After listening his mother, chu feng think, he can hsolve many problems of his family, if he hunt spiritual beast he can supply spritual food to his moms restaurant and earn some mony and get stronger also,, In curren era, you can apply for huntur bach,
For martial apprentice you are level 1 hunter, artist level 2 hunter , martial master level 3,, so for so on,,
After breakfast he directoly gose to martial confedrate building for hunter level 1 test,,
Martial cnfedrate bulding is 100 story skyline, in thi bulding you can test, sell or buy material for cultivation or gentic solution for gene enhansment, you also exchange for martial art and can sell material for confederate coins, in curent era currency used is fedral currency,,
Chu feng directoly gose test counter, in morning test counter have fewer people , on the counter a beautiful red dressed lady present, chu feng dirctoly told hear he wants level one hunter test,,
Some people loked him in contempt, a moking young voice come, a level 3 martial aprentice also want to go wilderness for hunting, too ridiculous,
Chu feng ignore them, he knew that young man is young master from HUANG GROUP huang song , , chu feng decided in his mind when I found chance, he will teach a lesson in silence, curntly chu feng is 3 level aprentice but his combat power at least 6 level aprentice,
In current cultivation warld, ( FROM APRENTICE TO Golden Core) every level hase 9 sub level, huang song currently at level 5 , ade it is certain chu feng pass him next 2 to 3 mounth,,
Red dressed ledy gave him a nuber tablet, she said go in saide show this tablet to instructor, your number is three,
Insaid cufeng show, first test is yor level, 3rd number guy level is 5 he is 17 yr old afte testing his level, instructor tell him punch 2nd machine with full force, number on machine rise quickly and slowdown after mark of 235 and stop at 254 jin, for fifth level aprentice it is decent amount, after strength test, instructor tell hime for reflect action test, in this test, testing machine attack on person, and this attack gose fast and fast,
In this test man counter 81 attack and misses 12 attack and hit by 7 time,
Instructor announced that man has passed the test becz for pasing level 1 hunter test your strength above 250 and you hit by maximum 30 times, after passing test man get level 1 hunter batch, and a aprentice class wapen, advantage of beeing hunter is you get many privilege, and if any one wants to de el with you they have to think about fedration once,,
After giving wapen and batch to previous man instructor colled number 4,,
Chu fend imidiately got on level testing machine, instantly machine shows level 3 , instructor doesnot surprise, bcz he knew chu feng level after that chu feng goes strength testin machine, he punch machine with full strength, number on machine rise very fast and immediately reach 280 instructor also surprised after some time point stops at 325 jin,,
Next he started reflect actin test but bcz his cultivation art(kill power sutra) it not only increase his combat strength but also increase his reflect power, he started countring machine attack, he counter coming attack very smoothly, seeing this condition instructor increase attack power and attack per second, after reaching double attack power and attack per round chu feng alredy counter 300 plus attacks, so instructor announce chu feng passed,
And gave him a silver batch, when chu feng sow silver batch, he surprise, and lokes instructior, instructor immediately understand and explain,
Federation issue 3 type of batch in every level
1- iron batch, it is normal batch
2- silver batch it provide subsidy in federration items if you purchase you will get 25℅ subsidy and it also sows your status above iron batch hunters
This batch given to hunters who di de meritoriou deeds or outstanding talent,,