In the city of Georgia, there lived a superhero named 'Silence', who was deaf.
Because she couldn't hear, she developed insane skills in seeing and sensing vibration, making her a tough opponent for the city's villains.
These villains got frustrated because Silence couldn't hear their dramatic speeches during fights, she would defeat them before they could finish talking.
Understanding that she couldn't use his voice against silence, he spent months learning sign language.
The orator planned to steal a powerful art called the Mask of Mercurius from the museum.
This mask could make anyone believe something.
He knew that this would make Silence stop him from stealing it.
When Silence arrived at the museum, the Orator was ready.
He started using sign language to tell her about the plan to create a new order in Georgia, where Oratpr would have control over everything.
Silence watched silently and understood everything.
it was the first time the villain had even tried to communicate with her.
Silence replied in her sign language that his plans were wrong and that forcing control over people was bad.
In the end, Silence won.
As the police took the orator away, he signed to her with respect, acknowledging her skill and promising they would meet again.