Approximately two hours later, I could move again. The sand that had entered my body had been expelled as I recovered a bit of my magic.
He was still lying helplessly on the ground, still shivering even though I placed him close to a fire. His body was undergoing Counter Inversive Strike (CIS).
CIS is a state in which magic flow is reversed to reverse the effects of node inversion which is brought about as a result of sudden magic Rapture. The sudden release of magic beyond one's capabilities.
It's the body's attempt at returning it to its original state. During this time, the owner is incapable of commanding magic. As this would require opposing their current flow.
As for the man, he died. In fact, I was surprised that he stood up again. He should have died immediately when he got touched. That happened when he was caught in that ice skewering technique.
That touch was the deciding factor as it fractured two of the central nodes. One in the heart, and the other in the brain. That touch must have been a technique of sorts: a sudden rush of water magic meant to decimate one's system.
No matter how strong you are, nodes getting severely corrupted to a point of fracture results in the host organ seizing function immediately. Though, he held out for a while. That was probably a testament to his determination though for what reason?
Then again, I can't tell the killer that he killed someone.....I don't think that kind of news would be good for it is for anyone else. I will just tell him that he died from extreme blood loss and hypothermia.
On that note, I should probably prepare something...After All, that was the only thing that he requested of me.
I was cold. Shivering was all I could do as I felt the cold embrace me even more. I stood in this infinite dark void with little more than icy water by my side. I was completely submerged, making me wonder how it was that I was still alive. Though, cold to the very bone.
As soon as he opened his eyes, he gazed at the cloudy sky. His head was resting against a log. Immediately he took his tenth conscious breath, he jumped forward as he turned to aim two fingers against the tree that was behind him when he was asleep.
His vision became blurry as his head started aching. He fell back to the ground, hyperventilating as he felt weak.
"Were you trying to shoot me just now? You should have realized by now that it won't work since you are under CIS. You should just relax...I mean look, you are shivering like also looks like you have lost a lot of water. Blood too." She said and immediately jumped from the tree.
His vision cleared as he relaxed himself, he then got back to his feet. "Sorry about that.....I just panicked, I didn't realize that it was only you. I thought he was still conscious. On that note.....where the hell is he?"
"If he was still alive, no offense, but you'd be dead. You and I both. That aside, are you still hungry?"
"You make it sound like I killed him." When was it, I don't remember hitting him with anything fatal. Maybe that last part was excessive.
"He died from hypothermia and extreme blood loss. There was nothing you could have done. Also, I just realized that I don't know your name."
"My name is As-..just call me Kano. And I am still hungry."
"I see..."
As soon as he finished eating, he thought, somehow it tastes even better....its almost like getting the crap beaten out of me made it tastier.
Not until he had his fill of food did he realize that he wasn't wearing his blue hoodie. His arms were bandaged. He gently placed the plate on the ground before he went to the log to pick it up and put it back on.
As soon as he was done, he walked towards the man. Where his corpse was reclining anyway. He squatted, to take a closer look.
"What did you want to see?" She asked as she walked towards him. Her bowl was still in hand, still eating her fill.
"I just wanted to see the expression he had before he died so that I could decide on how to bury him."
She stood besides him as she said, "You do realize that he almost killed you. In fact, he almost killed us both."
"I don't really care....A part of me is actually glad that he came," he said as he thought, because of him, I was able to meet you. I don't even understand why I feel good about that. He touched the soil. The soil is's as if it is mourning a loss. Was he that connected to it?
"Kano," she said before she took a pause, "Do you see a, its now green light coming from his corpse. Its on him...glowing really brightly....its on his chest."
Hardly had the light become visible to him when they both fell unconscious to the ground.
Everything turned dark as I was back in that dark ice cold void. There was nothing I could see beyond the darkness.
He begun walking as he dragged his feet through the water. Suddenly, a tower of blue light emerged and from it, a projection formed. He walked towards it. "What is that that a chained eagle on his coat?" The projection that formed was of a man wearing a coat. It was quite luxurious, hinting at nobility.
"Congratulations on making it through the first trial of the knight succession ceremony.
Knighthood is in itself the highest qualification. To become a knight, application is impossible and that is what makes it prestigious. It is complete natural selection where only the most capable are allowed to join.
The count down to the second trial has already begun. Its location, Varaline Centralis. All participants are required to gather before two months are over." As soon as it concluded that statement, it disappeared.
As soon as it did, he thought, It looks like I made it in. Mr. Vito was right, that was random. I had no idea that was it. His eyes begun releasing a black aura as he thought, That's probably where I will find you. The aura then disappeared.
The projection reappeared as it said, "I almost forgot.....the person you just defeated has a map on him. It will guide you to the meeting zone."
Kano stared blankly at the projection and it glared right back before looking away. It then looked back only to find him still staring blankly at it.
"I am a pre-recorded message..... just putting that out there." Kano never stopped staring at it.
"You are not buying it...well.....that is your business." It said as it disappeared....this time, permanently.....Hopefully?
Anemone said, "So that's how it wonder there was nothing I could do. Finally, the wheels have started turning. I finally have a way to make that wish happen." I am really glad he was there....if I fought him alone, I would have lost and probably died.
She looked to the sky. The horizon was breathtaking. Its was a clear green hue with shades of a lighter yellow blended in. It was extraordinary.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden feeling of nausea. She fell unconscious to the ground.
When she opened her eyes, she could see the cloudy sky. I know that this is my chance but in a way...I can't help but feel bad for him. He was killed only because he chose to follow orders.
Kano sat up as he said, "Somehow I feel even worse than before it happened." the cold.
Anemone sat up before saying, "You had that weird dream as well, right?...So are you going to go?" As she asked, she was trying desperately to hide part of her excitement.
He got up and began dusting himself completely forgetting that he was covered in mud and blood. "I will answer if you tell me if you will go."
She noticed a blue and black light coming from underneath her shirt. The colors were alternating. She took hold of the source of light as she gazed at it. It was half a star. It was attached to a necklace that was wrapped around her neck.
"I would like to," she said when she noticed the green light coming from his chest. My half has his magic while his half has mine. This isn't aren't even trying to hide the fact that we are supposed to function as a unit.
"I see....can you answer one more question for me? Do you think I am strong?" He said.
'The pleasure and satisfaction I saw in his eyes as I was forcibly put in my place made me regret. It was like that was all I existed for that was my destined purpose.'
"In what way....I am not really sure what kind of strength you mean. I only just met you so I can't say yet if you are strong or not. But your magic is powerful.....but again, I could say you are much weaker than the others I have seen."
Hearing someone answer like that made me wonder. Why not tell me what you thought I wanted to hear. Its like you wanted me to go but wasn't making any effort to convince me. Maybe with you, it can be different.....though I don't deserve it.
"Thanks," for humoring me, "I will go too. I was just wondering if I was strong enough to hack it. But, before that, I have to bury him."
He got up and grabbed a shovel from his bag. He then began digging a ditch on the drenched sandy plane. His job was made easier by the fact that the soil was dug up and drenched because of the battle.
He hasn't recovered much but he is already digging up the ground. I guess it must mean that he feels guilty in a way. Since the conditions that lead to the man's death were caused by him. she thought as she watched him struggle. Still, what kind of loyalty is this? Willing following an order to death. Would I be willing to go that far to complete it. She watched him as he placed the corpse in the ditch which would soon become the man's grave. She watched him closely as he began burying it.
A warm family of three enjoying a meal together. Enjoying a meal, it was a celebration, commemoration of one's birth.
If I was called on.....
Now a family of two filled with sorrow. One is ill and knocking at death's door. Bedridden for whatever time they have left.
I pity his family and whoever has to go through it all..
She watched him stamp the ground completely sealing the man's resting place. Just watching this has made me realize that I wouldn't go as far because...
The thud of the shovel compressing the soil took over her mind as that was all she could hear. Only a fool would passionately walk to their death. It must have been the same for you, wasn't it? she said, facing the sky. Trying to hold back the tears.
"Until just a while ago, I never noticed just how late it has gotten. I should really be on my way," he said as he picked up his bag.
"I guess it means goodbye," she said as she sat down.
"I guess it does," he said as he stared at her for a while before he began his travel.
"Wait," she said, "See you tomorrow?"
He turned back as he said, "Sure." He noticed that in her hands was a lunch bowl. It was filled to the brim with stew.
"What is this for?" He asked, perplexed by her gesture. "I made a little extra," she said as she handed it over.
The simple gesture that seemed to have been purely of good will had me thinking. A simple thought, Why is life telling me this cruel joke once more. "You honestly didn't have to go through all the trouble. "
"You should get going."
The cold refused to leave me as I walked back home. If anything, the little amount of heat that I retained only made the loss much more distinct. But at least, I made it home. I just wish I didn't have to walk for three hours with several injuries.
Kano looked through the door's key hole to ensure that no one stood behind it. He slowly opened it to ensure that he didn't make too much noise. He also quietly shut the door.
"Asim...why are home so late?" Said a voice behind him. There was an eerie level of calm to it.
"I guess I wasn't able I am hoping this time you aren't holding up a scourge like you usually are, everyday. I was hoping that by now you noticed you are never going to use that on me," he said before turning to face her. It was Calida.
Her eyes were dyed crimson and so were the tips of her hair. She wore a white t-shirt and a red skirt. In her hands was a scourge.
"You really didn't answer my question," she said.
"Does it matter, you are still not using that on me."
She smiled as she said," What honestly makes you think that?" Her eyes had a malicious red glow to them as the handle of the scourge began to smoke.
"You know that if you stare at someone like that for a long time, they will end up believing that you want to kill them," he said before he sighed, "This time, it is because I brought you this." He held out the bowl of stew. Just like always, bribery seemed to be effective.
She took hold of it, opened it and had a taste before she placed the scourge on the table beside her.
"You do realize that I couldn't hit you even if I wanted to because you are my older brother, right? You should go and wash are bloody and muddy."
He took off his shoes and placed his bag on the floor before asking the question he believed was most important, "Where is the food? I can't see it."
She went and took a seat by the table before she replied, "You came late so I didn't bother leaving any for you. Good thing too....seems like you have already eaten so it shouldn't be that big a deal."
"I still want to eat though."
She then replied, "Feel free to cook then."
He said nothing in response but walked towards the table, grabbed the scourge and put his shoes back on.
"I will just sell this and buy something to eat then....I am sure that it shouldn't be that big a deal since you already have that strong staff, or whatever that thing is."
She sighed, finally giving in, "Fine, you don't have to threaten my scourge like that....its super high quality." She stared at him as she watched him walk towards his room.
Today must have been really rough. It should be the first time in nine years that he has lost that much heat. The only bad part is that it only seems to be getting worse. I am sure warm food won't do anything to help.
As she was warming up his meal, she finally asked a question that was weighing on her mind, "Why did you come back all battered, bruised, bloody and muddy?"
He was drying his hair using a towel when he replied, "I encountered a little trouble."
"What kind of trouble?" What was supposed to be a conversation quickly turned into an interrogation. Her questions were as swift as they were direct.
"I-I ran into a had magic and everything, " he said as he thought, I know that we are connected but.... I can't help but lie.
"So what was its nature for you to come back that muddy and bloody?" Emphasizing greatly on the word 'muddy'.
"It was of the earth class...really powerful too," he replied, thinking, This just has to be one of the worst lies ever told. I mean, Redstar Forest is one of the ten divine spots. And each site can only house specific natured magic beasts. Our very own Redstar can only have fire types.
"So where is the bore now?" She said as she took out the plates.
So you are just going to ignore my lie just like that...."After I struggled against it, I ended up killing it."
She closed the pot when she said, "I see.....I am really sorry then."
So I guess that you were attacked today, she thought, I guess, you must feel guilty for killing him. But I can't explain it, I feel as if you are relieved about something involving it.
As soon as they finished eating, they both washed their hands and sat down at the table. Even though it was late, it was still too early to sleep.....for them at least.
"I went to Mr. Vito's, he said that you are never on time."
"Of course I am not.....hunting isn't easy."
When I uttered those words, I finally understood why exactly people die from hypothermia. My breath ran short as I felt as if my lungs would burst. I could barely hear my heart beyond the silent gaze she gave me.
He fell unconscious on the table, seeing whatever light was there slowly disappear. He was in the water again.