Chereads / (The Last Of Us) / Chapter 3 - The Hunger

Chapter 3 - The Hunger

Anthony gasped, drawing shallow, ragged breaths, each one sending a searing pain through his ribs. A gnawing hunger, sharp and insistent, clawed at his stomach, a visceral reminder of his deprivation. His vision swam, a hazy blur that slowly resolved into the dim confines of a room. The pungent aroma of aged whiskey, thick and cloying, filled the air, emanating from the rows of oak barrels stacked against the walls. He could almost taste the sharp, oaky tang on his tongue.

The doorway stood wide open, a rectangle of light beckoning him towards freedom. Nearby, large flour sacks slumped against each other, their plain canvas surfaces concealing a darker secret. He could smell the faint, acrid tang of illicit drugs, a stark contrast to the wholesome aroma of baking ingredients they purported to contain. The duality of the space, the mundane masking the illicit, heightened his sense of unease.

A wave of panic washed over him as the memory of his twisted arrangement with his manipulative ex-girlfriend surfaced. The realization hit him with a sickening lurch, the absurdity of it all amplified by the throbbing pain in his head. Her feigned affection, the constant belittling, the blatant flaunting of her new lover – the very rival who had stolen his happiness – it all felt surreal. The tangled web of lies and broken promises constricted his chest, a suffocating weight that made it difficult to breathe. He had walked into this trap willingly, ignoring the flashing warning signs, repeating the same mistakes that had haunted his past.

He focused on his lips, a light shade of red against the coarse black bristles of his beard. The metallic tang of blood, thick and coppery, coated his tongue. He ran his tongue across his parched lips, the rough surface grating against his swollen tongue. The craving for water, for anything to quench his thirst, was overwhelming.

With a grunt, he tried to kick his legs, the hard leather soles of his shoes striking the cold, unforgiving floor with a dull thud. "Come on," he muttered, his voice raspy with frustration. He shifted his weight, attempting to adjust the precarious angle of the metal plate that held his meager breakfast.

His right foot scraped against the plate, sending it teetering precariously. In a heartbeat, the glass of orange juice tipped over, shattering against the orange-tiled floor with a sharp, crystalline crack. The vibrant liquid splashed across the tiles, the sweet, citrusy scent mingling with the heavier aroma of whiskey. The cold juice soaked into the denim of his jeans, the dampness clinging to his skin, a chilling reminder of his helplessness.

"Damn it…" he groaned, his voice thick with despair. He shifted his feet, the wet denim chafing against his skin, amplifying his discomfort. Sharp pains shot through his chest and side, each breath a struggle. His stomach growled again, a hollow ache that resonated through his entire being. He looked down at his soaked legs, the bright orange stain a stark contrast against the dark blue denim, a visual representation of his deepening despair.