Chereads / Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 68 - Chapter 68 The Stench

Chapter 68 - Chapter 68 The Stench

Whateley roamed the roofs of the leaf village. He came across a man dressed in red peeping on women in hot springs, he turned also to the bare women bathing staring in disgust.

"Humans, lecherous vagabonds", said Whateley as he watched.

He entertained the thought of ending this man, but had decided against it. It was beneath Whateley to so much as look at humans. Though it was night Whateley saw the streets filled with people. There was an eastern flair to the village. It did not help his disgust. He despised humanity. He walked the roofs careful to avoid the men wearing masks who hoped them in a single bound. This was interesting to Wilbur but he ignored it. He had seen lesser beasts do much more.

As he traveled he came to a building who's smell nearly enraged Wilbur. It was a modest sized house, the inhabitants inside wore red marks on their cheeks, but that was not what irked his ire. It was the dogs, the only beast he despised more than humanity. He was killed by a dog, and was more than willing to return the favor. As his foul odor caught wind and the canines smelled it they began to bark. What confused Wilbur was that the humans seemed to smell his odor on the wind as well. He looked down to the dogs. Perhaps before he leave he could end one of their lives, they were filthy beasts. He only had to choose one and he saw just the one. It was an older dog, who wore an eyepatch. It gave the creature a human like quality which only proved to make Wilbur more angry as he stared at the dog. He sat and waited, it would do good to let these others know of his existence through his actions, the death of this foul canine would suffice. He decided to inspect the village should he ever need to return. But after that, ending this mutt would soothe his temper, it was all the beast was good for.

As Naruto and his team descended into the secret base, Sasuke used his fireballs to burn every room they passed with zeal. Sasuke like burning stuff as much as the next guy, but he was obviously enjoying himself a bit to much. Though then again, as Naruto thought of it, this secret base did belong to the one who was responsable for the death of most of his clan. Naruto used his Eldritch form as he went through the base. It allowed him to greater wield Samehada due to the increased strength.

Let it be known that a four armed Tentacled monster with to many eyes wielding the most powerful sword of the Swordsman of the mist caused many ROOT ninja, who were otherwise well trained to pause. Samehada feasted on Chakra with each swing and psychic powers gave them just the advantage they needed to fight the superior ninja in the base. They had stayed together for the most part and raised fire as they went. Destroying all in their way.

Naruto took a liking to the Feel of Samehada. It's handle could stretch which further surprized these agents, and many had not expected to have a literal chunk bitten from them by the living blade, but the sword only spit the flesh out, feeding instead on Chakra. Sakura while still affected by Wilburs toxin, was still putting up quite the fight. Her strength made any locked doors easily passible, and when ROOT agents got to close they were smacked into or even through walls. Sasuke instead concentrated on his fire jutsu. He saved his Mangekyo Sharingan for fear of blinding himself before the day was done, already he was forced to wear the glasses after fighting Whateley, they did help but he was no fan of wearing them.

For the most part their combined force decimated any agents with ease, Naruto had no reason to hold back his more destructive power his Eldritch form granted him, weather that be melting them with acidic whiskers of bone, or scratching them causing frostbite. One unfortunate ninja got to close and Naruto drink a single drop of his blood, when he severed Naruto's arm, he only fell in pain as Naruto's arm grew back. His end was quick. A slice of the throat with a claw and he fell. Naruto doubted they wold find Danzo, but if they did, Naruto was dead set on making his Hokageship the the shortest of any Kage whoever lived. Even a day was to long. The mere fact that the man had summoned Whateley was proof in Naruto's eyes of the mans ineptitude, though even Naruto knew it was likely Danzo had no idea what the seals were capable of, it did not change that he brought one in this world who could summon yet another apocalypse should he have a complete Necronomicon.

They fought through the shinobi, leaving a few alive but otherwise dispatched for future interrogation, the seal on their tongue would do little good against Narutos methods. Finally they made it to a room where another room walled off with only a glass window separating them stood. The room was filled with ash. There were no attacks here and it seemed as if the majority of the agents had been dealt with. Naruto inspected the room with his unique combination of eyes. Little escaped his gaze. He cold see every sound, every imperfection in everything. It was a strange sensation, overwhelming even, but he found what he was looking for. The files taken from him. When he shifted back to normal he almost felt blind without the other senses his eyes gave him. He walked over to the nearby table where his files sat and picked them up. Sparks flew in his hand and the files were no more. They caught fire and disintigrated. He let the ashes fall.

"Now we only need to find the Reagent, it may be useless. But if they figure out what it does, or what is in it", Naruto left the rest of the sentence unsaid.

"We know, so where do you think they would hide it", asked Sakura.

"Most likely not far, but I did not see it with my Byakugan, Sharingan, or Eyes of Azathoth", said Naruto.

"Think they took it", asked Sasuke.

"I certainly hope not", said Naruto.

Kuromaru was a proud ninkin. And was one of the best dogs the Inuzuka had ever seen. He had seen his fair share of battle. He was around when the Nine Tailed Fox attacked. He felt no fear of anything. But this was not fear. The stench of decay and death was burning his nose. He had never smelt anything so foul. The only word that could describe it was wrong. The stench was one of Wrongness, something not meant to be, but was. Kuromaru was on edge. He scanned the area around him. He had chosen to stay outside, as usual. Many Ninkin would stay inside with their partners, but he was content sleeping under the night sky, in the wild as nature intended. He would indulge every now and again, but not often. Though this smell had made him question that decison. He smelled it earlier, but it had disappeared. He thought nothing of it at the time, but now that he got a good scent, he had to figure out what it was, if only for his own sanity to know what could produce such a foul odor without having to imagine it.

So he stood and walked into the miniature forest behind the Inuzuka compound. It was a small forest, barely ten acres. But as he neared the center of the forest this night, he lost sight of the house. Unusual, but he did not question it. He had to know what this scent was. He smelled every tree and bush he saw. Once he thought he heard the sound of cloth in the wind, but when he turned there was only darkness. He kept it in mind as he continued to follow the foul scent. Every instinct he had was telling him to turn round, but pride could get the best of us, and Kuromaru was no different. Then he heard the sound of snapping twigs. He turned to see a cloaked figure. It was to dark for even his eyes to see what this figure was, and the tattered hood did not help.

"Foul Beast", spoke the figure.

Kuromaru growled at the figure but it did not react, instead it slowly walked toward him.

"I suggest you leave, or feel my teeth, I'm fine either way", said Kuromaru.

This caused the figure to pause.

"The beast speaks. You remind me more and more of humans. Bt it matters not, once you are dead you will forever be washed from my mind", said the figure.

It continued to walk. Kuromaru leapt at the figure, fangs bared. He was swated by something. His mind replayed the event. He questioned himself if he really saw a tail. When he turned back he say no sign of one, but he was not stupid enough to ignore it. He leapt again, this time keeping his eyes peeled for anything. He saw the tail. His fangs sunk into the flesh but he immediately spat. The smell was paradise compared to the things taste. The figure seemed angered. Kuromaru noted the blood of this figure turned to dust in his mouth, this unsettled him. The Figure the front of it's robed ever so slightly and Kuromaru froze. On the creatures abdomen were dozens, of small theshy tentacles tipped with mouths. His legs bent like an animals, and he walked on pads rather than toes. But what Kuromaru noticed most were the strange red eyes on the things hips. They stared at him. The fleshy tentacles that hund limply started to move, their mouths snapped and they stretched toward Kuromaru. He was still frozen by the sight, but before the tentacles bit he leapt out of the way.

"What the hell are you", demanded Kuromaru.

"Your death and destruction, I am Wilbur Whateley"

The tentacles bent and followed Kuromaru, their strange beak-like mouths snapped at him. Kuromaru kept his cool, he was not going to let his guard down. He began to spin. What could best be described as a living tornado headed toward Wilbur. Before it hit he leapt out of the way.

"Interesting trick, you prove to be more trouble than I anticipated", said Wilbur.

Kuromaru stopped spinning, but using his trajectory he landed on his feet and somehow span around launching himself right for the creature. Wilbur did not expect this, but it was to late. Kuromaru had sunk his teeth into his neck and bit down hard. It severed the head. Kuromaru did not releaase hid bite, there was no telling what this creature was capable of, so he kept his full attention on the head as the corpse hung lifelessly in his fangs. This would prove to be his downfall. As the body turned inti dust something landed next to him. Kuromaru could not see the thing, but he knew many tentacles were around his neck holding them in place. He knew it was the end, but he was going to have his last words, even if he had to defy death to do so.

"Fuck you asshole. Round two is in hell, and your ass is mine", and that was it.

Kuromaru had just enough time to appreciate those words before his neck snapped. He thought they were good last words.

Wilbur admired his handiwork as the beast fell He looked at it. It was much to quick, but the dog was full of surprises. He could have left, but he wasn't finished. He tore the dog limb from limb, piece by piece. removing it's guts and lying them ever so carefully around. Making sure not to damage them. He laid them around the dog in some ritualistic fashion, mostly for his own amusement. He skined it and neatly folded it. He placed the skin atop the remains and carried it over to the house. He dropped the corpse unceremoniously on the steps. The skin still folded. He carefully put the organs down, each arranged clockwise from the order he removed them. As he gazed at the spectacle he smiled. He put the last thing he wished upon the corpse. The eyepatch the dog wore was carefully placed on the skin. He admired his handywork for a moment before nodding.

"A fine death, one that was much to good for you foul beast, but you amused me. Consider it a reward", said Wilbur.

He walked off disappearing into the night, leaving the dog as a surprize for it's masters.