Chibs POV
I was utterly shocked and disappointed with Clay. The way he was treating my daughter was unacceptable, Not to mention he pointed his gun at her. Tig at least look ashamed with himself over his reaction. I saw Soph go to leave after saying something to Clay and the look on his face screamed murder. Luckily I wasn't the only one to catch it Jax, Opie and Piney caught it as well, when they noticed that I was looking to they motioned me to follow them. We walked out of the club house and over to the picnic tables for a smoke and a talk. I pulled out the muffliato charmed bug pin that I found in the market and tapped it 3 times before it activated. Jax noticing what I was doing asked, "What the hell are you doing Chibs?" I just chuckled at the lad before I said, "This is a magical item I found at the market after Soph and I went to Gringotts. It basically mutes everything we are saying by sending out the sound of static instead of what we say." They all look at me slack jawed before Jackie boy said, "Can you grab each of us one? Those could really come in handy." I sighed because I agree with him on that but unfortunately it won't work so I looked him in the eyes and said, "I would but you can't use them lads. They need to be activated with magic and before you ask, I don't have enough magic to be considered a wizard but I do have magic just very little of it. I can basically activate magical items and brew some basic potions but that is it."
They all look pensive for a moment before Opie said, "We get why you didn't tell us all this stuff brother but now that we know you and Soph need to be transparent with us cause we can't fight what we don't know." I sigh at this and said, "I know lads and I do wish there was more that we could do to help Soph but to be honest there isn't much we can help her with. She is a force to be reconned with. Due to the families she comes from she has more money than she could ever spend, her magical core is one of the largest since Morgana and Merlin and she is skilled in combat. She was a warrior on the front lines of their war for crying out loud."
By the end of my rant my brothers were just looking at me dumbfounded, Piney the voice of reason patted my shoulder and said, "We got you back brother, we do just tell us how we can help ya." I sighed and ran my hands over my face before I said, "We need to keep an eye on Clay the way he was looking at my girl gave me the chills. We don't hurt women and children and the way he was looking at her did nothing to put me at ease. I can't let Soph and Teddy get hurt. I can't lose her brother I just found her." I was almost sobbing by end of my tirade but no one spoke they just placed a hand on my back in comfort for a few minutes while I gathered myself.
Jax looked me in the eye and said, "We will watch Clay, he has been getting more and more out of hand lately. I was already planning on keeping an eye on him this just made me speed up my plans." Opie and Piney agreed with a nod and a quick hug. Piney looked pensive for a moment at Jax, Opie and myself before he said, "I have something back at the cabin for you boys should read. It's a manuscript of sorts written by your Dad Jax, it's his original vision for the club. I have kept it to myself for this long because I suspected Clay of foul play and at the time you and Op were so young I had to keep you safe and then Op had the kids. I'm ashamed it took me this long to speak up, but maybe with Sophia being here we can change the club for the better." Jax took in a sharp breath while Opie took a hard look at his Da and said, "Dad you aren't saying what I think your saying, are you?" Piney took in a shaky breath before he said, "I have never been able to voice my suspicions because I never knew who might be listening." he paused and sent me a mischievous wink before he continued, "But with circumstances as they are now I can finally get this off my chest. Clay is shady at best boys, I have been with the Sons since the beginning and we didn't set out to be gun runners. That was Clay, John never wanted this for us especially after he had you Jackson. As Clay took more control from John when your brother got sick that's when the gun running started. He convinced your Dad that it was the best way to pay for his treatments and being who he was John agreed to save your brother."
Jax just stood there in silence for a moment and said, "I want to read this manuscript your talking about. I will head up to the cabin after I finish what Clay wants me to, this stays between us in the meantime. Op I want you to look around the market with Chibs to see if there is anything that can help keep us safe. Just thinking about the can of shit we just opened things could get bloody." We all nod in agreement before heading out to do what needs to be done.