Chapter 14 - Secrets and Destinies

Day – Monday

Ethan, Emily, Ben and Skyler are in the principal's office

Mr. Anderson: Mr. Arakawa and Mrs. Enochi Tarani your sons Benjamin and Skyler are having too much fun at the school

Emily Inochi Tarinai: And what's wrong with that!

Mr. Anderson: Mam I think you don't understand what I'm saying

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Then please elaborate

Mr. Anderson: What I am trying to say is your boys are having too much fun by bunking afternoon classes

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What? my boys no way I think you have been mistaken someone else as them

Ethan Arakawa: You are too naive Emily

Emily Inochi Tarinai: No Ethan, they are our son's we should have a little faith in them

Ethan Arakawa: Faith my ass (the room is getting hot cause Ethan is getting angry and he is god of fire) (looks at both of them) Hey Brats (Skyler and Ben are scared)

Skyler Arakawa: Yes dad (scared to death)

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes Mr. Arakawa (scared to death)

Ethan Arakawa: Is it true what this armadillo looking guy is saying

Skyler Arakawa: Yes

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes

Ethan Arakawa: See I told you (looking at Emily)

Mr. Anderson: I'm sorry but what did you just call me

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Please forgive my husband he's a shit talker when he gets angry

Mr. Anderson: Alright

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Thank you for understanding

Mr. Anderson: Also, there is a rumor that's been floating around

Ethan looks at Skyler and Ben again, Skyler and Ben felt his overwhelming aura

Ethan Arakawa: Whatever that rumor is, it's true!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Ethan come on this is too much let's hear the rumors first and then let's ask our son's whether it's true or not

Ethan Arakawa: I don't need to hear anything I already know it's true, cause I know how naughty they both are

Flash Back

5 Years Ago

Ethan is in the forest training both Skyler and Ben but they both are not listening to Ethan, 12 years old Skyler and 15 years old Ben are using their powers and beating Ethan from left to right after few days later Ben come to Ethan and says Skyler is getting annoying, Ethan says finally someone said it, Ethan trains Ben for a few months whereas Skyler is playing around the forest

The End Of Flash Back

Ethan Arakawa: I know that Skyler is dumb but you Ben, I didn't except this from you

Benjamin Grim Lock: I swear I have nothing to do with this rumor

Mr. Anderson: Actually, this rumor is related to Skyler

Flash Back

INT. high school classroom – morning

The scene opens up in a classroom the whole class is buzzing a student walk over to Skyler's bench

Woman: Hey there

Skyler Arakawa: Hey

Woman: I wanna say something to you

Skyler Arakawa: Ok go on

Woman: It's just that I have found you very attractive

Skyler Arakawa: Well thank you

Woman: Ah so will you go on a date with me

A 10 long second pause happening focusing on Skyler

Skyler Arakawa: My jawline your entire fake beauty! I'll pass

Skyler is implying that his natural feature, his jawline is more attractive or impressive then her artificial beauty

The End Of Flash Back

Skyler's mother Emily starts laughing looking at Ethan

Ethan Arakawa: (Looks at Emily) Alright I know what you are thinking shut up

Flash Back

EXT. Asgaror – morning

For context Asgaror is a planet that's the size of a galaxy and it's 32 million light years away from our planet, the planet is called Asgaror because it's a home for only gods

One peaceful day Ethan has just finished his training and was walking back with his father and his girlfriend/future wife a man interrupts them he is one of Ethan's friend Danny

Danny: Hey Ethan what youa doing

Ethan Arakawa: Nothing just going back home after finishing my training

Danny: So you living a ordinary life, how pathetic... do something with your life

Ethan Arakawa: I don't want to be a shit musician like you

Danny: Bitch please, shit musician me? (plays his guitar) I'm the best musician, don't compare yourself with me, I'm league's above you

Also Danny is god of music

The camera zooms into Ethan's face

Ethan Arakawa: My jawline your entire music career

Ethan is suggesting that his attention grabbing jawline attracts more people then the musicians entire career

Emily Inochi Tarinai: My thick thighs your entire music career

Isamu Arakawa: Mm (hands on his chin)

Danny: You have something to say grandmaster

Isamu Arakawa: (Ribs his shirt off) My 800 year old six pack your entire music career

Random old female gods suddenly come out of nowhere saying Oh my god fuck my old ass

Danny: Alright all of you fuck off from here

The 3 of them are walking away from Danny laughing

The End Of Flash Back

Mr. Anderson: That's it Mr. Arakawa and Mrs. Enochi Tarani

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Alright sir I'll tell my son's to attend Afternoon classes

After the meeting they all leave Ben takes his car and goes a different route because Emily wanted to go grocery shopping, Skyler and Ethan was walking to their home as they are walking Skyler is looking at his phone without seeing the cars are coming or not as he is crossing the road a car comes very fastly Ethan pulls him back

Skyler Arakawa: Woh that was close (shocked) thanks dad

Ethan Arakawa: The fuck you doing, keep your phone inside your pocket while you're walking jackass

Skyler Arakawa: I'm sorry alright, I just looked at my phone for a moment

Ethan Arakawa: For a moment? your talking like you're gonna be alright, like that car was going to hit you and you are going to get teleported into another world changing the shows name from Thunder Knight: The Awakening Of The Celestial Bloodline to – A dumb pervert who got killed by a car and got teleported to a harem genre world

Skyler Arakawa: (Imagining naughty things) That would be a dream come true

Ethan slaps Skyler knocking him down and then drags his body while walking

Skyler Arakawa: (He is a little knocked out, and a little conscious) 4 wife's every night...

Cut to

INT. Grocery store

Emily enters the grocery store along with Ben, mm wait, why is Ben there well if you guys forget I like to refresh your mind, Ben lives alone, he cooks for himself, cleans the house, pays the electricity bill, water bill and etc, so basically bro is all in one, except for one thing Emily and Ethan Pays for his education

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (looking at Ben with a smile) You doing okay, Ben? Not too bored yet?

Benjamin Grim Lock: No it's fine, I actually kinda like grocery shopping, there's something relaxing about it

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Teasing) Relaxing? You're definitely the first teenager I've heard say that

Benjamin Grim Lock: It's just... simple, you know? I get to zone out and focus on what's in front of me

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I totally get it sometimes it's nice to just slow down and not think about anything else for a while, life can be... well, busy

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yeah especially now with school and stuff, I think it's cool you and Mr. Arakawa manage everything with work and family, must be hard sometimes

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Pauses, surprised by his thoughtfulness, then smiles softly) It's not always easy, but you find ways to make it work, you will understand one day when you've got a family of your own

Benjamin Grim Lock: (Laughs nervously) Yeah that's... a long way off

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Don't rush it, trust me, you've got time for all that later, for now just enjoy being young

Benjamin Grim Lock: Ok

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Mm (Emily looking at Ben's aura which is blue indicating love) who is it Ben

Benjamin Grim Lock: Huh?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What's her name

Benjamin Grim Lock: (Shyness) Her name is Mary Raven and she's an healer

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Wow an healer that's amazing

Benjamin Grim Lock: Thank you (smiling)

Emily Inochi Tarinai: How do you know she's an healer who told all this staff

Benjamin Grim Lock: Jake fishman did

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Wait a minute what did you just say Jake what

Benjamin Grim Lock: Jake fishman

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Fishman huh (thinking) so he's Anthony's son

Benjamin Grim Lock: Who's Anthony

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Jake's father

Benjamin Grim Lock: you know him

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes!

Benjamin Grim Lock: How long do you know him

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Probably for... 400 years

Benjamin Grim Lock: 400 years is a crazy number

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I know and by the way does Skyler have a girlfriend

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yep he does

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What's her name

Benjamin Grim Lock: Her name is Moon Chaeyoung and she's half God and half something else I don't know also Moon is Jake's stepsister

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Stepsister huh? (in her thoughts) why do I have a feeling this is the same girl that crashed on earth with us half demon half God maybe Anthony took her in

As they are done shopping, they are about to leave the store

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (With a playful tone) Now, let's see... how do you feel about picking out some ice cream? Ethan will never let me hear the end of it if I get the wrong flavor

Benjamin Grim Lock: Oh I'm on it he's pretty picky, but I've got his favorites memorized

They both laugh as they leave the store, Ben will drop Emily to her house but while they were in the car Emily tells something to Ben that tears up Ben

INT. Car – Morning

Benjamin Grim Lock: Sensei

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yeah

Benjamin Grim Lock: Why did you hide it from me

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Hide what

Benjamin Grim Lock: I'm not as dumb as Skyler is Sensei

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I know that but what are you trying to say

Benjamin Grim Lock: I don't know what reasons you had to hide it from Skyler but you could have told me that I'm a god

Emily Inochi Tarinai: The reason is if we would have told you then you would have told Skyler so that's the only reason

Benjamin Grim Lock: So that was the reason huh

Emily Inochi Tarinai: How did you figure it out

Benjamin Grim Lock: I learnt how to feel my own aura... I kept on thinking about this when I felt my own aura, it did not resemble an Angel that's the part that was shocking to me, I looked at Jake he is half God, healer and other half angel, I felt an energy same as me, so I thought oh maybe I am feeling his Angel aura but that wasn't the case, on Wednesday I and Skyler fought an angel I did not feel that I was connected to him, even when I was with Moon she had the same energy has mine and the surprising part is when I am with both you and Ethan I felt the same energy as mine, so I came to a conclusion that maybe I'm not an angel maybe I am a God and nobody wants tell me the truth because their hiding something from me, so tell me Sensei what else are you guys hiding from me

Emily takes some time but eventually answers his question

Emily Inochi Tarinai: There is a celestial being sealed inside Skyler

That phrase echoes through Ben's ears

Benjamin Grim Lock: (Shocked) The celestial being!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Technically yes but his son is sealed inside Skyler

Benjamin Grim Lock: What?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: It takes around 15 to 20 years for a being to wake up, the celestial child inside Skyler has not waken up

Benjamin Grim Lock: Isn't there any short cut way to wake him up

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes there is a way

Benjamin Grim Lock: What is it

Emily Inochi Tarinai: The user has to nearly die, when the user is in the verge of death the being wakes up giving the user his full power, Skyler was born with Yin Yang written on his paws

Benjamin Grim Lock: What does that mean?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: It means he is the marked one, he has the power to damage the celestial being permanently but he can't kill him though, if the celestial child that's inside him wakes up and gives it's power to him then Skyler will become the chosen one, Skyler will have 1 in a million chances of killing the celestial being, inside the celestial child there is cosmic entity sealed, she is basically the one who created the celestial being and if that entity wakes up, Skyler has to train 1.5 years and then he will become the destined one, when he becomes that Skyler will have 1000% chances of killing the celestial being

Ben is speechless after what he heard

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Ben was there any moment where Skyler was about to die?

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes but Jake saved him, sensei why do you want Skyler to get strong out of the blue, out of nowhere?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Because I'm dying Ben

Benjamin Grim Lock: Wh... what? (stops the car)

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I have only 2 weeks to live

Benjamin Grim Lock: What's gonna happen in 2 weeks

Emily Inochi Tarinai: The gods are coming to earth

Benjamin Grim Lock: Why

Emily Inochi Tarinai: To kill me

Benjamin Grim Lock: Wait... what... why? this is really confusing me sensei, just tell me why they are trying to kill you

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I wish I could tell you Ben, I really wish I could tell you out of all people but you have to wait until Skyler gets his power

Benjamin Grim Lock: (Sigh) Alright

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Did Skyler tell you about his dreams

Benjamin Grim Lock: Why are you asking

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Because whoever has a cosmic entity sealed inside them, they can see the future, so tell me Ben did Skyler tell you about his dreams

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes but I don't think you wanna hear this

Emily looks at Ben with concern, she is worried on what Ben is about to say

Benjamin Grim Lock: Skyler told me that you are dying or getting killed in his dream

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Is it just one or two dreams

Benjamin Grim Lock: Unfortunately no, every single dream he's having, you're dying in it

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Her eyes starts tearing up) So it's decided then huh

Benjamin Grim Lock: Nothing has been yet decided

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Can't you see Ben, my fate has been written that I'm going to die

Benjamin Grim Lock: Don't say that (his eyes starts tearing up as well) don't say that, we will find a way to protect you sensei

Emily Inochi Tarinai: You can't save me, you can't do that, because my fate is sealed, if Skyler is dreaming about my death then it's over, even if he unlocks his true powers he can't save me

Benjamin Grim Lock: Sensei (worried)

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Drop me here, I'll walk to my house, it's just 2 miles away (gets of the car)

Benjamin Grim Lock: (Ben pauses for a moment and sighs) Sensei take care

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I will

Cut to

INT. Living Room

Skyler and Ethan are sitting on the sofa and watching the TV, Skyler has put down a cartoon channel/show on the TV called "The Knights"

TV: A group of 5 knights defeated a dragon easily

Well folks it's time to go, but don't forget that a Knight has 7 forms and before we go let's introduce ourself again

I'm Sky Knight

I'm Water Knight

I'm Soul Knight

I'm Nature Knight

I'm Fire Knight

And now! (pointing their hand to the camera or to the person who is watching the TV) what kind of knight are you mate?

Skyler Arakawa: I am the thunder knight (stands on the sofa)

Skyler summons a lightning strike in his house, make a hole on the ceiling, Ethan gets up from the sofa and hits Skyler on his head

Ethan Arakawa: (Anger) You moron! don't you have anything else to do then making a hole through the ceiling

Ethan takes the remote from Skyler and changes the channel

Ethan Arakawa: This show is targeted towards boys, are you a boy huh? watch something that's made for grown ups

TV: A man in a black suit is angry and he is filled with frustration

I've noticed some people talking shit about me, well, I want to address that, I really, really want to address this shit right now, bring up the chat please

See the statistics of this chat:

20% of people watch Hollywood for other actors some good, some shit, but 80% of people watch Hollywood because I exist in this industry, I don't want to name the celebrities who are hatting on me, but you know who you are

I just want to say one thing to your face shut the fuck up! also I have a proposition for the Oscars, you've been posting things about me without my permission, so I want to give you a message, mind your tongue, nobody likes you, including me, I don't want to attend your show, it's boring

And for those who think, oh my God, he said so many bad things about the Oscar, they are not going to give him as single award, well, I don't give a shit about a fake gold award show called the Oscars, because you know why? a lion doesn't need a crown on his head to prove that he is the king of the Jungle

After a while Emily comes home with grocery in her hands, she sees Skyler and Ethan watching TV closely

She comes a little near and she sees that Ethan and Skyler are watching a group of women in a bikini doing yoga

Skyler and Ethan's jaw are wide open, their saliva is dropping down on the floor

Emily turns off the TV out of anger

Skyler and Ethan thought it was Ben who turned off the TV why? because Ben always does that

Skyler Arakawa: Why would you do that?

Ethan Arakawa: Are you fucking crazy?

A moment of silence for these 2 men because their about to their ass beaten

Skyler Arakawa: Mom it's not my fault, I can explain, I was just watching a cartoon show and dad told me to stop watching these kids shows and I asked why? dad said because today I'm gonna show you what an adult watches and he put this channel on

Ethan Arakawa: Woh woh woh... first of all, I said the cartoon show is targeted to boys and you should watch something that's made for grown ups, that's what I said and secondly you put this channel on! I didn't even click on this channel

As both Skyler and Ethan are arguing Emily gets more angry

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Stop it (anger) I don't care who clicked on this channel, what I do care about is that you both were watching this

Skyler Arakawa: (Whispering to Ethan) We are gonna get our ass beaten

Ethan Arakawa: Yep, let's make a run for it

As Skyler and Ethan try to fly away from the ceiling hole that Skyler made, they both are 300ft on the sky, Emily teleports in front of them and hits both of them in their head making them crash into the ground

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Let's train!

Skyler Arakawa: (Scared) I'm not in the mood to train mom

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I said let's train! means let's train!

Emily and Ethan teach Skyler how to feel his own aura and also she beats both of their asses cause of what they were watching

The End Of Chapter 14...