Chereads / Mystic Time Lord / Chapter 10 - A Web of Shadows

Chapter 10 - A Web of Shadows

Cynthia approached the front desk, content with her acquisitions from the auction. The front desk agent, a tall figure with a warm smile, greeted her.

"Thank you for participating in our monthly Arcane Auction, Ms. Rochester. Your total comes to 9 million Coins."

Cynthia nodded and reached for the card that Jennifer had handed her, presenting a sleek black card adorned with a golden phoenix. She handed it to the agent, who took it with a nod of appreciation.

"Thank you, Ms. Rochester. One moment, please."

The agent hovered the card over a shimmering crystal embedded in the desk. The crystal emitted a soft beep, confirming the transaction. With a graceful motion, the agent returned the card to Cynthia.

"Your payment has been processed. Thank you for your business, and we hope to see you again soon. Have a wonderful day."

Cynthia smiled, handing Jeniffer the card. "Thank you. Until next time."

The Arcane Auction had been a success, and she was one step closer to her ultimate goal.

As they step out of the chambers, the evening sky unfolds in splendor. The sun, a glowing ember on the horizon, casts a golden light that bathes the city in a soft glow. Streaks of orange and pink stretch across the sky, blending into deeper shades of purple and blue as night takes hold.

Cynthia and Jennifer made their way to the carriage section of the outdoor area. They perused the rows of carriages for a while until they finally located their estate carriage. Jennifer stepped forward and opened the door for Cynthia, who gracefully entered. Once both ladies were inside, the coachman closed the carriage door behind them and climbed into the driver's seat.

"To the estate, please," Cynthia directed.

The coachman nodded and with a flick of the reins, the carriage began its journey back to the estate.

Meanwhile, in the grand study of the Imperial Palace, Empress Elizabeth sat on her ornate sofa, with a center table before her covered in ancient tomes and scrolls. The soft glow of the evening sun illuminated her focused expression as she reviewed the day's correspondence. A gentle knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Enter," she called.

A royal attendant stepped in and bowed deeply. "Your Majesty, Countess Margaret Alexandria requests an audience with you."

The Empress paused for a moment, then nodded. "Grant her access."

The attendant bowed again and swiftly exited the room to convey the Empress's command. Empress Elizabeth set aside her quill and prepared to receive her guest, curious about the purpose of this unexpected visit.

Countess Margaret entered the study and greeted the Empress with a respectful bow. "Your Majesty," she said, her voice steady and composed.

Empress Elizabeth nodded in acknowledgment. "Countess Margaret, please, have a seat."

The countess sat in the chair adjacent to the Empress, inside a single cushioned chair. She waited for the Empress to continue.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Empress Elizabeth inquired; her curiosity piqued.

Countess Margaret took a deep breath before speaking. "Your Majesty, I come with news that I believe requires your immediate attention. The perpetrators were apprehended and were discovered to indeed be from Yome they were found and interrogated."

The Empress's eyes narrowed slightly. "Where were they found, and who was the instigator?"

"They were discovered in a manor in the Yorksham Region," the countess began. "On the surface, it appeared to be owned by a merchant. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that the manor is actually owned by a very prominent senator family from Yome."

Empress Elizabeth's expression grew more intense. "Was it the Benedictus family? Or perhaps the Octavius?"

Countess Margaret shook her head. "I am afraid not, Your Majesty. It was the Marcator family."

The Empress leaned her head back and released a sigh. "Are you doing well, Elizabeth?" the countess asked gently.

"Worry not, Margaret, my dear. I do appreciate the concern," the Empress responded softly. She then continued, her tone growing more serious, "So what you are saying is that a manor in the Yorksham Region was built with the intent to harm the empire by the Marcator family? Is that what I am to understand?"

Margaret nodded grimly. "Yes, sister. I fear the Yomans have been planning an attack on us for quite some time."

The Empress's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "This is infuriating."

"Your Majesty, I believe it's time we thoroughly examine all land titles and citizens within the empire to assess the threat we're facing," the countess suggested, clasping her hands and looking earnestly at the Empress.

"Yes, you may be right, Margaret. We will need to ensure no other instance of this ever replays within our borders," the Empress agreed.

After a brief silence, the countess suddenly said, "Elizabeth."

"Yes, Margaret?" the Empress responded.

Margaret hesitated before continuing. "Was what Marquis Rochester said in the Nobles' Assembly true? Would you have attacked Yome?"

The Empress widened her eyes in surprise at the question but quickly composed herself.

After a pause, she ordered, "All except Halcey and Victor, leave the room."

At the mention of Victor's name, Countess Margaret quickly scanned the room. After a moment, she said, "Honestly, Victor, is it really necessary to hide when I'm here?"

A man who had been standing with his back to the wall, concealed in the shadows, stepped forward. Tall with a commanding presence, his blonde hair framed a stern face with piercing blue eyes.

The Empress smirked. "Honestly, Margaret, not many people even remember or know he exists a testament to his attainment in being a saint-level martial mystic. And you, as his superior, you should be more aware of his presence."

Margaret sighed. "It's hardly fair. Victor is the only person I've ever met whom I can't sense."

"That's hardly Victor's fault, dear," the Empress said with a smile.

Margaret asked, "Was he at the assembly yesterday?"

"Indeed, he was," the Empress confirmed.

"Of course he was," Margaret said with an exasperated sigh.

The Empress laughed briefly before growing more serious. "Margaret, I will be honest with you. I am not entirely sure what I would have done yesterday when the procession was ambushed. For a short moment, when I saw those arrows flying towards me, I defended them with no problem and was confident I would remain unharmed. However, when I heard the crashing behind me and saw that mother's coffin was on the floor, I almost lost my self-control entirely. It was only after Yalzeruth contacted me that I realized I was clouding my own better judgment," the Empress said, cupping her hands together and pressing them against her lips, her eyes seeming to look into the distance.

"Yalzeruth contacted you?" Margaret asked in surprise.

"Yes," the Empress nodded. "He sensed the mana I was releasing and asked if I needed him. His words brought me back to reason. Because of that, I had to calm myself and immediately issued the order for the citizens to go indoors and for the perpetrators to be found. After all that I then turned to Mother's coffin to see the extent of what had happened. If Mother's body had touched the ground, I would have responded far differently than I did. the Empress explained.

Margaret's face reflected her shock. "I will never understand why they provoke the empire like this."

"Yes, it's baffling," the Empress agreed.

Margaret smiled wryly. "Well, trying to understand Yome's motives is fruitless. They claim to be stoics, but they're nothing more than dishonorable opportunists."

"Such lofty words coming from someone who is part of the upper echelons of a nation that is coin-hungry, as according to the Yoman soldiers, is what I believe I heard the Field Marshall say," the Empress replied with a chuckle.

"Coin-hungry, are we? Well, that's ironic coming from those who claim they fight for honor," the countess remarked with a wry smile. "You know, dear sister, I truly believe I might have discovered something. Care to hear what I discovered?" Margaret asked.

The Empress responded with a smile, "Please, by all means, do share."

Margaret then said, "We all truly fight for what we lack most in this world," a smile spreading across her face.

To this answer, the Empress shook, trying to suppress her laughter. The countess continued, "Oh yes, I truly have come to believe this. We fight for wealth because we need it, and Yome fights for honor because they have none," she said with a broad smile.

The Empress, amused by her sister's words, couldn't suppress her laughter.

"Margaret," the Empress said after regaining composure, "you must practice restraint."

Margaret grinned. "I'll try."

As they continued, Margaret asked, "When is the Emperor Consort returning from the Eldorian Continent?"

The Empress sighed. "I'm not sure. His mission is complicated."

Margaret furrowed her brow. "What mission?"

"You were too busy tormenting your poor disciple, Madalin, to notice," the Empress teased.

Margaret clutched her chest in mock outrage. "I would never torment her!"

"Well, isn't that interesting? That poor child gets little to no break in training, not to mention the type of training you put the poor thing through," the Empress rebutted.

"Your Majesty, I am seeing to the strengthening of our great empire as it was intended," the countess replied.

The look on the Empress's face was one of amusement as she listened to her sister. "Well, in any case, since you missed it, if you must know, Phillip is attempting to form a contract with a Specter Sphinx."

Margaret's jaw dropped. "Those dangerous beasts that hunt relentlessly if they see you as a threat?"

The Empress nodded in confirmation.

The countess then said, "Phillip, what are you doing with yourself? No one in their right mind would do that."

"I just hope he returns safely," the Empress said, and Margaret nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll return to my duties," Margaret said, rising from her seat.

The Empress smiled. "Take care, Margaret, and send the others back in."

Margaret bowed and left the room. As the Empress turned to look outside, she saw that the night was falling

Meanwhile, Cynthia's carriage arrived at the estate. The coachman guided the horses to a stop in front of the entrance. Jennifer stepped out first, then held the door open for Cynthia.

"Welcome back, Ms. Rochester," the coachman said as he helped her down.

Cynthia nodded in acknowledgment and made her way up the steps to the entrance, feeling the weight of the day's events slowly lifting from her shoulders. The estate's warm glow beckoned her inside, promising a well-deserved rest.

Upon entering the estate, Cynthia, the young mistress, was warmly welcomed by Opal, and Matthew, the assistant head butler. They both wished her a pleasant day and inquired about her outing. Cynthia responded with a smile, mentioning that her day had been quite productive.

As she made her way to her room, Opal and Jennifer, another maid, followed closely behind to assist her in preparing for the evening supper. Once they arrived at her room, Jennifer proceeded to the shower room to prepare a bath for Cynthia.

Meanwhile, Opal helped Cynthia with her evening attire. They conversed about Cynthia's recent acquisitions from the arcane auction. Opal congratulated her on her success and assured her that she would inform Donovan to be on the lookout for the incoming items. Cynthia thanked Opal for her diligence and assistance.

After they had finished, Jennifer emerged from the shower room and informed them that the bath was ready. Opal and Jennifer then assisted the young miss with her bath. Once she was bathed, they helped her adorn her evening apparel.

A knock on the door interrupted them, and a voice announced that the Marquis was waiting in the dining room for the young miss's arrival. Hearing this, Opal and Jennifer hurried to finish dressing Cynthia.

They then made their way to the dining hall. Upon arriving, Cynthia greeted her father. The Marquis asked if she had a good outing, to which she replied affirmatively. He then invited her to sit and share all about her day.