Chereads / Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake) / Chapter 73 - CHAPTER 62 – CATCH AND...

Chapter 73 - CHAPTER 62 – CATCH AND...

*Note: sorry for the delay but i was so inmersed in a chinese fic that i couldn't stop to read that amazing fic, tell me if you want the name, seriusly, it's amazing. By the way, the fic is a Douluo Dalu 2 fic, but if you love harem... you must read that master piece.

And if you want to read more chapters of this fic (15), suscribe to my patreon.

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Have a good day :)


He had something else in mind, putting out fires and helping people in need was very good and his colleagues and subordinates seemed very excited about it. In fact, even their eyes were shining as if they were saying: "Boss, please let us work there!" or something like that and his boss knew it well because they had been together for a long time. In fact, it seems like yesterday that they became friends...

It all started exactly one year ago, Squirtle had been abandoned by his entire group, but not because of his strange color, no, it was because he was weaker than most of the Squirtle in the pack and his parents were no longer there because they had long ago been catched by a trainer who was passing by. That's when he started to dislike humans, more specifically, Pokémon trainers.

However, even alone and without family, he did not give up. He did not want to give up and he trained to be stronger and he succeeded.

Shortly after, he met the rest of his companions, companions who were also abandoned by their respective packs due to their weakness and just like that, without much more history, they became very good friends and were together since then.

The boss believed that they were always going to be together, but Ash's presence awakened in him an irrepressible desire to see more of this world, to become stronger and one day find their parents and free them from the yoke of that evil trainer who catched them. In addition, he would also want to find his old pack and show them his strength, but if he stayed in Vermillion City working as a firefighter, the chances of fulfilling his wishes would be completely nil, so he decided to travel with Ash.

Despite being a trainer, Ash showed him not to be like the others. Ash was kind, affectionate with a strong desire for justice and above all, he gave them a chance despite all the misdeeds they had committed, something that not everyone would have done. So Squirtle was interested in Ash and decided that what he wanted was to travel with him. Therefore, he stared at his friends and nodded.

"Squir" – he nodded.

When they heard him, his friends began to jump for joy because working as a firefighter seemed quite interesting. In addition, they would be paid to buy food, they would be given a home and they would no longer have to steal from anyone. But above all, they could be together.

"Perfect, you can come with me then. I'll teach you everything you need to know!" – said the fire chief.

"Haa... It seems that the mission has been a complete failure..." – I sighed inside.

I managed to get the Squirtle to stop mischief, but I didn't get the mission done.

[It's okay host, besides, even if you haven't managed to do the mission, you've done something good. In fact, if they knew, I'm sure many of the people who inhabit this city would thank you. You've done a good deed and you should feel good about it]

Yes, you're right, I didn't manage to complete the mission but at least I've helped a lot of people which isn't bad either.

Although it is true that it was not what I wanted, I was satisfied because at least I had helped many people and also the Squirtles, however, when we were going to say goodbye to the Squirtles and the fire chief...

"Squir" – said Squirtle standing in front of me.

"SQUIR?!" - the rest of Squirtle exclaimed.

"Don't tell me that..." – I said in amazement.

"Squir, tle, Squir, Squirtle" – said the boss.

It seems that he said something like: "I'm going to go with him. I want to go on adventures and see the world. Besides, it's not like we're not going to see each other again. In the future I'll come back to visit you"

"Squir... (But boss...)" – the Squirtles.

"Squir, Squirtle, Squir, Tle (Don't worry, Ash is a good person, someone who gave us a second chance. He'll take good care of me, I'm sure)" – the boss.

"Squir, tle (Will you come visit us again?)" – the rest of Squirtle.

"Squirtle, Squir! (Of course, I'll be back, after all, we're best friends!)" – The boss.

Then, he turned to me and looked at me with a smile.

"Squirtle" – he said.

"Really? Did you know I'm a Pokémon Trainer? And not just a normal one, I will be the best Pokémon Trainer in the world and I will even become a Pokémon Master, so you will have to battle. Are you completely sure?" – I asked curiously.

My goal is not only to be the best trainer, my goal is to be a Pokémon master, unbeatable in any battle. I will make what the Ash of the anime could not do come true and I will become a Pokémon Master. Someone unbeatable, someone that no one can beat. Although there is still a lot of time for that, but I will do it.

Come to think of it, Ultra Beasts are otherworldly Pokémon. Will I be able to travel to those worlds and become the best in them too? We will have to wait to find out.

"Squir" – he nodded.

The truth is that it seemed quite exciting, that of becoming strong and traveling the world living different adventures. Who knows what adventures await them, isn't it exciting to think about it?

"So... Welcome to the team!" – I said with a smile.

Then, I pulled out a Pokéball and he hit the center himself, catching himself.

"It looks like we have a new partner" – I said with a smile.

"Pika pi!" - Pikachu nodded happily.

They finally had another partner, the more the better!

"Congratulations, Ash" – Celeste and Roxanne said.

"Yes, congratulations" - Koharu nodded.

"I'm happy for you, but... We have to go. I just got notice that we have another emergency and it will take us a few minutes to get there, let's go" – said the fire chief.

Then. he turned around and the Wartotles followed them. However, before leaving with them, the Squirtles stared at me and greeted me by putting their hands on their foreheads.

"Squirtle!" – they all said.

It was as if they were telling me: "Take care of our boss!"

"I will, don't hesitate about that" – I nodded.

Then, they nodded and went after the fire chief.

Then, they got into the fire truck and went straight to their first official mission while in their minds, they waited for their reunion with the one who would always be their boss and best friend...

Hours later...

It was night and a few hours had passed since the Squirtle incident and now we were all having dinner at the Pokémon Center, including our Pokémon except for Onix (which I fed earlier) and Mew, which I will feed before going to sleep for reasons that everyone knows.

"Guys, I loved dinner, but I think it's time to go. My mother must be worried about me" – Koharu said after dinner.

The dinner had been particularly good. I must admit that this nurse Joy knew how to cook better than... Although I really don't know if the cook is Nurse Joy or someone else.

"It's a shame... are you sure you can't stay for dessert?" – I asked somewhat embarrassed.

I had completed the mission and received the corresponding rewards, but due to the Squirtle incident, I could not advance in my relationship with Koharu, a pity...

"I'm really sorry, but if I arrive later, my mother will scold me" – Koharu refused.

"A pity..." – I said.

It's over, my chance with Koharu spoiled. Who knows if I'll meet her again, it's a shame. I loved this girl...

"Ash, you won't think about leaving a girl alone at night, right?" - asked Celeste raising an eyebrow.

"That's right, it's very late and a girl like Koharu can't go home alone, who knows what could happen to her if she goes alone. I think it's better that you accompany her home" – Roxanne nodded.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu nodded.

These girls, don't tell me that...

"No need, my house is not far away..." – Koharu said.

She was going to add something else, but unbeknownst to Ash, Celeste and Roxanne stared at her, as if to say her: "This is your chance, silly!" So Koharu, who was no fool and shut up.

"No, the girls are right, it's dangerous for a girl to go alone at this time. I'll accompany you, let's go" – I said getting up from the table.

As he did so, Pikachu threw herself into Celeste's arms.

"We will take care of all the Pokémon, go calmly" - Celeste smiled.

"That's right" - Roxanne nodded.

"Okay, come on, Koharu. I'll accompany you" – I nodded.

"Ok... thank you..." – Koharu said.

And then we left the Pokémon Center and headed towards Koharu's house.