Chereads / Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 93 - Chapter 93 Demon's Chakra

Chapter 93 - Chapter 93 Demon's Chakra

Naruto worked at his desk looking over reports given to him by his clones in the land of snow. Apparently the leader was seen attacking a production of a movie to gain access to one f the actresses who was his niece. An unusual prospect. If his clones were to be believed the man thought the heat generators of the land was a weapon of some kind. He decided to call for the mans assassination. He was quickly becoming a liability. Let a new leader rule, hopefully one who was not as insane. As he put the paper away Naruto's hands began to burn causing him to wince. He held them close as they began to glow red with demonic chakra. His fingernails fell off leaving blood to drip onto his desk. Thick black curved claws grew in their place, each was about a centimeter long. Slowly the burning went away and the wounds healed. He shook his hands free of pain and looked at his hands.

"Well this is interesting", said Naruto.

As this was happening he noticed the seal on his stomach was glowing. Apparently the fox was the cause of this. He used a simple transformation to hide his claws for now as he went off to study the seal in depth.

Wilbur watched as Hiruko easily defeated a group of bandits. After the three tails incident, they found themselves fighting bandits for enjoyment quite often. There was only one bandit left whose face was held in Hiruko's hands. His palm was glued to the mans face with chakra and Hirko smiled.

"Not exactly the battle you were expecting is it, I always find it interesting you bandits believe you can defeat a skilled shinobi", said Hiruko.

"Please let me go", said the bandit.

"Gladly", said Hiruko.

He increased the chakra to his hand causing him to stick more to the mans face before the chakra bond literally ripped off the bandits face. The bandit screamed in pain as he flailed around. Hiruko turned to Wilbur and dropped the skin stuck to his hands before wiping it off with a towel.

"I must admit it is amusing to watch them flail around like this", said Wilbur.

The man bled and screamed as Wilbur summoned human faced locusts to gnaw at the remains of the mans face. He screamed louder than before.

"Start with the eyes", said Wilbur.

"Good choice", said Hiruko.

They simply watched as the bandit slowly and painfully died. His flailing brought them enjoyment, and once he died and he still was twitching Wilbur commanded his locusts to eat the men. They left nothing.

"So with that done, we should get back to the rain village", said Hiruko.

"Not quite", said Wilbur.

Hiruko raised an eyebrow and looked to his partner.

"I'm listening", said Hiruko.

"I have come to a decision. The Akatski are fools. They have been lying to us. Before I believed their plans were to gather these so called tailed beasts and create a weapon. This is false. Their plan is to create some illusion to place the world in, the leader, is no leader. The true ruler of the Akatsuki is the masked one", said Wilbur.

"Where have you heard this", asked Hiruko.

"I have learned much since joining. I have a very good inside source, one who is draped in shadow. Tell me, would it not be better if we lead them for our own goals", said Wilbur.

"I really don't care one way or the other. My membership to the Akatsuki is only until the eclipse, once it is here then my immortality is guaranteed and the Akatsuki will cease being interesting", said Hiruko.

"Nothing lasts forever, when the mighty Azathoth awakens all shall end. My goal is simple, there is tome known as the Necronomicon, it holds more knowledge and power than you can possibly imagine. I plan on bringing my father to this world, ending the human blight", said Wilbur.

"Hmmm, well I will not stop you, I may help you if you wish, I care little for my fellow species. I cannot help you not now. I first need the sharingan and my immortality is sealed. Everything else is just a distraction", said Hiruko.

"The fish mans partner, he possesses those eyes. Why not take them from him", asked Wilbur.

"Perhaps I will, but I have one in mind for now, I have prepared for this for quite some time. Then again a backup could prove to be useful", said Hiruko.

"Then our goals may be similar. The Necronomicon has many rituals for great power. With it, I may be able to bring the eclipse to you, rather than you hae to wait for it", said Wilbur.

"Could such a thing be done", asked Hiruko.

"With the Necronomicon, moving a moon is possible, and within the realm of possibility. There are an endless number of pages in this book. All I have to do is find the right one", said Wilbur.

Hiruko looked to the sky, he put his hand to his chin before thinking it over.

"Well, I see little harm in seeing if you speak the truth. If not, then the eclipse will still come. Very well Whateley, consider me an ally", said Hiruko.

Wilbur smiled.

Kurama watched yet again as Naruto learned again the true identity of the Shadowed man. He patiently waited as Naruto got the shock out of his system. It was quite bothersome that as soon as he left he would forget the Shadowed mans identity as Nyarlathotep. However Kurama had long since gotten used to it.

"So you're back, to what do I owe the pleasure", asked Kurama with heavy sarcasm.

Naruto shook his head as he looked to the fox.

"I have been studying the seal you are kept behind. I learned quite a few things about it, for one it is working faster than it should", said Naruto.

"So does that mean you are going to let me out", asked Kurama.

"I am not stupid Kurama", said Naruto.

"Worth a shot. Now speak and leave, your presence sickens me", said Kurama.

"I'm sure it does, anyway I have come in here to examine the seal from within. As you know the seal is ment to continuously add your chakra to me until there is none left, technically making me the new Nine tails, though your mind would be unaffected. Apparently even powerless with not an ounce of chakra left it is impossible to fully kill a tailed beast", said Naruto.

"Yes quite embarrassing. Your father is an infuriating man. So why does this concern me if you are not going to free me", asked Kurama.

"Simple my foxy friend, you see I have gained claws for some reason. After an analysis I learned something. Apparently because my body is made of different matter I have the ability to handle your power, which is so potent causes changes to my physiology. Whats more even using your higher levels of power, I will not be harmed by it. If I read the seal right then after a certain level of your power the human body will be burned away from it's potency but would regenerate quickly at the same time. The matter that makes up my body is resistant to this. Even if I used all nine tails, I would not die, nor would I be harmed. Because of this the seal is much stronger than it was before. Like it or not, we are no longer individuals Kurama, we are the same entity. We are one, but with two minds. The evolution my body is going through to gain the abilty to use Chakra in my Eldritch form has had the side effect of strengthening the seal to a degree that the shinigami himself would be unable to break. The ultimate result of this is I am absorbing more of your chakra than I should in a short amount of time", said Naruto.

"Wonderful, I get to be cooped up in this cage forever and die when you do, and whats worse I get to lose my powers even faster", said Kurama sarcastically.

"Not necessarily, you see Kurama once I get the last drop of your chakra the seal will disappear, leaving your mind free to wander these halls. It is the only thing separating you from me, so you won't be stuck in the cage forever. Just in the mindscape", said Naruto.

"Not much of an upgrade, have you come to gloat about you gaining my power", asked Kurama with a hint of anger.

"Not at all, you see I am going to speed the process further once I know the seal better. It will allow you to walk the halls of my mindscape, while giving me your chakra. No matter what this is going to happen, we might as well get it done with for both our sakes", said Naruto.

"You speak as if you care about my fate", said Kurama.

"I admit, we do not see eye to eye Kurama, but we might as well make the best of a bad situation", said Naruto.

"Very well, though I must know, as this has been on my mind for quite some time. When the shadowed one takes your body for himself. What will happen to me", asked Kurama.

Naruto grew silent. It was all Kurama needed to hear.

"I see, then the time of the nine tails draws to its end", said Kurama.

"I'm sorry Kurama", said Naruto solemnly.

"It makes little difference boy, what is done is done. The higher powers are greater then even myself in my prime though I loathe to admit it. In the end we must all accept our fate", said Kurama.

"What a load of bull", said Naruto.

Kurama looked to Naruto with a raised fur covered eyebrow.

"I have spent my life spitting in the Fates face. We choose our own destiny, where is the fox who's mighty tails flatten mountains and bring tsunami's. Where is the king of the tailed beasts. So long as there is a chance I will take it. Fate be damned. There is no fate, only choice that's what I say", said Naruto.

"Big words for a child", said Kurama.

"I am as much of a child as you are a stuffed animal. I have less then ten years to keep this planet spinning. My fate as you call it is not important. If I become some puzzle piece for an Outer Gods grand plan then so be it. But I can guarantee you this when I see Nyarlathotep, even as he absorbs me into himself, I will fight him even when I am sure to lose. We may be insignificant, but we are not worthless. All you have to do is speak with one person to know that", said Naruto.

"Defiant till the end I see. You are a brave one child", said Kurama.

"It's better to blow out, then to fade away. If I'm going out I'm going out with a bang, not a whimper", said Naruto.

Kurama smiled.

"I have been sealed in two others before you boy, and you are by far the most interesting host I have ever met. Very well. When our time comes, we shall blow out together, as you so eloquently put it. Defiance till the end", said Kurama.

Naruto nodded. Kurama nodded back. They remained silent as Naruto observed the seal from within. Kurama simply watched in amusement.

Teams 8 and 10 found the tall metal towers to be rather cold and uninviting with their cylindrical shape. What was curious was on the inside all the sharp corners of every room was run over with clay or plaster, while they did not know why this was done to keep the Hounds of Tindalos away. The rooms themselves were comfortable and spacious, though lacked much furniture other than a bed and desk. Functioning plumbing was available and electricity was provided to use a centralized heating system to warm the rooms to a comfortable level. They all got situated, unpacking what they could before meeting in the ground floor. They ignored the mist scientists that looked at them with confusion. Once the headed out the first thing they did was head toward the training grounds. The village was filled with tall technologically advanced towers. Wires crossed the streets above. The center of the village had the largest tower. It was taller than the hokage monument with a cylindrical shape. Though the clouds in the sky showed rain was a possibility the genin ignored it.

Once at the training grounds they say acres of obstacle courses, fields to spar, and outdoor exercise equipment. Much of it was being used by the clones who moved together like a well oiled machine. As a unit rather than a colection of induviduals. Several of the clones, who wore lab coats were examining the soldiers while writing on clip boards. While they did this they would suggest ways for the clones to improve. The clones would nod before disappearing, giving all clones their knowledge.

"Wow", said Choji.

"It is no wonder Naruto has gotten so strong. He has an army at his beck and call", said Shino.

"Considering what we're going up against, he's going to need a lot more than that", said Shikamaru.

"Yeah, I mean look at this. It's like a non ninja military training program", said Kiba.

"My dad once said that non ninja in the military are one of the best fighters. Granted it takes a platoon to bring down a jonin, but they can do it, with minimal casualties", said Shikamaru lazily.

"Are we going to have to do that", asked Choji.

"You bet your asses you are", they all turned to the voice belonging to Kin.

"Seems a bit excessive", said Shikamaru.

"Maybe, maybe not. I did it, and because of it I can bring down a high chunin, low jonin single handedly", said Kin.

"I have to ask. How is it, being dead I mean", asked Kiba.

Ino hit him behind the head.

"Ignore him, he's an idiot", said Ino.

"I don't mind. It's not what you would think. I just remember my last thoughts before death then woke up on a table. Then I was thrown into a cell for a while. I can't age, but I don't heal wounds. The docs are working on that. Don't need to sleep, eat, or even breathe. My sence of touch is dulled and taste is almost non existant", said Kin.

"Sounds rough", said Choji.

"I got used to it. still it isn't to bad. Though I have to have daily trips to doctors to keep any of my wounds closed with stitches", said Kin.

"I-I'm sorry you h-have to l-live like t-that", said Hinata.

Kin waved her off.

"I don't think about it. Besides I got a lot to keep my mind occupied. So Shikamaru, thats your name right", asked Kin to which Shikamaru nodded.

"I was wondering, how about a spar. After our other match I have been itching to get in a scrap with you", said Kin with a myschievious smile as she cracked her knuckles.

"You are troublesome you know that", said Shikamaru.

Kin shrugged with the smirk still on her face.

"Maybe later, right now I want to check this place out", said Shikamaru.

"Fine, but I'll hold you to that spar", said Kin as she walked away.

Once she was gone the group began to talk among themselves.

"I kind of feel bad for her. I mean to die and then come back like that", said Kiba.

"Yeah, I still really want to know how Naruto came up with it", said Shikamaru.

"We could ask him. Though something that powerful would probably be kept secret", said Shino.

"Naruto always hated secrets. He see's them as a form of lies. And he REALLY hates lies", said Shikamaru.

"True, he alway would tell you the truth, and if not he just said he wouldn't answer it. Secrets are preferable to lies I suppose", said Shino.

"Lesser of two evils", said Shikamaru.

"Well whatever, come on. Lets check this place out", said Kiba to which Akamaru yipped.

Naruto was sitting before Kurama's cage looking at the mighty beats. His eyes were focused on the seal.

"What are you thinking Naruto", asked Kurama.

"There is something strange with the seal. I have studied it greatly. There seems to be two dead ends. Almost like it's containing something else, but for the life of me I can't imagine what that is", said Naruto.

"As long as I have been here, I know very little on the seal", said Kurama.

Narto sat up before getting to his feet.

"We will train later on me using your chakra, it should make this transition easyer on both of us, I will find a way to speed it up. I have buisness to attend to for now. I'll see you later Kurama", said Naruto.

The fox nodded.

Naruto woke on his desk. He rubbed his eyes before he stretched his arms. He looked down to his feet. His shoes had been ripped by claws that now came from his hid them with a transformation. He ran his tongue over his teeth. He now possessed longer fangs on both his upper and lower jaw. He hid them as well. His hand went to his ears and found them slightly pointed. With his mutation from his Eldritch form, the changes from the fox could alter him further. Two powerful forces were waring within him. His mental powers and the foxes potent chakra. Alone they were powerful, together they were at war with each other.

Naruto could not control his psionic development, but he could control his development of absorbing the foxes chakra, which when finished would allow his psionics to develop faster. Otherwise there was no telling what could happen. Naruto sighed as he got up from his chair. Looking at his reflection in the window it seemed as if there was no other mutations gained from the fox. He would deal with it later. He still had much work to do. Though it would probably be better to change clothing considering their condition.

Deidara stood across the field. His blade, the Shibunki in his hand. Across the field was Xel, who wielded Samehada.

"Swordplay only, I will not use my psionic powers, you will not use your clay", said Xel.

"Works for me. Legendary sword vs. legendary sword. This is going to be fun", said Deidara as he swung his sword experimentally.

"We shall see", said Xel.

Deidara immediately unrolled the platform to reveal the explosive notes. He ran to Xel and swung diagonally. Samehada bended like an eel and blocked the blade. The notes glowed and Xel leapt back to avoid the blast. Deidara swung the blade behind him, being unharmed by the explosion.

Xel pointed the blade at Deidara, it's handle stretched forward launching the blade at Deidara, the swords maw snapped at Deidara who lifted his own sword and hit samehada to the side. Deidara took off. Dragging his blade behind him. This caused an explosion that threw dirt into the air. The cloud engulfed Deidara as Xel prepared for him to jump from the smoke.

When the smoke cleared Deidara was gone. Xel looked around with Samehada readied. Suddenly Deidara busted from the ground swinging at Xel. Xel blocked the attack.

"No ninjutsu", said Xel as the two swords made contact.

"You only said I couldn't use my clay, un", said Deidara as he pushed his sword against Samehada.

Xel smiled before he opened his maw and spat a torrent of water at Deidara who dodged it with minor difficulty. The two were no longer in a strugle against eashother.

"What the hell was that", asked Deidara.

"I only said I wouldn't use my psionic powers. Skills gained from the Necronomicon is not Psionics", said Xel.

Deidara smirked. He gave a few test swings from his sword before he ran to Xel. The two entered a simple sword fight. Blocking, striking, parrying, and countering. They used their blades quite easily despite the swords respective weight. Xel quickly twisted around Deidara dragging th edge of his sword across his back. the scales shredded parts of his clothing, but Deidara was mostly unharmed save for a few scratches. Xel lowered his sword and do did Deidara.

"Fine, you win", said Deidara with mild irritation.

Xel nodded ad he put Samehada away. They looked to the side and noticed that the genin form Konoha were watching.

"I take it you are our lords newest allies", asked Xel.

Everyone seemed hesitant to speak to a Deep one. Deidara laughed.

"Looks like fish face scared the crap out of them", said Deidara.

"Be silent mad bomber", said Xel.

"Mad bomber, and proud of it. Un", said Deidara.

"Who are you two", asked Shikamaru.

Xel bowed.

"I am Xel, one of my lords summons. I am a Deep One, I am the keeper of scrolls and forbidden knowledge", said Xel.

Deidara only waved. He smirked at their shocked expressions when they saw the mouths on his palms.

"Deidara, ex Akatsuki member, and ex member of the Explosion corps. in Iwa. S-rank ninja, and one of, if not the best artists to ever live", said Deidara.

"I believe that last title is mine Deidara", said Sasori's scorpion body who walked from the trees.

"Greeting genin, I am Sasori, master puppeteer from Suna, and immortal living puppet", said Sasori.

They looked at Sasori's puppet body with hesitation. Sasori remained stoic.

"So you guys know Naruto", asked Kiba.

"We do, he came into contact with us. We decided to join him. Ever since joining we have gained much", said Sasori.

"How are you a puppet, where is the puppeteer", asked Shino.

"I have spent my life fulfilling my dream of becoming a true puppet, one who will live forever. Naruto and his scientist Dr. West helped me become what I am today", said Sasori.

"Why would you do that", asked Choji.

"I am an artist, now I am the masterpiece of my chosen field", said Sasori.

"You became a puppet in the name of art", asked Shikamaru.

Sasori only nodded.

"So, what can we expect in this village", asked Ino.

"You can expect to become much stronger, my lord does what he can to increase his allies strength. He has no room for weakness, for the risk is to great", said Xel.

Everyone nodded. After seeing what was to come, being caught even slightly unprepared would mean the ultimate failure.

The Mi-go tested their new powers. They started simply. Using simple abilities. Creating illusions, and switching their place with nearby objects. As they trained further they found their powers were near limitless. So long as you knew what you were doing, then anything could be accomplished. They spoke in counsel to one another. Their heads glowed as the silent conversation between them commenced. They spoke on the strange abilities of the humans. It would require much more subjects to study. Their invisible living ship flew out as the Mi-go, collected more of these ninja from a prison cell separated far from any village.

Within the ship the Mi-go scientist caste examined the disembodied brains as they hooked them to a special apparatus allowing them to see and speak. The scientists went through a special surgery allowing them to make sounds and speak to the humans so they could understand.

The brain looked around the room in fear of these strange creatures.

"What is your name", spoke one of the Mi-go whose voice sounded deep and sickly.

"Where am I", asked the human mind, his voice robotic and emotionless through the device.

"You are on our ship, answer my questions human, who are you"

"My name is Mizuki"

The Mi-go attempted a nod to show it understood. It came out more as a spasm.

"Why were you contained in a cell", asked the Mi-go.

"I stole something from my village, I was captured", said Mizuki.

"Our records indicate you were a teacher of sorts. We want to know more of this energy you call chakra. We wish to learn more", said the Mi-go.

"What is in it for me", asked Mizuki.

"Your continued existence, we have many prisoners and one is bound to have the answers we seek. You are only one of many, your life is not important. I suggest you prove yourself useful, otherwise you will be terminated and your body preserved for our uses. Now my first question is this. There is a mark on your body, one that causes physical mutation, what is it", asked the Mi-go.

"A curse mark, made by Orochimaru of the sannin" said Mizuki.

"Orochimaru, he currently exists as the leader of the Yig sect of the so called Great Cult. You will tell us everything about this 'curse mark', and we shall use it. Should you be useful, yo will continue to live", said the Mi-go.

"Ok, I will tell you everything I know", said Mizuki.