A once barren world, now, a vibrant lush green paradise. Historians and scientists
would be baffled at the exponential rate this world went through change. What
would normally take billions upon billions of years took place within a few thousand after She gave it life.
Life that blossomed intro beautiful, intrinsic things. From the smallest microorganisms, to the largest animals that roam and thrive on the surface and under the oceans and seas.
From all this life came one of the most unique species to awaken on Planet 4. The first of their kind hatch from a organic membrane sack that from underneath the surface of a massive lake. Form over thousands of years and within these sacks, rapid evolution took place. Combining, discarding, and reconfiguring of DNA to bring forth one of the most powerful races in all the Universes.
The First. It started with her. Jolts of electrical energy from the bottom of the sack was sent out and through her body. Contracting and relaxing her muscles and trigger neurons to begin to fire within her brain. As more time passed, a spark
appeared. That spark eventually gave way to a consciousness, a way to sapience.
Twitching and trashing began, more voluntary this time. She began to fight her way out through the membrane surrounding her. Punching, clawing, and kicking her way through. Eventually sending her fist through the membrane wall and into the cold waters of the outside world. Finally leaving the warmth embrace of her pod.
Pushing through, she continued to kick and grab at the water. Moving upward to the light of day. It didn't take her long to breakthrough the surface and the first
gasping breathe sounds were heard.
She floated there for a few moments. Just breathing. The sounds of nature a bit overwhelming but with the water covering her ears it numbed the noise to
manageable levels.
Eventually opening her eyes for the first time, she was blown away by the twin stars in the sky. A bright blue and purple star circling each other in perfect harmony.
Tearing her eyes away she made her way to shore. Emerging from the water a humanoid figure appeared. Five digits on her hands and feet. Blue tinted skin with some purple highlights here and there, reminiscent of the binary stars in the sky. Followed by a striking female appearance. No hair at all and at the top of her head were semi-flexible, cartilage-based scalp-crests that have grown into a slick back style with a curl at the end.
The First.
That's what her and her sisters would be called. They were some of the most powerful of our race. The Asari. Blessed by the-
"We know this part already Sister! Tell us about when She found the Beacon!"
"Yeah! Tell us about that part!"
"It's my favourite!"
All the children around the Priestess of the First Song called out.
The Priestess sighed; and if this were an anime a massive tick mark would be
showing on her face about right now.
"Okay little ones. We shall skip ahead to the Founding of the Beacon."
Now, where were we?
After the sisters finished communing with each other without speaking. They set out to explore the world that they would discover was created by a Goddess, their Goddess, along with all life on it being the by product of the Goddesses very on flesh and blood.
They learned all of this upon following a melody that they all felt. In the depths
of their very being, they knew, following the melody would lead to something
When they reacted their destination, the melody grew stronger. More intense. But no matter where they looked, they could not find the source. That was until one of
the Sisters finally used her Voice for the first time out of frustration.
She screamed!
Her scream took hold of something primal within her and around her. In the direction she was facing, the rolling hills creaked, shattered, and blew away with a massive force that scared the Sisters.
They have never used their Voice before. Always communicating via their minds so this new development shook them to their core. This development took them for a loop.
After they had all calmed down from the new situation they found themselves in. A different sister tried speaking as well.
"Hello..?"She said timidly. Unsure what the out come would be for her to speak out loud just like her sister had. But to everyone's shock, nothing happened beyond her simply saying a greeting.
Confused, the others started to speak out loud as well. Greeting each other with a smile. Hearing their voices for the first time out loud. But all were not has happy as the others. First was puzzled. Wondering why only one of her sisters had cause such destruction and the others haven't when vocalizing their voice.
What was different about her from the others? This was one of the many questions that plagued her mind while the others conversed with each other.
She was clearly frustrated at the fact that nowhere in sight was the source of the melody they all were hearing. But could frustration plus vocalization equate to the amount of destruction that she caused?
"What were you feeling when you screamed?" First asked her sister.
That question silenced the rest. All eyes turning to the one who screamed, looking expectantly. Waiting for her answer.
"I…." She began but paused. Thinking of the feelings she felt and her desire for an outlet.
"I was feeling frustrated. We've been looking for the source of the melody since we first heard it. It's been years and when we finally got to the supposed source, nothing. So I just screamed. Channeled all my anger and frustration into that shout." She explained.
Could it be that simple though? Intense emotion and vocalization? Or is there something we are missing.
"What if we sing? Sing the melody I mean." The most timid of us said. All eyes then turned to her causing her to fold into herself from all the attention. Was it that simple? It couldn't be could it? From what we have seen our voices do hold power. So maybe? Just maybe that could work.
"It couldn't hurt." Another one of our group said. "What else is there to try? It's strongest hear than anywhere else we have be before."
So that's what they did. It was rough at first. Trying to harmonize with one another and match the melody but in the end they were successful. The moment they reached the end of the melody, the song, the environment changed. It was subtly at first. Not really noticeable doing the song. But once they finished, everything became clear.
The roaming hills that were once destroyed were back to how they were before. No sign of the damage that was once there.
Off in the distance, not to far away, a mountains face began to change. Forming up into a beautifully intricate temple, well it was more reminiscent of a cathedral with its massive size. It was a mix of gothic architecture and a sleek futuristic design. As the Sisters stared in awe of what they did, they all felt a indescribable pull. Something calling them forth. To go to the massive structure.
Looking at one another, they came to an agreement and ventured forth. Conversing with one another telepathically as they did before. So many questions, so many ideas, so many concerns flew through the link between them all. Not sure what to expect upon arriving at the structure.
It didn't take them long but the closer they became they more the structure took up their view. It was one of the biggest things they have ever seen. So, alien. It was the first time they have seen something beyond the natural world they were use to.
Once they react the vicinity, they notice sharp glowing pathways on the ground, leading up to the main entrance. They didn't have the words for it yet, but when they do they would say it look like circuitry. As they walked, the circuitry started to glow blue. As if awakening for the first time. Welcoming them home.
They reached the entranceway. Massive double doors with more light blue glows. The First didn't hesitate any longer. As calm as she was she was starting to get a little impatient. Wanting answers. An almost childlike curiosity engulfing them all.
She reached out and her hand brushed against the cold metal. That minuscule of contact cause a massive reaction. More vibrate blues and even some purples and slight pinks erupted from that spot of contact and spread throughout the massive could doors and continued onward along the outer walls and stain glass windows. It spread until the of structure was glowing.
"Beautiful." One sister breath out.
As they marveled at the sight, the doors slowly began to open. All eyes fell back on the entranceway.
More circuitry pathways appeared. Spreading along the floors leading deeper into the structure. Without hesitation, The First began walking.
Following the blue glowing path along with the slight hum that began after the
doors opened. The rest soon followed.
Eyes roamed the interior. Marveling at alien beauty that they are subjected to for the first time. It didn't take them long to come to a rotunda of purples and pinks stain glass walls and a mosaic glass dome that painted the room along with the wall windows a myriad of colors. At the center of it all was an object of some kind. Four times their size.
The blue pathways on the ground led up to it and the humming became more intense. Causing a throb in all of them. Deep within their beings.
Soon they all started to hear whisperings. The longer they held the object with their gaze the stronger the sounds became. Before any of them
could realize, each and everyone one of them had placed a hand on the object.
The Beacon. They knew what it was the moment contact was made.
Just before they could think of the next revelation that they were having, all their eyes went a glossy black. Heads tilted back and to the sky. Silent screams coming from them all. So much knowledge was being directly downloaded into their minds.
If it was just one of them, they would have died from the overload of information, but thanks to their link with one another, all the information passed from one to the next. Each helping the other to bear the load of information the were all receiving.
Just as it was almost done. They all heard a voice that sent shivers through their very beings.
"You have finally found the Beacon I left for you, my children, my daughters." It whispered sweetly into their heads. Like a mother comforting their child. Just those few words set all of them at ease.
Their silent screams so turned into a harmonious angelic melody. Echoing throughout the corridors and soon across the planet as a whole. Their
minds expanding to encompass their world. Understanding the intricacies of life and how it's interconnected. A harmonious relationship between each and everything in this world.
They learned how from the blood of their Mother, all life came to be in their world. How there is so much genetic diversity within their very DNA that from the seven of them, they could produce and grow offspring that will never have any genetic defects. Mutations are of course guaranteed but nothing that would be harmful for the foreseeable future.
They learned of the technology that their Mother has gifted them. Understanding it as if they have always known of its existence. The ways to build it. Operate it. And ensure the growth of their civilization that is to come.
Lastly they learned about their Voice. Why it caused the destruction it did and also the creation of the structure that housed the Beacon. Although it was predesigned architecture, it still would not of come into existence with out them singing. All Seven of them have unique vocal cords that allow them to manipulate and change the environment around themselves as well as other mysterious ways to use them. The power of the First Song was ingrained into them. Allowing them to have a intrinsic understanding of the greater universe. Along with the knowledge
of different keys and cords that could bring up different effects and outcomes.
They will have to experiment and learn which note works and doesn't. This was only the beginning and their was so much more to come.
"And that children is the story of the First Seven and their discovery of what our Goddess left them." The Priestess told them with a soft smile.
One of them raised their hand. Eager to ask a question that's been bugging her for awhile. Barely able to contain herself.
The Priestess nodded towards her.
"Why can't everyone use the Voice like the First can?" She asked with eyes with curiosity.
"That's because only those born of the First Seven's lineage have the vocal cords to use it." She told them all.
"But why is that?" She persisted.
"It's the way She deemed it. But that doesn't mean She didn't gift those without the Voice abilities as well. You all are still young but upon your 60th year, most of you will develop Biotic abilities. Another gift she has blessed us with." The Priestess told them all.
The lifespan of the Asari is a thousand years for the regular populace. But those of the First Seven live significantly longer than most. Ranging from 2000-5000 years. This is way those of the Seven are in positions of power and rule. Mainly within the Church as their society is based around the Athame Doctrine
and in turn a Theocracy. Center around the worship of their Goddess Athame; who gave them all the knowledge and technological wisdom they currently possess.
Just as the Priestess was going to continue the teaching to the young Asari, a soul wrenching screech was heard and felt all across Thessia
and beyond. Even the furthest scout ships that were sent out hundreds of years ago to explore the furthest reaches of the stars and deploy the Mass Relay Network for near instantaneous travel between systems they deem useful to the Asari for colonization and resource harvesting; stopped. Every ship came to a halt and every Asari turned to one another with confused and questioning looks as to what that was.
Back on Thessia, at the highest echelon's of power. A descendent
of the First of Seven sat, eyes a glossy black with her head snapped back in
horror and locked in a silent scream that reverberated throughout every Asari. Her arms holding her shaking body as her attendants stand frozen in fear. Not knowing what to do nor how to comfort the Vox Primus.
Everything felt frozen. Fear gripping those closest to the Vox Primus as she continued to scream. It was soul crushing to witness.
But just as suddenly as it happened, the Vox Primus snapped back to her calm self as if nothing happened. The only thing that hadn't changed was her eyes. Still the glossy black as earlier.
"Convene the High Council." She said in a soft whisper. Not elaborating any further than that.
Sorry for the delay. Was meant to come out on the first but half was missing so I spent yesterday and today trying to get what I had before back. It's a little different than what I had but it still gets everything I wanted across.
For the long delay between chapters, I lost my house to the massive storm that hit the southeast back in November(?) I forget which month because it all happen so fast. No power or internet for the longest time and when I finally got a signal, I just wanted to read and forget what happened for a bit before delving back into writing.
All in all I'm back and hope you enjoy the chapter!