Chereads / Kamen Rider Build / Chapter 33 - Dangerous Identity 4

Chapter 33 - Dangerous Identity 4

Kamen Rider Build dodged the bullets that Blood Stalk fired down at him from his perch above.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With agility honed from countless battles, Build leapt right and then backward, pivoting left before jumping again, narrowly evading the deadly blasts aimed at him.

Sawa and Tatsuya both shrieked as they fell over, their faces a mix of terror and concern as they scurried backwards several feet away from Build and ducked for cover.

They didn't really need to worry, however, as Blood Stalk had only eyes for Build. He kept firing shot after shot, the bullets tearing through the air, each one coming uncomfortably close. Then with a burst of energy, the Rider leapt upwards, making good use of the current bottles he was using.

Build became a blur, shooting into the sky at breakneck speed. It was far easier to evade Blood Stalk's relentless assault while airborne.

With every shot fired missing its target, Blood Stalk decided to change tactics. His arm shot forward in the direction Build was heading. A long, segmented metal stinger lashed out like an angry whip, aimed directly at the Kamen Rider.

Sparks flew from Build's arm armor as he narrowly deflected the blow. Blood Stalk struck again, and then again—all attempts thwarted as the Kamen Rider evaded the deadly attacks with grace and precision. Seizing an opportunity after one of the strikes, Build dove down, hitting Blood Stalk with one of his wings as he passed, hard enough to send the dark Rider crashing onto the floor of the structure he had stood on.

Blood Stalk scrambled back to his feet, lashing out even harder and faster at Build. The attacks came from all sorts of weird angles due to the stinger's flexibility, but Build deftly dodged each onslaught, maintaining his composure.

Taking a moment to gain a bit of distance, Build turned around when he was just far enough away to evade the reach of the stinger. He lifted his gatling gun, charging straight toward Blood Stalk at maximum speed, unleashing a torrent of shots as he dove down.

"Take this!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Blood Stalk, unwilling to face the incoming barrage, backed up and rolled backward off the edge of the structure, narrowly escaping the devastating counterstrike that Build had unleashed.

Having successfully neutralized Blood Stalk's high ground, Build landed nearby and immediately drew out the familiar blue and red bottles he always used. Without any pause, he shook them and slotted them into the Build Driver.



He grasped the crank and began to twist it, the sounds of his Driver echoing in the tense atmosphere.


"Build Up!"

Build performed his trademark pose as his favored form took shape around him, a rush of power surging through his body.



Summoning his Drill Crusher, Build rushed forward with ferocity, weapon pulled back for a strike, closing the distance between him and Blood Stalk in less than a heartbeat.


Build's Drill Crusher clashed against Blood Stalk's weapon, creating a shower of sparks at the point of contact. The dark Rider, gripping his weapon in a reverse hold, was intent on turning the firearm into a melee weapon. The rifle that Blood Stalk was using had a long knife attachment at the tip near the barrel just for that purpose. It seemed to be easily as tough as Build's Drill Crusher.

With a fierce determination, Build swung down again. Blood Stalk retaliated with an upward swing of his own, their weapons clashing violently. Build then attempted a horizontal slash, but Blood Stalk jabbed his free fist forward, sending the attack off course by punching the handle of Build's Crusher.

Both combatants sidestepped and twirled around, launching matching strikes. Sparks erupted in the air around them as they exchanged blows, pushing each other back several meters against the force of their collisions, only to clash once more in less than a second. 

Build's Drill Crusher and Blood Stalk's bayonet crashed into each other over and over again from all kinds of wild angles; neither of the Riders seemed to have the upper hand in close quarter combat.

Build aimed a precise strike at Blood Stalk's chest, but the dark Rider adeptly leaned back, letting the Drill Crusher slip past him by mere inches. Seizing the moment, Build lunged forward to kick at Blood Stalk, but his opponent parried the blow with his forearm.

"Whoa!" Sawa exclaimed, fumbling to grab her camera. She pulled it from her bag and attempted to focus on the chaos unfolding before her. Capturing the fast-paced fight was no easy task, but she was determined.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

She spammed the camera button, managing to capture a handful of clear action shots of the two Riders as they clashed, blue, red and pink blending with the vibrant sparks flying around them.

Ping! Bam!

Finally, Build found an opening. Flicking his weapon forward and upwards, he opened up Blood Stalk's guard. As the dark Rider's arm and rifle rose above his head from the force of the attack, Build brought the Drill Crusher crashing back down across Blood Stalk's chest, sending him reeling backwards with sparks erupting everywhere.

Not one to waste an opportunity, Build rushed forward, intent on capitalizing on Blood Stalk's staggering state. Spinning the Drill Crusher at high speed, he aimed once more at the same spot where he'd landed a solid hit mere seconds before. But just as he was about to strike, Blood Stalk overcame his moment of weakness, meeting the Drill with his rifle, cleverly angling it to deflect Build's onslaught.

The rolling drill spun against the rifle and caused Build to stagger forward himself. The Rider was pulled off balance by his own attack for a moment.

Using the momentum of Build's strike, Blood Stalk spun and launched a powerful kick toward the Kamen Rider's midsection.

Build was unable to straighten himself and regain his footing in time to intercept the counterattack.


"Ooooof!" Build was sent rolling several meters, the impact causing him to bounce off the ground harshly.

Instead of skidding to a stop, however, he pushed himself up with his free hand into a flipping maneuver, landing on his feet. With determination ignited in his eyes under the helmet, Build turned to face Blood Stalk and began cranking his Driver once more. 


The Driver called out as Build smashed through the ground and leapt back into the air, the familiar white science constructs forming around him, surging toward where Blood Stalk stood.


Blue energy engulfed Build and concentrated around his foot as he prepared to unleash his signature Rider kick at Blood Stalk. But in a surprising twist, the latter didn't even move or flinch. Instead, he caught Build's outstretched foot with one hand just before it reached his face!

In an instant, Build's momentum came to a halt, suspended in mid-air, his energy still crackling around him.

"Hhhmm... Nice kick!" Blood Stalk mocked, holding Build's foot effortlessly. He snorted, twisting his wrist and sending the Rider crashing to the ground on the right side of where he stood.

Pretending to scratch his chin through his helmet, Blood Stalk contemplated, "Well, I'd rate that at Hazard Level 3.2... but there's definitely room for growth."

He tilted his head toward Sawa and Tatsuya for a moment before returning his gaze to the downed Kamen Rider, shaking his head in mock disappointment. 

After a brief silence, Blood Stalk turned around, raising his hand in dismissal. "Well, see ya around." With a laughter that echoed menacingly, he began walking away slowly, disappearing around a corner.


All Build could do was lay there, stunned from the forceful throw after delivering his strongest attack to no success.

"Bro!" Tatsuya and Sawa rushed toward their fallen friend.

Sawa reached down, helping Build sit up. "Are you okay!?"

"Yeah." Build nodded, giving Sawa a reassuring nod, which brought a sigh of relief from her.

Shaking his head side to side in disbelief, he also sighed. "Man... Who is that guy?!"