In an abandoned factory in a rural area of Rajgarh City, a man was sitting on a chair with his hands tied behind him and a black scarf pulled over his eyes to block out any light. The man appeared to have been severely beaten and tormented because his garments were all torn in various places and he was covered in bruises. The man was unconscious, lying on the chair with his head hanging from his neck, and there was blood on the side of his lips. Apart from the man lying on the chair there were a few other dangerous looking men sitting on the mat playing cards and consuming alcohol and cigarettes with guns kept beside them.
With tattoos covering their bodies and scars all over their faces, these men had a menacing appearance. They gave off the impression that they would kill for cash.
The first man declared, "Hey, this one is going to be mine. If I win, I'm getting all the loot money."
"Oh come on first play your card and let us see how you win as if we are only waiting here for you to play and win all by yourself" says the second man with a sigh.
The third man responded, "Humph, let's see how you win this time despite me being here."
The fourth man said "Hey you guys don't fight too much among yourselves because we have to keep an eye on this guy. If we make a mistake or if this man somehow manages to get away from us, the boss won't allow us to see the light of day tomorrow, so pay close attention now."
Second man said: "Hey dude, how can you suggest that this man will escape from our grasp when he's tied up and unconscious? Since we were able to keep the individual in our care in such a safe manner, the boss will actually be extremely pleased with us."
The sound of the shutter opening startled the men who were playing cards because they did not anticipate someone barging in at this particular moment.
The first man said, "Hey guys, boss is coming, be attentive right now."
The men went to greet their boss after standing up as a guard.
A tall, middle-aged man wearing a wicked smile entered the room wearing a black suit and trousers. Due to the fancy accessories and phones he was wearing, the man appeared wealthy.
"Tiger bhai," the first man remarked, "as per your instructions, we have tortured him for the past two days, but he still won't reveal where he has hidden the video proofs."
Tiger Bhai said, "Hmm, if he won't talk, then I have my other shenanigans. He has to be awakened; I need to talk to him.
The first man responded, "Yes boss, I'll make arrangements right away."
Then the First Man signaled the other participants, and a man arrived carrying a bucket of icy, dirty water and doused the unconscious man with the entire contents of the bucket.
The man was seriously hurt and ultimately rendered unconscious by this criminal gang's members using various tactics of continuous beatings, abuse, and torments throughout the course of the last two days.
After being doused in cold water and having his body covered in blood with numerous open wounds, the man felt a tingling sensation on his wounds that quickly turned into burning pain because they were still fresh and untreated, which caused him to become conscious and awake. Nevertheless, because of his strong character, the man remained mute instead of screaming in agony or pleading with the gang members, as if he had made up his mind that he would not speak up no matter what.
With a serene expression on his face, Tiger Bhai said.: "I appreciate that you are a respected and honest police officer, sir, and I am aware that you do not wish to divulge any information or provide any evidence to us. However, you must also be aware that I will stop at nothing to obtain those video proofs and delete them, ensuring that there will be no trace of the murder I perpetrated."
Indifferently, the officer stated: "Go to hell you will be found guilty of all of your crimes, I assure you, and I will never fail in my job to present the evidence to the court. All of your misdeeds will now become apparent to the court, at which point no one will be able to assist you and you will surely be executed."
Rationalizing the officer, Tiger Bhai stated: "Sir, please try to understand what I accomplished by killing that business tycoon. That man participated in a variety of illicit activities, including the smuggling of narcotics, people, and weapons as well as the bribery of government officials. If this type of man is expelled from society, it will not hurt society in any way; on the contrary, it will only benefit it. I should thus be rewarded for doing something good rather than being punished. In order for us to be able to destroy the CCTV footage, please let us know where it is saved. I'm saying this to you one last time."
The cop stated while calmly gazing at Tiger Bhai.: "I've already stated what I have to say, and I won't back down from my position."
With an evil grin on his face, Tiger Bhai murmured. : "Exceptionally good, let's see if you can keep your position for a while. Although I didn't want to, you forced me to since I had no other option."
As he gestured to his soldiers, Tiger Bhai turned around and spoke. : "Obtain her."
The first man responded, "Yes, boss." then used his phone to call a number and gave the other man on the line instructions.
A four-wheeler with a few men wearing black masks on their faces and a middle-aged woman pulled up to the abandoned factory after ten minutes. The woman is unable to yell or perceive anything because she is bound by her hands, legs, and a black scarf that is tied around her mouth and eyes.
In front of the officer and Tiger bhai, she was brought out of the car while being restrained by her hands. Since she had been brought somewhere, the woman sensed some danger. She tried to make a noise in a muted manner, but nothing came out.
The men then released the wrists, legs, and scarf from her eyes and mouths before turning around and leaving.
She made an effort to shout. : "You guys have made a grave mistake by kidnapping me. I am telling you my husband is a police officer. If he comes to know about this then you all are going to jail I am telling you." however in the abandoned factory nobody was there to listen to her.
She then noticed the men nearby, Tiger bhai, and the shape of a half-dead man tied to a chair that was severely beaten and covered in blood. At first, she was baffled, but then she noticed the police uniform, and finally she realized what was going on as her pale, astonished face filled with horror.
The woman started weeping and said a bit hesitating: "Darling Vineet what happened to you? Why are you tied up? What has my husband done to you guys? Please let us go. If you want money we can provide it to you"
Tiger Bhai spoke in a calm tone: "Madame Manju The problem is that your sweet spouse has some video evidence that I desperately need, but he won't give it to me. I'll let you all go free if you can get your husband to give it up."
The man strongly glared at the men and Tiger bhai after noticing his wife completely in tears: "Do not cry or beg in front of these demons, my dear Manju, and do not believe them because they only know how to hurt and deceive people. Also, do not be concerned because the police will soon show up and start looking for them because I am a missing police officer, and they will then be held accountable for harassing a police officer and his wife."
With an evil smile, Tiger Bhai said: "Madame Manju Be quick and tell me where the video files of the murder have been hidden or be prepared to face the consequences because before your husband's so-called police force arrives, we will have already killed you and your spouse and fled from this location."
Mrs. Manju expressed concern: "Yes, I'll let you know where the evidence is buried."
Mrs. Manju's husband sternly warned her before she could continue: "Manju, please refrain from doing so. Since the evidence is now government property, we have no right to it, and if we did, they would kill us even more. However, as long as they do not know about its occurrence, they are unable to do so."
Mrs. Manju, however, was already really frightened, so she said "If you promise to release us, I will provide you with information regarding the video proof." She then told Tiger bhai and her men everything they needed to know regarding the proof.
With an evil smile, Tiger Bhai said: "Ha ha ha, thank you Mrs. Manju for the knowledge, but you should have trusted your husband because we won't be able to let you go now that you've seen so much and learned so much. Guys liberate them from this world and burn their corpses because they already know too much about us."
Horror struck Mrs. Manju was stunned by Tiger Bhai's judgment because it effectively sentenced her and her husband to death and left them with no one to listen to them because they were in an empty factory.
Tiger bhai heard two gunshots, saw two human remains converted into dead ones, and then continued with his regular activities.