Chereads / Slave Soldier. / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7. Gohan's first mission.

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7. Gohan's first mission.

"And that is how you land the ship." Tobney stepped back and bowed. Gohan rolled his eyes and stepped closer to the control panel.

"You make it seem like it's very easy." Gohan commented as he eyed the panel with interest. "I don't think I'll ever understand this."

"It's not that hard." Tobney pressed on a few buttons and looked at the half-saiyan. "Do you want to try it?" He asked. Gohan hesitated as his eyes moved to the control panel and the wheel. "It's just a simulation." Tobney sneered. "You'll destroy a fake ship."

"That's a lot of confidence in my abilities." Gohan scoffed as his fingers curled around the triangle shaped wheel.

"You're the one who is biting his lip." Tobney countered as he leaned on the panel with one hand. "You just have to know the basics. When we are all unconscious or too busy and the auto pilot is broken, that's when you'll have to land the ship. It hasn't happened yet." Tobney's bright blue eyes moved over the half-saiyan. Gohan was still getting used to the entirely blue eyes with white dots as pupils. The half-saiyan looked down at the wheel again.

Tobney brushed through his short dark blue hair and grinned at the half-saiyan. "Let's do this."

Gohan opened his mouth to answer but Tobney already pressed on the blue button. Gohan chewed on his lip and narrowed his eyes in concentration as the lights in the room slowly dimmed. The screen in front of them showed the outline of a planet. The gray surface of the planet indicated a mist that was hanging around it. Gohan swallowed heavily as the ground started to shake. Tobney sat down in one of the three chairs and watched as Gohan's fingers ran over the control panel. Gohan hesitated and pressed on another button. Tobney rolled his eyes and looked up at the screen. "Are you really planning on landing with this speed?" He asked.

Gohan shook his head and adjusted the speed level. The boy looked up at the screen and watched the planet come closer and closer. Gohan turned the wheel slightly. "Be careful with that. The ship responds very quickly." Tobney warned. Gohan nodded and typed in a few things. "Are you sure about that?" Tobney's sneering voice asked.

Gohan let out a breath and checked his information. The boy noticed the angle of the ship wasn't entirely right and he adjusted it. Tobney tilted his head. "You're still going too fast." He commented. Gohan frowned and slowed down the ship. "The landing gear is under the ship, not in the front." Gohan looked up and noticed the ship was heading straight for the ground. "Try to turn the ship." Tobney suggested when Gohan gave him an exasperated expression.

Gohan looked back at the panel and gave a pull on the wheel. Tobney looked up at the screen. "Three." He counted. Gohan pulled the wheel back as hard as he could. "Two." Gohan noticed the picture on the screen was moving which indicated the ship was rotating. "One." The ship was just standing straight when the screen disappeared in a fiery light. The ship had exploded.

"What?" Gohan asked out loud. He didn't understand. He thought he had rotated the ship just enough to land. Tobney got up and tapped against the number that indicated the speed of the ship. Gohan closed his eyes.

"Adjusting the speed is the hardest part of this. You can easily go too fast or too slow. You need to find the right speed or you need to find out how to adjust it better." Tobney explained.

Gohan fell down on the seat and sighed. The boy pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes tiredly. Tobney fell down next to him and grinned. "Tough huh?" He asked cheerfully.

"Why are you doing this?" Gohan asked as he looked up at Tobney.

"So you can learn how to control a ship?" Tobney answered confusedly.

"No. Why are you here? Why are you teaching me everything? Why are you taking me under your wing?" Gohan asked as he eyed his comrade.

Tobney shrugged. "I am supposed to keep an eye on you. We were supposed to share the burden of teaching you everything you need to know but I volunteered to teach you everything by myself. I have to stay with you at all times and standing around while someone is teaching you things I already know is not very productive for me. I might as well teach you myself." Tobney answered as he looked up at the screen.

Gohan leaned back again and sighed. "I don't want to do this." He muttered as he stared at the fire on the screen. Tobney placed a hand on his arm.

"I know." Tobney answered before he pulled back. A silence fell in the room. Gohan closed his eyes as the cold feeling in his stomach turned up the moment he thought about the things he was supposed to do when they reached the planet.

Tobney glanced sideways and noticed the troubled expression on Gohan's face. "Do you want to try again?" He asked trying to distract the half-saiyan.

Gohan nodded and jumped up. He walked back to the control panel. The half-saiyan tried again and bit his lip in concentration. Tobney watched as Gohan lead a second simulation right into the ground. The boy smirked when he noticed Gohan's disappointed expression. "Ah, cheer up." He said as he petted on Gohan's shoulder. "You should have seen my first few tries. My ship exploded in the ozone layer of a planet because I accidentally let the shield down." Tobney nodded as Gohan looked up at him. "It was your second try."

"That doesn't mean that I have to suck at it." Gohan answered with a frown.

"It doesn't mean you have to do it right either." Tobney countered. "We'll stop for today. I need to get some of my work done and you didn't do your studying today."

"No..." Gohan said as he placed his hands on the wheel. "I want to practice some more. I don't want to study. That Saiyan language is not important. Why would I want to learn a language that is spoken on a planet that is destroyed?" Gohan asked annoyed.

"Well, it's Vegeta, right. He has his own rules." Tobney answered with a shrug. Gohan scoffed as his finger moved over the leaning of the chair. Tobney suddenly cursed. "What time is it?" He asked.

Gohan shrugged. "I don't know. It's probably around four. We have been here for a while." He answered with a shrug.

"Shit. Shit." Tobney cursed as he walked away. "I had a spar with Kaon at half past 3." He complained as he left the room. Gohan raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four." Gohan whispered. "Three." Comora walked in the room and waved at Gohan.

"Hey rookie. What do you say we have a spar? We can revise the techniques you learned." Comora suggested as his red eyes studied the half-saiyan.

Gohan shrugged. "Fine." He answered. Comora turned away from him and walked out the room. "They can never leave me alone longer than ten seconds." Gohan complained under his breath as he followed Comora.

Several hours later Gohan was sitting in a chair in the library. Once he accepted the idea that he was going to complete this mission Gohan started to explore the ship. He found rooms of which he never thought would be necessary in a ship filled with warriors. The library was one of these rooms. He was surprised to find that the other warriors actually spend quite a lot of time in the library, leaning against the comfortable pillows on the brown couches and reading books for hours. Gohan did not mind spending time in there either. They had books about different planets, histories and even novels or fictional stories all translated to the universal language.

Gohan found different simulator rooms. One of the simulators was the screen on which they could simulate a flight or landing a ship. The second simulator occupied an entire room. It was made for training. They could simulate a whole different area filled with strong warriors. Gohan had spent some time in there but he preferred fighting with real warriors. The third simulator was similar to the second one. It wasn't made for training purposes though. The third simulator could send the person inside to any planet in the universe. Gohan spend several hours just lying in the grass on planet Earth. The problem was that the simulator was a little more primitive than the second one. They could not communicate with the living beings on the planet they were visiting. They weren't really there. They were just an invisible shadow in the daily live on the planet. The second problem was that the simulator was apparently set in the different time. Gohan tried to visit his mother but their house hadn't even been build yet.

Gohan tried to search for Capsule Corp but that company hadn't been invented yet either. When he couldn't even find Master Roshi's house Gohan gave up and just found a large field where he could lay down. The cows were grazing everywhere around him and Gohan could forget about his mission for several minutes. That was until a cow decided to graze right on the spot where Gohan's face was placed and the boy opened his eyes to find a big mouth racing towards him. That's when he decided he spend enough time in the simulation room.

Gohan was now curled up in one of the comfortable chairs with a book about a long mythological war on a planet called Xytopra. The boy let his head fall back to find out who was walking in the room. He watched as Itoro walked to Kaon and tapped on his shoulder. Itoro whispered something in Kaon's ear and Kaon nodded. The man got up and walked out the room while Itoro walked to one of the many closets. They were all standing in rows and every closet was filled with books on both sides. Gohan rolled his eyes as he looked back at his book. This routine was getting very annoying. Since he tried to escape a week ago they all kept an eye on him at all times. Tobney complained to Comora that he did not want a full-time babysit job so they were now taking turns in spending time with him just to make sure he wouldn't try another escape. When he voiced this idea to Tobney the other warrior told him he was being paranoid. That the ship was just very small and there were six warriors in there at all times which meant he was bound to run into the others several times every day.

Gohan sighed before he closed his book. The boy got up and headed for the door. Itoro was just flipping through a book and he looked up. "Rookie. Where are you going?" Itoro asked.

"I just want to be alone." Gohan answered shortly. Itoro closed the book and quickly placed it in the closet. His black eyes moved from Gohan to the book in the closet and he groaned as he followed the half-saiyan.

"I'll join you." Itoro said cheerfully as he appeared next to Gohan. The man scratched over his pink skin as he watched the teenager next to him.

"What part of 'I want to be alone' did you not understand?" Gohan asked annoyed.

"Nobody wants to be alone. It would be awfully lonely." Itoro answered with a shrug.

"Maybe I want to be lonely." Gohan snarled back. "Leave me alone."

Itoro huffed in annoyance and grabbed Gohan's arm. "We're going back to the library." He answered as he turned around and pulled the half-saiyan with him. "I'm really not in the mood for this." Itoro complained as he shoved the half-saiyan in the room. Gohan landed on his hands and knees but immediately jumped up. "You are going to stay here."

"Why?" Gohan snarled back. "Why do I have to stay here?"

"Because I'm watching you for now and I don't want to run around the ship just because you cannot stay in the same place longer than three minutes." Itoro snarled back. "Sit down and be quiet, brat."

Gohan frowned at the man but let his body fall into a chair when Itoro sent him a very harsh glare. The boy watched as Itoro grabbed his earlier chosen book and sat down with it. Gohan grabbed his own book and braced himself. He suddenly jumped up and threw the book at Itoro as hard as he could. The man was so immersed with the book he didn't notice the object speeding towards him. His head was knocked sideways when the book hit and he placed a hand on his head. "Damn it, you runt." He snarled as he glared at the boy. He blinked when he noticed Gohan was gone.

Gohan was running as fast as he could as his senses tried to find that familiar power level. He looked back to find Itoro right on his heels. Gohan stopped in front of a door and pressed on the button to open it. Comora looked up when he noticed Gohan was racing inside. The boy immediately whirled around and extended his hands. "Stop!" He yelled when Itoro raced in the room. Comora raised an eyebrow. "Comora is here." Gohan said as he motioned to the man behind him.

"So?" Itoro asked as he stepped closer and clenched and unclenched his fists.

"So, you can't do anything to me." Gohan answered as he stepped back.

"Don't let me stop you." Comora said as he looked back down at his work. Gohan looked over his shoulder and frowned at him. This was one of the many mistakes he seemed to be making lately. Itoro appeared next to him and hit Gohan on the head with a book. The half-saiyan yelped and rubbed over his head.

"As you earthlings say: An eye for an eye." Itoro answered smugly. Gohan scoffed but forgot about it for the moment as his eyes landed on Comora once more.

"Comora, get those guys off my back." Gohan snarled at him.

"What?" Comora asked as he looked up.

"I want them to stop following me. I don't want to be watched every second of the day." Gohan answered annoyed.

"Do you want to do something that's not allowed?" Comora asked crossed his arms over each other and leaned back in his seat.


"Then what's the problem?"

"I want to be alone." Gohan answered. "I want to have some time to think and I can't do that if you guys keep stalking me."

"You brought this on yourself." Comora said patiently. "I gave you a vote of confidence when I released you from the ki-bonds and you broke it."

"I won't do that again." Gohan answered.

"Hopefully. I don't think your back can take any more of our punishments." Itoro sneered amusedly.

Gohan chose to ignore this and gave Comora a pleading look. Comora eyed Gohan for a few seconds as a silence settled in the room. Itoro sent a questioning glance in Comora's direction. The latter sighed and leaned on his desk with his elbows. "Fine. Prove to us that we can trust you." Comora answered. "If you pull another stunt like you did seven days ago you'll be in even more trouble than you were then." Comora threatened.

Gohan nodded as answer. Itoro tilted his head. "Does that mean I am off duty?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah." Comora answered. "Tell the others about the new arrangement if you can." He ordered. Itoro nodded and walked out the room. Gohan turned around and followed him. "Don't make me regret this." Comora called from behind him. Gohan didn't answer as he left the room.

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"One more time." Comora ordered as Gohan floated closer.

The half-saiyan sighed tiredly. "How many times do I have to do this?" Gohan asked annoyed as he wiped some sweat off his forehead. The other warriors were having a very intense looking spar. Gohan longed to join them just to find out how long he would last but Comora was still drilling him on the new techniques he had to learn.

"Until you've done it right." Comora answered as he gave Gohan a stern glance. The teenager frowned back at him and floated back a bit. Comora nodded when Gohan sent him a questioning glance. Gohan powered up and his eyebrows knitted together in concentration. The half-saiyan made a series of movements with his hands and held them apart from each other in mid-air. A purple ki-blast appeared in between his hands. The boy bit his lip and slowly rotated his spread hands. The blast broke into pieces and small blasts surrounded Gohan's frame. The boy moved his hands up and the blasts moved up in the air. After this Gohan pointed to the target he was supposed to destroy and all the blasts suddenly shot at the target and disintegrated it. This all was done within two seconds.

The other warriors had ceased their matches and were watching the half-saiyan. Itoro glanced at Kaon. "When did you teach him this?" he asked.

"Today." Kaon answered with a thoughtfully frown.

"He catches up fast." Itoro answered as he watched Comora talk to Gohan.

"Too fast." Kaon muttered.

Comora turned away from Gohan. "Alright. Now it's time for the new technique we've been practicing on. The one I created especially for this planet. We still need to work on it." Comora announced as he floated closer to the other warriors. Gohan sighed as he floated to the ground. He wasn't allowed to attend this training yet. "Rookie. Where do you think you're going?" Comora's voice yelled.

Gohan looked up. "I cannot join this training session, remember?"

"Get up here. I'm not going to explain it twice." Comora answered shortly. Gohan grinned as he quickly flew up and appeared next to Tobney. The twenty year old tousled Gohan's hair and they both focused on Comora.

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"Good morning, sunshine!" Tobney gave Gohan a shake to wake him up. Gohan whimpered and turned away from the other warrior. The boy pulled his sheets over his head but Tobney was already pulling on the sheets. "Come on. Wake up." Tobney said cheerfully.

"I want to sleep." Gohan mumbled. Tobney tilted his head and grabbed the small mattress on which Gohan was lying. The boy tilted his mattress on to the side to force Gohan to slide off the mattress. Gohan held onto the mattress and closed his eyes tightly. Tobney frowned.

"Fine." Tobney said as he tossed the mattress to the other side of the room. Gohan landed right on top of it and smirked at Tobney. The boy lay down and closed his eyes once more. Tobney crossed his arms thoughtfully as he stepped closer. The twenty year old knelt down next to the mattress where Gohan was still sleeping. "So you want to play rough."

"No. I just want to sleep. Let me sleep." Gohan complained.

"Okay. You can sleep." Tobney answered innocently. Gohan opened one eye and eyed him suspiciously. "Let's see if you can sleep through this." Tobney suddenly attacked him and started tickling the half-saiyan. Gohan shrieked and rolled off his mattress. "Two seconds." Tobney sneered. "I gave you more credit than that."

Gohan huffed and got up. "I am not in the mood for this." He complained.

"Okay." Tobney answered as he watched Gohan walk to the showers. Before Gohan knew it Tobney landed on top of him and pushed him to the ground. There Tobney attacked him with the tickle torture again.

"Tobney! Stop it!" Gohan yelled as he tried to crawl away. Tobney grabbed one of Gohan's legs and pulled him back. Gohan rolled over and pushed Tobney back. After this he attacked Tobney and they rolled over the ground while trying to tickle each other and defend their own body at the same time. Itoro almost tripped over them and cursed out loud but the two ignored him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Comora yelled as he glared at the two younger warriors. They both ceased their activities and looked up. "What are you? Children?" Comora snarled at them. Gohan opened his mouth to answer but Comora cut him off: "Do not answer that. Gohan, get ready for breakfast. You can expect a hell of a training if you don't hurry up." Comora snarled.

Gohan pulled a face and got up. He walked to the bathroom as Tobney got up too. Comora glared at the twenty-year old. "I thought you were going to have an influence on Gohan. He is not supposed to have an influence on you." Comora said strictly.

"We were fooling around." Tobney answered annoyed.

"You're soldiers and you're on a mission. You don't fool around." Comora answered before he turned around and walked out the room. Tobney rolled his eyes and followed Comora.

Later that day Gohan was sitting in a chair in front of a large screen in the communication room. Comora was standing next to him and they were both looking up at the screen. Vegeta was staring back at them from his own ship. Gohan did not know why they told him to be there for the meeting. Comora and Vegeta had been talking to each other and completely ignored him for the past twenty minutes. The boy did not mind though. He did not want to talk to Vegeta anyway. "I hear you're making progress." Vegeta stated. Gohan looked up when he noticed Vegeta was actually adressing him and he shrugged. "Okay. That attitude is now over." Vegeta snarled at him. Gohan looked up. "You were sent on a mission and you are going to complete it. Now stop whining and sulking and act like a man."

Gohan gave Vegeta an indifferent expression. Vegeta and Comora exchanged glances. Comora decided to jump in. "He has learned everything he needed to learn. He caught up quite fast."

"When are you landing?" Comora opened his mouth to answer but Vegeta caught him off. "Did you teach him to see that?" Comora nodded. "Boy. When is the ship landing?" Vegeta asked.

Gohan muttered something under his breath and got up. He pressed on a few buttons and his face fell. "Two days." He whispered as his eyes moved over the screen.

"What was that?" Vegeta asked annoyed.

Gohan shook his head and looked up at Vegeta. "We land in two days." He answered loudly.

"Are you ready for it?" Vegeta asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"If you want me to act like a man you shouldn't ask me questions that require a childish answer." Gohan answered annoyed. "Of course I'm not ready for it."

"Then get ready. I expect to hear good results." Vegeta answered. "I'm signing off. Good luck." Comora and Gohan both saluted and the screen turned black a second later. Gohan stuck out his tongue at the screen.

"Real mature." Comora commented with a smirk.

"Hey. He told me to act like a man. He didn't say when or how long." Gohan answered as he turned away from Comora. The man watched him walk away and silently wondered how long Gohan was planning on keeping this up.

Gohan sat down on the couch in the library and sighed heavily. Tobney was just studying one of the books and he raised an eyebrow when he noticed Gohan's behavior. "What's wrong, rookie?" He asked curiously.

"We land in two days." Gohan answered sadly. "You said we still had two weeks to go." He accused as he glared at his comrade.

Tobney shrugged. "I wanted you to think that. You felt better, didn't you?" Tobney answered.

"Yes. I did but now I feel terrible." Gohan muttered as he got up and walked to the window. Tobney watched him go and placed his book on the table. Tobney tilted his head as Gohan placed a hand on the window. "Do you think we can breathe in space? Everyone says we can't but I never really tried it out." Gohan whispered.

"It would be a terrible way to try to escape." Tobney answered. "Besides, Comora can breathe in space. He'll jump out and pull you back in." Tobney warned. The boy watched as Gohan clenched the fist that was resting against the window. "I wouldn't recommend that." Tobney warned as he got ready to jump up if needed.

Gohan chuckled. "No. You guys keep watching me. I'm always busy with training or chores. The space pods have a password I don't know. The same goes for the control room which has a password so I cannot enter without one of you and now I can't even jump out the window because there will always be something or someone to hold me back." Gohan complained. The boy scoffed as his nails scratched the glass. "I've spend my entire life fighting murderers only to be forced to become one."

Tobney sighed. "It won't be so bad, you know. The first mission is not that terrible. You'll get used to it faster than you think." Tobney answered reassuringly. "You can take my word for it."

"Do you like it?" Gohan asked without looking back. "Do you like to feel their necks crack? The smell of the blood in the air." Gohan turned around. "I've watched people die since I was five years old. I will never forget the smell of Krillin's burned meat when Freeza literally let him explode. Will I become like that?"

"If you let it get to you." Tobney answered."Then you'll become just like Vegeta. The only thing you can do is be strong. It's all up to you." Tobney got up. "I think you can do it. You'll just have to find the needed confidence in yourself."

Gohan looked up at Tobney. "You think I can do it?"

"You surprised us before. Why not now?" Tobney answered with a shrug. Gohan turned back to the window and his finger traced over an invisible line on the glass.

Two days later Gohan was pushing the food on his plate around. He sighed as he pushed a purple carrot like vegetable over. The boy looked up when a hand appeared in his vision and pulled the plate away. "Hey!" Gohan exclaimed.

"You're not eating anyway. It's a shame to let it go to waste." Kaon answered as he dug into Gohan's food. The half-saiyan scoffed and pulled his plate back.

"It's my food. I can do whatever I want with it." Gohan snarled back.

"As long as you finish it." Comora answered as he looked up. "You need your strength today." He warned.

Gohan frowned and started eating. They all got ready for the mission. Gohan was just pulling on his boots when the female voice of the ship announced the ship would be landing in ten minutes. Gohan released his boot and placed a hand on his forehead.

A hand landed on his shoulder and Gohan looked up. Tobney smiled at him as he squeezed his shoulder. "Turn it off." He said. Gohan nodded and got up from his bed. The boy caught sight of his reflection in the mirror as he followed Tobney and stopped froze. A young boy dressed in a blue uniform. The only object protecting his torso was an armor with beige shoulder bands and a beige stomach guard. The Suta Team insignia was displayed on his chest. Gohan's eyes moved to the face of the boy in the mirror. The bright brown eyes stared back at him.

"Come on, Rookie. Hurry up!" Tobney yelled from the control room.

"I'll be right there!" Gohan answered. The boy looked back at his reflection and remembered how proud he used to be of his soldier-like look when he was on planet Namek. Gohan shook his head and ran out the room.

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"Nice planet." Comora observed as he looked around. "The gravity is almost none-existent. The atmosphere is endurable. We can finish this planet in no-time and we might even have some extra time to visit planet Quia." Comora announced. The others cheered which made Gohan wondered what was so special about that planet. The mentioning of that planet received the same enthusiastic applaud every time. He made a mental note to ask Tobney about it.

"The warriors on this planet are at level 8 of our 1 to 10 scale. It's best if we stay together and work as a group. I heard the inhabitants of this planet can do something with their power level. They can change it." Comora continued. Gohan raised an eyebrow at this message but did not say anything.

"So, we're not going to split up?" Kaon asked curiously.

Gohan looked down as a cold feeling settled in his stomach. This was it. They were going to purge this planet and Gohan was supposed to participate. His heartbeat sped up as he clenched his fists.

"No," Comora answered, oblivious to Gohan's emotions, "we will work together. I don't want to risk a loss."

"You think they're really that strong?" Tobney asked as he looked around. "There's nobody here."

"That doesn't mean a thing." Comora answered as his eyes settled on Gohan. The man frowned when he noticed Gohan's closed eyes and tightly clenched fists. He opened his mouth to say something but Gohan suddenly opened his eyes and shot away. They all jumped and watched Gohan leave.

The half-saiyan raced away. He just wanted to get away. He did not know where he was going or why but he knew one thing: He had to leave now. Gohan felt the presence before his eyes registered the figure in the air. Kaon appeared in front of Gohan. "You're going the wrong way, rookie." He said as he pointed to the place where their comrades were still waiting.

Gohan frowned and shot in a different direction. Seconds later Tobney appeared in front of Gohan and cut him off. "Gohan. Just forget about it." Tobney said tiredly.

Gohan shook his head. "I'm not going to do this." Gohan yelled back at the older boy.

"You don't have a choice." Tobney answered sadly.

"I'm not doing it!" Gohan muttered as he closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Tobney frowned thoughtfully as the scouter on his face beeped frantically. The warrior widened his eyes as he watched the number shoot up. "Don't make me!"

"What the hell." Tobney whispered.

"I WON'T DO IT!" Gohan screamed as his energy exploded. A tornado of energy surrounded the two warriors and Tobney had to cross his arms in front of him to protect himself. He blinked and tried to peak through the gap between his arms wondering what Gohan was doing but nothing could have warned him for the menace that launched at him.

Gohan appeared right in front of him and pushed his fist deep into Tobney's stomach. The warrior gave a strangled gasp and covered his stomach with his arms. Gohan whirled around in the air and kicked against Tobney's chin. The warrior was launched away before he knew what happened.

"What is going on?" Kaon muttered as he watched Tobney fall. "What happened?" Gohan appeared in front of him and Kaon stepped back in the air. The man opened his mouth to bark something at Gohan but the only thing he met was a fist. It landed against his cheek and he was pushed back. Gohan's boot was buried deep in Kaon's stomach and he gasped in pain. The man slowly sank to the ground where he landed on his hands and knees, still panting heavily. Itoro landed near him a second later.

Gohan was now beating into Suno. The man gasped several times as Gohan's fists hit him in the stomach. The boy kicked up and Suno's chin was forced up so fast his neck almost broke at impact. Gohan grabbed Suno's arm and whirled the man around only to let him fall to the ground.

Comora had been watching in amazement but had gotten over the shock by now. The man watched all his men fall and gathered that he was next. Gohan appeared near him and Comora managed to block the first hit and was amazed at the strength behind him. Half expecting Gohan to try another attack, Comora's arm which was still blocking Gohan's attack relaxed slightly. He didn't expect Gohan to push through and his arm gave in. He was hit in the cheek and moved back. He felt Gohan's knuckles hitting his face several times before Gohan made a loop in the air and kicked the man to the ground.

The warriors were all still lying on the ground and looked up dazedly. Gohan was panting heavily by now as his heartbeat settled down. The boy blinked and looked at the damage he inflicted.

"O no." He whispered as he watched the soldiers of the Suta team get up. They didn't look happy about their recent defeat. Not happy at all.