Chereads / a grand journey: gacha system / Chapter 81 - Vol.3 Ch.20: unexpected

Chapter 81 - Vol.3 Ch.20: unexpected

" So Kyros, have you been practicing with your ancient magic?" Asks professor Rackham as I enter the map chamber.

" A little bit as I have other abilities I need to train in," I say as I walk towards the paintings of the keepers," is the trial ready?"

" Yes, the second trial is ready and located in Rookwood Castle. And we believe you need to know about something," says professor Rookwood," around fifty years or so ago a person broke into the abandoned castle and stole something. A repository of tainted ancient magic. His identity was not known until recently his name was Tom Riddle."

" Well that's not good," I say shaking my head," he's like an itch that won't go away."

" He wasn't alone either, the current headmaster was also there," says professor Rookwood.

" So dumbles has been playing the long game probably since his tenure as a Hogwarts student," I say ," if Riddle is an itch he's the cockroach."

Leaving via floo I arrive at Rookwood Castle and immediately cast the disslusionment charm as I hear voices. Casting revilio I sense at least fifteen people's signatures. I sigh softly as i start moving around the castle. Approaching one of the signatures I see it's a death eater and they're talking to Lucius Malfoy.

" So is the plan set," asks the grunt.

" Yes the diary containing our Lord is in Hogwarts right now and soon it'll start causing chaos on the school," says Lucius as I just sigh.

" Father ," says a voice coming up the hill towards the castle. Draco Malfoy soon stops and says," I've done what you asked and sent crabbe and goyle to handle the waste."

" Good soon the inheritance will be ours and nothing will go wrong," says Lucius as I walk over to the grunt and stab him with the hidden blade. As he dies silently I stuff the dead body into my inventory and listen to the idiots talk about how much they're going to get etc etc. I shake my head and unsheathe Enma. Walking up behind Lucius I swiftly cut his head right off and before Draco screams I shove Enma into his mouth, the blade easily going out the back of his head as I slice upwards cleaving his head in half. Using the power of destruction I erase the bodies and silently go through the castle eliminating the rest of the death eaters. Coming up on the last two signatures I hear a muffled voice saying," please no don't please."

Silently going into the room I see a young girl struggling as a large scarred man stands above her. I silently move and slide the blade into the man's back. He jerks as he swats at me but I just unleash a wave of pod destroying him. I turn back to the little girl and see her crying and holding her torn clothes. Sighing I approach her gently and cast a small sleeping charm on her I take a look at her.

She's a young girl probably four or five with long pale golden hair. Her body is bruised and malnourished as the tiny sack covering her body is just hanging from a skeleton frame. She has two black fallen angel wings across her back that's bloodied and broken at weird angles. My nose picks up the smell of semen and blood. I start shaking in rage and I summon Nero, Artoria, and Jeanne. Giving them the girl I tell them to take care of her as I quickly go and complete the trial.

After completing the trial I head straight to my personal world where the girls are helping the young girl. After walking around the copy of Hogwarts I find them in the hospital wing where they are hovering around the girl. Walking to the bed i find the girl resting. I dismiss the girls and change the time dilation to were I'll be here for days while outside would be only a few hours. Sitting in a chair beside the bed I lean back and slowly close my eyes.

??? Pov

'Where am I' I think as I feel something soft beneath me,' that's strange where's the stone the dirt?'. Opening my eyes I see a series of white beds and a person sleeping beside me on a chair. "The man that stopped the pain," i barely whisper as I shift in the clean bed. My body is in a fresh shirt and I feel something around my privates and look to see undergarments. ' I never had any since the matron sold me three years ago after my second birthday.' I think looking back at my life of being sold and bought repeatedly. A slave for work or a pet then he saved me. Like a knight from the stories I've snuck and read before being punished.

I feel something move onto the bed and find a purple 'cat' like creature with a split tail looking at me. I try to move but something touches my head and I hear a voice say," fear not little one."

I look around and then back at the cat as I hear, " yes I spoke to you little one, what's your name?"

" I don't know I never had one," I say gently as the cat walks forward and rubs against me and says in my mind," then your name will be Serena."

" Serena, I like that," I say before falling back asleep as the cat is joined by another one this time a sleek black cat with yellow rings on its body. Closing my eyes I hear them pur and soon feel dreams coming.