The monster advanced, and Sief widened his eyes as he saw the club being raised. In an instant, the giant struck, and Sief leaped to the side, dodging the club that hit the ground, causing it to tremble and sending stones flying in all directions.
Sief tried to block, but the weight of the sword made his arms heavy as the stones lightly cut them. As he landed, Sief still couldn't believe the level of strength he had just witnessed.
The monster exuded a strange presence, and even after that powerful blow, it rose to its feet, turning only its face towards Sief, its empty eyes fixed on him as it forced a macabre smile, while Sief nervously smiled, questioning himself.
'How do I kill this damn thing?'
Turning his gaze back to the village, he saw the residents, led by Phil and Tom, now forming pairs to fight the wolves, and it seemed they were still far from turning the tide of the battle.
However, that brief moment he had diverted his focus was enough, and soon he saw a shadow looming in front of him.
But that brief moment of distraction was enough, and soon he saw a shadow looming in front of him. Another club strike came his way, and Sief widened his eyes as he placed the sword beside his body, shrinking in an attempt to block.
Once again, the impact occurred, and Sief felt his whole body vibrate. In an instant, his feet were torn from the ground, and he was thrown into the middle of the village.
Sief saw the ground approaching and tried to move his arms, but again, the weight of the sword prevented him, and he fell to the ground, rolling a few meters further into the village.
When he stopped, he leaned on the weapon to get up, feeling his arms trembling as he saw the monster once again assuming an upright posture, walking back towards him, its empty gaze fixed on him as it salivated with each clumsy step, making Sief click his tongue as he thought.
'I can't ask for help when it seems like they need it more than I do...' Looking at his arms, he realized they were still trembling from the blow, making him furrow his brow as he thought. 'I can't get hit again...'
Sief gripped the sword with both hands and positioned it beside his body; the weight almost made him fall, but he still held it in the air as he saw the monster's shadow approaching again.
The club was raised again, and the monster stared at Sief, who swallowed hard but didn't move, until the giant struck. Seizing the opportunity, Sief advanced.
With quick steps, he passed by the monster and grunted, using the sword to cut the creature's leg, causing it to roar, missing the club swing and trying to grab Sief who dashed out of the monster's reach as he thought.
'I can't use this; it's ridiculously heavy...' When he stopped behind the monster, his breath was already labored, and he saw a trickle of blood running from the giant's leg. 'It was too shallow; if it turns into a battle of endurance, I'll lose... I need to tear that thing apart.'
Sief fixed his eyes on the giant's abdomen, which slowly turned as Sief positioned himself sideways, leaving the sword behind his body, both hands positioned to carry it, and positioning it to avoid colliding with the monster during the advance.
While still recovering, the monster faced him again, and Sief leaned his body forward in an advancing posture.
'He always attacks and doesn't seem smart or aggressive, but he compensates for all that with brute strength...' Once again, the club was raised, and Sief advanced. 'But I only need one strike.'
The club reached the top, but the monster froze and focused its eyes on Sief, who clenched his teeth as he watched the monster spin its body and strike, aiming for the boy's head. Sief widened his eyes but ducked during the run.
Again the monster missed, and the club passed over Sief's head. The wind blew through his hair, but he still kept his eyes wide, focused on the target.
Stepping forward with a single foot, Sief spun his body, adding his weight to that swing, adjusting the grip of both hands so he could use all his strength in that strike.
The blade cut through the air and tore the giant's belly, opening a huge wound that spurted blood, drenching Sief, who gritted his teeth as the weight of the sword completed the swing.
However, as soon as the sword hit the ground, the sound of the wind being cut again was heard, and Sief turned his head, widening his eyes as he saw the club already close to his face, and in an instant, the impact arrived.
The club collided with the sword, and both hit Sief's body, bending him due to the impact, and he was thrown again, but this time his back hit a wooden wall, and it felt as if his whole body broke again at that hit.
Sief spat blood and fell near the wall, with wide eyes as blood streamed from his face and mouth, his expression clearly showing disbelief, and his body trembling in agony from that blow.
From a distance, the monster tried to close its wound with its fingers, but the blood kept flowing.
Still on the ground, Sief saw the monster's stupid expression turn enraged, and upon seeing the boy lying down, the giant stomped its foot and advanced, this time in a fast run that made the ground tremble, while lifting the club and roaring to finish its target.
Though his body still trembled, he turned his body to the side and leaned on his arm, trying to get up.
When he exerted force, he soon heard something break, and his strength diminished, but he kept forcing himself, feeling his body burn as a faint green aura emanated from him.
But before he could stand up, a hand touched his shoulder, and a voice said cheerfully,
"Damn, I think this is the first time that a tanker can't hold his own weapon and has all this energy."
Sief's eyes widened and when he turned his face, he saw a boy who appeared to be a little older than him, with tanned skin and short brown hair with a ponytail that went down his back.
He wore simple clothes, but the main thing was reddish features that shone on his face and body, and his green eyes seemed to shine even in daylight.
Until the monster arrived and the boy faced him.
The giant struck with the club, hitting the roof of the house that was crushed to the ground where the weapon hit, making the pieces fly again, but the monster looked confused, maintaining an irritated expression, until he heard it.
"My name is Edgar, I'm going to borrow this, okay?" When he turned back, he saw the stranger take the sword from Sief who was still standing with a pained expression and still with the blood on his face. "It's almost like a rock, but it will do."
The young man wielded the sword with one of his hands and made Sief's eyes widen, especially when he noticed that the features on his body were now running towards the weapon, Edgar said with a smile.
"Not bad, not bad at all." Soon the glow stopped and he placed the gun on his shoulder saying: "I wanted to beat up this ugly guy, but we need to take care of you first. I hope you don't mind-"
"It's mine…" A faint voice sounded and made Edgar turn his face towards Sief who still maintained a faint greenish aura around his body as he said. "It will help those who need it... this one is mine..."
He walked slowly towards the monster, stopping next to Edgar and grabbing the hilt of the sword he was wielding.
'I'm not going to sit still again...' Sief felt his entire body hurt, but the heat still kept him awake and despite feeling his body scream with each step, a lightness took over his body and he said. "I can still move… give it back…"
Edgar stared in silence and the two saw the monster turn around, still irritated.
With a slight smile, Edgar pulled the sword towards him, taking it from Sief's hand as he said.
"No, this is payment for saving your life." Sief turned around in surprise, but soon saw a short sword being left under his chest as Edgar continued. "Keep this, you'll be able to use it at least."
It was a short iron sword with no details, just simple and sharp, which Sief still stared at with a frown.
Once again positioning the sword in front of his body, Sief faced the monster that was running again in a clumsy manner, causing the boy to frown in preparation for what was to come, until Edgar again came in front of him saying.
"I've already helped those who needed it, if it's yours it's much more problematic." Edgar walked and cracked his neck, turning his face with a smile. "But if you want to kill him, I'll give you an opening, take advantage. If I lose, he's mine."
Hearing, Sief widened his eyes and turned his gaze to the village where there were several bodies of goblins scattered everywhere, the cuts were so big that part of the bodies were missing as if something gigantic had cut them.
With that, even frustrated, he nodded, making Edgar laugh and turn his face towards the monster who was already bringing his club down on Edgar, who was preparing for the blow, saying.
"Wow, that was easy."
Sief jumped back, but he saw Edgar position his legs, which suddenly became stronger and with a single impulse he went forward at an abnormal speed, dodging the club and then spinning, delivering a powerful blow to the giant's leg, which tore into pieces. the flesh flies and the blood flows again.
The monster roared and turned its body, striking horizontally with the club aiming at Edgar's body, but again the attack only hit the air.
Sief raised his head and saw Edgar ready to strike, but before attacking he screamed.
With the voice, Sief advanced without thinking and Edgar's eyes glowed brighter along with the sword's features becoming larger.
With all his strength, Edgar brought his sword down under the creature's shoulder, sinking the blade into the monster's flesh and once again forcing its body down.
The giant's leg gave way and his body fell towards the ground, but in a furious advance he tried to grab Edgar's body, but soon felt Sief's weight under his injured shoulder.
Sief's eyes widened and he thrust his sword into the side of the monster's head, which was roaring and struggling in an attempt to free itself.
However, Sief clung to the giant's ear and once again thrust his short sword into the giant's head, which was howling in pain, but another thrust arrived and made blood splash on Sief's face.
The blood momentarily covered his vision, but his blows did not stop and hit the screaming giant in the eye, but he abandoned the club, grabbing Sief with his free hand and making Edgar exclaim.
"Damn it!"
The monster tried to pull Sief with all its strength, but excruciating pain stopped him and when the monster looked, Sief was still shaking, but one of his hands was clinging to the monster's ear and Sief was screaming again.
For a brief moment his eyes glowed green amidst the blood and another thrust arrived, but this time on the monster's forehead, which froze and loosened its grip, but without stopping Sief stabbed, again and again.
The monster's strength plummeted and Sief felt like he was going to fall, but again he advanced, holding the monster's ear and finally stabbing the dagger once again, hearing a crack followed by the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.
Sief was panting and his vision slowly cleared, seeing that the monster beneath his feet was no longer moving.
Sief's entire body vibrated and he felt his surroundings darkening, but next to him, Edgar landed in front of him with a wide smile on his face as he said.
"Damn, you're not even a tank. How brutal... you are... "However, when he realized it, Sief's body fell beneath that of the already unconscious monster. "An...-"