In the enchanting mystery of the night, phantoms swayed in an old round mirror, its elegantly carved antique frame resting on the wall, entwined with the turbulent memories of time. The smooth glass tells the story of many generations, reflecting the faded faces and pivotal events it has witnessed. Its beautiful features hang in a mysterious sadness, on phantoms swimming in the world of the mirror where the features of distress and sorrow can be seen on millions of phantoms.
A tall man, standing at 1.80 meters with shoulder-length brown hair and a long face with a pointed chin, and a white face filled with light brown hair and dark brown eyes, stood before it.
As the tall man gazed into the mirror of time, the phantoms of memories captured the details of his face, which reflected the depth of pain and the wrinkles that told a story of a life full of challenges and suffering. It seemed as if he bore the burden of the world on his shoulders, feeling the weight of time encroach upon him as he approached the smooth glass.
As he contemplated his face fading into the shadows of the night, the mysterious sadness turned into a burning passion in his eyes, as if he was searching for deep answers to questions he had never found answers to throughout his life.
Then, as he drew closer and closer, he began to feel a strange glow emanating from the mirror, seeming to pull him in to subconsciously gaze through it.
With a look of madness, he cut his right wrist to draw a hexagon on the surface of the mirror. As soon as the man's hand touched the smooth surface of the mirror, a mysterious energy began to merge with the darkness of the night, the boundaries between reality and fantasy began to fade, and various geometric shapes formed in the air around the mirror.
In this moment filled with mystery and magic, a series of unseen enigmatic words appeared on the surface of the mirror.
At that moment, the man smeared his blood more on the surface of the mirror.
As the man continued to draw the hexagon on the mirror's surface, words began to appear more clearly in the air surrounding the mirror. The words appeared in shimmering colors and slowly faded as the lighting in the room changed, as if they were messages carrying hidden meanings waiting to be revealed.
As he contemplated, the man felt strange winds brushing against his face, carrying the scent of old times and forgotten tales.
In this thrilling moment, the man began to read the words slowly, and with each word, his focus and awareness increased until he understood the meaning of this encrypted message that was beginning to unfold before him.
[In the depth of time and between the banks of truth and fantasy, hidden truths manifest and mysteries dissolve.]
[Soar between the dimensions of time, the boundaries dissolve.]
[Between the illusion of truth and the reality of illusion, magic emerges and secrets unfold.]
[Among the rubble of truths and the ruins of illusions, set forth, you wanderer between magic and time.]
In a sudden and astounding moment, phantoms emerged from the world of the mirror and grasped the man by his arms with a strong and steady grip, trying to pull him into their mysterious world.
As the tall man tried to maintain his balance and resist the phantoms' grip, he began to hear mysterious laughter echoing in the air around him. The phantoms seemed to be enjoying a game of power and control, trying to draw the man into the mystery that lay behind the mirror.
"Ha ha ha, I finally found you," the words faded into the air with the multiplying laughter, making the man feel both astonished and terrified at the same time.