Chapter 2 - 2.Trust

"Still remember how to use one of these?" I said as I presented her with one of my sidearms, namely the Glock 17 with a 15 round mag, "Yeah I'm nearly a better shot then you, or did you forget!?" "You wish!" I muttered as I started laughing uncontrollably.

She grabbed the Glock with a firm grip and asked, " What do we do now and where do we go!??".

I was stunned at the look of uncertainty she gave me, I gently touched her shoulder as I came closer and with a reassuring voice I said, "Don't worry Jess, everything will work out and ill keep us safe no matter what." "Those ugly Fucks don't know what's coming" I said with a sinister look on my face.

Her Face lit up and she had a cute smile as she looked me dead in the eyes. We hopped in my Truck and fled after we grabbed some more supplies and medicine from our homes.

" We should look at looting some places before finding a spot to call the day", I said with a serious face.

She simply nodded as she came closer...leaning towards my shoulder.

We stopped by a Deadshot Depo to loot and scavenge for ammunition that would definitely come in handy...Killed another dozen of those ugly fucks at the front door without wasting a single round...19 I whispered to myself...counting each confirmed kill made me even more confident as to what I needed to accomplish.

The store was all Quiet except for the blood dripping from the corpse of the store clerk who was brutally mauled to death on the counter.

His face was torn off to the bone and his throat layed on the floor next to the counter, real nasty shit.

We started filling up our duffel bags with as much ammunition and weapons as we could.

We found three boxes of 5.56 rounds, Two boxes of Buckshot shells, Four Boxes of 9mm rounds, Five boxes of 7.62mm rounds and three bullet proof vests.

We left after a few minutes and I decided that we take shelter back at my penthouse because it made sense as to how secure and much safer it would be for the both of us.

Jess fell Asleep against my shoulder on the way back. " She must've burnt out after all the stuff she went through today".

I carried her all the way to my bed and tucked her in soundly without her waking up.

I sat there on the opposite side of the bed and saw my hands shaking, I clenched my fists and thought to myself, "I will protect her even if it kills me in the process, I cant lose anyone else..."

I turned around and held her tightly as a laid down...her warm hand suddenly enveloped around mine as I drifted off to sleep.

We agreed to stay put at my penthouse until everything calms down a bit, There were news broadcasts sharing information and the country officially entered Martial Law.

"We're gonna need to be extra careful when we go out there, im more afraid of people than those things, When the world goes to shit so does everyone in it." I said with a troubled face.

Jess gave me a tight hug when she saw the expression on my face. I could feel her warm breasts against my chest as she squeezed...'She's amazing!' I thought to myself.

Soldiers started setting up IEU(Infected Extermination Unit) Camps at key parts of the outer city trying to maintain and cleanse the area of ugly fucks.

The military camp near us went silent after a few days, though we heard multiple gunshots for several its just all quiet outside.

I decided to go check on the IEU Camp located a few blocks away, What I found was even more horrifying, The Camp was completely run over and bodies were piled up in huge bundles, Bullet casings, dead soldiers and mutants were all the eye could see...The stench was even worse than the sight.

a Mutant suddenly appeared from the pile of bodies covered in limbs and organs...I aimed down sight to get a clear shot when it unexpectedly twisted its head in my was staring me in the eyes deeply right before it led out a loud shriek shattering windows in the area. That ugly fuck started bolting towards me at incredible shot is all it took to put that thing down for good.

I felt uneasy all of a sudden when I heard dozens of mutants emerging from the depths of the piles of corpses."Fuuuucckkk yeaahhhh" I shouted as I pulled the trigger.

They were so fast for some reason which made hitting headshots difficult, I immediately started retreating to avoid close combat in a sticky situation like this...fuck I'm empty...My hands were shaking uncontrollably as I reloaded...ohh fuckk there's one this close already. Just as I was about to clip the mag onto my AR 15 I instinctively Hurled my empty mag at the fugly Freaks Face about 2 meters away from me...It got stunned for about half a second just to be met with a 5.56mm bullet tip piercing through the side of its head.

The ones following it weren't far behind so I started moving back as I dropped them a few at a time...47...49...50 I muttered to myself as a bashed the fuckers skull in who got too close with my AR 15's Stock.

The coast looked clear for a few seconds so I immediately fled to my truck and left in a hurry. I could've died there if I made one wrong move or if I wasn't decently accurate with a rifle.

That risk I took was one hell of an adrenaline rush. Oh shit...I'm gonna have to explain to Jess why i just suddenly left while she was sleeping in the morning...Fuck I'm more terrified now then what I was before.

At least I cleared a couple dozen at the camp, we could make a run there to scavenge for food, ammo, weapons and fuel, possibly survivors that could be stuck or in need of to be careful around other survivors, they could be dangerous considering the state of society on the brink of destruction.