Chereads / HP : The Chronicles / Chapter 139 - Chapter 139 : Reflections and Revelations at Silbreith

Chapter 139 - Chapter 139 : Reflections and Revelations at Silbreith


Harry returned to his room lost in thought and, not knowing what else to do, pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill; he wouldn't see Severus for a couple of days and he couldn't not write him of what had happened, even though he probably knew already. He waited for Hedwig to come back from her hunt before giving her the letter. He watched as her white form faded away in the night. Even as he returned to his bed, Harry knew there would be no sleep for him that night; there would only be more wondering of how the school year would end up this time.

As Harry had expected, Severus knew of Pettigrew's escape, having been informed the very same night it had happened. His fury was even worse than what he had witnessed from James the day he told him and Adrian of Peter's escape and that said something. On the bright side, Harry thought as he watched a raving Severus pacing up and down the grand fireplace hall of Silbreith, he had possibly just enriched his vocabulary in Gobbledegook.

"I can't believe the sheer idiocy of that moron we have for a Minister." The potions master seethed for what seemed the tenth time in an hour.

"Many people can't." Harry assured him. Severus continued unaffected.

"Checking the wards?" He asked nobody in specific. "Why would he care to do that? It's not as if an Animagus might try to escape using his animal form, no!" Harry, who was admittedly amused by the display, tried to calm him down.

"Well, we could talk about the lengths of Fudge's idiocy for hours and never reach a conclusion, or you can take a few deep breaths and try to think of something that won't give you a heart attack." Severus shot him a dirty look but forced himself to sit down on an armchair.

"There." He stated darkly. "Happy?"

"Exhilarated." Harry answered dryly. "Your pacing was giving me a headache." He tried to keep the humour off his voice as the potions master sighed.

"Sorry for that." He apologised. "It just all seems too stupid to have actually happened."

"I think it actually happened because it is that stupid." Harry stated as Severus regarded him thoughtfully. "It's usually stupid things that cause the greater damage, I mean." Severus nodded.

"You're right, of course." He admitted. "And with Fudge, we had been lucky something hasn't happened sooner."

"We're lucky the rest of the Death Eaters arrested are still in Azkaban." Harry noted ruefully. "But this shouldn't be your greatest concern." He added slyly.

"What do you mean?" Severus asked confused. "Are there more psychologically disturbed murderers out there I should be looking for?"

"Well, I thought you would be preoccupied with the new Defence professors this year." Harry stated impishly; his grin only widened at Severus's confusion.

"There will be more than one?" The potions master asked.

"Hasn't Dumbledore said anything?"

"He said it still wasn't certain, that he was still looking for a new professor." Severus stated carefully. "Do you know something I don't?"

"They didn't joke when they said it would be a surprise then." Harry said chuckling.

"Are you planning on sharing that information with me?" Severus asked annoyed.

"I could just let you suffer, but I feel merciful this evening." Harry stated, fully knowing he had intended to tell him all along; his reaction would be too priceless to not witness plus, he didn't much enjoy seeing him worry himself to death. He ducked swiftly as a pillow zoomed towards his head. "If you act like that, I might change my mind." He warned Severus.

"Fine, I'll behave; now out with it."

"Sirius was to be the new Defence professor but, since he had to take part in the search for Pettigrew too, he will split his classes with Remus." Harry had heard the decision being confirmed just a night ago, Remus having been right that Fudge would agree to anything in order to try and patch up the situation. "So, what do you have to say about that, Sev?" The green eyed teen asked. Severus had gone completely still. For a second there, Harry wondered if he was even breathing. Turned out that he was, if the rant that followed was to be taken into account.

"Black?" He asked in terror. "A teacher? Who in their right mind would make him a teacher?" And he went on like that for some good ten minutes, until he ran out of reasons why Sirius should never be allowed in a classroom. Harry wondered if these two would ever work things out; some part of him thought that if they did, they might actually turn out to be great friends; deep down, they had the same temperament it seemed, even if the potions master had a much superior impulse control. Maybe when he and Severus wouldn't have to hide anymore.

"It's going to be interesting." Harry stated. Severus's eyes narrowed to slits as he picked up a pillow from the couch. Harry back-tracked cautiously. "Now Dad, let's not be hasty here…"

"I'll show you interesting." Severus stated ominously. And it was with a great pillow fight that the two wizards said their farewells to the summer holidays.

Next morning found Harry pushing his trunk up the Hogwarts Express with some help from Sirius. He and Adrian had been cautioned over and over about how they should watch their every move while at Hogwarts. The dog Animagus and the werewolf boarded the train with them, having finally let them in on the secret of who would be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts that year officially. Harry pretended to be surprised, while Adrian was over the moon. His mood dampened considerably however after their mother forbid them from visiting Hogsmeade along with the rest of their year.