Chereads / Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 105 - Chapter 105- The Tour

Chapter 105 - Chapter 105- The Tour

The Kage waited patiently for Naruto to arrive. Sitting in the room where they had there meeting. Each chose a single guard. Tsunade chose Kakashi, since Jiraiya has to get back to his spy ring. A chose his brother, Onoki chose his granddaughter, Mei chose Zabuza, and Baki had little choice in the atter as Gaara stood next to him. Mifune had a single Samurai guard.

After a moment a flash of light was seen and Naruto appered alone. He looked around the room.

"Is everything in order, remember you each have a few things to give my village before we depart", said Naruto.

Not long after that Naruto was presented with a contract from each village agreeing to give him everything they promised. Already the promised Jutsu and schematics were given while everything else would be given later whether they decided to join or not. Thanks to the contract they could not refuse, all Naruto would have to do is show it to the villages respective feudal lord and Naruto would get everything. Mifune on the other hand gave Naruto a deed to a small percentage of chakra metals with a caravan from the Land of Iron bringing the metals to Wave where it would then be sent directly to Naruto through his own caravans.

Naruto sealed everything away before turning to the others.

"I hope everyone is ready, we will teleport directly to my office where you will be able to see the village at it's fullest before I show you other areas. I promise you won't be disappointed", said Naruto.

They all nodded as they joined hands, before disappearing in a flash.

Naruto's office was unsettling with the architecture inspired by the Elder Things, since the entire village was built by Shoggoths. The architecture was angular, without emotion. Almost like it was built by Robots, though the structure of the walls made it seem alien and uninviting. A single large desk covered with complex machinery and loose papers.

Naruto lead them to a window and they saw the entire village. They were shocked. All the buildings had the same alien designs to them, and was made up entirely of tall towers. They cold see clones and scientists walking the streets going about there buisness. Summoned Nightgaunt watched the village below from atop the towers. The sight that frightened them most were the Shoggoths and Gugs outside the metal walls of the village that stood guard. From their vantage point they could even see Deep Ones that guarded the marsh and sea with whirlpools in the distance. All in all the entire village was uninviting.

"Thats a lot of shadow clones how many are even in this village", asked Kakashi.

"Roughly five hundred clones with a special seal that prevents them from dispelling from anything other than a killing blow, add another five thousand that do manual labor and work the machines. The clone soldiers are trained constantly that way should one fall the ability of the others increase thanks to the memory share the clones have. Unfortunately there is a drawback. The clones cannot use Psionics or the Eyes of Azathoth. And can only use demonic chakra if I am using it during there creation, but it has the negative side effect of not allowing the special seal to be placed on them. somehow demonic chakra burns away the seal and without it they make poor soldiers. On average a few clones die every day, and as such the strength of me and every clone increases constantly. In the event I am at risk every non essential clone can dispel, giving me there experience, and considering no clone with the seal has yet to fall with the exception of during missions, my skills would increase exponentially. Though I rarely take missions myself, with a few exceptions so this order has not ever been implemented. I like to run things myself, in my position a bit of paranoia is healthy", said Naruto.

"What are those creatures", asked Onoki as he stared out the window.

"They are my guards, my summons. The Faceless demon like creatures are the Nightgaunt, the four armed creatures Gugs, the black blobs are Shoggoth, and the amphibians are the Deep Ones. There are other summons such as the Byakee. Most of the time the summons remain hidden, but with evidence of the Mi-go they act as a deterrent, not many would willingly face a Shoggoth let alone several", said Naruto.

"There is that word again, what is a Mi-go", asked Onoki.

"In good time, first the tour", said Naruto.

They followed him out of his office as he took them to one of his main labs. Every one of them could feel the guards that watched them like a hawk from the shadows. Once at the lab they froze at what they saw. All over were complex machinery they had never seen in there life. Through glass they could see weapons being tested. All of the weaponry far more advanced than anything seen in the elemental nations. Chakra armor that was converted into powered armor, kunai launchers that launched molten metal thanks to some complicated seal work to melt the kunai as soon as it launched, and things no one had any idea what they did.

"This is where prototypes are invented. Everything you see before you is still in the experimental phases. We constantly improve technology and always think outside the box. Several of these weapons were built on a whim, This area deals in weapons and armor for ground troops. The room next to it builds and improves seige weaponry and vehicles, such as flying crafts. In the next five years we hope to have a fleet of flying ships, we are even building more Shinigami war ships at the hangar, though it will take time to make even one more. When the original shinigami was invented, the inside laboratory and facilities were already there. The scientist who built it merely had to build the rest around it", said Naruto.

"Impressive", said Mifune.

"Thank you, our enemies are to powerful not to use every advantage we can get", said Naruto.

He walked over to table and pulled out what looked like a swords handle.

"This is my own invention", said Naruto.

He pressed a button on the side allowing a telescopic baton to emerge from the handle. The entire thing looked like a baton the length of a katana.

"I'm not impressed", said A.

Naruto smiled as he channeled his chakra into the baton. Instantly the telescopic part lit up like the sun.

"Ok I'm impressed", said A.

"Seals carved in the metal parts converts chakra into electricity, however rather than becoming a stun device, this weapon does not allow the electricity to arc away from the baton. As such it become what is essentially an Omni-directional blade so hot it melts steel with little effort. It was inspired by the second Hokage's infamous Sword of the Thunder God. After hearing of the sword, I really wanted it, sadly I have yet to find it. The only difference between this sword and that one is this one had a core made of chakra metals with a special seal to keep it from melting. I am very proud of this invention. Sadly our stockpile of Chakra metals is small, and thanks to Mifune here, that is no longer the case", said Naruto.

"May my samurai have a few of these. I must admit the craftsmanship is amazing, and I have never seen a weapon quite like this", said Mifune.

"Should an alliance against Cthulhu be formed every one of your samurai can have this very blade within three years. They are not easily mass produced, and only a seal master can create them so it will take time to make enough", said Naruto.

Mifune nodded.

Naruto canceled chakra to the blade and retracted the baton before placing it back on the table.

"These weapons may be experimental, but we do what we can. So far even failures yield interesting results. Take the shinigami for instance, after the test run when leaving Konoha we found many things either redundant in it's design or completely non functional. I am happy to say it has been improved, and is even capable of sub orbit flight. It cannot leave the planet, but it can go higher than any other vessel known to man", said Naruto.

"I would like to see this Shinigami for myself", said A.

"Very well, to the Hangar then", said Naruto.

They left the labs, passing a few of the medical facilities and workshops before leaving the area to head to the Hangar. They looked at the massive building. A huge metal door that sank to the ground to reveal not only the Shinigami but a multitude of workers building smaller crafts.

"The Shinigami is many things, but first and foremost it is an aircraft carrier, capable of deploying hundreds of smaller crafts. A mobile base the likes of which the world has never seen", said Naruto.

"Why is it shaped like a skull", asked Baki.

"The scientist who constructed it is an eccentric man, though I can't fault his results he is one for style over substance. Though the intimidation of a massive flying skull would help lower morale of our enemies", said Naruto.

"Who is the scientist", asked A.

"The masked man who I brought with me with Sasori, his name is Herbert West, though he stands on the edge of genius and madness his work speaks for itself", said Naruto.

"That reminds me, I wish to see your allies, mostly your missing nin allies", said A.

"There are only two seeing as Zabuza is no longer a missing nin", said Naruto.

"I'm right here brat, don't talk like I ain't", said Zabuza.

"My apologies, Anyway our missing nin allies are Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara of Iwa", said Naruto.

Onoki's eyes widened.

"Deidara is here, are you mad", asked Onoki.

"No, Deidara has much to offer, I have given him the means to express his art, including giving him the blast sword of the seven swordsmen which he trains with vigilantly. He has proved himself worthy of my trust, though hot headed and impulsive he is easy to deal with when you channel his more violent tendencies at enemies. Every mission I give him is accomplished to the letter", said Naruto.

Naruto looked away from the Shinigami.

"Itachi is also here under medical care", said Naruto.

"You keep dangerous company boy", said Onoki.

"Perhaps, but when faced with extinction even the worst of enemies will join together against a greater threat", said Naruto.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend", said A.

"Exactly, a dangerous belief, but one that has saved whole civilizations in the past. Missing nin become missing nin for different reasons, I find out those reasons and if at all possible agree to help them, in return they help me. Despite there past both Sasori and Deidara have proved worthy invaluable. In return I trust them at arms length, and I do not give my trust lightly", said Naruto.

"It is foolish to trust a missing ninja, if they turn there backs on the village of there birth, they will turn there backs on any village", said Onoki.

"And why does it matter they were born there. Just because someone is born in there village does not make it special to them. My mother was born in the Hidden Whirlpool, but she went to Konoha and protected it as a loyal leaf kunoichi. Being born somewhere does not automatically make one loyal to the piece of earth where they breathed there first breath. And to assume it does is foolish, the fact that missing nin exist is proof enough of that", said Naruto.

"Watch it boy, you test my patience", said Onoki.

"And you test mine. I wish to remain civil Tsuchikage. We may have different view points that the other cannot accept but it does not mean we cannot understand the others point of view. I understand the risks and will have to face the consequences should I be wrong, but as the old saying goes Hope for the best but prepare for the worst", said Naruto.

Onoki remained silent.

"Not that the old fence sitters temper tantrum isn't interesting, but I hope to see everything before the old man needs a nap", said A.

Onoki glared at A but remained silent.

"Of course, we will move onto the training grounds to watch my soldiers in action", said Naruto.

They walked the streets under the watchful gaze of hidden Nightgaunts before they came across a large field, where dozens if not hundreds of soldiers exercised and ran complex obsticle courses. Several were shooting Kunai launchers at moving targets on a pulley system operated by more clones.

"Your entire army is made of Shadow clones", asked Mifune.

"Most of it is, these are just standard soldiers, squad leaders are not Shadow Clones. The one running drills is one of the Squad leaders, her name is Kin. Her mask and Chakra armor allow her to wield sound based attacks unlike any other", said Naruto as he wabed Kin over.

She walked over to him as she removed her mask. Tsunade recognized her from the council meeting but chose to remain silent.

"Sir Soundwave reporting for duty", said Kin.

"Soundwave?", asked Naruto with a raised eyebrow.

"What, I thought it was clever", said Kin with a shrug.

Naruto shrugged before turning to the Kage.

"Kin this is the five Kage, General Mifune, and there guards", said Naruto.

Kin saluted them before turning to Naruto.

"I hear the head case is leaving" said Kin.

"Yeah, Herbert is in charge of our newest base code named Nest. He is already on his way there", said Naruto.

Kin shrugged.

"Whatever, anyway I was talking to Zaku, I think he's coming around", said Kin.

"Good, wouldn't want to give him those arms for nothing", said Naruto.

Kin nodded before waving to go back to the training grounds.

"My apologies, I like to know everything that goes on in the village regardless of how small", said Naruto.

"So where to next", asked Tsunade.

"The foundary, it is where we create the individual components for our equipment as well as mass produce them", said Naruto.

Orochimaru looked in the mirror stoically. It was early in the morning, and staring him in the face was his own reflection of his twelve year old self. His dream had come to be. Though at great cost. The Great Yig granted him the power of Orobouros. Every day he would die an old man just before midnight, and would be reborn a young child right after midnight. Aging quickly throughout the day.

For all intents and purposes he had achieved his dream of immortality. Though at the risk of being weak when he awoke and frail before death. It was a price he was willing to make. His thoughts drifted to his obsession. His parents, he still remembered there pale faces after death, A traumatizing event for him personally at so early an age. Orochimaru had fought and seen the horrors of war at a young age, and when it lead to his parents death it also lead to his decent into darkness.

His pale hand came up to rub his own face as he watched as he aged much faster than should ever be possible. When one achieves immortality they find themselves with a lot of time to think. And there was little else Orochimaru could do. To be young and foolish one moment before being old and senile the next was not what Orochimaru had dreamed of. His true form allowed him some more time, and allow him to keep his mind much longer, no doubt due to Yigs love of snakes and serpents and using his gift as a way to force the Sannin to assume the form much more often. His mind was tainted with the thoughts on Yig, and for the first time since his parents died had Orochimaru felt fear. Fear at the very god he chose to worship. A dark god, one who granted his every wish all at some cost that would not be realized until it was to late.

Orochimaru sighed as his door opened. He turned to see Shion walk into his room.

"Something is troubling you, said Shion.

Orochimaru glared at the woman. Damn seer he thought to himself.

"For so long I dreamed of immortality, and now that I have it. I have no idea what to do next. Mortality makes it all so clear. When you have a limited amount of time, you are willing to take risks, it makes life interesting knowing you can die at any moment. Now there is no risk. Never thought I would miss mortality", said Orochimaru.

"It matters little, soon the Great Cthulhu will awaken and we shall inherit the earth after the fall of the heritics, that is what you will do next", said Shion.

Orochimaru remained silent. He turned back to his reflection, notacibly older than when he last looked at it.

"I wish to be alone", said Orochimaru.

"Cthulhu Fhtagn", said Shion with a bow.

It was an odd way to end a conversation, but all those of the Cthulhu sect did it, so Orochimaru never spoke of it. Orochimaru simply looked at his face before he sighed and stood. He opened his mouth to become his true form but before it could emerge Tayuya came in. He looked to her, cursing his now teenage hormones were suddenly firing off his instincts to take her now at her mere sight, telling him to admire her figure, her looks, her lips, her bres...DAMN HORMONES... He hated being a teenage most of all.

"Ahh, I was inspecting you...Expecting you I mean. I believe the time to retrieve the Uchiha has come, I need you and the others to find the Uchiha, I suspect he is in Wather Country if my spies can be believed. I believe his general location is somewhere near the Old Whirlpool ruins", said Orochimaru.

"As you wish Orochimaru-sama", said Tayuya.

Orochimaru nodded. Tayuya was walking away when Orochimaru began to speak.

"Bring Kimimaro", said Orochimaru.

Tayuya froze for a moment before nodding.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama", said Tayuya.

Orochimaru watched her leave and looked away.

He thought on Sasuke, despite him becoming immortal he could still take bodies, He didn't know why he did he just knew. Once the Sharingan was his, then his secondary, and currently primary goal to gain more power, was mastering all jutsu. Power to surpass and transcend mortality and even immortality into Godhood. Orochimaru was smart enough to recognize he was a megalomaniac, but the concept of godhood was intriguing. He had learned so much about gods by discovering Yig. The level of power was beyond wht Orochimaru thought possible. It hurt the mind just to imagine half of it, let lone the whole thing. It was the forbidden fruit for Orochimaru. A source to all his wishes and dreams without limiting his mind in any way. To be a God, what could be better. He shook his head. Clearing his thoughts before opening his mouth and allowed his true self to emerge. The white serpent whos body was comprised of many snakes. So long as he was in this form he would survive longer before he crumbled into dust, only to be reborn the next day. It would buy him a week before the process repeated, and was much better than facing senility. He may not have enjoyed his newfound immortality as much as he thought he would, but he accepted it. He slithered from his room to join the others.

The Kage and Samurai watched in awe at the fully automated machines that continued to produce weapons and armor at a startling pace. They watched as clones shipped the finished products to a massive storage facility.

"The production is amazing", said Mei.

"We can produce roughly two hundred individual components in an hour and weaponry can be produced at a pace most factories can only dream of. Labratories to the back inspect everything before it is used. Improvements can also be made there if the need arises", said Naruto.

Naruto took a step back before turning to the Kage.

"Our next stop is the jutsu theory labs. They make entirely new jutsu or seals. The area is underground due to the dangers of the seals", said Naruto.

"How advanced are these seals", asked Baki.

"I'm an Uzumaki, we were nearly wiped out for what we did with seals. We sealed away the shinigami in a mask to reverse the effects of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, We did things with seals not even seal masters would dare try. To say I am very good at seals is an understatement", said Naruto.

They made there way to a relatively small building. Once inside all that was seen was a large lift to bring them dow to the area below. Once they stood on it Naruto pressed a button and they were lowered underground. What they saw amazed them. All over the walls was a single massive seal ment to reinforce the entire area, the room for all intents and purposes was indestructible. They watched as clones worked on seals that defied all logic, mostly since they were also using rituls from the Necronomicon.

"What is that thing", asked A as he pointed to a massive string construct.

"I have successfully brought seals into the third dimension, no longer limited by paper. With this method we can do almost anything. What you are seeing is a seal that is used to seal away tailed beasts in anyone safely reguardless of age. It has other uses but it is a contingency in the event we have to deal with a demon. At this time it has shown to be ineffective against anything eldritch in nature. They operate on laws of physics that most the universe does. For some they can completely disobey the law of gravity or bend them to there will on a universal scale. No human alive is going to be capable of sealing them away because we cannot understand how they work no matter how hard we try, but it is better to have a contingency plan in effect should we have to face something that can be sealed away", said Naruto.

"I'm sold, with even half the stuff we seen I am willing to join an alliance with you", said A.

"I as well", said Mifune.

Suddenly everyone looked to Onoki. He sighed.

"Even I can admit that this is all impressive, and if even one village decides to ally itself with you the others must as well just to keep the power balance the same. Though I don't like it, Iwa is prepared for an alliance", said Onoki.

Naruto smiled before they all dissapeared in a flash of light.

They reappeared in his office where a stack of papers was now on his desk. He grabbed one of the papers and presented it.

"This contract legally united the villages of everyone who signs it. The clause stated that the alliance cannot be broken for at least ten years. Break the alliance and all technology provided to your villages by the CDA will be taked, by force if necessary. If you refuse to hand over the weaponry then shipments will cease and all still allied countries must go to war against the traitor", said Naruto.

"Steep price, but the samurai are nothing if not bound by honor, we would never betray your trust anyway", said Mifune as he signed the document.

As soon as that was done each Kage signed it as well. Once finished Naruto signed it and rolled it up before sealing it away.

"As of now there are no hidden village, only ninja and samurai fighting for one cause. The continued existance of the human race. Each of you can expect the first shipments to arrive immediately through space time ninjutsu. After that we will set up a trade route", said Naruto.

They all nodded in agreement.

"One last thing, the Mi-go", said Naruto.

Everyone was surprized, most had forgotten about them.

"I could not reveal this information unless an alliance was guaranteed. The Mi-go are an alien race of fungi who's appearance is insectoid or crustaceous. They are a space fairing race, having achieved space flight millions of years before there was even a human race. All evidence points to them abducting entire villages to get chakra. They cannot produce it themselves. And their technology is much more advanced than anything you have seen here. Their are masters of surgery, and from what we could find they have successfully removed chakra coils from humans. Something once thought impossible. Once removed the body simply dies. We believe this is a simple science vessel containing between thirty and fifty Mi-go. t the moment they are the most dangerous threat out there after the Great Cult and the Akatsuki", said Naruto.

The room was frozen. Until Onoki broke the silence.

"Aliens, you expect us to believe we are being invaded by aliens", asked Onoki.

"I do not care what you believe. Look out that window at my summons and tell me that compared to them aliens are not such a stretch of the imagination. The Shoggoth themselves were built as tools by an alien race known as the Elder Things before they gained sentience, Deep Ones are the progeny of Dagon, who is the son of Cthulhu, and Alien god. I knew that if I told you before you seen what I am capable of you would not believe me. In one day you have seen things thought impossible just by going on this tour, what makes aliens so impossible in a universe larger than anyone can possibly imagine with hundred of billions of stars and even more planets, and that is in our galaxy alone. There are even more galaxies then there are stars in the night sky in this universe. Thats not even getting into multiverse theory which stated there are an infinite amount of universes. The chances of this planet being the only one with some form of life on it in the universe is so small it is not even worth considering", said Naruto.

"What can you tell us of this alien race", asked Mifune.

"You cannot possibly believe this Mifune", asked Onoki.

"Naruto has explained his reasons and I have yet to detect any lies from his words. After what I have seen in a single day, an alien right before me would not be surprizing", said Mifune.

At that point Herberts clone stepped in the room. Naruto looked to the man.

"Just come to say that real me is at the Nest", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded before looking to Mifune.

"Either way I am attempting to find the Mi-go craft and bring it down. You do not have to believe me, you don't have to do anything. I am already working on finding and destroying them, I am just telling you of there existance", said Naruto.

"And if this alien race does come to our lands", asked A.

"FEAR", said the Herbert clone.

Everyone looked to the man.

"Fear?", asked Onoki.

Herbert nodded.

"Yep, FEAR, Fuck Everything And Run", said Herbert.

They stared at the man for a moment before turning to Naruto.

"Ignore Herbert, he is rather eccentric. If they come to you I will be there to quickly help out. Should you see them immediate evacuation is recommended, fight them at your own risk", said Naruto.

"I have heard enough, I must get back to Kumo to prepare for the arrival of this Great Cult", said A.

Naruto nodded.

"Expect my soldiers to aid you when they arrive", said Naruto.

After a few parting words each one was taken back to the Land of Iron. The Herbert clone left the room. Naruto looked sat at his desk and smiled, his chances of defeating Cthulhu just went up.

Herbert looked at the building where he would work at for the forseeable future, and he realized why it was called the Nest. Thats what it looked like. Herbert turned to the clones escorting him.

"I get Gato was rich and all but who chooses to build a building that actually looks like an insects nest. Hell at least for the Aburame it makes sense with the whole bug thing, otherwise it just screams 'I am evil and I don't care who knows it', seriously the dwarf had issues", said Herbert.

The clone shrugged.

"Lets just get the equipment set up, our estimates show we can have the radar equipment set up in a day, and the bast will be fully operational in three days", said the clone.

Herbert nodded.

"I am going to do a little maintenance on myself, see what this new body can really do. Catch ya later", said Herbert.

The sound of shifting metal was heard as Herbert changed into his cybernetic form. The next thing they knew he was leaping off, jumping higher than most ninja are capable of while laughing maniacaly. The clones shook their head.

"I can't believe that's our boss", said the clones.

The others nodded in agreement, deciding to leave the self-proclaimed mad scientist alone.

Naruto felt rather good at the moment. He secured his alliance and was one step closer to halting the advances of Cthulhu. Still the five Kage would not be enough, and there were other villages out there. Naruto was torn from his thoughts when Sasuke entered the room to sit in front of Naruto's desk.

"Sasuke? What are you doing here", asked Naruto.

"Came to ask if you think you can do something about Itachi's eyes", asked Sasuke.

Naruto put his hand to his chin. His thoughts drifted to the Danzo tree, and it's ability to grow the Sharringan. Naruto looked at Sasuke and nodded.

"I think I have an idea, but some blood tests on Itachi would be needed to prevent organ rejection. Some tests on your DNA could also help him", said Naruto.

"Do it", said Sasuke.

Naruto nodded.

"I'll have Dr. Shinno look into it, I'll oversee everything but remember I am always busy so I may not be able to spare a lot of time", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded.

"Thanks", said Sasuke.

"Don't mention it, I probably would have looked into new eyes for Itachi anyway. I will go after my training", said Naruto.

Sasuke grunted a bit before nodding. He got from his seat and left the room. Naruto walked out of his office before going to the roof.

Naruto took a deep breath as he looked at his hands. He channeled chakra to his right hand before molding it with the element he knew better than the other two. Wind flowed around his hand, bending to his very will. He held the arm out to the side, still outstretched. His other hand lifted He looked as sparks cracked out and danced around his fingers. Lightning chakra was more difficult to make for him. He took each hand and forced the two elements together. He watched as wind and lightning began to fuse into a new element. An artificial wat to mimic dual element bloodlines. He could combine wind and water to make ice, but he could not use the more powerful abilities of the style. Merely freezing anything he touched. He could not make ice mirrors or senbon, but it was enough of an advantage to practice.

Wind and lightning meshed like water and oil, but Naruto was determined to do something with it. Against all the conflict the two elements had something began to happen. A black cloud spun in his hands, like a hurricane, but small blue sparks of electricity could be seen. The first part was done. He took his left hand away from the hand held hurricane. He held it out and channeled water elemental chakra into his palm. A thin mist came from his hand and he brought it to the small hurricane.

Pushing water was even more difficult than anything else, but Naruto's determination won through. In his hand was a large blue orb os spiraling chakra. Much different from the rasengan. Naruto lifted his hand as the orb went to the sky. Once it reached the clouds it exploded into a massive hurricane where Naruto was the eye of the storm. He shifted to his eldritch form.

As it turned out, while Naruto could not use chakra in this form just yet, he could control chakra outside of his body. And his chakra was affecting the weather. Naruto pointed in the distance and at his command a bolt of lightning struck right where he pointed. He flicked his wrists casing the wind to change direction to his will. With a flex of his fingers he could command it to rain or snow.

With his elemental chakra in the air, he was capable of using Psionic powers to command the weather around him. The forces of nature themselves bet to his will when the two were combined. It made Naruto wonder how powerful he would be when he could use chakra in his eldritch form. It would take time for the coils to grow, but he was getting close to the point where he could do it. And with Kurama's chakra adding to the mix he began to wonder what he even was. Naruto knew he was no longer human, but only now did he realize whatever he was becoming was something he did not know.

Idly he wondered where he would show up on the evolutionary tree, he wondered what to call himself now. He began imagining the scientific name as well. Where he would be placed on the kingdom. W hat would be his Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species be. Was he even still a mammal, was he even a Hominid. Looking at himself it was hard to tell. Either way he continued controlling the weather, acting like a child who wanted to grow up to be a mad scientist. Naruto decided he would finish up before finding Itachi. He was only thirteen after all. He figured he earned the right to act like one every now and again.