Chereads / HP : The Chronicles / Chapter 142 - Chapter 142 : The Arrival and Assignments

Chapter 142 - Chapter 142 : The Arrival and Assignments


It was in that gloomy atmosphere that they entered the castle; more Dementors were stationed at the school's entrance and even the Thestrals seemed affected. A blond girl, a Ravenclaw, Harry noted, stared at the general direction of the horse-like creatures confused, almost as if she could see their unusual reaction too. But then again, her look seemed so faraway that Harry just shrugged it off; Maybe he was imagining things. Ginny on the other hand, looked at the girl in thought for a second, before smiling softly and approaching her, saying hello and getting into the same carriage with her. They must both be second-years, Harry concluded and turned his attention back to Neville.

The feast was much more demure than usual; even the Headmaster had lost that cheery feel he radiated at the beginning of every term and Severus looked right down murderous. The two wizards shared a look and Harry could practically feel the tirade coming; the teen entertained the idea of locking Fudge and Severus in the same room for an hour and then return to collect the pieces. At least that managed to put a smile on his face. The two new Defence professors were greeted with loud applause, the older female students eyeing Sirius appreciatively.

But the greatest surprise came when Dumbledore announced it would be Hagrid who would take over teaching Care of Magical creatures as the previous teacher, Professor Silvanus Kettleburn, had apparently retired in an effort to preserve his remaining one and a half limbs. The former professor had been quite renowned around the school for having survived no fewer than sixty-two periods of probation during his employment and the green eyed wizard was pretty sure Hagrid would live up to that reputation.

"We should've known!" Ron roared, pounding the table. "Who else would have assigned us a biting book?" There was more than some truth in that statement, Harry thought as he cheered for his giant friend, laughing as Neville predicted they would soon be raising griffins in class. The five teenagers even approached Hagrid later on, congratulating him for his new post.

"All down ter you three," said Hagrid, wiping his shining face on his napkin as he looked up at them; Harry tried not to roll his eyes as the moved professor thanked his brother and his friends. He couldn't help thinking that it would be nice if his help was recognized for once but pushed such thoughts away reminding himself that one, Hagrid couldn't have known of his involvement and two, something good had come out of it anyway. "Can' believe it… great man, Dumbledore… came straight down to me hut after Professor Kettleburn said he'd had enough… It's what I always wanted…" They were at that point shooed away by Professor McGonagall, who directed them to their Dormitory.

The next morning brought the distribution of the new schedules; and while Harry's was slightly more cramped than his brother's, Hermione's took the cake. The green eyed wizard read it over her shoulder in an attempt to understand how she was going to cramp everything in; because, according to her program, at nine that morning she had Divination with Adrian and Ron, Arithmancy with himself and Muggle Studies. The only way she could ever manage something like that, Harry realized, was if she had a Timeturner but… He eyed the bushy haired girl exasperated; trust Hermione to get a Timeturner and use it for schoolwork. That would explain her impromptu meeting with Professor McGonagall before the feast last night.

"But why would you be taking Muggle Studies, Hermione?" Ginny, who had just received her own schedule from George, asked confused. "You are Muggle-born after all." Harry nodded absentmindedly at Ginny's logic as he filled his plate with some pancakes that looked exceedingly inviting and lightly conversing with Neville on their Ancient Runes textbook.

"I know." Hermione stated brightly. "But it will be fascinating to see it from a wizard's point of view." Ginny regarded her intently.

"Well, prepare to spend a year reading papers on the suspected function of a rubber duck. You have an idea there, but the first two years are basically introduction to the Muggle culture." She said and turned her attention to breakfast.

Harry's theory on Hermione having acquired a Timeturner was proved right when, after seeing her leaving with his brother and Ron for Divination, he found her seated in Arithmancy class waiting for Professor Vector. The green eyed teen filed that information for later use; you never know when you'll need a Timeturner.

The class was quite interesting -even if Harry had covered much more than the basics of his own- and less crowded than what he was used to, with only six students attending. And if one excepted his impulse to add broomstick-making in the list of magical studies where Arithmancy is used given by the professor, he found it quite uneventful. Much more pleasant than Divination must have been, he figured while observing Adrian's dark expression and the furtive looks the class directed to him, later during their Transfiguration lesson.

The lesson was on Animagi and Harry had found it more than interesting, especially because he was one. He was one of the few that paid attention as Professor McGonagall turned into a tabby cat and back into herself. Even she was surprised at the lack of reaction it seemed because she didn't waste time to address the classroom.