Where am I? I could swear I was just on at home wait what's this a panel it says welcome to the world of fairy tail darkshade plesse rol your two magics
Ok roll than he getsĀ chaos fire dragon slayer and lighting dragon slayer looks like once I join a guildĀ I get another magic slot and once I become S rankĀ
Well let's start walkingĀ he
Ā Walks for about an hour or 2 hour and comes across a town he walked up and asked is there a guild hereĀ
Than that person said yes the guilds name is sora guild The name means to fly into the night sky Ā
And this town is thuderbird what's your name?
Oh my kage storm blood
And can you give me directions to the Guild?said kage
Just go straight till you reach the lake in the town and the guild Will be right next to the lake
Ok Ty said kage storm blood
And than he runs to the guild he makes it there
And opens the door and says hello
Ā Is The guild master here
Yes why do you need him aĀ girl with black and white hair pretty face oh my names is Serena Ackerman
Kage says I want to join your guild that's why
Oh, in that case I can assist you,
What's your magic? She said
Kage says chaos fire dragon slayer
And Lightning dragon slayer
Now can I joinĀ
Serena says yes, you could join. What do you think your rank should be?
Kage says my rank should be A
Ok very well than here you guild, Mark, where do you want it?
I want it on my hand he than gives her his hand she stamps it
Than he walks to a chair and takes look at his system and finds out he can buy stuff if he earns points by completing quest from the guild than he rolls his next magic and than he gets arc of embodimentĀ
Than he sumons a milkshake and starts sipping on the mlkshakeĀ
Than somewon walks over and says what's that and how did you make that appear out of nowhere?
Kage than says it's a milkshake andĀ
I technically have an unknown number of magic because most of them are unawakened
What! the guy said than he speaks again oh yeah my names joker Ackerman and I'm Serena's brother and I use sky slayer magic and I'm S rank than somewon else walks up
Than thay say. My name is Sakura blue garden and I use water god slayer magic
Cool cool kage says than kage was about to say something but someone walking over interrupted him
Yo my names hirata and I'm a shadow fairy slayer AA rank let's make a team