It's not fun dealing with your pregnant girlfriend. Especially if you have to keep it secret and your girlfriend's half-sister just told all of Aphrodite cabin. That's only a me problem, isn't it? Yeah, I thought so.
Anyway, hi. I'm Archer.
I saw Rebecca walk away from Ares's table with Austin in tow. I got nervous because I knew how powerful Austin's charmspeak was. Once, she had somehow convinced me to swallow a penny. That thing is still in there.
ADHD thoughts. Anyway, I watched as Rebecca led Austin to Ares cabin. She closed the door behind her. I'm sure she locked it. She's always does that, and I don't know why.
I wish we could tell people, it alas, the only people who know are all of Aphrodite cabin, Ruby Hayes, and Chiron. That's it. Also Rebecca and I, but that was obvious.
When they got back from Ares cabin, they were smiling and laughing hysterically. It made me smile, because I knew Rebecca had just told Austin that there were going to be twins. Has Rebecca told Austin the names? Probably. Was I excited? Yeah, of course I was. Was I nervous? Obviously! This was terrifying, but I have to stay. For Rebecca. Her dad was never there for her, so I want to be there for my littles, Daniella and Parker. I had to be there for Rebecca. She's my world. I love her with all of my heart. She might have to move over for the littles, though. I told her that joke. She didn't laugh. She went back to her cabin and cried, her cabin mate, Katelyn Zhang, told me. Katelyn is the daughter of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque. She's tough and nice. I felt very bad for what I said, so I went to go pick flowers for her. Her favorites are white roses, so I got her some and gave them to Katelyn to give to her.
She's my everything, except for my mom. I wish we had waited, though. We could've waited until we were 25, 26 years old, but no. We had to rush into it.
I wish we could agree on something. That would be nice.
Other than that, I've had a great day. You have one, too. Goodbye.