Chereads / Lookism: The danial park / Chapter 19 - Chapter 15: Hidden Truths

Chapter 19 - Chapter 15: Hidden Truths

While on their way to the training ground, Jace pulled both Big and Little Daniel aside, speaking in a low voice so only they could hear. "Hey Danny and Little Daniel, what's with you guys having the same name and even the same birthday? What are the odds of that?"

big danial replies to jace in already prepared answer for this kind of situation since he doesn't want to lie badly to anyone around them but he can't tell his transmigration secrets of his or double body's secret to anyone else, so he answers" Well jace the thing is like this : I don't have any family and I am an orphan, I don't know my name, birthday or anything but I survived somehow and just prior to coming to j high I was living at a house in slum area with shabby house and that was also not my house but from the the I could remember I was living in that house and no one ever came and asked me to leave and then one day..."He continued saying

"One day, while I was away he ,danial park came there even had a talk with owner and the owner let him live there on rent and at one morning he came and then went outside and at that time I went in that house to sleep as I was used to that place , I sleeped there and at evening when danial returned home he found myself lying there and after waking me of sleep , while still being fearfull he comforted me. He was the first friend I ever had and that time was the best thing I could ask for."

Jace listened intently as Big Daniel continued, "As I got to know him, I learned about his past and how he transferred to J High to escape but instead got beaten and humiliated. Feeling guilty about his health, overweight, and appearance, he couldn't bring himself to go out. That's why I started going to J High as Daniel Park, covering up for his studies and while i was at that I also started overseeing his training since he wanted to change himself from entirely. And I hope you won't ask for things that I couldn't mention since its not the time for satisfying those curiosity since I had said whatever I remember "

Jace was flabbergasted. "Say you're kidding. There's no way this drama-like scene happened in real life."

Both Daniels looked calmly at Jace, who began to understand. Everything started to make sense: their same name, same birthday, and why Big Daniel was so against bullying from day one. He thought out loud, "Now each and every action of Big Daniel can be understood."

Big Daniel added, "I don't know what this body's past was, but since meeting Little Daniel, we both have lived as Daniel Park. I told you this because I know you understand feelings, just like you do for Vasco. Don't reveal this to anyone. Once I regain my ID, I'll let everyone know."

By the time they reached the training ground, two new faces were waiting: Jay Hong and Zack Lee. Vasco and Jace were surprised to see them but quickly learned Big Daniel had called them. Zack wanted to join their training camp after beating a bully, while Jay was invited by Daniel, who valued their friendship.

Big Daniel introduced Zack and Jay to everyone and set Zack's training regime, focusing on strengthening his defense and speed. Zack also joined the group learning Retaekwondo. For Jay, who mastered Systema and Kali Arnis, Daniel planned body conditioning and daily sparring with Jace and Burn Knuckles elders, despite Jay's initial reluctance to fight his friend.

Seeing Jay's determination and gentle nature reminded Daniel of past events, especially how Jay never fought back even when beaten. Daniel knew Jay needed to toughen up for future challenges against ruthless opponents. Jay accepted the training, understanding its necessity.

While Little Daniel supervised, Big Daniel went to a nearby shop for snacks. to buy some things as reward to guys working hard, after few mins of travel he come upon a small snack shop run by very elderly woman and seeing her being unable to lift the weight he went ahead and helped her out on lifting the weight to move it where it was directed by grandma . After being done with it he said, " Grandma, are you selling this snacks? " To which that elderly woman says, " Yes, its all for selling and thank you child for helping me out or else I would have to wait for my grandson to come and help me out before starting the store "

Hearing positive reply he said slightly in more uplifting tone, "grandma please pack all these for me " While hearing this the woman was elated with his order of snacks so she started packing all the snacks and danial also helped her out in packing and said , "thank you for the snacks madam, your grandson would be really lucky to have you as grandma who keep thinking about himself"While thanking her he gave her 500000 won note which was much more than amount to be paid almost twice the amount of purchased food. While elderly woman was denying to accept this much money danial insisted and said to her, "madam you remind of my mother and truth to be told i couldn't afford spending money this way earlier but now i can and thats why i can see how hard you are working and please accept this extra money because seeing you has reminded me of my mom which is muchh more of value than this money and if its bothering you please prepare twice the amount of snacks next time since i would be visiting the shop very frequently so next time you can give the snacks as much extra money i had paid " After hearing this she finally accepted it and also full of emotions ,

The elderly woman was touched, thinking of using the extra money to support her grandson, Duke.

Meanwhile,[ Pyeon Duk Hwa]Duke Hwa, from the vocal and music department and In appearance, Duke is quite similar to Daniel (in his original body at the start ,before transmigration of maxwell into danial park ). He is so close in appearance to Daniel that when he was wearing glasses to cover for him at his job at the Mini Mart in cannon, Crystal Choi mistook him for Daniel when she looked at him from behind. Duke is obese and quite short as well, and much like Daniel, he is also by many referred to as 'Pig'.

As for his personality, as mentioned in start Duke hwa has the personality that is very inspiring to anyone with goals He is the fifth ranked student in his class and also he is very determined and is a very good rapper as seen at the time in the talent show when he did the duet with Daniel. Although he gets shunned a lot due to his appearance, he doesn't give up and writes his feelings down in a notepad as lyrics for future raps.

As he saw Daniel helping his grandmother and overheard their conversation. Curious about the kind J High student, Duke decided to investigate later.

Back at the training ground, Daniel distributed nutritious snacks and drinks as rewards for everyone's hard work. The training session ended successfully, and Daniel returned home, cooked delicious dinner, and went to bed, satisfied with the day's achievements.

In a corner alley, Duke approached his grandmother, who excitedly shared how everything had sold out thanks to the kind student.

He was also curious and thought about who was this boy and why since he dont know about him. He knows he had isolated himself from almost everyone in school because he was preparing for his audition rap in ok talent agency in next few days so and he is definitely not from vocal department so he must be from other department. As he was having these thoughts danial left and he approached his grandma , as grandma saw him she excitedly said, "duke help me closing the store since everything has been selled today" To which duke happily answer and helper her out in closing the shop while also had good time and dinner with his grandma and after she went to bed he using lamp light

Duke, inspired by the encounter, wrote a rap about his struggles, unfair judgments, and determination, motivated by Eminem's journey "how in start he also has to suffer before becoming the rapper god, since he can do it i too can do it " While motivating himself and writing the song he felt asleep .after few moments her grandma woked up and put the bedshit over him in order to protect him from cold and seeing how hard he is working for his goals felt happy and then switched off the lamp qnd went to her bed.

The elderly woman remembered Daniel's words and felt a connection, hoping to see him again. Daniel, feeling a sense of accomplishment and warmth, knew he was making a positive impact not just on his friends but also on strangers, living up to the promise he made to himself and Little Daniel.

With every action, Daniel Park, in both his forms, was building a life filled with purpose, friendship, and the hope of a brighter future for everyone he cared about. The journey was far from over, but each step taken was a testament to their resilience and the bonds they forged along the way.