Chereads / Fairy Tail: Fifteen Strong / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5: Rebuilding his Fortunes...and his House, Part 4

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5: Rebuilding his Fortunes...and his House, Part 4

(Author's Note:)


So quick note here, I initially planned for Guiliano to have each specific Magic in his fifteen-strong arsenal be separate. As I've planned out the Multiversal Chaos Arc, I've realized that it's better to have them grouped. So Guiliano for example knows like Eight Dragon Slayer Magics. That now makes one out of the fifteen strong, And before y'all go nuts, I'll repeat previous statements. Just because he knows these magics doesn't mean he's on the level of Acnologia or Irene Belserion. I'll give you all a small spoiler as an example. Since he's a half-dragon/half-human son of Ignia, he's a natural user of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, and he has a lacrima of Atlas Flame inside him, it is extremely difficult for him to both use and learn Water Dragon Slayer Magic, moreover because of this heritage it's not as easily to regain strength by consuming Water. Everything that will fall under his Fifteen Strong abilities will have a bit of give and take on it so to speak. The higher his mastery on one, the harder it will be to learn and recover through an opposing form.


(Drago Konzern Regional Headquarters, Hargeon Town, Kingdom of Ishgar, Ishgar, Earth-Land, Fairy Tail Universe)


(Mirajane Strauss POV)


''Well, Fuck.'' Said Guiliano.

''What's the problem? It's just a bunch of Wyverns.'' Cana asks.

''There's only one type of Wyvern that likes booze. The Black Tooth Wyvern. The beasts are practically sentient and are on the brink of extinction as it is, which means outright exterminating them is out of the question. But there's only one thing that they love more than Booze.'' Guiliano said.

''And that is?'' Mira asked him.

''Dragon Seed Essence.''

''What's a Dragon Seed?'' She asked him.

''It's something every First Generation and Third Generation Dragon Slayer possesses. Natsu, my sister, Sabretooth's Rogue, and Sting, Phantom Lord's Gajeel. They all have a Dragon Seed inside them. It is a wellspring of Draconic Magical Energy that can permanently transform a Dragon Slayer into a Dragon. Most notably Acnologia and Irene Belserion became Dragons through this Seed.'' 

''The Dragon of the Apocalypse?'' Mira asked, feeling a little sick to her stomach.

''Aye.'' Guiliano nodded.

''What about the other one? What was her story?'' Asks Mirajane.

''She was a Vanguard of Zeref. And she's still alive to this day.'' Said Guiliano.

''So why are you so concerned about a bunch of wyverns?'' Asks Cana, thankfully skipping over that disturbing bit of information.

''I'm a First Generation Fire, Moon, Water, Gold, Wood, Earth, Law, and Lightning Dragon Slayer, as well as a Third Generation Hell-Flame Dragon Slayer. I have nine Dragon Seeds within me even if my compatibility and mastery of my nine Dragon Slayer Magic is higher for some, and Abysmal for others, the Black Tooth wyverns will hone in on me like a moff to an open flame.'' Says Guiliano.

''Yeah, but you and Mira are S-Class right? So why is that a problem? Cana asks.

''That's not a problem, it's the fallout that is the problem.'' He says, before turning back to look at Lady Annabelle. ''On a scale of one to ten - ten being the worst - how badly hurt was Wendy?'' He said.

Anabelle hesitates.

''Eight.'' Although there is no noticeable reaction by Guiliano, it's obvious he's upset.

''I'll try not to destroy the entire building. Even so, evacuate the neighboring buildings, and transport anything important that you're able to get to away.'' He said.

''Already done, everything still in there is insured, so whatever you end up doing is covered.'' Says Annabelle. ''I'm sorry, we never would have called on the Sky Maiden if we'd known about the Black Tooth Wyverns.'' Lady Annabelle said apologetically.

Guiliano waves her off, before walking out.

Following behind him, she and Cana exchange Glances.

''You alright Cait Shelter?'' Asks Cana.

''Would you believe me if I said yes?'' He asked with a dry laugh.

''Probably not.'' Cana replied.

''We should deal with the Goblins first. Gives you a chance to calm down.'' Mira suggests.

''So be it.'' He agreed after a moment's thought.

''I wonder what sort of Goblins we'll face? All Goblins have a sweet tooth, but with varying levels of intelligence.'' Cana brought up. 

''We'll certainly find out.'' Guiliano said, his voice still somewhat tight.

Mira puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, ignoring the sensations that run through her body at it. Guiliano takes a long drawn-out breath, before patting her hand. He gave her a grateful smile and after smiling back she removed her hand.

''Follow me.'' Guiliano says, leading them out of the room.


(POV Shift: Guiliano Augiliar)


Guiliano felt the rage within him bubbling. A Dragon's rage was a powerful thing, but half-breeds felt it so much more due in part because of their human side. Human's were a more emotion-fueled race, whereas Dragon's were typically more in tune with their emotions. The theory was that the human side made certain emotions more powerful depending on the element of the half-breed. Guiliano was a little bit different because he'd been trained at the feet of the Six - now five - Dragon Gods. The Element of Fire tended to be fueled by anger, hate, and passion. His… father had explained it to be that way simply because they stoked one's inner fire best.

This was something he'd been at odds with for most of his life. By contrast, Water Dragon Slayer Magic required it's user to be serene, maintaining calmness and patience like the tides in a way. Similarly, Moon Dragon Slayer Magic required it as well, but it also required detachment. The Moon and Stars however vital they might be, were ultimately detached from the Earth physically. But the Moon was a dependent force of nature. It dictated the tides with the sun, and thus was a crucial component of Water Dragon Slayer Magic. The hour of the changing tides was the moment a Water Dragon Slayer or Water God Slayer was at their strongest. Similarly, the rising of the sun was when a Fire Dragon Slayer, a Fire God Slayer, or any type of Fire Mage for that matter was at their strongest. The setting of the sun represented the moment when a Fire Mage's powers would weaken.

Right now, his Hell-Flame and Fire Dragon Slayer Magic was raging against the mental barriers he forced up. The nine Dragon Seeds within him were a Curse he could do without. His Draconic heritage prevented them from overwhelming him. But the six hundred and sixty six seals he'd been branded with were not a permament protection against them. More than four hundred years old, and Guiliano had led many lives.

A prophet, a student, a cult leader, a warrior, a businessman, a teacher, a father, an architect, a protector, an author, a chef, an artist, a destroyer, and now a Fairy Tail Mage. He'd sampled pretty much everything this world had to offer. Throughout it all though, he'd never genuinely felt a connection to anyone until he met Wendy, and until he joined the Guild Mavis founded so long ago.

Speaking of Mavis Vermillion…


(POV Shift: Mavis Vermillion)



Ignis had joined Fairy Tail.

She wasn't entirely sure whether or not to believe it, but the proof was right in front of her.

And since she did owe him a haunting after all…

She wasn't leaving him any time soon.

Besides, she wanted to know why he finally joined Fairy Tail after turning her down all those years past. That and she wanted to ask him several questions, that she needed answers to.

''I know you can see me.'' She says cheerily.

He spares her a glance, out of the corner of his eye. She pokes her tongue out at him.

''Something wrong?'' One of her fairies asked him, she really was quite pretty.

''Give me a few minutes alone to think.'' Was his reply.

''Sure, Mira and I will meet you outside the Chocolate factory.'' The other fairy said and once they were out of sight, Ignis turned to her.

''Oh fine, very well Ignis.'' Mavis says, seeing how little fun he'd be right now.

It's been a long time Ignis.'' Says Mavis.

''That is not my name any longer?'' Ignis said hotly. ''Ignis was my name, long ago. I gave it up the day my mother died.'' Says Ignis.

''Silly dragon! You can't give it up just like that.'' Mavis refutes.

''Yes I can, and I already have. Now, is there a point to this? The dead should stay dead.'' Says Ignis.

''I've decided that for the foreseeable future, I'm going to haunt you. It gets oh so boring being dead and just roaming around aimlessly. Besides, now that you've officially joined Fairy Tail, things are bound to get infinitely more entertaining.'' Mavis said.

''So long as you don't watch me while I'm bathing.'' Ignis said.

''Flattered, but no. I'm already taken.'' Says Mavis.

''I remember.'' Ignis sid simply, before sighing. ''Still a pain in the ass. Now I have to deal with this on top of everything else.'' He said, and she slapped his head.

''So mean!'' She pouted.

''Says the ghost who makes things dificult for me. Well, I guess I best deal with the goblins, and Wyverns, and then we can discuss how the First Guild Master has been.'' Says Ignis.

''I'll be watching.'' Mavis says with a wave.

''I know.'' Ignis replied. ''Such a pain in the ass.'' He sighed deeply, exhaling a small Flame from his mouth as he sighed.

She had missed him, almost as much as she missed Warrod, Precht, Yuri, and Rita too of course…


(Author's note:)


And with that, the chapter is done. Sixteen Hundred and Fifteen words total of content. All in all, a few things happened her. I wasn't initially going to have Mavis follow Guiliano around, but let's be honest it makes any relationships he forms more entertaining as well as the eventual full reveal about who and what he is more entertaining.

Also, the larger part of the fifteen categories of abilities won't start to fully appear until after Tenrou Island and also after the Multerversal Chaos part of the story. Can't wait for that and the Phantom Lord parts of the story. Those will probably be my favorite arcs as well as the Nirvana part of the story as well at least until the Grand Magic Games.

Overall my two all time favorite episodes are when the Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord Guild War begins in Episode 21 and Laxus wipes the floor with the entirerty of Raven Tail by himself in episode 169. The Mirajane vs Jenny episode in 163 being a close third without a doubt though, because let's be honest, Mirajane has a body worth dying for no matter how what any thinks.


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Thanks to Mitchell Howard, David Martinez, ROGUE505 Saver, Mathew T Linderman, Luck George, Kyle Diano, Julien, Morgan Sinn, Maciek, Tom A, Beastmode2003, and Joao Goncalves for their support on P-atreon.

And also a big thank you to Cody, Luci Alarra, TJ Cruz, Kunta, Availon90, Gavin Barclay, Dragonslayer29, Jacarya Robinson, Nathan Just, Francisco J Guzman, Axlii, Reece Hutton, Ken Harris, Zeldris Wrath, Duy, lonelynib _, Austin, D3EATH707, Dwhateverprof, Cutler1812, Aleksander_402, Lewis Wilson, Profound Magician, Arzard, HxC 740 VxD, Attila Kovács, Ruby Uzumaki, Tom A, and Mudit Chadha for their past support on Patreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.

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