Chapter 27 - No Justice Only Vengeance

INT. Asgaror – Hospital – Morning

Ryan is called by the doctors, for something related to his sister

Ryan is running inside the hospital searching for his sister, he finds the doctor who called him

Ryan Parker: Doctor! What happened to my sister? Is she ok?

Doctor: Ryan… I need you to brace yourself

Ryan Parker: Just tell me

The doctor hesitates to tell

Doctor: Your sister was raped my 5 men

Ryan is shocked to hear what has happened to his sister

Doctor: We ran every test we could, we found DNA from four of them

The doctor tries to give a file to Ryan and he stares at it like it might burn him, his hands are shaking as he reaches for it, but he doesn't open it

Ryan Parker: What about the last man?

Doctor: We're still looking, there's a strong chance he used protection and left no DNA behind, but we are not stopping, we're testing fibers, skin, anything that might lead us to him

Ryan Parker: Four of them huh? But there were five!

Doctor: I know Ryan but we are trying our best to find him since he used a condom

Ryan Parker: (In rage) I don't give a damn if he used a condom, if he wore gloves, if he vanished into thin fucking air… find, that, motherfucker!

Doctor: Ryan, I promise you we will, the police are questioning the four of them, they all know who the fifth person is but they are acting like they have no idea what we are talking about

Ryan Parker: Not good enough!

Doctor: I know

Ryan Parker: (In his thoughts) Four down one more to go

Doctor: Ryan, we can talk later but the first go and meet your sister… she has only 10 minutes left to live

Ryan goes inside the hospital room

INT. Asgaror – Hospital Room – Morning

There is a beeping sound of a monitor in the room, the light is flickering, Jennifer is lying on the bed all bruised covered in blood barely alive

Ryan is standing in the doorstep frozen, he can't move, he doesn't recognize her, not like this

Jennifer Parker: (Whispering in pain) Brother…

Ryan walks towards his sister and holds her hand

Ryan Parker: (Tears in his eyes) Yeah

Jennifer Parker: (Crying) They raped me brother… they raped me!

Ryan is crying looking at his sister

Jennifer Parker: They pinned me down… and… and I screamed for them to stop… I begged but they, they just laughed

Jennifer is unable to breath properly, she holds the bedsheets tightly

Jennifer Parker: Brother, it hurt… it hurts so much!

Ryan grits his teeth so hard that his whole body is vibrating with rage and grief

Jennifer Parker: They wouldn't stop even when I couldn't move anymore, even when I couldn't breathe… they just… they just kept going

The machine start beeping fast

Jennifer Parker: They left me there brother, like a garbage, I couldn't even stand… I couldn't…

She starts coughing and blood comes out of her mouth

Ryan Parker: Jennifer, please stop… you don't have to…

Jennifer Parker: No! you have to know brother… you have to understand

She cannot breathe at all, but in her last moment she asks her brother Ryan something

Jennifer Parker: Brother… will I ever get justice?

The machine stops beeping, she has died, Ryan stares at his sister completely frozen

He doesn't move

He doesn't breathe

He doesn't blink

Then slowly something in him snaps

The file that the doctor give him falls on the ground, the file is open reveling 4 men's faces and their information

Ryan Parker: (He looks at the file in rage then at his dead sister) Justice? No… vengeance

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Classroom – Morning

A female teacher walks in the classroom as every student is present today

Female Teacher: (She claps her hands to get attention) Alright everyone settle down! Today, we're doing something different

Everyone gets quiet

Female Teacher: I hope you're all feeling creative because you'll be working on a storytelling exercise and before you ask, yes it's a graded assignment

Some students get annoyed

Female Teacher: Oh don't look at me like it, this will be fun, you'll be working in pairs to write a story summary, a strong engaging pitch for a potential short story, it can be any genre – mystery, romance, sci-fi, fantasy… just make sure it has a clear premise and a hook

Student: Can we pick our own partners?

Female Teacher: Absolutely not, I'm pairing you up myself, random selection

Most of the students are sad

Female Teacher: Your final summary is due before the evening, meaning you have until the end of the college day to brainstorm, write, and submit it

Student: I just hope I don't get stuck with someone boring

Female Teacher: No complaints, the whole point of this is to challenge you to work with someone different, learn from each other

The female teacher starts calling random names

Female Teacher: The first pair is going to be… Lucifer and Kageyama Enma

The class goes silent looking at Lucifer because he is a demon

Ethan Arakawa: The fuck is going on, why is that demon here?

He stands up screaming, Anthony pulls Ethan down

Anthony Fishman: The fuck are you doing?

Ethan Arakawa: He is a demon… can't you see!

Anthony Fishman: And what's wrong with that

Brook Grim Lock: Ethan listen to me… not all snakes are venomous

Female Teacher: Ethan sit down!

Everyone is feeling uncomfortable looking at Lucifer

Female Teacher: The second pair is going to be… Ethan and Emily

The third pair is going to be… Brook and Priya

The fourth pair is going to be…

Vanessa Fishman: Come on, come on pick me and Anthony

Female Teacher: Vanessa and Anthony

Vanessa Fishman: (In her thoughts) Oh Fishy this is just the push we needed

And the female teacher continues to tell other student's name

Female Teacher: Alright, you all have your partners, get together, brainstorm and be creative, you all only have few hours so make them count!

Nakamura is leaving the class

Female Teacher: Hey wait… Nakamura where do you think you are going

Nakamura: You know I don't have a partner so I'm leaving

Female Teacher: If that's the issue then Lucifer, Kageyama take him in your team

Cut to

EXT. Asgaror – Unknown Location – Morning

The 4 men who raped Jennifer are kidnaped by Ryan

The smell of gasoline is filled through the entire room

The 4 men David, Oliver, James, and Daniel are all tied to a metal chair, their hands are zip tied behind them, their legs are shackled to the floor, their faces are bruised but their eyes burn with arrogance not fear

There is a workbench behind Ryan and on the table, there are knives, pliers, a hammer, a blowtorch, a crowbar, and a power drill

Ryan is standing in front of them, his face is clam, cold and dead inside

He rips the duct tape off David's mouth

David: You think this makes you a fucking man… Ryan?

Ryan doesn't answer, he just picks up a hammer and swings it into David's foot

David's screams in pain as his foot bends the wrong way

Ryan Parker: That was for the first time she screamed

He swings the hammer again this time at David's kneecap, David's leg collapses hanging uselessly

Ryan Parker: That was for the second time

Oliver was the one who raped her first, Ryan looks at him and removes the tape that's on Oliver's mouth

Oliver: She wanted it

Ryan snaps… he grabs a box cutter from the table and presses it under Oliver's eyes, Oliver screams in pain

Ryan Parker: You don't need eyes anymore

Ryan pulls the blade slowly from Oliver's eyes, blood drips from his eyes

Then in one brutal motion Ryan slices deep into Oliver's eyes again, making Oliver's left eye burst open, blood pouring down his face, his scream echo through the room

Ryan looks at Daniel, the one who raped his sister second

Ryan grabs a pair of pliers and forces Daniel's mouth to open and grips one of his front teeth

Daniel: No! No!

The tooth rips out, blood comes out of Daniel's mouth, Ryan keeps on ripping out Daniel's teeth

Daniel coughs spitting out blood and a chunk of his own tooth

Ryan walks over to James, the one who raped his sister last

James spits on Ryan's feet

James: You're just like her, weak

Ryan picks up the blowtorch and shoves the flame into James's thigh

James screams, the smell of burning skin spreads through the room but Ryan doesn't stop, he presses the torch against James's other leg, he's holding it there until the skin melts ways exposing the raw muscle

Ryan turns off the torch

Ryan Parker: I'm not done yet

He grabs a can of gasoline and starts throwing it on all of their chairs

David: Wait! Wait! Wait!

Ryan pours the gasoline over them, soaking their clothes, their hair and their skin

The smell of fuel fills the entire room

Ryan pulls out a match

Ryan Parker: This is for her

He strikes the match

For the first time that night David, Oliver, James, and Daniel looked truly afraid

Ryan drops the match and the flames devour them

Ryan watches them burn without blinking

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Empty Classroom – Morning

The scene opens in an empty classroom

Kageyama, Lucifer, and Nakamura sit around a table staring at a black sheet of paper

Nakamura: So… your name is Lucifer huh?

Lucifer: Mm-mm

Nakamura: Don't you feel bad when all the gods look at you differently and treat you like trash

Lucifer: I used to care about it a lot but as time went on, I just started not giving a fuck about it

Nakamura: Mm-mm

Lucifer: Alright guys, we need to think about a story summary fast

Kageyama Enma: We have a lot of time, lets relax a little

Nakamura: We've been relaxing for an hour

Kageyama Enma: Exactly… we're building up creative energy

Lucifer: We don't have anything yet! How hard is it to come up with a story?

Nakamura: Very hard

Kageyama Enma: That's what she said

Lucifer: (Looking at Nakamura) No, it's not hard! We just need a main character

Kageyama Enma: What if… the main character is a guy who has an assignment but instead of doing it, he takes a nap?

Lucifer: Kageyama…

Kageyama Enma: What? That's called writing relatable content

Nakamura: Maybe… we could take an old story and add a weird twist?

Lucifer: That's actually a good idea! What's a simple story we all know?

Kageyama Enma: (Snaps his fingers) The story of me trying to wake up in the morning

Lucifer and Nakamura say it at the same time

Lucifer: No

Nakamura: No

Kageyama gets sad

Nakamura: How about The Thirsty Crow? That one's easy

Kageyama Enma: Ohh, I like crow

Lucifer: Okay, so the crow finds a jug of water but can't reach it, he drops stones in to raise the water level and drinks it a classic story

Kageyama Enma: Boring… what if instead of a normal stone, the crow finds something like a magical thing?

Nakamura: A magical thing?

Kageyama Enma: Yes, like… a glowing ball of mystical power!

Lucifer: Ok… so instead of just drinking the water, the crow swallows the magical ball and…

Kageyama Enma: (Interrupting) And gets superpowers! Yes!

Nakamura: What kind of superpowers?

Kageyama Enma: Transformation powers

Lucifer: That's actually kinda cool

Nakamura: What kind of transformations can he do?

Kageyama Enma: Anything, he can turn into a lion, a dragon, a hamster with laser eyes

Lucifer: Why would a hamster need laser eyes?

Kageyama Enma: Why wouldn't a hamster need laser eyes

Nakamura: So the crow, who was just thirsty now has god like powers?

Kageyama Enma: And now he's questioning life itself, do I remain a crow? Do I become a lion? A whale? A god?

Lucifer: This is getting ridiculous

Nakamura: But its kinda genius

Kageyama Enma: We shall call it… The Thirsty Crow with a Magical Heart!

Lucifer: Alright fine… lets write this nonsense down before the teacher destroys us with disappointment

Kageyama Enma: Quick, write like our lives depend on it!

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Library – Morning

Anthony goes to the library without telling Vanessa but she knows that the only place Anthony goes to is the library

Vanessa Fishman: Alright Fishman… round 2

Anthony thinks about writing the story all by himself, and Vanessa finds him

Vanessa Fishman: What are you doing daddy?

Anthony Fishman: Don't call me that

Vanessa Fishman: (In her thoughts) Asshole

Anthony picks up a pen

Vanessa Fishman: So… what are you doing?

Anthony Fishman: Thinking what to write

Vanessa Fishman: Without me?

Anthony Fishman: Yes, now get lost

Vanessa Fishman: Oh Fishy… you should know by now that I don't give up

Anthony Fishman: That's unfortunate

Vanessa Fishman: You know what else is unfortunate? That you're sitting here alone when you could be sitting with me… somewhere romantic… preferably involving food… and maybe a little less clothing

Anthony looks at her without blinking

Anthony Fishman: No!

He goes back to thinking about the story

Vanessa Fishman: Look… I'm gonna be real with you, Fishy… I'm hot, you're hot, we'd make a good power couple

Anthony Fishman: I don't do couples

Vanessa Fishman: Ok, what about situationship?

Anthony Fishman: No

Vanessa Fishman: Friends with benefits?

Anthony Fishman: Absolutely not

Vanessa Fishman: A one time only, no strings attached, emotionally detached yet passionately unforgettable experience?

Anthony Fishman: I'm gonna call security

The 2 women are watching what's happening eating popcorn

Woman: Wow… he's unbreakable

Woman2: She's giving it everything and he's just… nothing

Woman: I've never respected a man more

Vanessa crossing her arms

Vanessa Fishman: Alright, alright, I get it, you're playing hard to get, I respect that

Anthony Fishman: I'm not playing anything, I just genuinely don't care

Vanessa Fishman: So what's it gonna take Fishman? Huh? What's the secret? Do I need to rescue you from a burning building? Do I need to mysteriously disappear for five years and come back with an eyepatch and a tragic backstory? Should I save a cat? What gets your cold, beautiful heart racing?

Anthony Fishman: Nothing…

Vanessa Fishman: Alright fine… I'll back off

Anthony Fishman: Thank god

Vanessa Fishman: For now

Anthony Fishman: (Annoyed) Of course

Vanessa Fishman: But mark my words Fishman… I'm gonna figure you out

Anthony Fishman: That sounds exhausting

Vanessa Fishman: I'm an unstoppable force

Anthony Fishman: And I'm an immovable object

Vanessa Fishman: Oh Fishy… that just means we're meant to collide

Anthony Fishman: I'm leaving

Vanessa Fishman: Where? To think about me?

Anthony Fishman: To a place where you don't exist

Anthony stands up and leaves the library… Vanessa watches him go smiling

Vanessa Fishman: He'll come back

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Train – Afternoon

Ethan and Emily decided to take a short ride to a different part of Asgaror for inspiration, they both are sitting in front of each other

Ethan Arakawa: Alright Emily, we need a story idea, something fresh, something exciting, I refuse to write another hero saves the world plot

Emily Inochi Tarinai: We could write about… I don't know, something emotional? Maybe a love story?

Ethan Arakawa: Ohh, romance? Didn't know you were into that

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Blushing) I'm not… I mean, I am, but… never mind

Ethan Arakawa: Relax Emily, a love story could work, but it has to have a twist

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What if… what if its about letters? Like 2 people falling in love through letters?

Ethan Arakawa: Hmm, letters… ok, that's something, but how do we make it unique?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Maybe… the letters aren't normal? What if… what if one person is from the past?

Ethan Arakawa: Wait, wait, that's genius! A time traveling story… like a mailbox!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yeah… a struggling writer moves into a new apartment and finds this old mailbox, at first he thinks its just broken but then…

Ethan Arakawa: (Finishing her thought) He gets a letter from decades ago! And when he replies he actually gets an answer!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: He and the person in the past start exchanging letters, they tell each other about their lives, their dreams… and then they fall in love

Ethan Arakawa: Oh, this is so good, but there's gotta be conflict, what's the catch?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What if he finds out… that something terrible is going to happen to her? Like a tragedy?

Ethan Arakawa: And then he has to decide if he should warn her or not, if he does, he could change history, if he doesn't… he loses her

Emily Inochi Tarinai: But can you really love someone from another time?

Ethan Arakawa: I think if the connection is real… time doesn't matter

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Her face turns red) Yeah… maybe

Ethan Arakawa: This story's gonna be great

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yeah, it really is

Suddenly the train stops, Ethan is sitting by the window sit and the sun light hit his whole body, the warm wind is making his long hair dance, Emily blushes looking at him

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (In her thoughts) The world can be so loud, so harsh, people rush through their lives chasing things that slip through their fingers, but then there are people like you Ethan… people who don't just exist, but make the world feel softer, kinder… you're not the kind of man who tries to stand out, yet somehow you do, not because you demand attention but because you make everyone feel seen

Emily looks at her note book's last page, where she has drawn Ethan's face, she looks back at Ethan and smiles

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (In her thoughts) Men like you… are rare, the kind who notice when you're quiet, who make space for you without asking for anything in return, the kind who don't just hear you but listen… and if I get to have you… if I'm lucky enough to be someone you choose, I won't take it for granted… because the world needs more men like you Ethan… and maybe, just maybe… even I need you too

Cut to

EXT. Asgaror – Garden – Afternoon

Brook and Priya are sitting under a tree with notebooks

Brook Grim Lock: You ever think teachers just give us these assignments because they're out of ideas themselves?

Priya Grim Lock: (Probably… make the students do the thinking while I sip coffee and pretend to grade… genius really)

Brook Grim Lock: Yep

Priya Grim Lock: (But that doesn't change the fact that we actually need to come up with a story)

Brook Grim Lock: Mm-mm, what do we got so far?

Priya flips through her notebook

Priya Grim Lock: (Well, nothing because someone keeps getting distracted)

Brook Grim Lock: How dare you? I'm brainstorming in silence, its called deep thinking

Priya rises an eyebrow

Priya Grim Lock: (Oh really? Because it looks a lot like staring at the clouds)

Brook Grim Lock: That's part of the process, inspiration could strike at any moment

Priya Grim Lock: (And has it?)

Brook Grim Lock: No

Priya Grim Lock: (Thought so)

Brook Grim Lock: Alright, alright, lets just throw ideas out there, what if it's a romance?

Priya Grim Lock: (Hmm… romance, you mean like 2 people falling in love?)

Brook Grim Lock: I meant something with a twist, like not your basic boy meets girl, they fall in love type thing

Priya Grim Lock: (What if there's family drama?)

Brook Grim Lock: Oh, now we're talking… give me the drama

Priya Grim Lock: (Alright, imagine this… a guy and a girl are dating, everything's going great, they're planning to get married in a couple of years)

Brook Grim Lock: Ok, solid start, where's the chaos?

Priya Grim Lock: (They introduce their parents to each other… and boom, turns out the guys dad and the girls mom are already dating)

Brook Grim Lock: No way

Priya Grim Lock: (Yes way)

Brook Grim Lock: That's actually amazing, just imagine their faces when they find out, pure horror

Priya Grim Lock: (Right! At first they freak out, they try to break them up like setting them up with other people, trying to convince them but they're unbreakable)

Brook Grim Lock: Oh and imagine the accidental double dates! Like the guy and girl are out on a nice dinner date, and bam… the parents walk in holding hands

Priya Grim Lock: (Oh my god, they are here, abort mission)

Brook Grim Lock: Exactly… they try to sneak out but nope, the parents spot them and invite them to join

Priya Grim Lock: (We just wanted a normal date, and now we're on a double date with our parents)

Brook Grim Lock: And the worst part? The parents are actually kinda perfect together, they're all lovey dovey, finishing each other's sentences, making jokes

Priya Grim Lock: (And they call each other sweetheart in public!)

Brook Grim Lock: And now the couple has to live with the fact that their in laws are also their step parents

Priya Grim Lock: (Eventually they just give up, fine whatever, we're one big weird family now)

Brook Grim Lock: Just promise me we'll never, ever go on a family vacation together

Priya Grim Lock: (Perfect ending)

Brook Grim Lock: You Priya are a genius

Priya Grim Lock: (I know)

Brook Grim Lock: Alright write it down before we forget, this one's gonna be good

Priya write it down

Priya Grim Lock: (Done, we actually make a pretty good team)

Brook Grim Lock: I know

Priya Grim Lock: (I'd say we deserve a snack break after this hard work)

Brook Grim Lock: Ok, how about some ice cream?

Priya Grim Lock: (Sure)

Few minutes later as they both are eating ice cream Priya looks at Brook with nervousness

Priya Grim Lock: (Hey Brook)

Brook Grim Lock: Yeah?

Priya Grim Lock: (You know, since we just wrote a whole rom-com… wouldn't it be kinda funny if we, I don't know… went on a date? You know, for research purposes)

Brook has finished his ice cream, he smiles and walks 2 step closer to her to the point where he could just kiss her

Brook Grim Lock: Alright… but let me ask you something first, out of all the men in Asgaror like millions of them… why me?

Priya hesitates a little then tells

Priya Grim Lock: (At first you were just a random guy in school but as soon I saw you, I knew you were the guy who saved me from the demon and I caught myself waiting for you to walk in, noticing the little things… how you always hold doors open, how you actually listen when people talk, how you make things feel less… heavy, you got stuck in my head, not because you were the loudest or the smartest, but because you made things feel… easy)

Brook Grim Lock: Easy?

Priya Grim Lock: (Yeah, like the way you talk to people, the way you just exist, it makes things less complicated and somehow, without me even realizing it, I started looking forward to seeing you every day… and now? Now you're the same guy in my class that I have fallen in love with… so Brook Grim Lock will go on a date with me?)

Brook Grim Lock: Sure

Brook is looks at her lips and eyes and leans in kissing her

Ice Cream Seller: Oh my god… kids these days are making a grown man like me blush

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Library – Afternoon

After a few hours Anthony comes back to the library

Woman: Hey look he came back

Woman2: He always comes back

Woman: But did he come back for the books or for Vanessa?

Woman2: Girl… he would rather romance a brick

Woman: I want to be that brick

Anthony walks towards Vanessa

Vanessa Fishman: Welcome back daddy

Anthony Fishman: Oh god no!

Vanessa Fishman: Yes god yes!

Anthony Fishman: I'd rather die than talk to you

Vanessa Fishman: You'd die before experiencing love? That's tragic… I can fix that

Anthony Fishman: No you can't

Vanessa Fishman: Have some faith daddy… I can fix it by giving you a blow job

Woman: Oh my god… she's crazy and I like it

Woman2: Well that's Vanessa

Vanessa Fishman: Tell me the golden 6 words and I'll help you write the story

Anthony is annoyed

Anthony Fishman: Will you help me Vanessa, please!

Vanessa Fishman: No daddy… that's not the golden words

Anthony Fishman: God damnit, just tell me what you want me to say

Vanessa Fishman: Can you suck my dick Vanessa

Anthony Fishman: What the fuck

Woman: I have never seen Anthony react this much to anything

Woman2: Yeah me too

Vanessa Fishman: So, I've been thinking

Anthony Fishman: That sounds dangerous

Vanessa Fishman: And I realized… maybe you just don't like traditional dates, maybe I need to get creative

Anthony Fishman: Maybe you need to get lost

Woman: What's her plan?

Woman2: I don't know, but I feel like we're about to witness either genius or disaster

Vanessa Fishman: I'll get straight to point daddy… you have 2 options and 1 question to answer, after that I'll help you

Anthony Fishman: Fine… what is it?

Vanessa Fishman: 1st you have to let me suck your dick or 2nd you can go on a date with me

Anthony thinks

Anthony Fishman: Alright fine… I'll on a date with you only if you behave properly

Vanessa Fishman: Oh, I'll behave… when I'm getting chocked by your dick

Anthony Fishman: What?!

Vanessa Fishman: Nothing!

Woman: She's not even nervous

Woman2: She's built different

Woman: I think she has a chance

Anthony Fishman: What about the question you wanted to ask?

Vanessa Fishman: Damn you remember everything

Anthony Fishman: Just tell me

Vanessa Fishman: Ok… so which position do you like the most, missionary or doggystyle

Anthony Fishman: You have no shame

Vanessa holds Anthony's black tie and raps it around her hand and pulls him towards her, they both are very close to each other

Vanessa Fishman: (Lust in her eyes) Tell me Fishman… don't you feel anything even when I'm this close to you

Anthony Fishman: I feel nothing

She leans in and kisses him

Vanessa Fishman: Now tell me… do you still feel nothing?

Anthony Fishman: I feel nothing

Vanessa Fishman: (Smirking looking down) Well your dick says something else!

Woman: Oh my god she just kissed him

Woman2: And the worst part is that Anthony got a boner from that

Anthony Fishman: You just harassed me woman

Vanessa Fishman: Harassed in a cute sexy way, right?

Anthony Fishman: I'm leaving!

Vanessa Fishman: Oh come on… you are gonna leave because I give you kiss?

Anthony Fishman: Yep

Woman: I can't believe he lasted a whole hour

Woman2: That was honestly impressive

Woman: I think she's obsessed

As Anthony leaving the library, a group gods enter blocking Anthony's way

Nebelon Jones: Well, well, well… if it ain't Mr. Fishman the strongest healer

Robert Harkin: Mr. big damn war hero

Man: You think your hot shit huh?

Anthony Fishman: What do you guys want?

Nebelon Jones: We want you dead Fishman… when the tournament starts I'll be the one to kill you

Robert Harkin: We bully you because you're not a god like us

Man: you're walking around like you're some big deal

Man2: We don't like that

Vanessa teleports behind the bullies

Vanessa Fishman: Hey assholes… I don't like what you're doing to my man, please take your filthy hands off him

Man: Who the fuck are you?

Vanessa Fishman: I'm just a girl who's in love, now take your hands off him

A god tries to attack her but she dodges his attack and hold his head, that man is screaming like hell

Man2: What are you doing?

Vanessa Fishman: I'm erasing his soul out of existence

Robert Harkin: Impossible, a woman can never have such kind of powers!

Vanessa Fishman: But I do, let me introduce myself… my name is Vanessa and I am god of soul and if you don't let Anthony go right now, then I'll use soul manipulation on all of you

Nebelon Jones: We are all stronger then you bitch!

Vanessa Fishman: Oh really… then lets see, soul manipulation…

Vanessa uses soul manipulation on all of them and they all fall to the ground

Vanessa Fishman: You see boys… the only person who can torture him, beat him, harass him, abuse him and bully him is only me… he's only mine

She walks back and sits on a table, Anthony removes the dust from his white shirt and looks at Vanessa

Vanessa Fishman: (In her thoughts) He is looking at you, act sad girl

Anthony walks over to Vanessa and looks at her for a few seconds

Vanessa Fishman: (In her thoughts) Why the fuck is he staring at me (smirking) has he fallen in love with me cause I saved him from the bullies… nah, I don't think its that easy to make him fall in love me

Anthony Fishman: Hey

Vanessa Fishman: Hey

Anthony Fishman: Thank you for saving my ass over there… I owe you one

Vanessa Fishman: Don't mention it

Anthony Fishman: (Sits down on a chair) Alright lets start writing

Vanessa Fishman: Are trying to help me?

Anthony Fishman: Yes

Vanessa Fishman: Well I didn't ask for it

Anthony Fishman: Alright fine I'll leave

Vanessa Fishman: No! Wait… I need you… I was just joking (in her thoughts) God he knows my weak points

Anthony Fishman: Did you kill those guys… are they ok?

Vanessa Fishman: Oh, don't worry… they'll be fine

Anthony Fishman: Define fine

Vanessa Fishman: Alright Fishmen… lets break this baby down, a world where people can't feel emotions? Yikes, sounds like your natural habitat

Anthony Fishman: That is not how I am

Vanessa Fishman: Mmmm, debatable

Anthony Fishman: I literally rejected you so many times, that is an emotion

Vanessa Fishman: Yeah but rejection is just love in disguise

Anthony Fishman: Lets just get this over with

Vanessa is tapping her pen against her chin

Vanessa Fishman: So, we have… Livia, emotionless nerd girl, who gets kidnapped by… Kael, hot, rebellious, probably ripped guy, she starts feeling things, gets horny, sad, realizes the government is trash, falls in love… the end

Anthony Fishman: That is the worst summary I have ever heard

Vanessa Fishman: But am I wrong?

Anthony starts writing something on his note book

Anthony Fishman: (Writing) The Pulse Between Us explores themes of oppression, control and the power of emotion, the dominion suppresses human feelings in an attempt to maintain order, but the protagonist, Livia, learns that emotions are not a weakness but…

Vanessa Fishman: (Interrupting) A one way ticket to bone town

Anthony Fishman: (Annoyed) Oh my god…

Vanessa Fishman: What? It's a romance

Anthony Fishman: It's a dystopian political

Vanessa Fishman: With kissing

Anthony Fishman: I hate this

Woman: I just want to see how long it takes before he snaps

Anthony Fishman: We need to break down Livia's transformation, how she goes from obedience to freedom

Vanessa Fishman: Ok, ok (serious for once) so, in the beginning, she thinks emotions are bad but then Kael like, no babe emotions are sexy and then she's like, ohh my bad

Anthony Fishman: I cannot work under these conditions

Vanessa Fishman: I get it, its hard to resist me

Woman: Vanessa has zero fear

Woman2: I think he's about to self-destruct

Vanessa looks at Anthony totally in love, while he gets up from his chair and starts searching for a book

Vanessa Fishman: (Getting up from her chair) You know Fishman… I did help you from those bullies

Anthony Fishman: Mm-mm

Vanessa Fishman: And you did say… you owe me one

Anthony Fishman: Yeah, I did… where are you going with this?

Vanessa Fishman: (Nervous) Well… you can owe me back… by kissing me again…

Anthony Fishman: Are you serious right now?

Vanessa Fishman: What's the matter? Scared?

Anthony snaps… he grabs Vanessa's wrist from his right hand and pulls her very close, Vanessa is shocked, then he grabs her shirt's collar from his left hand and pulls her even more close kissing her, moving his tongue inside her mouth, after kissing her he looks at her for 2 seconds as she is lost in love

Anthony Fishman: There… now we are even

Vanessa Fishman: (Shocked) Ohh

Anthony Fishman: I'm leaving

As Anthony leaves the library, Vanessa watches him

Vanessa Fishman: (Smiling) God, you make me so horny

As Anthony is walking, he smirks

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Classroom – Afternoon

Every student is sitting at their desk talking to each other and they all have given the titles for their story

Ethan Arakawa: (Looking at Brook) Brook, I heard a rumour

Brook Grim Lock: What's the rumour about?

Ethan Arakawa: Its about Vanessa… she asked a man out for a date and he said yes!

Brook Grim Lock: What?! (shocked) why would anyone go on a date with her? Like seriously come on man, is that person's taste that bad in woman

Ethan Arakawa: I know right

Brook Grim Lock: Yeah like everyone knows that she is crazy… whoever said yes to her is mental

Ethan Arakawa: Unfortunately that mental person who you are referring to… is sitting right beside us

Brook Grim Lock: (Looking at Anthony in shock) No fucking way, Anthony… is this true?

Anthony Fishman: I had my reasons to says yes

Ethan Arakawa: Like what?

Anthony Fishman: At first I thought I could write the story all by myself… but I couldn't come up with shit, so…

Brook Grim Lock: Mm-mm go on

Anthony Fishman: So I asked her to help me

Brook Grim Lock: Ok

Anthony Fishman: And she said she would help me if I say yes to one of her options

Brook Grim Lock: What are these options?

Anthony Fishman: 1st I should let her suck my dick/blowjob or 2nd I should go on a date with her

Brook Grim Lock: And you choose to go on a date with her

Ethan Arakawa: What a dickhead

Female Teacher: (Interrupting everyone) Alright class, I hope you all remember the task I give you all, every group was supposed to submit their story summary before the afternoon ends, lets see what you've come up with

Ethan Arakawa: I mean she is god of soul so… she would suck the soul out of you

Brook Grim Lock: I would get the blow job rather then going on a date

Ethan Arakawa: You wanna clap her cheeks don't you big boy

Anthony Fishman: Both of shut the fuck up, this is my life and I have every right to go on a date with whoever the fuck I want… I don't to justify why I'm going on a date with anyone to you 2, I like Vanessa and I wanna go on a date with her… and if you 2 have a problem with that then go fuck yourself… dickheads

Anthony gets up and walks over to the other side and sits with Vanessa

Ethan and Brook are shocked

Ethan Arakawa: Brook… did you hear what he said?

Brook Grim Lock: Huh huh… he likes her

Ethan Arakawa: Oh my god, we are fucked!

Brook Grim Lock: How?

Ethan Arakawa: He is going to date her and if everything goes well, she will become his girlfriend and then guess that?

Brook Grim Lock: What?

Ethan Arakawa: At one point he will introduce her to us

Brook Grim Lock: Oh my god nooo!

Ethan Arakawa: Yeah, that's what I'm saying… do you remember what she did to us in school days?

Brook Grim Lock: Yes

Ethan Arakawa: You wanna go through that again

Brook Grim Lock: Noo

Ethan Arakawa: We have no choice brother

Brook Grim Lock: I don't wanna be friends with her

Ethan Arakawa: Me too but what can we do at this point

They both are hugging each other scared

Female Teacher: Anthony Fishman and Vanessa – The Pulse Between Us

Anthony is walking with Vanessa towards the female teacher

Vanessa Fishman: Ok in the future, the world is controlled by the dominion, a government that has erased all human emotions

Anthony Fishman: To ensure control, they created a drug that suppresses emotions from birth, love, anger, even sadness… its all eliminated

Vanessa Fishman: Anyone who refuses to take the drug is labelled a Feeler and is executed

Anthony Fishman: Our protagonist, Livia Quinn, is a scientist working for the Dominion… she believes emotions are dangerous until she's kidnapped by Kael the leader of a secret rebel group

Vanessa Fishman: Kael is passionate, rebellious, and everything she was taught to fear, he shows her the truth that emotions aren't a weakness but a strength

Anthony Fishman: But the Dominion won't let her go easily… now she has to choose, stay loyal to what she knows, or risk everything including her life for a future where emotions are free

Female Teacher: So we've got a dystopian government, forced emotional suppression, rebellion, and forbidden love… not bad

The female teacher likes the story

Female Teacher: If you can make the world building feel real… this could actually be compelling

Ethan Arakawa: Predictions?

Brook Grim Lock: I think they both are going to have sex within 3 days

Ethan Arakawa: Motherfucker is going to lose his virginity before us

Brook Grim Lock: Does it even matter?

The teacher gets ready to call another student's name

Female Teacher: Ethan Arakawa and Emily Inochi Tarinai – The Time Traveling Mailbox

Emily clears her throat... a little nervous

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Our story follows a struggling writer who moves into a new apartment, he finds an old dusty mailbox, but when he opens it there's a letter inside, the date on it is from decades ago

Ethan Arakawa: Curious, he writes back, thinking it's a joke, but then he gets a reply from the past is actually communicating with him, over time they keep exchanging letters, and he realizes he's falling in love with this mysterious woman

Emily Inochi Tarinai: She shares her dreams, her struggles, her life in a different time, but then he discovers something terrible, a tragedy is going to happen to her

Ethan Arakawa: Now he has to decide… should he risk changing history to save her, even if it means he might lose her forever?

Female Teacher: Time travel and romance huh? I'll admit, that's an interesting concept

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Thank you

Female Teacher: Brook Grim Lock and Priya – Double Date

Brook looks at Priya and understands that the teacher doesn't understand sign language

Brook Grim Lock: Ok… a young man falls in love with a woman in college, they date for six years and everything is perfect

Priya nods

Brook Grim Lock: His father meets her and instantly approves, saying she's the perfect match for him… they start planning their wedding in two years, but then… plot twist, his dad and her mom start dating

The female teacher nods

Brook Grim Lock: At first, they think it's a joke, but no, their parents are serious, so now our main couple is stuck in this bizarre situation where their wedding might turn them into step siblings, they try to break their parents up, but eventually, they realize… they can't control love, so they just accept it

Female Teacher: Well, that is… certainly something, I suppose life is full of strange coincidences

The female teacher calls the next group

Female Teacher: Kageyama Enma, Lucifer and Nakamura – The Thirsty Crow with a Magical Heart

Nakamura: So… its based on the thirsty Crow…

Lucifer: But with a twist!

Kageyama Enma: So the crow is super thirsty, right? It finds a bottle with water at the bottom, like the original story, but instead of just dropping pebbles in…

Lucifer: The crow finds a glowing orb inside the bottle and obviously, it eats it

Nakamura: Because why wouldn't it eat a mysterious glowing orb?

Kageyama Enma: And then Boom! The crow suddenly gains a magical heart and can shapeshift into any animal it wants!

Female Teacher: Let me get this straight, you took a story about intelligence and survival… and turned it into a superhero origin story?

The 3 of them nod

Female Teacher: Next time, try not to turn a classic story into a superhero origin story

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Court – Evening

After a few hours Brook has been summoned in the court because he has killed his own father or as we know he took the blame for

Ethan and Anthony wanted to join Brook but Brook tells them not to come

Brook is on the 4th case

The first case begins and all the 6 judges are present

Judge: Let the first case start

Mother: (Sadness) Your honour… my son… my little boy… he was 15, he was bullied, tormented every day beaten, humiliated… they called him worthless, weak… and he… he believed them

Brook is listening everything

Mother: (Tears in her eyes) One night, he came home… silent, he hugged me tighter than usual, I didn't know… I didn't know that was the last time

The judges nod listening her story

Mother: (Crying) I found him in his room… hanging from the ceiling… his little hands still holding onto my scarf… the one I gave him, and those monsters who bullied him? They still walk free, laughing, joking, living their lives, but my son… my son is gone, please your honor… I beg you… give him justice!

Judge: (Smiling) Justice? For what?

The mother looks up confused

Judge: Your son was weak, that's why he died, if he was stronger… he'd still be here

Brook Grim Lock: What the fuck! What kind of justice is this?

Mother: No… no, he was just a child! He was hurt, he needed help

Judge: Weaklings don't survive in this world… your son was pathetic, and that's why he died, case dismissed

The mother runs from the courtroom crying straight to grandmaster Isamu's house

Judge: Let the second case start

There is a young boy and father of a girl standing

Father: Your honour, my daughter… she… she loved him, trusted him but when she tried to break up with him, he threatened her, he said he would leak her private photos

Tears start rolling up in the father's eyes

Father: She wrote this before she died…

His hands shaking as he reads

Father: Dear Papa

I don't know how to start this letter because I know it will break your heart, and for that, I am so so sorry, you raised me to be strong, to stand up for myself, but I feel like I have failed you, I feel trapped, ashamed, and I don't see any other way out

I made a terrible mistake, I trusted someone I shouldn't have, at first, he was kind, loving he made me believe that I was safe with him, but now, he's turned into someone I don't recognize… he is blackmailing me Papa, If I leave him, he says he will leak my private photos, pictures I never should have sent but did because I was foolish and believed in love

I tried to find a way out, but I can't, I am so scared of the shame it will bring to you, to our family, and I don't have the strength to face it, I don't want to see the disappointment in your eyes, I don't want to live with the fear of everyone knowing

Please forgive me… Papa, this is not your fault, it is mine, I should have listened to you, to all your warnings… I should have been smarter, but now I can't fix this

I love you Papa… I always will, I just can't bear this pain anymore, please don't blame yourself… just remember me as your little girl, the one who loved you more than anything

I'm sorry for what I'm about to do…

The father is crying as he is reading the letter, even Brook is crying listening to this

Father: Your honor, this man blackmailed my daughter into taking her own life, he destroyed her

Judge: Destroyed? It was just some photos, she killed herself over nothing

Father: But your honor…

Judge: Oh come, what's wrong with having some private photos leaked online? We've all seen worse

The entire courtroom laughs, the father drops down to his knees

Judge: Case dismissed

Cut to

EXT. Asgaror – Isamu's House – Afternoon

The mother who lost her son by the bullies as came to Grandmaster Isamu's house

Mother: Please! I beg you! I need justice! My son deserves justice!

2 guards don't let her in

Guards: You cannot disturb the grandmaster! Leave now woman!

She shakes her head, her eyes burning with pain

Mother: No! I will not leave until grandmaster Isamu hears me!

She tries to push past them but she isn't strong enough, the guards push her and she falls to the ground

Mother: My boy is dead! He was bullied, humiliated, pushed until he could take no more! And in the court, the judge turned away! They called him weak! They called his death his own fault!

Isamu comes out of his house

Isamu Arakawa: Enough… let her speak

Mother: Grandmaster Isamu… you rule this land, you decide right and wrong, I have begged, I have pleaded and no one will listen! So now I have come to you, if justice exists at all, it must come from your hands

Isamu Arakawa: I'm sorry… I cannot give you the justice you seek

Mother: What?

Isamu Arakawa: The law has spoken, I cannot change the verdict

The mother gets angry while crying

Mother: Then what good are you?

Isamu Arakawa: Take her away

Isamu starts walking back to his house but the mother says something that makes Isamu stops

Mother: No! No, you coward! You are a grandmaster… its your job to listen and protect us!

She starts screaming like she is about to die

Mother: If your wife Sakura was alive, she would have helped me! She had a heart! A soul! She would have stood beside me, fought for what was right… but you? You are nothing but a man of hollow words, you are just like the rest of them! A grandmaster in name only! You sit on your throne, high above the suffering of your people, watching us break, watching us die, and you do nothing! You are no hero, no savior… you are just another coward who is too blind, too weak to bear the weight of true justice! You don't deserve the name grandmaster… you are no hero! You are a disgrace!... yo… you… you have failed as the king of Asgaror Isamu Arakawa…

As the guards take her away, a tear falls from Isamu's eye as he knows he should have helped her but he did promise his friend Theodore that he will never start a fight with anyone in Asgaror

Isamu Arakawa: (In his thought) Theodore… I'm sorry for what I'm about to do… she needs justice and I'll give it to her

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Court – Evening

Judge: Let the third case start

Ryan come up

Judge: Ryan Parker, you are charged with the brutal murders of David, Oliver, James, and Daniel

Ryan says nothing

Judge: You didn't just kill them, you tortured them, you beat them, broke them, burned them alive

Ryan is controlling his rage

Judge: All this… over your sister getting raped? You're overreacting

Mother Of Rapist: My son didn't deserve to die like that

Father Of Rapist: He was a good boy

Mother Of Rapist: It was just a mistake

Ryan finally speaks

Ryan Parker: If your daughter was raped, would you say the same thing?

Mother Of Rapist: It's not the end of the world

Judge: Your sister was a whore, maybe she wanted it

Ryan snaps

Ryan Parker: You people… you people don't deserve to live

Ryan teleports behind the judges and takes out a sword from his left hand ready to kill them all

Ryan Parker: Bōkyaku Issen

Bōkyaku Issen in English means oblivion strike – when the user strikes an enemy, they lose part of their body or soul is erased completely, and it can't be healed because it was completely erased, It's like a piece of reality is deleted, as if someone used an eraser on the world, slicing through reality itself and you can cut through anything and everything

Ryan erases all the 6 judges out of existence… he used this attack because he didn't want them to die and go to heaven or hell, he wanted ease them into nothingness

The guards rush in trying to kill Ryan and he tries to defend himself but there are too many guards, as all the guards have cornered Ryan and ready to kill him, suddenly Brook joins and helps Ryan

Brook Grim Lock: I'm Brook by the way, Brook Grim Lock

Ryan Parker: I'm Ryan Parker

They both get out of the court room to only see 1 million guards standing outside ready to kill both Brook and Ryan

Brook Grim Lock: So what do you think Ryan… can we handle them all

Ryan Parker: Yes we can

As both of them get ready to fight, suddenly Isamu lands in front of them in rage, the whole Asgaror starts shaking including heaven and hell, everyone get scared

Brook and Ryan fall to the ground scared, Brook is flabbergasted to see Isamu in rage for the second time, even Ryan is scared to see grandmaster Isamu in rage

Isamu stops all the guards, and tell them to back off

Isamu Arakawa: (Looking at both Ryan and Brook) You 2 ok?

Brook Grim Lock: Yes sensei

Ryan Parker: Yes, grandmaster Isamu

The End Of Chapter 27…