Alice create shield", Alice chants something inaudible then a transparent shield covers her and her buddies,"hey what about me!!"
"We don't even know you dumbass"
Red hat man frowns, green hat man,transforms into a wild wolf twice the size of a human,then all green hat men follow suit.
Using their new increased sense of smell they hunt them down,One of the man wolf pounches untop maestro,while he uses his arms profusely to create a gap between his head and the wolfs tooth."ugh your breath stinks",he then creates a blade again and stabs the man wolf throat, which makes it scream in pain releasing maestro from the hell of stinking breath,but not long after it attacks maestro pinning him down while gathering a super natural energy in it's mouth threatening to burn maestro to death."oh no",makes his blade longer and slices of the man wolf head off."phants",gaps for air.
Another wolf man charges at red hat man,he simply creates a rune which shoots out mana blasts sending the wolf man out the forest,red hat man is then by a scream that sounds a little too bitchy.Turning to the sound of the scream he sees another wolf man chasing after wilcus with red blood shot eyes;while wilcus runs for his dear life,red hat man wonders how wilcus gets up in the morning with that oversized body of his.
"This will be good exercise for him",he smirks
Maestro creates and fires many thin blades from behind at the wolf man chasing wilcus brazenly, killing him on the spot which puts an end to wilcus worst nightmare "running".The forth man wolf chases after Asima the silent girl in their tree house,while she chants something rather calmly"in the heavens and from the surface of hell none can burn like him ,I summon you locked by our contract Asmodeus the grim burner"after the chant a summoning magic rune appears along with Asmodeus the grim burner beast.her cool moment is interrupted by red hat man
"Wait why didn't you summon one from the depths of hell-giggles"Asima.
"Don't you dare call me by my name hmph,and for your information it's because I'm still weak at summoning duh now let's get back to battle ".asmodeus burns the man wolf behind Asima to a crisp with one breath showing of his strength to red hat man as if proving him wrong for looking down on him.
"Amodeus then dissolves away awkwardly"
Asima says embarrassed,m-my summons can only last 15 seconds okay, which only makes red hat man smirks,another man wolf lounges at Alice from behind her and prepares to strike uncontrollably before the last thing he sees before leaving earth is a red blast, which kills him; Alice looks at red hat man and storm's off without thanking him, wilcus stares at Alice "she's pissed off,not good",then as if adding to the fire the two wolf men charge at Alice,but are quickly executed with two stabs each by maestros thin blades "phew",but it doesn't end there the last wolf man vows to take another being down with him since he's out numbered anyways,this he swallows Alice with deadly intentions….."now she's angry , everyone run"wilcus, Asima and maestro all scatter behind any obstacle to save themselves from what's about to happen",then as if confirming their intentions wolf mans stomach began to swell with a deadly light bursting through parts of his body,he screams in pain as he explodes from inside along with half of the group below them, Alice remains unscratched and calm.
"Well that takes care of that", I'll be going now kiddos,red hat man tries to man a run for it but is stopped by maestros blade at his neck,"this is all your fault"looks around "all this destruction,our home,the forest, anyone can find us now";sad,we miscreants have no where to hide now.Red hat man clears his throat "I see",my name's master and am a miscreant too,like all of you which you already know "laughs awkwardly", only to turn and meet 4 pairs of deadly human eyes staring at him.asima points at master "are you part of the liberation fighters."Em" master thinks before saying "yes",I have a place we can stay for now just the next elder wood forest .Liz then reaches the former tree house site and sees the destruction with eyes full of tears.