Chereads / HP : The Chronicles / Chapter 152 - Chapter 152 : Potter's Eventful Day

Chapter 152 - Chapter 152 : Potter's Eventful Day


"Do you fancy taking this party to the common room?" Fred asked, his proposal being welcomed by a round of cheering and applause. Harry had to admit, this day was definitely a highlight in a rather hectic week. He fully expected to return to the Gryffindor common room and spend a relaxing evening, maybe grab something to eat as, per usual, his appetite had disappeared before of the game, talking to Neville and even starting to explain just how he could conjure a patronus. What he hadn't expected was finding himself in the middle of a fight.

"Look, if Harry can do it, you can do it too, Ron!" A furious Hermione accused the very much affronted youngest Weasley male. "Merlin knows for how long Adrian's been trying to teach you how it's done!" Harry shared a semi panicked glance with a wide eyed Neville who had entered the changing rooms the moment the professors had vacated them and had walked with the team to the Gryffindor tower explaining what had happened when the Dementors had entered the field from his perspective.

"What?" He mouthed at the stunned Gryffindor Seeker who just shrugged and turned to the twins for some insight on the situation.

"Seems like our little brother has found himself in trouble." Fred stated looking at George.

"It would appear to be so, oh dashing twin of mine." George stated, his smirk mirroring his twin's.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Harry asked shaking his head at his friends' antics.

"Nothing!" They exclaimed in chorus.

"He got himself into this…"

"… now he's got to get himself out!" Fred completed his brother's sentence and followed him to the impromptu buffet they had collected from the kitchens. In any other situation, Harry would have followed their nonchalant example but his name had been brought up; that's couldn't be good.

"Help!" He mouthed to Neville as his brother claimed his attention.

"Harry!" A relieved Adrian called, looking overjoyed his twin had arrived. "Help me!" The older twin whispered as he patted his brother on the back.

"And risk my life in the process? How did I even get involved in this fight?" The green eyed twin asked in panic.

"Harry!" Ron called, glad to find a way out of what seemed to be a budding argument. "Wicked game, mate!"

"Thanks, Ron." Harry said, approaching him carefully, Neville following only a few paces behind. Hermione was looking at him perplexed.

"Where did you learn how to conjure a patronus like that?" The brown haired girl enquired. Harry resisted rolling his eyes; she really meant well but she could be so overbearing some times! She arched an eyebrow and waited for a response Harry didn't feel obliged to give; couldn't she have asked nicely?

"Oh come on, Hermione!" Ginny sounded from behind him. "It's like you've got Harry under trial! Nice game by the way, Harry. And a mean patronus; what was it? I was a bit far to see." The green eyed wizard turned and smiled at the red haired girl.

"Thanks, Ginny. And it was a wolf."

"A little big for a wolf, wasn't it?" The younger girl asked amused. "It looked larger than a bear."

"I'm just that good, Weasley." Harry stated smirking. Ginny rolled her eyes at him and turned back to her friends but not before muttering;

"You're so full of it, Potter." Harry chuckled but was forcefully pried from his light mood from an expectant Hermione.

"You never did tell me you know." She seemed like she was resisting tapping her foot annoyed on the floor and Harry sighed in resignation. He gave her the same story he had presented after the game; it had more impact on Ron and Adrian than on her.

"Snape?" Ron asked incredulously. "Snape helped you?"

"He looked disappointed the boggart didn't eat you or something if you want my opinion." Fred, who had been listening at the conversation, informed them. "He was looking rather annoyed at you."

"More like angry." George corrected. Harry just shook his head.

"I think he always looks like that when Sirius is in proximity." The twins nodded at the logic of that statement.

"Still, Snape helping isn't an idea you can easily wrap your mind around." Adrian stated. Neville looked at Harry with a soft smile; he had started to realize that the image professor Snape was showing to everybody at Hogwarts was quite different to how he really was like. And his relationship with Harry too, Neville pondered, was more than they let on for certain. He had realised some time ago that Harry had chosen to show just how different things were between the potions master and himself to him and him alone and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed at having gained such a trust; Neville knew what it meant to keep a part of yourself private. Having someone to share your innermost fears and anxieties with was the closest Neville had ever come to having a brother, something he had wished for since he was little.

"That's not the point here." Hermione said dismissing them all and breaking Neville from his reverie. She turned her attention to Ron again. "You see? Harry did it because he practiced; since you're training with Adrian you could at least try and be more…"

"Oh, cut it out, Hermione!" Ron cut her rant short, blushing a deep red all the way to his ears; he didn't much enjoy being scolded by a girl in front of his brothers. "It's not my bloody fault you've taken up more lessons than you can take and you had no time to join patronus training!" And Harry had been wondering how that had happened since Adrian mentioned that only Ron would be training with him.

"It's not my fault you took the easy way out with Divination!" Hermione countered, her voice getting louder. Harry backed up swallowing; this really wasn't playing out well. He sent Fred a terrified glance and he in turn motioned him to back up further away. Neville, showing prudence, was already a few good feet back.

"Adrian has chosen the same electives as I did!" An affronted Ron reminded her; they had by that moment started gathering the attention of the rest of the House.

"But he does extra training and…"

"We can't all be annoying, bossy, know-it-alls!" Ron spat and Harry watched in horror as Hermione's eyes became moist.

"You're insufferable sometimes!" She exclaimed and ran out of the room and to the girls' dormitories, barely restraining her tears. Harry shook his head dejectedly; they were both insufferable sometimes. Neville offered him a glass of pumpkin juice in silent commiseration as he pointed towards the buffet and assuring Harry he would bring something for him too.

Ron was sulking in the corner when the twins shared yet another look and placed a hand over Adrian's shoulders; Harry studied them for a while as they led his brother out of the room. He made to follow them but was interrupted by a jubilant Oliver who wanted to talk Quidditch strategies. Harry wasn't sure what unnerved him most from that point onwards; Oliver's eyes gleaming as if he was under high fever as he talked about Quidditch or his brother's equally gleaming eyes as he returned to the common room?