Chereads / Magic in Charming / Chapter 2 - Laws

Chapter 2 - Laws

Sophia POV

It took Da and I the better part of an hour to sort through all the paperwork related to the death of my Ma but we did it. As her husband and father to the head of house Ross, and next in line to house McGonagall he is intitled to a stipend for the loss of his wife as well as the unlawful separation of him from his daughter. Which he can claim at the local Gringotts branch in Stockton in either Galleons or muggle dollars. 

Once all that was finished I placed all the paperwork in my Gringotts vault pouch so that I could file them later. I looked at my Da and said, "I know this is backward but I'm your daughter Sophia McGonagall-Telford I added the Telford part after I turned 17 when I did the bloodline test and found out you were of the Telford line. I'm sorry we couldn't meet sooner but with the war going on it was hard to find information at that time and we had assumed the the Telford line was extinct. We didn't know you were alive until Ma's spell wore of the tapestry when she died showing that you were still alive. Gran and I have been looking for you for about a month now."

Chibs POV

I was looking at my daughter as she rambled on about trying to find me when I heard her talk about the war I thought the war was over years ago so I said, "I thought the war was over 28 years ago." 

She sighed and said, "The first one was yes. The second started up around my forth year at Hogwarts, but my friends and I were fighting with Voldemort since my first year so we really only had a tentative peace for about 10 years. The war finally ended when I was in my 7th year with the battle of Hogwarts. I can give you a book my friend Hermione wrote that explains everything we have been through during that time cause it's easier than remembering or talking about for me anyway." 

I was honestly shocked with this information my daughter was a child solider. Where were the adults? I was furious but I tried to keep it calm it's not like I can do anything to a wizard anyway so I sighed and said, "Where was your Gran in all this? Your Ma went to find her, did she help you?"

At the mention of her Gran her face lit up as she said, "Gran did all she could to help keep us safe. She is the main reason I am still alive. She was so mad at me when I went on the run with Harry to avoid the death eaters. She almost killed me herself when I made my way back to her after a year of being on the run. But enough about the heavy tell me about you. I know you are a muggle outlaw and just so you know the magical government doesn't care about any of the issues you have caused due to no magic being involved. Also as your daughter and the heir to two noble houses I have begun the process of wiping your criminal record and getting you diplomatic immunity with the muggle laws. Can't have my Da in jail now can we." 

Well that shocked me I had no idea she could do that but I guess that helps me and the boys out since I will be untouchable and since I don't have magic I won't be breaking any wizarding laws which means I will never lose my freedom. I was surprised that she knew all of this though and said, "How did you know all this sweet lassie?"

She giggled and said, "Come on Da you know us wizards have our ways. Plus there are a few of us in higher positions in any country especially in the USA they are big on their secrecy laws if you want to tell anyone of your 'brothers' we will need to go through some serious red tape to do so. I can probably swing it but it will take time and some greased wheels. They might have to have a block put on them so they can't say anything to anyone outside of the club about it. They will also still be held to the muggle laws due to us not being of blood relation. I know you consider them family Da but according to the laws of the wizarding world they aren't, so I am limited in my ability to help them in anyway." 

I just laughed at her and said, "This will be more than enough sweet girl. I would like to introduce you to them if that is ok with you, we have a family dinner tonight at Gemma and Clay's please say you will come with me." I waited for her answer and finally let out the breath I was holding when she nodded her head yes. I was so happy that I pulled her into a crushing hug and finally allowed myself to feel how right it felt to hold my little girl in my arms. 

She pulled away slightly and asked, "How are you going to explain to them who I am? You can't tell them about magic at least not yet anyway, we have to go to Gringotts and the MACUSA branch office to file the appropriate paperwork first."

I sighed and said, "We will stick as close to the truth as possible the guys can smell a lie a mile away and Gem she is worse she can smell um 5 miles away" This caused us both to chuckle. I leaned in to kiss her forehead and she let me. I was so content in that moment even with the knowledge that my wife is dead, I mourned her 29 years ago. I still love that women and even more now that I know she gave me my girl but the pain is less than it was all those years ago especially with my wee lass in my arms.