Chapter 25 - Saying Goodbye to my father.


"I was to leave to California where I schooled with Dr Cartel that very morning after having our breakfast but I changed my mind, I decided to tell my dad first and also to serve Aaron Richmond a divorce paper before leaving my father's Land. "

"Dr Cartel is willing to do anything for me.. I said to myself."

"I packed the plates to the kitchen to wash and arrange the kitchen."

"There I was thinking how I will disclose my new intentions to Dr Cartel without him getting annoyed because he gave himself a break because of this trip."

"I walked up to his door, I stood there for sometimes without knocking or saying anything I was still contemplating wether to tell him or not or I should give an excuse."

"But I didn't want to lie so I summoned courage and went to meet him."

"Hey Dr Cartel.. I said to him smiling."

Hey Vivienne Parker, how are you doing… he asked.

"I'm good Dr Cartel.." I replied..

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: