Chereads / The Last Entry / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Big Tom's rage part 2: Legend of Big Tom

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Big Tom's rage part 2: Legend of Big Tom

Every race possesses a force that enables them to transcend the physical rules of nature and achieve incredible powers. However, inside those races are ordinary beings who opt not to develop their innate strength. They feel that this power should be utilized to better the races rather than to start conflicts and battle for territory in the dying ecosystem, but that eventually made races come to their senses very soon.

The more they used their skills and bred children, the stronger their offspring. So the gods attempted to punish the races for failing to accept their blessings by instilling a limiter, among other things, in the DNA makeup of their offspring, eternally changing everything.

This limiter is known as a factor, which is a source that allows you to move to greater levels via hard work and comprehension of the power, but it comes at a cost. As you advance, the element has a greater impact on your talents or your sanity. As an illustration:

An elf who can control fire will burn more if they use their power more frequently without understanding how fire should work. If they advance without knowledge of fire, they will burn as they gain strength.

Additionally, as a further punishment from the gods, they brought out creatures of various sizes and shapes from the abyss through a phenomenon known as the "Spatial Tear," which made it necessary for all species to cooperate to exist.

Even though this event occurred millennia ago, it continues to have an impact on modern-day Younglings. So Nevel spent some time comprehending his factor in his Were form; the next piece of the puzzle was to acquire understanding.

The Were race was given the factor known as animalistic; as a result of their tendrils resembling animals, they are prone to animal-like tendinitis. For example, a Were lady may become quite irrational when someone makes fun of their child, the mother protects her cubs as any other mother animal would.

Nevel had been trapped in the Cub class of his Were form for 15 years. Additionally, it is essential for children of Were race to move up from the cub class to the Youngling class when they turn five or fifteen years old. A particular emotion must be understood by the Were child, and for them to grasp it, they must have felt it strongly and directly.

Nevel had been a person who did not show emotions but could show some in little amounts, such as his love and overprotectiveness of his younger brother, his love for the pack or pride he has created with his buddies, and ultimately his love for sleeping with the beautiful.

The emotion he learned to comprehend was Love, which was not the emotion he required to progress. He experienced conflicting feelings after learning of his brother's passing from the two detectives. He didn't know whether to laugh at himself for telling him that the spotter job was risky or to boast about how correct he was all along.

He liked to brag when he was correct, but a surge from his factor, inspired by a buried feeling that he hadn't shown in a long time, soon resurfaced. His factor acted as if it were a living entity, exploiting this boy's state and causing the emotion to resurface explosively.

Nevel had sobbed; one of the many people he loved was no longer in this world. Nevel eventually advanced as a small surge of energy flowed into every part of his body without recognizing what had transpired because he was gone into the saddest, the grief and the knowledge that Axel was gone, gone forever. Because the host of the factor recognized and understood grief, the factor permitted the energy to assist the host in moving forward in explosive wrath.

With force flowing through his body, Nevel leaped from the second level of the apartment complex, leaving him in a frizzy state as a result of the energy and factor affecting and boosting his adrenaline.

Nevel looked at the rushing wolves without fear of death, knowing that some of them were still younglings like him and that the pack leader was also a youngling. They were at the same level. But with experience, he chuckled, his eyes turning a rich scarlet tone.

What ensued was an unrestrained show of a youngling expressing unexpected might; his unpredictable flow of moves stunned and decimated the charging cubs with claws, tails, dodges, and feints. Nevel quickly reduced the cubs and humans present to mere target practice using his newfound prowess. With a blood-curdling sneer on his face, Nevel appeared to be happy, but his eyes began to water as he laughed and added:

"You see, Axel, you were significant to me. Thank you for the advancement; I'm no longer a cub."

Nevel, only 19 years old, has advanced to the Youngling class of the Were race. Lester, who was busy flinging his guys into the whirlwind of adolescence with a controlling factor, wondered whether he would weary, and the factor would kill him, as it had done to many others.

But Lester was mistaken; he had experienced a maelstrom like this one throughout his rise, and he remembered using the same approach to kill the original proprietor of the establishment he had created. He remembered that the factor dies down but does not kill the host. But it can continue longer if the emotion that activated the factor subsides, and he doesn't know whatever emotion the boy in front of him used, so he must find a way to make the feeling subside, which he will do by challenging the youngster to a duel.

Lester's physique grew to match Nevel's proportions as blonde hair started to cover his body, his regular teeth turned into vicious canines, and he developed an open dog snout. When he howled, his features took on the appearance of a wolf, and his claws were ready and pointed.

Lester's men made a place for their leader as they motioned to each other to abandon the ship until their boss announced his win, temporarily halting their advance. The concept of their boss losing did not cross their minds, and when he charged toward Nevel, they fled out the back door in terror.

When they reached the outside and began running toward the bikes, they sat down, and all that remained was to insert the key. As the entrance collapsed, a gigantic body crashed into several of the bikes near the door and blew toward the passengers, along with a massive body.

The men and ladies raced toward the youngster to see who it was, but to their horror, the gigantic body shrank down and transformed into a man with short blonde hair and torn clothes indicating he was a member of a crew: Lester.

"Boss, what happened?" inquired Junior, Lester's crew's second-in-command.

Lester appeared beaten and shattered as he slowly gazed at the door to the tavern with a gasping mouth, yelling:

"We have to run, lads. "He's a monster."

Junior inquired in confusion:

"What are you talking about, man? You are the beast, your pack leader; get out there and finish the fight. He may have landed a lucky punch on you, but that was just luck, right?" he asked, hoping to inspire Lester to fight back. A violent quake caused him to lose his balance and fall while stomping.

Lester saw his promotion as a pass to something better in life, believing he could make use of his rush of adrenaline and his newfound strength to subdue the owner, a fellow youngling class wolf. He won because the factor amplified his energy and enthusiasm to victory.

After that, he recruited young wolves with no experience to battle under his leadership, which made him feel powerful, thanks to an ability he gained via his advancement known as Alpha's Rule. This talent allowed him to build a pack channel with his wolves, allowing him to absorb some of their transformative energy during a fight which helped him get a boost of strength.

This power had made him feel invincible; when other alphas attacked his territory, he always prevailed with ease. His crew or pack were unaware of this skill; he kept it to himself, as many Alphas do.

And today, he used that capacity against the freshly awakenedWeress that tried to take his throne of paradise; he believed that his concealed power would be sufficient to preserve this authority and place at the top. He immediately recognized that this location was only for little fish, which made perfect sense.

No alphas were coming for this place because they did not consider him a legitimate Alpha. He was not invited to join the general area meetings like the other alphas, and he was not regarded as one.

Lester awoke from his meditation with a nervous smile and a chuckle, which surprised his guys. Nervous Junior grabbed Lester's collar and asked:

"Why are you laughing, why aren't you getting up and beating that kid, your men will lose faith in their ALPHA if you keep this up"

"You called it a kid, hahaha wake up" muttered Lester as he stared at Junior with tears in his eyes a smile on his face, unchangeable and terrible. "You called that a kid means you are stupid not to realize what I just fought"

"What do you mean?" Junior inquired as the quake persisted and the bar fell gradually with each stomp.

Lester stared around the Tavern, where a big figure that wasn't the same one that had entered his tavern but now a separate thing comprised entirely of muscle, height, and power. On this day, Nevel was talked about for weeks and months by the dissemination of word throughout the Hollow's peak city; he is remembered as the lone big cat who triumphed with true might rather than borrowed might, as Lester was.

Nevel became a legend, and he will be known as Big Tom from now on. He strolled with his hands down low as if he were exhausted from his rampage, and his head rested on his shoulder.

The watchers witnessed a feline with crimson eyes walking out of the rubble of their area, stopping and taking a lifeless breath.

Let forth a chilling roar that made everyone quake in horror as they heard something level stopped roaring:

"Leave this place and never return"

He was about to yell again to deliver the message, but everyone had heard it loud and clear, and they ran screaming without looking back. Junior left the stunned Lester, who awoke from his daydream and began to flee; men and women hurried away. Nobody paused to see if they were being pursued; they just did not want to know, the knowledge of knowing that thing is chasing them is but a reminder that the world has horror they have yet to see.

As the last of the fleeing women and men faded into the distance, Nevel heard a loud clasp of hands behind him. As he turned, he noticed a woman with long white hair who appeared to be between 42 and 44 years old and smiling.

"Congratulations, you are the new Alpha in this place. Do you want to collect your reward now or do you need a nap first?" As she said this, Nevel's gigantic frame staggered slightly as he fell to his feet, and this ace began to shrink slowly as he turned back to the gorgeous reckless teenager who had been kicked out of his family household, he was now asleep.

The woman approached the crumbling building with slow, steady steps; as she did so, the wreckage of the tavern trembled and the building gradually returned to its original position, as though time had been reversed. The closer the woman went to the tavern, the more the structure gradually reverted to its original state.

When she arrived at the building's main door, it appeared to be brand new and in good repair. She grinned at the tavern entry, wearing a revealing linen dress that swung to showcase a unique tattoo on her back that seemed like a rushing shadow. She added:

"This year is getting interesting," Ms. Michelle replied, seductively licking her lips.