Chereads / Soul Tamed / Chapter 3 - BLOOD RED

Chapter 3 - BLOOD RED

As I trudged further into the maze, I felt my bearings begin to lose way. The hedges, which rose around twenty feet above me, became more and more narrow as I went. 

I felt my heartbeat speed up, as I pushed through the tight-knit brush. I could feel the branches graze against my skin, like the tips of knives. 

One branch suddenly scraped my face. And before I could fully register the pain, I noticed a drop of blood sink into my white dress. 

"Mama is going to kill me," I thought. 

I pushed through another narrow section, which led to a split pathway. 

"Why am I doing this, again?" I asked myself out loud.

"You know why."

The voice came from out of nowhere. I glanced around.

"Is someone there?" I asked.

No one responded, but I could hear the wind gently blowing in my ear.

"Great, I am hearing things now," I thought. 

I looked at both pathways. The one to the right looked as if the path became larger as it went. I felt a sudden urge to go to the left. 

I continued down that path—which led me through several twists and turns. 


I heard the trumpets in the distance and glanced in the direction of the castle. I knew what this meant. It meant that the wedding would be happening soon. My mother would be making her to where she had left me. And my life would always remain the same. 


The voice came from out of nowhere again. And the sense of urgency behind the voice scared me. 

I began to hurry, rushing down the path so quickly, that I hardly noticed where I was going—pushing myself against the razor-sharp branches until I suddenly came across a clearing. It was a large square area, with only one path (the one I had arrived on) that led here. Despite it looking like years since someone had been here, it still looked beautiful.

I glanced around, disappointed by what adventure I had failed to find here and the betrayal of my own imagination. 

Until I finally noticed a small fountain in the middle of the clearing. I ambled forward, a little curious. The fountain was old, probably from some ancient civilization, as seen from the broken marble that barely held together. 

I came to the fountain and stopped. The water was still, a little muddy but I could still see myself reflected. I gasped. My dress was torn, and my arms and face were scratched to hell. I looked like I had been to war. And for what?

"Mama will surely kill me," I said out loud. 

Through my reflection, I watched as a small bit of blood from my scratched lip began to roll down my chin and hit the water. 

The water quickly rippled. And what I saw when it had stopped frightened me:

A man's reflection was staring back. His dark eyes lingered on my face. 

I stepped back, spinning as quickly as I could only to find I was still alone.


I glanced back to the fountain. The young man's face was still there. It looked so real and clear, it was as if I was looking at someone inside of a mirror. 

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked, continuously glancing between the ground and his eyes.

His face remained solemn as he spoke:

"I know everything about you. As you know me...look at me."

I looked into the man's eyes, and for a moment, everything felt…strange? 

"Come with me," the young man commanded. 

"Where am I going?" I asked, my eyes glazing over the longer I stared into his dark eyes. 

"You know where you belong."

I continued to look in his eyes. And I felt a sleepiness fall over me. As something tugged me forward. It was almost as if a ventriloquist was controlling my arm.

I suddenly began to reach my hand out, my fingers grazing the red waters--


A sudden call of my name broke the spell. I heard Adler in the distance. 


I glanced back to the reflection. The eyes glared at me, as I pulled my hand back. 

"I don't think so," I said, my voice shaking. "I don't know you."

Suddenly the face in the water disappeared. And the water turned a deep, blood red. And thick, like a potion. 

Frightened, I tried to leave. Just as a hand suddenly flew from inside of the red water. It grabbed onto me, pulling me closer to the fountain. 

I let out a scream. 


I heard Adler call out for me from somewhere close. But it was too late, as the hand dragged me into the fountain. 

Deeper and Deeper.