The story starts with the introduction of a middle-class boy whose name is Park. He got transferred to a new secondary school. He is a good student but quite introverted and did not make many friends, so no one knows about his secret abilities, though he is also quite unaware about it but partially knows about it.
At the start, we are introduced to a Vitro International school. Park is not happy while going to a new school. He felt nervous on the first day of school. At the entrance, he was caught by the bullies of the school. The leader of the gang was "Hongsu". He was tall as a tree and hard and muscular as a rhino. The band guy started to tease Park. He was annoyed and said, "Hi everybody. I am new. Please let me go."
Hongsu replied, "Oh welcome Park to our school guys, let's treat him well."
Park was unaware of what was going to happen to him in a few minutes. Hongsu took Park to a corner and his friends followed him laughing and giggling. They started throwing his books and notebooks here and there. When Park protested, he was beaten really badly by the guys. When the gang was done, they went and Park started crying.