Chereads / Hellscape / Chapter 14 - Consequences

Chapter 14 - Consequences

"Good riddance." Erik says before he pulls his blade out of Kazukis chest. Erik attempts to flick the blood on his blade off but he realises there is no blood on his blade.

Black foggy smoke erodes from the chest of Kazuki and suddenly the wound begins to close up. Kazuki turns around to look at Erik with a perplexed look on his face.

"Such simple tricks will not work on me boy." Kazuki says while standing ready in his stance. Erik sucks his teeth and scowls at Kazuki.

"On me now." Erik says touching his ear piece and then proceeding to separate his blades and rushing Kazuki. They engage in a fast paced fight Erik rushing at Kazuki with a sort of methodical aggression, Kazuki simply parries and blocks all of his attacks with ease.

During their fight a dozen state soldiers arrive on the scene and attempt to fire at Kazuki but can't do soo since their Prince is in the way.

"Prince Blackthorne get out of the way!" One of the state soldiers shouts out. Erik gets push kicked back away by Kazuki, Kazuki then throws a couple shruiken targeting the state soldiers and accurately targets non vital points.

Erik stabs both of his blades into the ground, sending an electrical shockwave that instantly paralyses Kazuki.

"Have at it!" Erik shouts out.

"監視員の権限: 解散します."

the state soldiers fire but suddenly their own shadows instantly suck up the uninjured state soldiers and throw them a few meters away.

"Tsk I guess I'm lucky youre not the same as your other family members." Erik says annoyed.

Kazuki pulls a bullet out of his arm and flicks it away, he stands and readies his blade and silently stares down Erik.

Suddenly from above another ball of light is flung at Kazuki who narrowly jumps out of the way, Seraphina flies out from the abandoned town and lands directly next to her brother.

"Upholding your new bullshit morals will get you killed Kazuki you prepared for that?" Erik says attaching his blades.

"I know the younger foolish version of myself like the back of my hand, and I know even he wouldn't kill you... because you're not worth tasting this blade." Kazuki says smugly.

Erik enraged attempts to rush Kazuki but suddenly an arrow falls directly infront of him letting out a flash that blinds him, Aliyah runs out of the bushes firing two more arrows towards Erik.

Seraphina instantly burns the arrows up with a ball of light, she throws another at Aliyah who simply slides under the ball of light and readies another arrow and instead of firing she activates the arrow while pulling it back. A large cloud of smoke envelops the area.

Suddenly from behind Seraphina Ajax emerges out the smoke to knock her out from behind but suddenly he freezes up in shock noticing its the girl from the market.

In this brief moment Erik detaches his blade and flings it at Ajax stabbing into him and sending him flying into a nearby mountain.

"AJAX!" Aliyah screams out as she readies to fire another arrow this time directly at Erik, suddenly from behind Clive emerges out the bushes and simply taps the back of Aliyahs head causing her to scream out in pain.

Aliyah then slumps to the ground lightly twitching. Seraphina instantly walks upto Erik and punches him in the face.

"What in the hell are you doing? You said we're here to collect him alive you could've killed him just now!" Seraphina shouts out.

"Didn't I already mention to you the kind of augment he has? He's fine we'll go-" Erik's cut off as Seraphina flies off to the mountain Ajax is on.

"Goddamnit-" Erik attempts to run off to catch up with Seraphina but he is suddenly tackled by Lennox, the fog finally clears up and more state soldiers have arrived on the scene.

Inside Aliyahs mind...

"My Goodness Aliyah this is remarkable!" A dark skinned man shouts out looking into the eyes of his eight year old daughter Aliyah.

"Papa what does it mean? I'm scared I- I'm seeing you move before you can even move. I don't want to open my eyes!" Aliyah screams out covering her eyes.

"It's okay sweetheart keep your eyes closed if you feel uncomfortable, what this means is you have been blessed with the Chrono Mirage . When controlled you can see into future movements of whoever you're looking at." Aliyahs father says hugging his daughter to calm her down.

"H-how do I stop it papa I'm scared."

"This may sound silly sweetheart just imagine yourself doing something that calms you." He says caressing his daughters hair. Aliyah opens her eyes and feels her vision returning to normal.

"She has the chrono mirage? impossible!" A dark skinned woman says speaking to Aliyahs father.

A few minutes later he brings out Aliyah and has her show the change in her eyes to her mother who stares at her in shock.

"Remarkable we must show the rest of the community at once! Your father will prepare you for the demonstration soon darling you'll become the High Sentinel of our people once you're ready!" She says clasping aliyahs face in her hands.

A few weeks pass from the demonstration proving Aliyah to possess the Chrono mirage. Aliyah enters her home from school and sees a scruffy girl with bandages around her hands a couple years older than her with her back turned facing the stove.

"Oh hi sister I haven't seen you in a while!" Aliyah gleefully exclaims running over to her sister.

"I heard you got the chrono mirage hmm?" The scruffy girl says without turning around.

"Umm yeah papa and mama said ill be the High Sentinel when I'm older! Isn't that cool?" Aliyah exclaims excitedly awaiting her older sisters response.

"I have a surprise for you Aliyah but you gotta promise you'll keep your eyes closed alright?" The girl says again without turning around.

"Uhh okay." Aliyah says before closing her eyes.

The girl then throws a cup of boiling water at Aliyahs face instantly burning the young child and causing her to scream out in pain.

Aliyah wakes up in her present body and sits up she realises she's on a watery flat pane.

"She looks disgusting..."

"Don't look at her she'll stab you like she did her sister..."

" ughh she's an eyesore..."

"I mean if you ignore that disgusting scar she ain't too bad right haha..."

"That bitch looks hideous don't even bother."

Aliyah covers her ears with tears welling welling up in her eyes hearing the sentences she's heard throughout her life repeatedly echo on this plane.

"SHUT UP!" She screams out repeatedly trying to drown out the echoing sentences.


"Get the fuck away from me!" Ajax shouts out while crawling to the ledge of the mountain.

"No wait please hear me out! I didn't know my brother would've done that to you I'm sorry about what's happening to you but just please Co operate until we can get the augment out of you." Seraphina says slowly walking towards Ajax.

"What the fuck are you talking about? The son of a bitch killed my uncle and has been coming after me since." Ajax says while trying to sit up.

"W-what are you talking about? Your uncle?"

"Listen I'm not interested in trying my hardest to convince you that your brothers a scumbag,now do what u gotta."

"Listen I-" Seraphina is cut off as Erik lands directly behind her.

"Enjoying your heart to heart?" Erik says as he walks upto Ajax and pulls his blade out of Ajaxs chest.

"What the hell?" Seraphina shouts out before getting kicked to the side by Erik.

" You've played your part go home Seraphina." Erik says before preparing to stab Ajax. Suddenly a ball of light is thrown directly at him pushing him back.

" I was an idiot to think you changed you're still the same lying good for nothing bastard!" She throws a barrage of balls of light at Erik who is barely parrying any of them.

"Get out of here just go! I can't do this forever!" Seraphina says shouting at Ajax.

"You're gonna throw away your own mothers life for some stranger? What the fuck are you thinking?" Erik is saying beginning to close the distance.

"If innocent people have to die for my mother who approved of fathers crimes, then I'll happily throw it away!" Seraphina shouts out before blasting a full focused beam of light at Erik.

Erik with one last final push pushes through the beam of light and stabs Seraphina through the chest.

"Soo you're with them now huh?" Erik whispers before pulling his blade out a large amounts of blood pour out of her chest as she drops to the ground.

Ajax finally is able to stand up, but is barely able to remain conscious since he's already lost a lot of blood. He faints and falls off of the mountain into a large river.