Chereads / Kamen Rider Build / Chapter 17 - Borderline of Justice 2

Chapter 17 - Borderline of Justice 2

While Sento raced off to confront the Smash, a special meeting was taking place inside of the Touto Government building.

"It's been ten years since that event hurt so many...How are things in Hokuto?"

An elderly man with glasses addressed the leader of Hokuto. He was Taizan Himuro, the current Prime Minister of Touto and the father of Gentoku Himuro.

"The childcare programs and agricultural projects are finally starting to bear dividends..." 

Hokuto's Prime Minister, Yoshiko Tajimi She responded with a broad grin spreading across her face, which was slightly aged but still charming and pretty, directed at Taizan. She then turned her head to look at the last Prime Minister in attendance, her smile slightly falling off.

"...Although, I get the feeling our friend from Seito might ridicule me for being too internally oriented."

Masakuni Mido of Seito smiled back at Yoshiko in a shark like manner. He was a muscular middle aged man.

"Oh, that's not true at all...Although my focus is sending our young adults across the world, in order to gather technical know-how for the recovery of our economy."

Taizan shifted his eyes back and forth between the two. "I take it no one wants to take a unified approach as a country then..."

Masakuni moved his eyes, which were locked onto Yoshiko to glance at Taizan. He tilted his head slightly, a more mocking smile had replaced the one he had worn before. "Not for the foreseeable future, I think..."

He crossed his legs and tilted his head to the other side. "...Not with so much vital infrastructure split up between us because of the Sky Wall."

"I have to agree..." Yoshiko spoke immediately after Masakuni. "...As long as that wall is in the way, it isn't going to happen."

"...Fair enough." Taizan sighed and shook his head is slight frustration. He stood up, which prompted the other two to stand as well. 

They all started walking towards each other from their respective points of the triangle their chairs formed.

"Then I'll see you all at next month's scheduled meeting." Taizan held out his hands towards the other two as their bodies flickered and then disappeared in a flash of blue light. The three Prime Ministers typically refrained from meeting in person, primarily because of the mutual mistrust among them.

Once the others had vanished completely, Taizan shifted his attention to a shadow on the wall of the dimly lit room. Gentoku emerged from it, approaching his father, and together they exited the room, walking through the building while discussing the meeting.

Gentoku followed behind Taizan, both were climbing a set of stairs. "I hear that Hokuto is assembling a military that is comparable to Seito's...We need to start planning for our own-"

Taizan cut him off without even looking backwards at his son.

"No need. We only need enough strength to defend many times do I need to tell you that?"

Gentoku hurried to catch up until he was walking evenly with Taizan. He looked over at him, trying to catch the older man's eye. "But Father-"

Taizan scowled and cut him off again. "I'm fairly sure I remember telling you not to call me that, you can call me Prime Minister here...But more importantly than that, have you found Kamen Rider yet?"

"No..." Gentoku lowered his head while answering.

Taizan stopped, prompting Gentoku to halt as well. He turned and looked at his son squarely this time. "He needs to be found as soon as possible, so that we can restore the calm in Touto."


Across town, at a grassy play area for children.

A young boy narrowly avoided a flying Smash, fortunate that the creature didn't snatch him up on the spot. Meanwhile, Sento arrived on his bike just as the creature was circling back, soaring 100 feet in the air.

"Good, I'm just in time!" As the creature made another dash for the child, Sento yanked the accelerator of his machine, setting a collision course with the Smash. He sprang onto his handlebars, propelling himself forward with one foot. The Smash, focused intently on its target, didn't notice Sento speeding towards it. Sento drew his Drill Crusher in its gun mode and fired several shots, causing the creature to stagger. Then, he lifted the weapon high and brought his foot down in a mid-air kick.

"Take this!" Sento's foot met the Smash mid-air, diverting the creature from its path toward the child. They tumbled to the ground, but Sento was ready; he sprang to his feet, clutching two bottles.

"I suppose it's time to start the experiment..."

Sento vigorously shook the bottles before inserting them into their designated slots on his driver.




Sento began to crank the handle on his driver, gearing up as the Smash rose to its feet. It turned its grotesque head sideways for a glance at Sento.


As usual, the driver called out, and Sento responded with a "Henshin!"

The standard red and blue armor closed in around Sento, encasing his form within. A brief flash illuminated the twin lenses on his helmet.



Sento, transformed into Kamen Rider Build, pressed his foot into the ground and propelled himself forward, utilizing the rabbit capabilities of his armor. Soaring through the air toward the Smash, he executed a series of somersaults and flips, gaining rotational momentum. With a swift movement, his left hand struck the Smash's face, forcing the creature to stagger backward.

He followed up the attack with several others, all his blows were left and right crosses, pounding the Smash in it's chest repeatedly. He ducked a counter attack and judo flipped the monster over his shoulder. As he did, Sawa showed up on the scene with her pedal bike.

She made a beeline for the young child, who remained frozen in the spot where he had earlier fallen, transfixed by the fight. Sawa seized him, and together they took cover behind some bushes growing under an overpass.

The battle had escalated once more, with Build hurling the Smash, kicking up a cloud of sand nearby. The skirmish had now shifted to the vicinity of the swing-set and the assortment of sand toys scattered around the park.

After getting the kid to hunker down, Sawa brought out her recording equipment and got much closer to the brawl that she should have.

"There's no telling what equations are going on in Build's head right now..." She trained the camcorder she was holding on the two, getting them both in the frame. 

Build blocked another strike before leaping and throwing out a sideways kick, sending the Smash down to the ground on it's butt again. He pulled out the gorilla and vacuum bottles while he had a breather. He shook them and then slotted them into his driver.



Build cranked his driver lever again. 


Build assumed a horse stance, thrusting his hands downward, and exclaimed, "Build Up!"


As his new armor set formed on him, the Smash took back to the skies.

Sawa's eyes opened wide and she pointed the camcorder away from the Smash which she had been tracking in the sky, and zoomed in on Build's new look.

She chewed on a pen in excitement, while she started giving commentary.

"What an unexpected combination!...But will he say his usual catchphrase? Will he!?"

The Kamen Rider settled down into a stance with the vacuum end pointed towards the Smash. "I've found the winning form..."

"FORMULA!" Sawa exclaimed while pumping her hand into the air, interrupting with the Rider's signature catchphrase, before the Rider himself had time to finish saying it.

Build paused for a moment, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders,. He glanced at Sawa for a brief moment. "Man..."

He aimed the vacuum's nozzle skyward and engaged its suction power, pulling the Smash towards him. The Smash was formidable, but it couldn't overcome the force it was subjected to. It started to circle around in its flight path, getting lower and lower.

Sawa started yelling over the sound of the vacuum noises. "Look at that suction!...He's got the vacuum on full power to keep the Smash from flying free and escaping!...He's reeling it in!"

As the Smash closed in on Build, power began to surge within the gorilla aspect of his suit. A vivid orange glow concentrated in his fist. Once the Smash reached the same height as Build, the suction force was deactivated. Propelled by its own momentum, the Smash collided with the ground, rebounding straight into the charged, descending right-handed punch.


The impact created a shockwave, sending the surrounding sand soaring into the air like a gritty geyser.

Sawa kept up her loud play by play in the background. "And he lets loose with a heavyweight punch! What a savage attack!"

Sawa started doing her own air boxing as she got more excited. "Go on without fear! Then you will find out!...Left, right, left, right...Even Inoki would be shocked by -"

Build had enough by this point, he could barely hear himself think. He whipped his head toward Sawa and snapped at her.

"Shut up! Would you just sit back and watch!?"

Sawa appeared startled, her hand flying to her mouth. Her eyes widened in alarm, and she began pointing behind the distracted Kamen Rider.

"Eh?" Build whipped back around but it was too late. The Smash had recovered and its metallic like feathered limb was already heading towards him.

"Serious-UGH!" The blow connected with his helmet, causing Build to be thrown back several meters while spinning through the air.

He rolled to a stop and slowly pushed himself back to his feet.

Sawa had her cheeks drawn back, cringing at the hit Build had taken. She moved her hands into the prayer posture in front of her face to ask for forgiveness. "Sorry!"

"This is terrible...Sheesh..." 

Build produced another bottle and shook it, changing out the vacuum one he had been using.




After cranking the driver yet again, the vacuum side was replaced with diamond.



The Smash began its charge towards Build, launching projectiles as it closed in.


Build simply held out his light blue colored diamond gauntlet. The blasts halted, encased within geometric blocks, transforming as they clustered around the small energy darts that were aimed at the Rider.


The belt and driver gathered power, sending it into the constructs hovering in front of Build.

The glowing constructs gathered up and formed into a solid semicircle of brilliant diamond, which Build punched with his gorilla fist.


The diamond shield shattered and flung diamond dust towards the Smash, which was now only mere feet away from Build. It was like a supersonic shotgun blast! It tore through the Smash instantly.

"Nice! Turn this way for the camera!" Sawa was excited again and already right back to her reporter schtick from before.

"Next is the analysis pose! Turn to your left!...Right this way! Let's make it a good one!"

Build hung his head and shook it in embarrassment and annoyance. "Damn that's super obnoxious..."

He held up his hand, flicking it at Sawa in dismissal. "She's like a mom at the first day of school..."

Build pulled an empty capture bottle out and pulled the Smash essence from the downed monster laying in front of him into it, leaving a middle aged woman dressed in white behind.

The boy's eyes widened when he witnessed this. "Mom!" He rushed forward to the woman laying on the ground.

The woman regained her senses as she heard the young voice call out. Both embraced in a hug when the kid made it to her side. "Oh Kouta!" She pulled Kouta in even closer.

"...Where am I?" She looked around, very confused until Kouta started explaining. 

"Kamen Rider saved you!...Thank goodness!" He started to tear up. "I was so scared mom!...So scared!" 

The boy's mother rubbed his head, smiling now. "I'm so sorry." She teared up now too. "Really...I'm so, so sorry."

A voice suddenly called down from the overpass that Sawa and Kouta had been hiding under. 

"Hey, it's Kamen Rider!" Build and Sawa both looked up in the direction the voice was coming from.

It's was two high school aged teens, a boyfriend and girlfriend pair. 

The girl looked over to her boyfriend. "Isn't he a fugitive or something?"

The boy took out his cell phone and began recording as he responded, "Could he be attempting to kidnap that family?"

Sawa started waving her hands and arms violently side to side. "You've got it all wrong, you don't know what you're talking about!"

She pointed at Build, who was ignoring all of them, walking to his bike. 

"Kamen Rider just saved these..." Before she could complete her sentence, the irritated Kamen Rider Build sped away from the scene, passing Sawa so closely and swiftly that she nearly toppled over. The Rider disappeared from view before anyone else could utter a word.