*Note: I'm very sorry for the delay of these days but as I said before, I have to study a lot during these days and I'm very busy and overwhelmed. Luckily this is only temporary and in two weeks everything will return to the normality so please, be patient.
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Koharu was expectant at the answer she was going to receive in a few seconds. She had confessed her feelings of love towards Ash, but... Was he going to accept or would he think she was too promiscuous and push her away with disgust? Koharu's heart was beating wildly, her hands were cold and oozing sweat from the pores of her skin, she was a little pale and so nervous she was she couldn't even move from the spot. She was sure that even if a Machamp tried to move her right now, she wouldn't be able to move her even a millimeter from where she was standing, waiting for an answer that would change the rest of her life forever, whatever it may be.
"I also liked you from the first time I saw you... But I didn't know how to conquer your heart. But now that I know how you feel about me, I know exactly what to say... I love you too and welcome to the family" – I said.
At first, Koharu was pinned to the spot. As if she was not aware of the words that had just come out of Ash's mouth. But soon, she recovered and in an impulse unbecoming of her, she hugged Ash while she shed tears, but not of sadness as in previous days. No, this time they were tears of happiness.
"I love you!" – Koharu said between sobs.
Sobs of joy I repeat just in case.
I was happy with her reaction. But I was also surprised at the same time because she was crying. Although logically it must have been because she was happy, but that was not why I was surprised, I was surprised because I could not fully believe that a girl loved me so much in such a short time. How can I have that influence on women? Is it possible that I have a skill that the system has not informed me about? A skill that allows me to conquer women with great ease?
[No. You don't have any skills like that]
Does this mean that this is Ash's natural charm?
[That's right]
Hmm... Let me tell you that I doubt your words. Although it is true that in the anime a few girls fell in love with Ash, as was the case with Serena, Ash never had this skill.
[But that's because it was a children's anime. Those who made that fictional world didn't show Ash's true skill. Let me say you that if they had shown everything and uncensored, you could have seen an Ash surrounded by beautiful women and all in love with him. Misty, May, Dawn, etc. All of them would have fallen in love with Ash if those who made that anime hadn't censored it mostly]
… You might be right. The anime was made for young children, so they never showed that. In fact... romance in Pokémon was practically non-existent.
[That's right, but it's not because there wasn't any, it's because they didn't want to show that part]
So Ash always had this ability?
[He always had it, only they never showed it. But now this is the real world and not just an anime, so Ash's true skill can work at full capacity. However, that doesn't mean you have to have a harem mandatorily. That's your choice]
I see...
Anyway, I'll stop thinking about this, for now I must focus on the girl who is crying in my arms, with her head resting on my chest while screaming that she loved me.
So I did the only thing a man could do in this kind of situation, I ignored the system that kept telling me things about Ash's real skill and I kissed the beautiful girl who was constantly whispering words of love to me.
The kiss caught Koharu off guard because she didn't think she was going to be kissed so suddenly. She thought it would happen, but otherwise. Like, for example: she would raise her head, they would look into each other's eyes for a few seconds and little by little their lips would get closer until they had their first kiss, the first of many. But she never thought that Ash would take the initiative and it caught her absolutely by surprise.
It's not that she disliked it, don't get her wrong. It's just that she didn't expect it and stiffened for a few seconds as she opened her eyes wide. But when she realized what was happening, when her brain started to get going again, she closed her eyes, hugged Ash and began to enjoy her first kiss, the first of many, but the one they would always remember as the first time they kissed. As the beginning of their eternal love.
Now that she had been accepted and while she was being kissed, Koharu swore in her mind that she would never love another man who was not Ash. The feelings of love she still had for Goh, gradually faded into oblivion, all of them replaced by the enormous and precious feelings she felt for Ash at that very moment and she also swore that, when Ash fulfilled his dream, she would marry him and all the girls he had conquered along his journey and, surprisingly, she did not dislike the idea. In fact, she even imagined herself dressed in her wedding dress while Ash walked by her side along with other girls among whom she recognized as Roxanne and Celeste.
The kiss was a tender kiss, devoid of lust, but they enjoyed until the end, because reluctantly, they had to separate because they had run out of air in their lungs.
"Koharu, would you be willing to be my future wife? It's true that I can't get married now, but when I fulfill my dream, I will marry you and everyone and we will form a huge and happy family" – I said.
That was one of my main goals, to conquer all the most beautiful girls in this world and make them mine and after fulfilling my dream, to marry each and every one of them and stay with them forever and I even contemplated the possibility of having children, even if I didn't like that idea very much... Although I could change my mind if all my children were girls and not boys... But that's impossible, I can't control the sex of an unborn child. I can't choose the gender they'll be born with.
[Well... Not at the moment]
I was a little surprised by her comment, but I didn't ask. After all, we all know that she would have answered that she couldn't say anything yet or anything like that, so it's not worth asking at the moment. Maybe in the future this topic will come up again and I can already hear the truth of the system. But for now, I'll have to make do with those words.
"Yes, I am yours, from now on and forever!" – Koharu nodded.
And so, we shared a kiss again, but now a little more lewd.
After the kiss, it was time for Koharu to go home.
"I know you can't stay and unfortunately I can't travel with you yet, but... when I graduate, I would like to do it with you" – Koharu said.
Those words were very difficult for someone like her to say, but now that she had found her true love, sex was something she had to do, because one of the duties as a wife was to satisfy her husband in many ways, including sexually.
"I can wait. When will you graduate?" – I asked curiously.
"If I'm not mistaken, right on the day the Pokémon League starts, so... I'll come and see you without a doubt!" – Koharu said.
There had been a miscalculation. In fact, Koharu was graduating the day before the Pokémon League started, so she had plenty of time to buy tickets and go see her beloved.
"Then, I'll be waiting for you there. If we don't see each other before" – I said with a smile.
"Of course. In addition... the girls gave me your phone number, so we can talk whenever we want" – Koharu nodded.
And so, we both hugged and stayed like that for a while until Koharu had to leave...