Chereads / Substitute bride: Just A Kidney Donor For The Richmond's Family / Chapter 17 - You guys will pay for using me.

Chapter 17 - You guys will pay for using me.


I said it without mincing words, I was bold enough to speak in the public though not all heard me but many did.

Why do you choose to say it here.. Aaron Richmond asked me dragging me to a corner

Leave me alone..I said pulling my hand from his.

My step mother and my step sister Mary Parker walked up to us.

Vivienne what's the matter with step mother asked. I looked at her but I didn't utter a word.

She just asked you a question.. Mary Parker my step sister said moving closer to me. Aaron Richmond left us.

As for the both of you I will surely come back for you two, you betrayed and sold out my kidney without my consent and you think you are free? Though it was a question but I wasn't looking for a reply.

They both looked at me. I will surely come back for the both of you and you will surely pay for it. I said and left the compound.

I headed to where Dr Cartel parked his car, I call on him to open the car for me it was late so he was fast asleep, I knotted in the rover of the front sit gently, I was also scared thinking any of them has traced me but no one did, I didn't want to implicate Dr Cartel. He opened the door and I hopped into the car and he drove off.

We got to his house, my intentions was to leave very early in the morning because I didn't want to be seen so I choose to go back to California where I schooled. Dr Cartel and I uploaded the luggage, I decided to tell him I'm will be leaving immediately the following morning.

Dr Cartel..I called out to him.. I will be leaving very early tomorrow morning I don't want to remain here the humiliation is too much in my father's Land..I said to him 

Ok I understand you very well Vivienne by the where do you intend to live which states.

I schooled in California so I'm going back to California…I replied.

Have you gotten an apartment or do you have any one you want to go stay with? Dr Cartel asked.

No I will get it once I get there.. I replied.

And you think is easy as you say.. Dr Cartel asked.. I won't let you go tomorrow, we will go together during the weekend to look for an apartment for you.. he added.

I wasn't comfortable with it but he was right, I have no one there but I wanted leaving our state immediately.

 Ok Dr Cartel.. you are right.. I added.

So I decided to him what happened when I got there.

I saw my step mother and my step sister Mary Parker there..I said to Dr Cartel.

Are you serious? He asked his face full of surprises..

Yes I did and they even walked to me asking me what's the matter with me when I announced that I'm asking for a divorce. They were sounding so authoritative without feeling remorseful of what they did to me and I told them I will surely come back for them and must pay for the damage they have done to me.

This is too much do they want to take your life? Why are people this heartless anyways we will be going tomorrow to booked an apartment.. he said, I was overwhelmed, thank you Dr Cartel I said hugging him.

You are welcome.. Vivienne, I will do my best to make you happy.. Dr Cartel replied.


Mom what's going on … I asked my mom , why is Vivienne Parker so authoritative and she's threatening us.. I continue. My mom wasn't saying anything either.. mom aren't you going to say something..I said to her shaking her hands.

Leave me to think Mary Parker…she said, I was so shocked first time my mom calling me by my name not just my name my full name..I said to myself.

The party was still going on so I quietly walked up to Aaron Richmond and called him out..

How did she gets to know.. I asked him.

Is that the reason you called me out here.. Aaron Richmond asked looking at me.

Can you just answer a simple question? I said to him

What's wrong with you Mary Parker.. Aaron Richmond said to me.. aren't you feeling remorseful for betraying your own sister? You are such a wicked soul, you and your mom are heartless, Get out of my way.. Aaron Richmond said and pushed me away.

Are you been serious right now, you are pushing me away? I shouted but he was already gone and I went back to meet my mom.


It was already 6 o'clock in the morning, I woke up I walked down to the sitting room I passed Dr Cartel room but it's locked and he was fast asleep, we were to go to California where I schooled to secure an apartment for me and also I wanted to appreciate him by preparing a nice meal for him.

I went to his kitchen, I wanted to make breakfast so I decided to prepare jellof spaghetti and meatballs it's not my favorite but I'm very good at preparing it.

I quickly made his appetizer first before cooking the main dish.

I was done so I went to arrange the dining table and set the dishes, it was already 7 o'clock and Dr Cartel was up he was surprised to see me arranging the dinning table.

Good morning Vivienne And What are you doing there . He asked..

I prepared our breakfast..I replied

Good morning Dr Cartel..I added.

How are you doing and how was your night? I asked Dr Cartel.

I am fine and my night was great. 

Thank you that's so thoughtful of you. We both ate in silence. 

Your meal is so delicious Vivienne.Dr cartel said.

Thank you..I replied smiling.