Chereads / Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 98 - Chapter 98 The Gambit

Chapter 98 - Chapter 98 The Gambit

Innumerable mouths, tentacles , and things that humans have no name for moved around the Shoggoth. It's body slid and rolled as it feasted on the wildlife around the whirlpool village. It's inky slime sloshed around a flexible and malleable membrane. Shikamaru looked at the Shoggoth guard. He remembered the conversations he had with Naruto before the preliminary matches during the chunin exams.

He saw the beast Cthulhu in a vision, and now something more alien than Cthulhu known as Nyarlathotep. A literal god of choas. To know with absolute certainty that there were things even his mind had never imagined existed was a strange bit of knowledge, and Shikamaru did not know how to feel about it. On the one hand he knew a bit of the truth, but on the other the truth was horrifying.

In life Shikamaru never bothered himself with thoughts of monsters and gods. It was to unbelievable, and not to mention troublesome to think on such nonsense. There were better ways to pass ones time, namely looking at clouds or playing shogi. Now however he could not think of anything else. He had so many questions and to few answers. He did not think what this ment to the human race as a whole, instead he thought on what this ment in general. What does this mean for all existence. That the universe was even more uncaring than you originally thought. So uncaring in fact, that it saw fit to fill the universe with tentacled monsters.

That was not even getting into fighting a literal God. What could he do in the face of a god anyway. Even ninja had their limits, so why even attempt to fight a god. He didnt know. Oh he would try, if only because the alternative was terrible, not to mention troublesome. But why would Naruto specifically take the risk when he knew he was just going to fail to an even more powerful force. It was an interesting thought knowing someone he considered a friend was going through such lengths to ensure the continued existence of the human race when he himself was not going to be around to know if it was even worth it afterwards. Either way he would think on it more in his mind.

His eyes turned away from the Shoggoth guard to gaze to the clouds where he spent the rest of the day just watching them pass by freely without a care in the world.

Several minutes passed as he watched the clouds when he heard the sound of feet on the ground. He turned his head to see Ino and Choji walking toward him. Ino saw the Shoggoth and made a disgusted face at the massive blob but otherwise ignored it.

"What are you doing out here Shikamaru, we have to get back to training", said Ino.

"I was just thinking about everything", said Shikamaru.

"Do tell", said Ino as her fists rested on her hips.

"Think about it Ino, Gods, Monsters, science so strange it may as well be magic, everything. It's a lot to take in", said Shikamaru.

"I know what you mean, but what it's not like we can do anything about it", said Choji.

"No probaby not, but just knowing this stuff is getting to me. I thought I had a good grasp on the universe and my place in it. I thought I was going to have an average life, grow up, get an average wife, not to ugly or good looking, have two kids. One boy and one girl, and live the rest of my life looking at clouds. Now I have been whisked away on a grand quest to defeat something I can never really understand. Call me selfish, but I never wanted this, still don't", said Shikamaru.

"You're right, it is selfish", said Ino.

Shikamaru shrugged.

"I know, I'm not saying I won't do what I can, but to have so much happen to us in less than a day, all of it revolving around Naruto. Makes me wonder what else is out there. Then there is the thought I can never really understand that. And I don't like stuff I can't understand", said Shikamaru.

"Well yeah it's a lot to take in, to have your entire world view turned on it's head . But it's not like things were different before, the only difference now is we know about it", said Ino.

Shikamaru and Choji looked at Ino, both with surprized looks and raised eyebrows.

"What", said Ino with mild irritation.

"Nothing, just surprized to hear you say something like that", said Shikamaru.

"I have my moments", said Ino who was obviously very happy with herself at the moment.

Shikamaru stood up and brushed himself of dust.

"Well I guess we should get back to training", said Shikamaru.

Ino smirked.

"Never thought I'd hear your lazy ass say that", said Ino.

"Troublesome blond", said Shikamaru under his breath, but apparently Ino heard him judging by her slight glare.

"Lazy ass misogynist", said Ino.

With a twist of his now bladed finger, Naruto screwed the last bolt into the prosthetic he had developed. It was really the one Herbert was working on for a while to further become a cyborg, but he had already built several and cold not decide which one to use. Naruto shifted his finger back to normal to admire his work. It had to be altered slightly based on what he knew but he hoped that the Old Man would like it. He needed a replacement anyway, why not one that doubles as a gun.

Either way he sat back in his chair. His thoughts once again turned to the future. The very idea that he was even attempting to stop Cthulhu was beyond idiotic. Though it was humanities only hope. Though in truth, as a whole Humanity was a disgusting and selfish. There were exceptions to the rule, and those were who Naruto fought for, but many times he questioned if it was worth it. He threw those thoughts away. Best not think like that. Though in truth he found with each passing day his hope in the human race diminished as they became more of a hindrance than anything else. The note from Kumo was only another nail in the coffin. It still sickened him that they felt so threatened they were willing to start a war should Kiri ally with Konoha.

True never in history has any of the great nations had more than one ally with another Great Nation, and having two was unheard of, but that did not matter. This was a case of someone looking to increase their own power, and decrease everyone elses. Why humanity had to be so difficult Naruto did not know, but he had plans and some old fool who believed himself a king was not going to ruin those plans. As long as his plan worked, then all five great nations may ally, though the possibility was slim, it was there. There only needed to be a threat large enough to warrant a great alliance. As luck would have it, there was a threat that could help. The Great Cult had far surpassed any cult Naruto ever knew or read of. Cthlhu Cultists, Yig Cultists, and Jashinists all allied together to awaken an further Cthulhus power. They would do nicely for his plan, and if it worked he would not only ally the great nations, but destroy the cult in the process. The proverbial killing two birds with one stone.

Naruto looked to the prosthetic. He remembered his original goal. He still had to get a meeting with Itachi for Sasori and Deidara. Might as well get started on that. Naruto grabbed the prosthetic, and after a quick inspection he disappeared in a flash.

Tsunade was working albeit reluctantly. At the moment she would much rather be drinking right now. But she worked. She never in her life wanted o be Hokage, and even now she didn't. Hell the ony reason she was here right now wa everything revolving around Naruto. For a kid, he had already become what could only be described as a genius. Not a genius of fighting like Itachi was, but a real genius. One who would change the world. A formula to revive the dead. A truly massive flying transport ship, shaped like a skull for some odd reason.

Truth be told, she really wanted to know what the boy would come up with in the coming years. So curious was she she was willing to become the Hokage, despite her feelings on the job. She would probably die early, but then again this was a chance to be watch history in the making. How could she pass this up.

She was cut from her musings when said blond appeared in her office holding a strange prosthetic arm.

"What are you doing here", asked Tsunade.

Naruto put the prosthetic on the desk and smiled.

"A gift for The Third Hokage, tell the old man he got himself a new arm", said Naruto.

Tsunade looked at the prosthetic before turning to Naruto.

"What does it do", asked Tsunade.

"It's a prosthetic, it replaces the original limb", said Naruto.

Tsunade glared at Naruto who sighed.

"When Chakra is added to it the hand retracts and reveals a barrel underneath that can shoot chakra bolts. Special seal mimic chakra coils allowing him to use the arm similar to before. Finally it's metal parts have been treated with a special procedure that allows the parts to self repair when covered in blood by taking the iron out of it", said Naruto.

Tsunade paled somewhat.

"Thats the second time you had a strange reaction when blood is mentioned, you wouldn't happen to have hemophobia would you", asked Naruto.

Tsunade regained her color.

"I don't like to talk about it" said Tsunade.

"Understood. I won't press the matter. Now down to business. I need some of my members to meet with Itachi Uchiha", said Naruto.

"The missing nin", asked Tsunade.

"Don't play coy with me, I know he is a double agent. Sasori and Deidara need information on Akatsuki, and he is our best ticket", said Naruto.

"They are previous Akatsuki agents, what could they possibly need", asked Tsunade.

"The member known as Zetsu, his origin is unusual. I have a theory that he is somehow related to the First Hokage in some way, thus explaining his plant based powers. I need his location", said Naruto.

Tsunade's eyes widened.

"They used Great Grandpa's cells to make that fly trap thing", asked Tsunade.

"Most likely, I won't go into any more details, but I need something Zetsu has, and Itachi is my best bet to getting it", said Naruto.

"Fine, you get your meeting. But only under one condition, I want you present at a council meeting to get everything on the table. You are still a ninja of Konoha, and we need to know wha is going on. No more cloak and dagger stuff", said Tsunade.

"Very well, but some information has to be omitted for the sake of your sanity", said Naruto.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at that. Naruto spoke before she had a chance to.

"I won't go into details for what I mean. Just know that some knowledge can be hazardous just to know", said Naruto.

"Fine, just show up", said Tsunade.

"Tomorrow then. Am I correct to assume the meeting is at the usual time", asked Naruto.

Tsunade nodded.

"Then I will meet you then, I have work to do. Good day Lady Tsunade", said Naruto as he disappeared in a flash.

Tsunade looked at the prosthetic in front of her. She was tempted to study it. Maybe she would, but might as well get it to the old man first.

Herbert smiled as he tightened the Kumo Headband. It was tied on his arm since he really didn't want to take off his mask. He looked down at his target. Shion, the leader of the Cthulhu sect of the Great Cult. Currently speaking to her was Orochimaru, who looked different. Just a little bit.

If by little bit you mean he is somehow a giant snake made up of smaller snakes, then yes just a little bit. In Herberts opinion, it was an improvement. He spoke to Shion on something Herbert found irrelevant and unimportant before slithering away while being followed by four other ninja.

He watched as the giant snake left the room. It was still strange to see Yigs gifts first hand. Orochimaru no longer needed a human body. And could remain in that form indefinably if everything he heard was to be believed. Though the old snake bastard still wanted one. Not like it mattered.

Herbert gazed at Shion as he lept down. He kep his head tilted down to add to the ominous effect.

"Lady Shion of the Land of Demons, Kumo sends it's regards", said Herbert as his masked Beasts were summoned and began killing her guards.

"By the way, your hot. To hot for evil, wanna go out", asked Herbert.

"Kill him, and give his soul to the great Cthulhu", said Shion in anger.

"So I take it thats a no then", said Herbert.

He was immediate surrounded by Jashinists and Cthulhu cultists. Herbert pointed his palm at one of them.

"You'll never take me alive", said Herbert as a blast of wind came from the hole in his palm and decapitated one of the guards.

While this was happening one of his masked Beasts created a barrier behind him. Herbert turned to see Hidan with an ungodly creepy smirk.

"Nice face, mind if I steal the look for interrogations", asked Herbert.

"Oh fuck you asshole, be prepared to meet Jashin-sama", said Hidan as he swung his scythe down.

Herbert leapt away and landed next to Shion.

"I already met him for dinner, big fan of leeches that guy. Has a creepy thing about drinking black tears. I blame society", said Herbert.

He lifted a kunai to stab Shion but the sound of a ringing bell was heard and a barrier appeared around her. She glared uncaring at Herbert as a red scythe nearly hit him. Herbert leapt away, narrowly avoiding Hidans scythe.

"Hold still so I can chop your dick off and feed it to you", said Hidan.

"Ewww, Why is that the first thing that pops in your mind", asked Herbert as he continues to dodge Hidan.

"Because fuck you", said Hidan.

"Well ok, if you insist, but at least buy me a drink first", said Herbert.

Herbert created a spiraling ring and jammed it into Hidans chest, only for the scythe to cut him. Hidan stood still for a moment as Herbert quickly used his cloak to wipe off his blood from Hidans scythe. He leapt back as Hidan healed from the spiraling ring just jammed into his chest.

"Whats the matter chicken shit, don't want me to have a bit of blood", asked Hidan as he swung his scythe experimentally.

Herbert looked at Hidan and nodded.

"No shit, I wonder why that is you vampire wanna be", said Herbert as he took a mock thinking pose.

Hidan smirked.

"Vampires ain't got shit on me, now hold still and take it like a man", said Hidan.

He charged at Herbert who moved quickly around the area.

"Oh you dirty naughty boy. How dare you say such vulgar things. Besides I'd much rather take it like a small frightened girl who just saw a giant spider", said Herbert.

"Pussy", said Hidan as he swung his scythe some more.

With each dodge it became clear Hidan was the better fighter. He leapt to the wall where he ran up it using his chakra.

"Fucking coward. Hold still so I can cut you", said Hidan as he chased after Herbert.

"Oh hell no. What do I look like, a moron. Only a dumbass fights an immortal with pain transfer, super power thingies", said Herbert.

"Yo ass hat, you're fighting an immortal right now", said Hidan.

Herbert stopped for a moment as he took a thinking pose and fell to the floor. He landed on his feet in the same pose.

"Good point, guess I'm a dumbass. Thank you for informing me of my lapse in sanity. anyway See ya", said Herbert.

Herbert disappeared in a puff of smoke as did his masked beasts. Hidan glared at the smoke and swung at it in defiance.

"Oh fuck this, that bastard's ass is mine", said Hidan.

He looked to see Shion who was still sitting in her chair.

"And look at you, you did fucking nothing", said Hidan.

"I leave fighting to the warriors and berserker. This cannot go unpunished however", said Shion as she stood up.

"No shit, so what now. Want me to gut someone", asked Hidan.

"That won't be necessary, just get the troops ready. Kumo must pay", said Shion.

Herbert smiled from his hidden point up above. It looked like Naruto's plans were going to work. He stretched his arms before looking at the Kumo headband on it. He took it off and examined it for a moment before putting it away. he turned back to the activities below before disappearing again in a cloud of smoke.

Naruto reappeared in his office. he sat in his chair and looked below to his plans. He smiled as he thought of exactly what Kumo had started when they sent the Mizukage that letter. In truth, anything after this that happened was their own fault. Those who wanted great power had to deal with the consequences.

Suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared in front of him followed by Herbert who collapsed on the ground.

"Do you have any Idea how many body flickers it takes to get from here to the Land of Demons", asked Herbert.

"No, but as a Jinchuriki, you can handle the strain", said Naruto.

Herbert groaned as he took a seated position.

"So is it done", asked Naruto.

"Yeah, The Great Cult will retaliate against Kumo. After this they will need an alliance with someone other than Iwa just to survive", said Herbert.

"Then all is going according to plan", said Naruto.

"Yep. By the way, you'll never guess who I ran into", said Herbert.

"Orochimaru", said Naruto.

Herbert shook his head.

"No, I mean yes. But I didn't fight the guy. Oh By the way, he's now a giant snake. Anyway I ran into Hidan", said Herbert.

"Not surprizing, he is the leader of the Jashinist sect", said Naruto.

"Really, didn't know that", said Herbert.

"Did you even read the briefings", asked Naruto.

Herbert shrugged.

"Why am I not surprised. Regardless this mission was a success", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded as he threw back the Kumo headband. Naruto caught it and put it with the others.

"Think it was worth it", asked Herbert.

"We'll just have to wait and see. I have a few backup plans to ensure a ninja alliance. Besides with both Konoha and Kiri at least taking what I have to say as important, then I'm sure I can get a ninja alliance started", said Naruto.

"Good luck with that, I need to get back to my experiments", said Herbert.

"Please Do", said Naruto.