Chereads / HP : The Chronicles / Chapter 137 - Chapter 137 : Wizards in the Making

Chapter 137 - Chapter 137 : Wizards in the Making


The summer weeks flew by and mid August found Harry and Severus in Bulgaria. They had spent their days travelling around the Balkans, Severus going crazy over the abundance of magical flora in the area. They had just left the Rhodope Mountains and the Trigrad Gorge behind then and were currently staying at the other side of the country, at the city of Vratsa. Harry couldn't have been more excited; they had already seen the Vratsa Vultures in a game, an experience they would repeat a few days later, just before they left for England. And on top of that, the newest edition of the Which Broomstick was out. And on the top of the list, described as the best broomstick in the market and advertised as the choice of national teams for next year's Quidditch World Cup, was the Firebolt.

"Now that's something." Severus commended, shining with pride as he read the article that accompanied the picture. Harry had turned beet red.

"I never thought it would be such a hit, not really." He admitted; he knew it was a good broomstick, great even, but the selected broomstick for the World Cup? He honestly hadn't seen that one coming.

"I had. Congratulations, Harry."

"Thanks, Dad." Harry offered, smiling as wide as humanly possible, his eyes locked at the picture of the Firebolt on the page. Another thing he hadn't expected was his family's reaction to his creation.

"Did you see it, James?" Sirius asked, practically drooling over the very same issue of the Which Broomstick the week before school started.

"See what?" Prongs asked, looking up from his copy of the Daily Prophet.

"It, James!" He stated with wild eyes and pushed the magazine he was holding towards his friend as Harry tried to look absorbed in his cereal. "The new broomstick from Nimbus Company."

"There's a Nimbus Two Thousand and Three?" Adrian asked interested, moving closer to look at the magazine. "Malfoy's going to flip when he hears about it!"

"No, this one is outside of the regular Nimbus line." Sirius clarified as James and Adrian began to read the article. "It's called the Firebolt."

"It can go from zero to one hundred and fifty miles per hour in ten seconds?" James asked amazed as he read the article in question.

"It says here that there's one on display at Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon Alley." Adrian said, his eyes gleaming. "Can we go see it?"

"Of course we can!" Sirius offered. "It says it will be out in the market sometime in November. Come see, Harry!"

"I've already seen the broomstick up close." Harry stated, earning awed looks from his family. "What?" He asked.

"Where did you see it?" Sirius asked reverently.

"Did you forget that I applied for work at the Nimbus Company during the summer?" Harry asked; he had told his family that he hadn't gotten the job after all, deciding to start next year instead. "I was there when they brought the Firebolt in."

"Did you touch it?" Adrian asked with a dreamy look. Harry tried not to laugh.

"Actually I did; I believe it was the prototype too." That wasn't a lie either; Harry had kept the prototype for himself. Severus insisted it would cost a fortune one day, so it was now decorating the wall of his bedroom back at Severus's castle. Harry was actually in the process of creating a Seeker's edition for the Firebolt, giving it that extra touch; it wasn't really difficult now that the basic design was perfected.

"You. Touched. The prototype?" Sirius squeaked.

"Yep!" Harry simply said as he took his now empty plate to the sink, leaving Sirius to hyperventilate in peace and James with Adrian to try and calm him down. Things only got worse when they actually visited Diagon Alley and they managed to get a close look; Lily had to intervene before James and Sirius ran into the shop and ordered two Firebolts, while Adrian and Ron -who had met with them at the Leaky Cauldron so they could get the school supplies for the next year- were looking at the broomstick stupefied.

Harry, who had almost toppled over watching the crowd that surrounded the window and the fact that the Firebolt was the only broom on display, idly wondered what would happen should James and Sirius buy the broomsticks and then find out who had designed them; it probably wouldn't be so pretty, he imagined. Hermione had to come and pull her two friends away from the window to go on with their shopping; she was holding her new giant, ginger cat, Crookshanks -half kneazle, Harry noted- and she was decided to not waste any more time ogling a broom.

Harry had made a small stop as they walked back to the shops to pick up Neville from the Leaky Cauldron. They chatted animatedly over their holidays before rejoining the small group waiting out of them at the apothecary.

The visit to Flourish and Blotts had been another highlight of their shopping trip. Harry had selected Care of Magical Creatures along with Ron and his brother but instead of Divination, he opted for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. A few letters exchanged over the summer had persuaded Neville to exchange Divination with Ancient Runes, a subject he had wanted to take but had been certain he would fail at before Harry managed to persuade him otherwise. Hermione on the other hand, had picked each and every subject available and Harry just couldn't see how she was to attend every class without a time-turner.

The shock of the day however came when they went to buy their Care of Magical Creatures book; the Monster Book of Monsters lived up to its title and Harry was surprised to see it was the same book Hagrid had gotten for him an Adrian for their birthdays; the book had only come with the inscription that it would prove useful and now the green eyed wizard understood why. The manager of the shop almost burst into tears when Neville, Ron and Hermione asked for three copies.

The days passed in a relative calm after that; Sirius looked smug about something he was supposed to be keeping a surprise and Harry hoped he hadn't gone and ordered a Firebolt or something. Joking apart, he'd rather his family didn't have to spend that kind of money -no matter how much they had- on something he had made. But other than that, life continued as normal.

Harry was sketching the main outline of the device Severus was planning on creating; it was a bit tricky, considering he had never worked with glass before but, in this instance, transparency was a must. A quick glance at his bedside clock informed him of the hour being well over midnight and he sighed, not understanding where time had flew off to again. He was just about to get under the covers and call it a night when hasty footsteps echoed in the house, a couple of floors beneath him; James's office he guessed. Then came the frantic voices, muffled by the distance and the objects between their source and the young wizard but enough to arouse his curiosity and even alarm him a little.