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Alex and Haley (modern family) NSFW

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 Pt.1

Alex Dunphy couldn't remember a time she and her sister hadn't been at each other's throats. Sure, they had their moments, but they were like the time in between rounds in boxing matches, they only lasted a matter of seconds and they were hardly memorable. What was memorable was the constant fighting, and it had only got worse since that idiot had predictably dropped out of her third rate college and come back home. At least initially Haley had moved into the basement, but that had been short lived thanks to a possum who had somehow got in and fallen asleep right next to where Haley had been sleeping. Now they were back sharing a room, although Alex didn't know how much more of that she could take.

"What?" Alex snapped as she once again caught her sister staring at her.

"Nothing." Haley blatantly lied, turning away from her.

She should just let it go, Alex knew she should just let it go, but she couldn't, "Seriously, what?"

Haley sighed, and then without looking at her little sister sassed, "It's just that it's a family dinner, not a first date. Or a third date. Or a night standing on a street corner."

Alex scoffed, "Oh please, you don't even know the meaning of the word modesty!"

"I don't need to have a dictionary for a brain to know you look like a whore." Haley grumbled, still not looking at her kid sister.

"Excuse me, your skirt is like twice as short as mine!" Alex snapped.

"Not even close, and your clown boobs are practically popping out." Haley snapped back, finally looking at her again, "I mean, who are you trying to impress? Is there a waiter or a parking assistant you like, or do you just want 'Uncle Manny' to start having a creepy crush on you now?"

"I'm surprised you finally figured out he was crushing on you." Alex grinned, "And I've seen you where this much cleavage."

"Yeah, but I'm hot with normal sized boobs, you're a freak with massive porn star tits!" Haley practically yelled, before smugly adding, "Seriously, there's no way those are real. Have you seen Mom? You totally paid for those, admit it!"

For a few seconds Alex stared in disbelief, then she smiled widely, "Oh my God... you're jealous!"

"What?" Haley asked, looking totally confused.

"You're jealous! Of me... OH MY GOD!" Alex pretty much repeated herself.

"As if." Haley scoffed.

"No, it... it all makes sense now." Alex nodded her head, "This whole time I'm wondering why we've been fighting more. I thought you were just depressed and worried that because college didn't work out you'll have to embrace your destiny as a stripper, but the truth is you can't stand to be around me because not only am I smarter than you, now I'm hotter than you too."

"None of that is true!" Haley said, then when Alex gave her a look she quickly added, "Ok, some of that is true, but you're definitely not hotter than me. And that's not even close to why I can't stand to be around you right now."

"No? Then what is it Haley? Why have you been such a pain lately? What is all this about?" Alex said, stepping forward and physically pushing her sibling with every sentence, "Because you know what, I'm beyond tired of this. I'm tired of you acting like a total bitch all the time, so if you don't tell me what's wrong I'm going to tell Mom and Dad next time you do something stupid."

Haley let out an almost animalistic cry of overwhelming frustration, then grabbed Alex's face and pulled her in for a kiss. Alex was so shocked she didn't even begin to think of stopping it, or kissing back. Not that she would kiss back, but... she was just so beyond shocked that she just stood there like a statue as her own sister pressed her lips against hers for 10 of the longest seconds of her life. Then Haley pulled back a little so that their faces were inches away from each other, and this look crossed her face. In a way it was like those few times in the past Haley had allowed the mask of bitchy sister to drop and be nice to her, only instead of anything nice Haley just looked terrified.

Then all of a sudden there was a knock on their door, "Girls! Seriously, we have to go."

"Coming Mom!" Haley cried out, the mask firmly back on her face as she quickly finished getting dressed and left without a word, leaving Alex to follow suit.

Alex didn't say anything until they reached the restaurant, and even then she only participated enough in conversation so no one would suspect her mind was totally elsewhere. Or right next to her as the case may be, Haley probably only having the guts to stay so close because she wanted to make sure Alex wouldn't say anything. As if she would, even if she could sort out what she was feeling. After all, how could she tell anyone in her family that Haley had kissed her? How could she live with the embarrassment of that? How could she tell them that her own sister kissed her, and it didn't repulse her like it should?

Sure, she was ashamed that it had happened, and definitely wanted no one to know about it, but... Alex just couldn't stop thinking about how soft Haley's lips were. Which made sense, what with Haley being a girl and all, and that being Alex's first kiss with a girl. Something Alex thought she would do at some stage, probably in college, but it wasn't going to be her sister. Now it was she wasn't sure what to do. Except talk to Haley of course. Not that she wanted too, but they were living in the same house, and more importantly sleeping in the same room, so they were going to have to talk about this eventually, and Alex wanted to do it sooner rather than later so she could sort out the thoughts in her head.

So as soon as she was back at home Alex hurried upstairs, brushed her teeth, changed into her pyjamas, curled up in her bed with her body facing the wall nearest to her and pretended to go to sleep. Minutes had felt like hours at dinner so she had plenty of time to think about the best way to talk to her sister. Haley might make a fuss if she tried to drag her somewhere private, and the last thing Alex wanted to do was draw the attention of her parents, so making Haley think she didn't want to talk about it was her best bet.

Thankfully it seemed to work, Haley sneaking into their room a short time later and hurrying to change into her own pyjamas and crawl under her sheets while facing away from Alex, or without bothering to turn on one of the lights. The second Haley was snuggled up Alex jumped out of bed and turned on the light, honestly expecting her big sister to try and run away. Instead Haley just stayed where she was, clearly trying to play Alex at her own game.

Not fooled for a second Alex stomped over until she was practically leaning over her sibling and then whisper yelled, "Why did you kiss me?"

For a few long moments there was silence, then without moving Haley softly grumbled, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Alex rolled her eyes, "Yes you do."

"No I don't." Haley interrupted before Alex could say anything else.

"Yes you do." Alex insisted, the two sisters briefly going back and forth like that before the younger sibling practically said at her normal volume, "Now answer the question."

"Hey, keep your voice down you perv." Haley whisper yelled, finally sitting up and looking at her sister.

"I'll keep my voice down if you answer my questions." Alex offered, quickly following up with, "Now, why did you kiss me?"

Rolling her eyes Haley grumbled, "I didn't kiss you."

"Yes you did." Alex whisper yelled angrily.

"No I didn't, now shut up you freak." Haley practically growled as she slipped out of bed and tried to tower over the other girl, something which may have been effective only a short time ago but now they were virtually the same height even Halley knew it wasn't very intimidating. As a result she tried to make up for it with her words, "I don't know what perverted little daydreams you've been having, but I would never do something like that. You're a dork, and a loser, and my sister, so I would never, ever even dream about doing something so gross and disgusting as kissing you."

"You're lying." Alex pointed out with a frown, she and her sister stared at each other for a few long seconds, then her eyes went wide, "Wait, you've thought about it? You, me, and... and... you, you want me? You're actually physically attracted to me? That, that kiss wasn't just a moment of madness?"

"OH MY GOD, how can anyone so smart be so dumb!" Haley practically screamed in frustration, luckily having the sense to lower her voice half way through but unluckily not having the sense to stop talking, "People don't just kiss each other for no reason you dummy."

"So you do remember the kiss." Alex whispered smugly, before thinking it through, "Wait... soooooo, all this weirdness between us? All the extra fighting, insulting me even more than usual, you being a total bitch to me all the time instead of some of the time... it was all because you had a crush on me?"

Awaking from the horrified state she'd been in since she given herself away Haley whisper yelled, "It's not a crush!"

"Then what is it? What's going on Haley?" Alex asked, getting closer to her sibling.

"I... I... I, I... I..." Haley stammered before bursting into tears, quickly shoving her face into her pillow and screaming in frustration.

"Oh please, you're not getting out of this, so don't even try that faking it BS with me." Alex huffed.

"I'm not faking it." Haley wept into her pillow.

"Oh... sorry?" Alex sort of apologised.

"Oh shut up and go tell Mom and Dad already!" Haley almost yelled into the pillow.

"Yeah, I'm not going to do that." Alex said, and then when Haley gave her a hopeful look quickly added so there was no confusion, "No way I want them, or anyone else to know about this, so... so let's just talk this out and be done with it."

Wiping the tears out of her eyes Haley grumbled, "What else is there to talk about."

"I don't know." Alex admitted, "How long have you been secretly gay?"

Haley rolled her eyes, "I'm not gay you moron."

Alex gave her a look, "Oh really?"

"Really!" Haley insisted.

"Then how do you explain... what happened earlier?" Alex asked, hesitant to even say it out loud.

Haley sighed deeply, look away, and then after a few long seconds grumbled, "This is all your fault you know."

"MY FAULT!" Alex yelled, before bringing both hands over her face and then when they didn't seem to be anyone stumbling towards their room she angrily whispered, "My fault? Oh please, explain how this is even partly my fault."

"Because it is!" Haley insisted, "All of this, every single bit of it, is your fault."

Crossing her arms Alex challenged, "Explain how."

The two sisters stared at each other for a few seconds, and then Haley grumbled, "You were never supposed to be this hot. You were supposed to be this flat-chested plain Jane who married an equally average looking nerd and then you were supposed to have nerdy little babies together. Now look at you... you're a freaking Goddess!"

Absurdly finding herself blushing Alex lowered her gaze, "You... you really think so?"

"Oh for God sakes Alex, look in a fucking mirror!" Haley whisper yelled, "Those big boobs, that cute little face, that amazing ass... and don't get me started on those little glasses you wear. Seriously, how can anything so dorky be so ridiculously cute?"

Even though it was incredibly vain and shallow Alex loved hearing all that from the sister who was so mean to her all the time. Then again it would be nice to hear that from anyone, not that she ever had. In fact, those were the nicest things anyone had ever said to her, and bizarrely hearing them made her feel all warm, which was kind of embarrassing. Especially as she had to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Ok... well, erm... that still doesn't explain how this is my fault." Alex pointed out.

Haley took another deep sigh, looked away again, and mumbled, "I'm straight, ok? 100%, no doubt about it straight. But... some women are so hot it doesn't feel weird actually thinking about them, you know, in that way. Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Gloria, that girl off-"

"Gloria!" Alex interrupted, "As in Grandpa's Gloria... Grandma Gloria?"

"You know she doesn't like to be called that, she's half his age and most importantly of all not related to us." Haley quickly pointed out, "If it's ok for Manny to have a crush on me, why is it not ok for me to have a teeny tiny crush on his Mom?"

"Because it's wrong!" Alex insisted, "And we're related, so what's your excuse for that?"

"That you're so fucking hot even I want you." Haley said without thinking, immediately hating herself for it.

Her eyes softening Alex asked, "Really?"

"Fuck!" Haley swore, "We really have to work on your self-esteem."

"Yeah, because you've done such a stellar job up until now." Alex grumbled

A long silence fell between them before Haley lowered her gaze again and softly said, "Look, I'm sorry I kissed you. It was stupid. I know it was stupid, I KNEW it was stupid when I was doing it, I... I just can't help it sometimes, ok? It kind of runs in the family, for the most part, I'm just... stupid, ok? I know I am, and I'm so sorry, and I wish I could take it back, but I can't, so can we please just forget this ever happened? I promise I won't kiss you ever again or anything like that, because I may be stupid, but no matter how amazingly hot you are even I know nothing can ever happen between us."

There was more silence , and then against her better judgement Alex asked, "Why?"

Suddenly looking up wide-eyed Haley parroted with cautious hope, "Why?"

"Yes... why?" Alex repeated herself, cautiously sitting down in front of her sister Alex and began to explain herself, "We're both girls, so there can't be any biological complications."

"You mean like we can't get pregnant with a retard baby." Haley said brightly.

"Well, I wouldn't say it like that, but yeah." Alex nodded, "Also-"

"Statistically speaking a lot of girls our age experiment with same sex relationships." Haley interrupted.

"I'm surprised you know the word statistically, let alone how to use it correctly in the sentence." Alex mumbled, although there was no passion behind it.

"I read it in a magazine." Haley admitted without thinking, before pushing again, "But... you were saying?"

"Yes... well..." Alex trailed off for a few minutes to collect her thoughts, unconsciously reaching out and taking Haley's left hand with her right for emotional support before finally adding, "I... I guess I always thought be... productive to try the 'lesbian' experiment myself. At worst it would be a wild experience, at best maybe I would find a better understanding of what I liked. Because as far as I can tell even boys in good schools are morons when it comes to the opposite sex. But, if I was to do it, I would want someone I could trust not to blab about what a lousy lay I am, and I don't want to get distracted from studying when I should be upping my game, and... and... ignoring the social wrongness for a second, I really don't think I'll ever be propositioned by anyone as hot as you."

Halfway through Alex's speech Haley looked up at her again, her eyes never looking more big and wide. They were beautiful. Of course they were, Haley's entire body was flawless, but somehow Alex had never noticed her eyes before, and she had never seen this expression cross Haley's face. Alex saw such relief and hopefulness, which towards the end of her speech turned to happiness and something Alex didn't think she could even name right now, that emotion causing Alex to blush, let go of Haley's hand and looked down. She then quickly looked up again into Haley's smirking face as the older sibling grabbed onto her waist and pulled her forwards so that their bodies were lightly touching.

"First of all, no matter what fancy college you go too girls are going to be lining up to eat you with a spoon." Haley insisted.

Alex frowned, "What does that even mean?"

"It's a metaphor dummy." Haley giggled softly, "It's a fun way of saying they're gonna eat that little pussy of yours."

"Haley!" Alex exclaimed, little loudly for both sisters liking, although both giggled afterwards.

"What? It's true. You're sooooooo fucking yummy Alex, and..." Haley began before cutting herself off before she said anything too X-rated and risked scaring Alex off, "And you were saying you think I'm hot?"

"Yes, well..." Alex stammered, second-guessing herself before ultimately adding, "You are. Whatever you say I know you're way hotter than any other girl I could get, and you're experienced, maybe not with girls but with boys and that something, and... and honestly I'm tired of being a virgin. So, if you can promise me that you'll never tell anyone about this, ever... I'm, I'm willing to try..."

That was enough for Haley, especially as she was terrified Alex would change her mind at any second and totally freak out on her. So she gently took hold of Alex's chin and lifted it upwards to press her lips against those belonging to her rambling kid sister, this kiss a billion times better than their last or any other she'd had because instead of just remaining still as a statue Alex kissed her back! Her own sister kissed her, Haley knowing she should be disgusted and ashamed of how happy that made her, but she didn't care.

Of course it wasn't instant. She had caught Alex off-guard again, and there were several other reasons why the younger sibling could have been hesitant, and not only did she slowly start caressing Haley's lips with hers but Alex actually lifted her hands so she was holding the older brunette. It was wonderful, beyond anything Haley could have ever even imagined, the two sisters fitting together like puzzle pieces.

The fit was even more perfect when Haley slowly lowered Alex down onto the bed sheets so the younger sibling ended up on her back with the older one laying on top of her, Haley whimpering into the kiss as she felt Alex's soft little body become her pillow. Of course they had been pressing against each other before, but this was so much more intense, Haley's perky little tits pressing into the much larger pair of her sister's and her leg pressing against the younger brunette's wet heat while Alex's left pressed against her own. It was also too much, Haley pushing her tongue into Alex's mouth whilst sliding a hand underneath her kid sister's pyjama top in search of those big tits which had haunted her dreams.

Before Haley could reach her goal Alex tensed, broke the kiss and stammered, "I, I... I kind of need to hear you say it."

Completely dazed and having no idea what Alex was talking about Haley frowned and asked, "Wha, what?"

"That you'll never tell anyone about this." Alex clarified what should have been obvious.

Ignoring Alex's annoyance Haley quickly confirmed, "Yeah, yeah... yes! God Alex, do you really think I want anyone to know about this?"

That was a good point, for Haley, so Alex gave a half nod and followed it up with, "Fine, but... are you sure you locked the door?"

Unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes Haley groaned, "Yes Alex, I'm sure."

"Can you check?" Alex asked nervously.

"Fine!" Haley huffed, reluctantly pulling herself off the heavenly body beneath her, rushing over to the door and making a show of trying to turn the handle and pull, the door not budging an inch, "Now can we please get back to experimenting? I was just starting to really enjoy it."

"Keep your voice down!" Alex hissed.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to waste time checking the door." Haley grumbled, strolling over to Alex's side of the room.

"Oh please, like you're so reliable." Alex sassed as she sat up and frowned, "What are you doing?

"Just a second." Haley mumbled dismissively as she searched Alex's bedside table, before locating the item she was looking for, "Uh-huh, here we go."