Chereads / OLUWAPELUMI [English Version] / Chapter 2 - Demon Twin

Chapter 2 - Demon Twin

"Release him Now! In the Naaaaaame of Jesus!....". Said a Pastor. Pastor Isaiah wasted no time and started praying for the young man's deliverance in the Pastor's office along with three other men of God and they were heavily armed with the power of the Holy Ghost. "....For Jesus said, 'Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy'....and so I say, by the power in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Come out! Come out!..". The Pastors kept praying violently, vigorously moving their bodies as they prayed for the man who is now collapsed in their midst, foaming in his mouth, and jerking uncontrollably with his eyes rolled far back that his iris was out of sight. Soon after, the demon inside of him surfaced.

And after a few minutes of jerking and twitching, he got up on his knee and started weeping. "Please...". He muttered, and Pastor Isaiah heard and he stopped the other Pastors. "Please... I beg of you". said the demon inside Michael, weeping bitterly, like a man who had just lost his mother. Drooling with mucus streaming down his nostril and facial hair. "Please don't separate us...".

"Who are you? And what has this man done to deserve what he's getting?". Pastor Isaiah asked, but the demon just continued weeping and then one of the other Pastors saw that the possessed man's iris was no longer visible, so he opened up his bottled Holy water.

"Speak now or be silenced forever!". The Pastor said as he splashed the possessed man in the face with the Holy water, and with a monstrous roar the man wailed in agony like he was being whooped.

"I am a curse, I was to be brought upon Michael, the fifth generation of the original sinner. I was birthed with him, and we have come so far together, please...- Sir please don't separate us, If you do then I go into nothingness and my purpose will be incomplete...." the demon said shivering and sniffling as he narrated with Michael's voice. "The original sinner was a slave master, Chief Azuka, he was an evil man; he oppressed others with his power and affluence, molested daughters, and enslaved families, he thought no one was above him. But he crossed the line and ordered the death of a certain man for sport, a witch's first and only son; the apple of her eyes. And she sent me to exert her vengeance on the Obi household, that every firstborn son will be completely useless, and the fifth generation will be the end of his name. I'm at the peak of completing my mission.... please let me finish, I will leave after I'm done, I beg you...".

Pastor Isaiah processed all that the demon had to say with his eyes closed while the other pastors waited impatiently with all eyes on him, they were fired up and ready to deliver the final blow to the demon. "Hmm...". he sighed dropping his folded arms, he had received permission from the Spirit of God and was ready to deliver the man from the curse and the demon perceived it. "We have heard all that you have said, but the man who committed the sin has died along with innocent people, but this man here has accepted Jesus, and the bible says in Second Corinthians chapter five verse seventeen that, 'if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new'. This man here has been adopted by Christ and old laws no longer refer to him because he has become a new creation".

"Ah-ah". the other pastors agreed, aggravating the cursed demon as they began clapping their hands and building up momentum to unleash power through prayers.

"So now you see, you no longer have to torment him because he's no longer the son of the chief, he is now a proclaimed child of God, Christ has died for this one, so your job here is done...-".

"Enough! I knew you won't let me be,....I'd rather kill him here and now!". the demon said with its monstrous voice and grew sharp claws from Michael's fingertips and went for his chest, but the claws stopped halfway and the pastors laughed mockingly as they watched the demon continually fail to reach Michael's chest with the claws like his arms are being held back by invisible chains. The demon even tried to scratch his face but the invisible chains kept increasing the distance between the claws and his flesh.

"I almost forgot that asking nicely would be fruitless when it comes to demons, 'for the Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent takes it by force', I will take this again, I command you by the authority given to me through Christ, get out of this body now!" Pastor Isaiah started praying again with twice the aggression and the Spirit of God was upon them and they began to speak in tongues.

"Wha-what are you saying? Stop....Stop it, Shut up. Shut up!...." the demon screeched as immense heat filled the room, especially Michael's body and it was no longer inhabitable, as it became unbearable to stay in his body. "You have made my house inhabitable for me, you have to pay!". the demon said as it jumped out of his former host and into Pastor Isaiah's body only to have made the biggest mistake of its life; as soon as it inhabited the pastor's body, it was faced with fire that was a thousand times heated than it was in Michael's body and the fire consumed it instantly.

"Amen!". Pastor Isaiah said as soon as he felt the cursed demon disappear while Michael's body dropped to the ground from exhaustion, the pastors began singing praises to God for the sealed deliverance and sprinkling Holy water on the delivered to bring him back to consciousness. "Praise the Lord!" Pastor Isaiah called.

"Hallelujah!" the other Pastors responded as Michael regained consciousness and struggled to stand on his feet with the assistance of the other pastors.

"Congratulations Brother Michael, you have been set free by the grace of God". As the pastor embraced him, he started shedding tears; clinging onto the Pastor as his emotions got the better of him.

"I could feel it...I felt it crawl its way out of me-...I heard everything....-"

"It's okay, eh why are you crying? Aren't you a man?". they both laughed before letting go of each other, and the Pastors asked him to kneel so they could pray for him, that his deliverance would be sealed by God in heaven and on earth.

A while after he was prayed for, he was invited by Pastor Isaiah for some counseling, and he honored the invite and sat with the Pastor on a couch in his office after they finished the Sunday service. "Pastor, before we start I have some questions, I've been meaning to ask these questions since that day....that day in the church, the little boy said that spirit was my brother, and is it really possible for such a child to have such spiritual competence?" Michael asked.

"First of all both questions have the same answer, and that answer is 'Yes', anyone can be given the Spirit of discernment and wisdom...but only a few receive it or ask to receive it. Most children are subconsciously aware of their future purposes in life, that is why you see some children who sit their parents down and pretend to be speaking to a crowd, that's because subconsciously they know what they are going to do in the future, but it takes the grace of God for them receive the Spirit to be conscious of their ministry. Look at our Lord Jesus Christ for example, even at age twelve He began manifesting, He left Mary and Joseph who were already a day away from Jerusalem, and was found in the temple because even at that age He knows His destiny-" And as he spoke his attention was deviating and he began to see a vision of a young man running, it was only flashing images but he could tell that this man was being chased by something and he had on a native attire and was shouting in a familiar dialect.

"Pastor Isaiah, Pastor, Pastor Isaiah!" Michael snapped him out of the trance and he immediately got on his feet. "What happened Pastor? is anything the matter?" he asked in panic as he also stood up.

"I'm not sure...Let us pray" Michael dropped to his knees and shut his eyes as Pastor Isaiah prayed violently, rebuking every spirit that may be pursuing the young man in his vision.

Somewhere in the late 17th century....

A man was running for his life at a very late hour, carelessly bumping into carts, wooden barriers, and furniture used to guard the traditional shops of traders and business centers. He wore a Dashiki, a West African traditional attire with symbol-like patterns, consisting of a short-sleeved wide-hemmed shirt with a cap parted on each side like the ears of a dog, and pants made of the same cloth. He emerged from a dense forest and into a market square, shouting for help as he was being chased by some kind of demonic creature.

"Help me, people of the town, help me! Open the door, please have mercy on me, please open the door for me!" He banged at every door, but none opened for him.

He ran from house to house, but no one responded, so he ran back into the forest. The demon got closer and closer until the young man fell to the ground, too exhausted to get up or run any further.