Two of them alone in room. Still Emily in after shock.
*need to do something about his deadly aura.* She thought.
While recollecting her ideas. Mr Greg return with a new set of tea with theme design of a blue flower.Like earlier Emily become anxious and return to the window to at least ease that feeling hers.
"Sorry for that tea earlier" he apologize carefully placing the tea set in the table in front of Rosaline.
*well this design is somewhat eligant* she complimented.
When she move her hands to pour the tea in a tea cup. Mr.Greg suddenly ask her
"Ms. Rosaline can I do the honors for pour your tea??".
Rosaline is baffled by his request she expected of him to become quiet like earlier but this is something she find enjoyable. She smiled looking at him she gets a cup and hold it in front of him.
"Then it be my honor to receive that tea of yours Mr.Greg." she smile enjoying this moment.
Mr.Greg face slight pinkish shade and immediately look at the flooring to avoid eye contact. Rosaline immediately notice he become shy all of the sudden and slowly enjoying teasing him.
"Oh where is that confidence you got earlier Mr.Greg?, come on am waiting for your tea its be a waste for me to not drink it right??"
She said moving her tea cup in front of him
*why this child make me feel embarrassed she is just younger than me why am losing to her* he thought. He hold the teapot and now slowly pour it's content to the cup Rosaline holding while doing so he glance to Rosaline who is looking at him in enjoyment and notice her eyes that is similar to his blue.
*not gonna lie those eyes are pretty* he complimented as the cup of her is now full. He gently place the teapot in the table.
Rosaline look at the tea for inspection and observation. The tea is in light dark color not too dark like eairlier and not too light where you can just taste is just flavored water.
"So let see how this tea reach my standard." She proclaim. With her small mouth of her she slowly drink a portion of the tea. She feels satisfied with the tea passes through her mouth.
"That tea is fantastic Mr.Greg." she complimented and countinue to finish the cup until there no left to be drink by her.
After finishing she look again to Mr.Greg and smiled to him a little.
"Also Mr.Greg can you stop looking at me like, are you mesmerize by my pretty face".
During her drinking he unconsciously looking at her in admiration and he feels satisfied with her reaction of satisfaction with the tea her personaly prepared for her.
"Oh am sorry" he apologize and quickly look at other direction.
She stand up from her sofa and approach to him while he is sitting and she block using her face the direction he is looking at.She look at him in the eye and this time he do not move or avoided her from his sight but rather he locked his eyes to her . His face become more red with her sudden action that a normal child would never do(she is not normal to begin with)
" Is this more better for your view Mr.Greg??? " She asked while she look at Mr.Greg who is now on a panic inside.
" Can you stop playing me." He ask quickly avoided to not see her face.
"You said am playing but am a child you know am really natural to be playful." She defended countinue to look at him playfully like what he said and he still feel her playful gaze.
"That is something a child would never say." He remark.
She cover her lips with her fingers and smile liking what his reaction.
She make his mouth closer to his ears that he feels her light breathing hitting his skin near his ears"Oh, you don't see me as a child?, then what do you see me for Mr.Greg." she wishper in his ears.
This action of her cannot by his fragile heart and fastly go outside to room in fashion and Rosaline look at the door he where he leaves.
*I dont know if am be afraid to him in the first place but looks like he must be carefull from me from now on* she thought still remember and enjoying those reaction of him.
"That face of him is so cute"
A hands holds Rosaline shoulder she doesn't notice it but Emily who is been in the side near the window is now behind her
Rather than a scared Emily she feels a more mad Emily with the grip of her hands is stronger.
*what happend to Emily earlier??*
"My lady can I be honest with you this time. She asked.
Rosaline feels like answering yes would lead to undesirable consequence.
"Ok?" Even she feels that agreeing to Emily is bad but she still do it.
"My lady I know you have you love that type of men but pls don't show in front me!" Emily complained.
"What do you mean I love that type of men??"
"*Signed* i don't know why you love men who are older than you but pls don't ...."
"Wait!!" In the middle of Emily complains Rosaline stop her after hearing something out of the blue.
"Me like older men?"
"Yes my lady after seing you flirt like that in front of Mr.Bargon thay something a child like you must never do.I know your a smart child my lady but I do wonder what book you reading this time."
"But why you assume I like older men by me just talking to Mr.Greg??".(Rosaline that talk is not a normal conversation.)
"Well even he is your fiance he is still 16 years old so you need to have boundaries."
A word Rosaline never expected to hear
"His 16???" He questioned Emily with his age.
"Yes?? my lady his 16 ,my lord at least told you about that?" Emily replayed
*Father why on earth you never tell me about my Fiance age I thought his at least 1 or 2 years old than me but 9!!!!!!*
Rosaline physical body is young she is just turned 7 years old but this fiance of her is now 16 years old thats why his kinda tall but not tall for his age. But that is not the problem .The problem is Emily think Rosaline like men who is older than her.
*I never like men to begin with!!!!*