Anemone lay helplessly on the ground. She watched the lion release a stream of flames at her. When they were about to strike her, Kano jumped towards her. He sent not only himself but her rolling across the ground too. They narrowly avoided the flames.
The flames crushed into the ground, scattering and forcing some of the ash to scatter as well.
Damn it…..I feel like my back is being washed by boiling water. I feel like I have caught fire, he thought as he was hyperventilating.
He was right on top of her as he thought. He shielded her from the flames that met them after scattering from the impact with the ground. I am glad I made it on time, if I came any later, she would have died.
He got up when he noticed that her once white clothes were dyed by ash and blood. Portions of them were burnt too.
"You are badly hurt," he replied as he stared into her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy as she felt as though they would fall, covering her eyes.
"I am sure that I will be fine. Tell me if you have seen a boy… has he gotten away from here yet?!"
He picked her up, carrying her in his arms before he took off running. Heading towards the wall of trees.
"Have some perspective! You are badly injured. Why haven't you released your magic release state yet?" Damn it…..she will die if nothing is done soon. I have to keep her safe. What the hell was I thinking?….why did I suggest we split up?
"Huh ... .I just can't releas…"
As he was running, he felt the air that surrounded them heat up. His eyes then rolled to his left. Her words were then interrupted by a pede that barreled against the ashen soil before colliding with his body. It sent him crashing against the ground.
His body slid against the ash covered ground, raising even more dust. His whole body felt bruised as he coughed. When the dust cleared, he held her right on top of him.
As he was falling, he held her as he was about to crash. He kept her in front of him to protect her from the impact. His back crushed into the ground.
"Kano?" She said as she thought, why wouldn't my magic respond, I could have cushioned the impact from that strike with my blades.
Her eyes rolled as she looked towards the beast. Cuts formed across its legs as blood dripped from them. Wait…so it overused its magic just now….That just means, it's far from stable. But how though ... .I know it stabilized earlier so what's changed.
A flash of lightning could be seen from the sky before thunder roared. The sky had darkened as it appeared as though it would soon rain.
Kano tried to move his left arm before he realized that it felt heavy. It broke my arm, he thought as the black fog-like aura in his eyes darkened.
He got her and placed her on his shoulder as he continued running. His arm swung with each step he took.
When he turned to look at the beast, he saw that it was gathering flames at its maw. It stood still at the time. Taking advantage of this situation, he made a beeline for the trees.
I can't hold a candle to that thing even if I could still wield my magic. I can't even outrun it either….not in a place like this. Considering its massive size though, if I can just make it to the trees, I should be able to pull it off because it won't be as fast.
As he was running, he was thinking hard on how he would escape, how he could keep her safe.
The lion released another stream of flames at him. He dashed out of the way. The flames hit the ground and scattered upon impact. The raised ash as well. The flames scorched the very back he turned to them. He crashed into the ground with her in his arms. His left arm swung before crashing into the ground. He grinded his teeth as he held back a scream. His broken arm had just crushed into the ground.
The black fog-like aura that covered his eyes darkened as he held her tightly. His breath ran short. All she could do was look on as her body could hardly move.
He gazed at the beast as terror ran through his veins. Sweat ran across his face as he began forcing himself back to his feet. He continued running as soon as he made it back to his feet. When he looked back, he saw that it was gathering more flames at its maw before its body became engulfed in flames.
As he was running, he looked back only to see fireballs forming from its mane. What the hell?! He saw it release a wave of fire balls.
He jumped to his left to avoid the first one. It crushed into the ground and scattered part of the ash as well. He saw another fireball land to his left. He dashed forward to avoid it. He continued running only to be forced to dodge yet another one. This one was smaller than the ones before. He jumped to his left to avoid it before he stepped on a burnt branch. He slipped.
He turned his head only to see yet another fireball coming his way. He covered her with his body as he felt the flames pierce his back. He felt his back burn as he turned to look at the beast. He released her before she fell to the ground. The hot ash, covered ground.
He turned to look at the beast only to see it release a stream of flames. Shit!! He exclaimed as they closed in. The flames struck him as he covered her. The flames scattered upon impact. He then fell unconscious to the ground.
Kano…..Kano…Kano….She thought as she watched him fall to the ground. When she looked at the beast, it was heading towards them with flames gathering at its maw.
Move….I need to move. I just have to dig a bit deeper. Just one more push. She tried to force her aura to intensify but it only weakened.
The lion then released a stream of flames, aiming to end it all.
No!...no!!….not yet!!!
The stream of flames was split in two. Split by a layer of wind. In the middle of the flames she stood, with two hands aimed at them. In front of them were three blades rotating, producing the layer of wind that was splitting the flames.
"Wind Art: Rampaging Blades; Sudden Impulse; Spirit Zephyr." My spiritual magic art. The second strongest art I know. Its side effects are even worse than the standard CIS.
As soon as the flames scattered, she fell to the ground. Her body was shivering. Every part aching as she struggled to remain conscious. Her breath ran shallow as she thought.
This hurts...that art…was my overdrive spiritual magic art. But a sudden rush of magic like that is dangerous. It could have easily fractured my nodes and my organs would have paid for it.
The best I could do was reduce the amount of magic flowing to my major organs. That's the only reason I am still alive. But even with that, I don't think I can hold on for too long. I can feel my heart rate slowly decreasing.
Her breath ran shallow as she looked at the beast. She felt a drop of water fall from the sky. And many followed. Lightning flashed as the downpour increased.
The red of the beast's eyes darkened before it roared. Its eyes were now a brick red. The flames of its mane darkened as fire balls began forming from it. They too were a brick red.