

"Shut up?" Don smirks.

"I take it back. I definitely don't have the time," Free straightens his back and starts to eat fastly. His bad habits still remain to this day. Older man eyes Free smiling, losing his tease he turns his look back to the screen and eats too. "Coffee?" younger asks while getting up, mouth still full of the last parts of his toast.

Don hums for answer, rolling down the webside to see more. He himself wasn't so familiar about this kind of stuffs. Celebrities and this kind of idol entertainers doesn't interest him a bit. That was why he has other people to do it for him. Do the uniteresting parts which he simple couldn't follow. "Your plan sounds reasonable. Milo is pro in media field, so make sure to do as he says if he gives you a go."

Suddenly Don could feel arms around his shoulders. Young man downs his face next to Dons and whispers to his ear. "I almost forgot. There is still something I need.." Teasing.

First Don felt surprised, but after thinking it a second more he shows a calm smile back. This habit hasn't changed either. Kid still used his bodylanguage to support his goals. Not that he even needed to use it to Don. "If it's money you need, you know where my wallet is," man points out, turning his head fully toward Free and kissing his lips gently. "It was your wallet too, right?"

Free tsihs smiling. "I figured before borrowing it again I should at least ask nicely when you are in the house and awake," he leans back up. "I have to buy some clothes for the job. You need anything?"

"Not really."

"I'm gonna find something. You need more color in your wardrobe."

Don hums. Doesn't plan to argue here when younger has already made his mind. If getting something to Don made him happy, he can buy what ever he wants.